The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 691: Turn

"Send something."

Zhao Si looked at the handbook of "How to make the soil fertile" in his hand, and finally looked away and went out.

He has been in the city of Xia for a while, and doesn't know much about Xia, but he won't get lost.

After slightly discerning the direction, he took a step and ran to the destination that Baili Qingfeng said.

As for the car ...

On the one hand, he didn't have a car, on the other hand, he remembered a sentence that Baili Qingfeng said, from time to time, long-distance running exercises are good for physical and mental health, so ...

Although the destination was more than one hundred kilometers away from where he lived, Zhao Si still planned to run over, and if he was tired, he wouldn't have a rest by the road.


At the same time as Zhao Si received the call, at the Ninth Division's residence, Swich, Ye Fusheng and others were also busy.

At the airport, a large transport aircraft flew into the sky in a roar, over a distance of hundreds of kilometers, and landed on the runway outside the bikini basin laboratory.

After the plane stopped and the two got off the plane, Ye Fusheng's face was full of mistakes: "Chairman Baili Qingfeng has built a runway ...?"

He had been to the laboratory before, but it was a year ago. Looking back now, I feel that the basin has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the original.

"Chairman Baili Qingfeng's total investment in this laboratory totaled more than 30 billion yuan, which is equivalent to the total production value of the city of Charya in the past two years. It is nothing to build a runway.

While Switch talked, he headed straight for a large van escorted by several armored vehicles.

Zhao Si has opened the vault with the password given by Baili Qingfeng, and opened the large-scale cargo vehicle that has been loaded.

Knowing Zhao Si's identity, Switch quickly greeted him, saluting salutingly: "Zhao Jiansheng."


"Chairman Qing Feng asked us to **** Zhao Jiansheng to ensure safety on the road."


Zhao Nodded his head, and twisted a little uneasily at the same time: "What kind of thing did the little brother give me? I always feel very dangerous, and my back is cold ..."

"This one……"

Switch took a look at the current 22-wheeler truck and thought of the power of this bomb during the Baili Qingfeng experiment. There was also a trace of cold sweat on his forehead: "We do n’t know anything about it. Should be a new type of bomb? "


"Zhao Jiansheng, let's board the plane now ..."

"I have never done an airplane, and my feet will tremble when I stay on it. I remember what kind of parachute there was? You have to help me prepare a few more."

Zhao Si looked pale.

Had it not been for the careful request of Baili Qingfeng, he would rather spend a day running to Tianzhu Mountain rather than get on the plane.

At present, in this large transport vehicle, several tons of bullets were lifted by Zhao Si from the inside, put into the cargo warehouse of the transport aircraft, and then fixed ...

After all the six shotguns had to be shipped to the transport plane, Ye Fusheng remained, and Siwei accompanied the four escorts along the way.

In a roar, the transport plane quickly took off from the runway and headed towards the north of Bluestone Castle.

There is an air base in Qingshibao, which is also the northernmost air base in the Kingdom of Shia, only 300 kilometers away from the Chihe Valley of Tianyu Mountain.


"what did you say?"

Among the cavemen's army, he was planning to lead the army to continue, and Danmez, who was attacking the fortress of Tenya, stood out under the guard of a large knight, and his eyes fell on the bishop in front of him.

The majesty of the cardinal trembled the bishop's heart, but he still dreadfully responded: "Master Uygur ... the wildfire tribe is more than 4,300 elite, and lost contact in the Chihe Valley south of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield ... suspected ... …completely annihilated……"

"Around the Red River Valley?"

Shaduoman immediately stepped forward and whispered to Dan Hermes: "The area will be more than a hundred kilometers further south into a territory called the Kingdom of Shia ... This country is very weak on the surface, But there seems to be a lot of power hidden. It is said that the Aurora Empire has fallen into their hands. What is it ... the disciples have been building the door of space during this time and have no time to gather information ... "

Dalmaz doesn't know about the Kingdom of Xia, but the Aurora Empire still knows.

After all, the main force of Tianzhuyuan's war with the human world is the Aurora Empire. Since Dan Ermais is paying attention to the situation here, he also knows this information.

"Four thousand and three hundred elites are not a small number! Go, I want to understand why they disappear!"

Dalmaz ordered.

At this time, a deputy head of the Knights of the Dark Banner came with a little commander and a caveman warrior, and said in a deep voice: "Master, we have caught two deserters who claim to be warriors of the wildfire tribe! "


Dalmaz's eyes fell on the little leader and the cavemen warriors.

The Little Commander and the Grotto Warrior were in a state of restlessness. After perceiving the eyes of Cardinal Danmez, they were frightened and sat on the ground, shouting in horror: "Monster! He is not human It's a monster in human skin! "

"I don't know fatigue, fear of pain, fear of bleeding ... he is the incarnation of the devil, the horror that sword and courage cannot overcome!"


Watching these two cavemen's so unbearable performances, Dan Hermes snorted, as if the sound contained a terrifying power, making the two shivering in the heart, and soon stopped the shouting, but Even so, they were still not motivated by blood, but instead sat on the ground, trembling with fear.

"This is the elite you have carefully cultivated over Tianzhuyuan?"

Dan Hermes' eyes fell on Sadoman.

"There are such black sheep among the elite warriors. This is ... the disciples' fault."

Sadoman quickly bowed his head.

On the other hand, Yeldo heard what they thought of the description of the so-called enemies. He whispered to Archbishop Shadowman: "Master ... don't you think these two people are familiar with the description of the enemy? What ... "


Sadoman froze.

A monster in human skin?

The incarnation of the devil?

Terror that sword and courage cannot overcome?

Sadoman's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly glanced at the two of them: "What do you just mean, what kind of enemies did you defeat? Alone, or an elite army?"

"Only one person defeated us!"

Xiaotong war trembled: "Although he has only one person, his power is unimaginable! His power is like a dragon, he can shake up dozens of people with a wave of his hand, his physical strength is endless, and he continues to fight for an hour without any respite. , His will is as strong as iron, he is not weak to kill, his physical body is indestructible, our sharp sword is hacked on him without even making him bleed ... he is a great destruction, a great terror, a great disaster, a great despair ... "

Hearing the description of the little leader, Shadoman and Jeldo stared at each other and called out a name: "Destroy the knight!"

"Destroy the knight?"

"He is a strong human who walks between Tianzhu Mountain and Tianzhuyuan. He once killed and entered Blood Wolf City by one person. The 100,000 people who killed Blood Wolf City did not dare to go out. He has amazing speed and infinite. Physical strength, and was given the titles of Deathwing, Doomsday, Destruction Knight, Devil Incarnation, etc ... and according to all the information we collected, this Destruction Knight should be a Xia Country called Baili Qingfeng By."

Satoman said, and said to a subordinate: "The wise man named Blacktooth in the Logistics Department of the Gate of Space knows this knight of destruction best, and I will let him introduce it to the teacher."

"No! As long as there is no legend, no powerful human Xeon can stop the knights of Dark Banner!"

Dan Hermes said, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes: "I originally planned to kill the country called Chi Yan Country first and destroy all of their elite and resistance forces. Now, I changed my mind. The human came from Is that country called Hea right? "

"is teacher!"

"Okay! Send me orders to gather troops and attack Hea!"

Dan Hermes sneered: "Isn't this human known as Deathwing, Doomsday, Destroyed Knight, Devil Incarnation? Isn't he afraid of pain, bleeding, and tirelessness? I will personally lead my Dark Banner Knights Cut off his head, march into Xia, slaughter the city and destroy the country! "

Sadoman glanced at the teacher and quickly understood what he meant.

"Understand! I will convene all the troops. Although the 30,000 cavemen in Blood Wolf City have recovered some morale in this war, they can only exert their true power after we personally kill the destruction knight. In this battle, we will let all people in the cave know that the blood **** is the only true **** in this world! In the face of the glory of the great blood god, any charm will disappear. "

Although the average IQ of a cave man is only sixty, it is just like human IQs will float hundreds. The same is true of cave people. How many stupid people can sit on the cardinal?

Daner Max would not let him elaborate on the record of the Baili Qingfeng because the annihilation of the 4,300 elite warriors was enough to make him realize that the human knight is powerful and terrible ~ ~ Understand After this, he did not hesitate to gather all the troops, intending to mobilize all forces to invade Xia with a thunderous potential, forcing the destruction knight to stand up against his 70,000 army, and then kill the human knight with a number advantage.

Otherwise, a powerful enemy who has the power to kill 4,300 elite warriors once chose to guerrilla around, relying on their geographical advantage and air superiority over Tianyu Mountain ...

The 70,000 army will be completely dragged down in a month or two!

For this war, he has brought his entire cavalry and half a sacrifice, if it fails ...

His position as a cardinal is equivalent to sitting to his head.


(Peace will come tomorrow.)

Wonderful book house

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