The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 832: Search

"The first-class gold digests much faster. I remember when I took the first-class gold for the first time, I thought I had broken my stomach and almost went to buy Jianweixiaoshi tablets. Now, once a day, once a night, Digested two. "

Baili Qingfeng said, swallowed a copy of the first-class gold.

That look is really like simmering jelly.

"Unfortunately, there are not too many first-class gold. All the first-class gold in the world may not add up to a hundred more."

Baili Qingfeng has some regrets.

Fortunately, in addition to the first-class gold, Chengjing Spar can also enhance his strength.

Especially now, his star assassination is linked to mental strength. If he can enter the half-step star state for a long time, he can stab more sword gas and cause stronger killing. If he can reach the peak of the eleventh refining **** ...

Thousands of swords can be shot in one go without any problem.

"Crystal crystals are special products of the Second World. They are scarcely used in our world, and some of them are used immediately. Therefore, if I want to exchange such treasures, it is best to go to the Second World, especially those in the Second World. A long-established organization. "

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, and soon remembered that he had promised Bailizhu to take her to her parents ...

Now he went downstairs.

Downstairs, Baili Bamboo is still practicing sword.

The problem of the fifth grade of elementary school is still difficult for her. In just one month, she has completed the fifth grade of elementary school by herself. Just considering that she is now ten years old, Shiyi does not plan to raise her horse to sixth grade. She took time from her studies to practice her sword, and kept up with the teaching progress of Baili Qingfeng.

"The curriculum in elementary school is still very easy. In the last life, my grades in elementary school were very good. I also took the first place in our district ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, watching the lilies practicing sword, did not bother.

But when he looked at it for a moment, he was a little stunned, his eyes gradually became cautious.

Thousands of bamboo swordsmanship ...

"Star Assassination?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Bamboo.

Has he taught the Assassination of the Star of the Thousands of Bamboo?

Obviously not, he created this sword skill just a few days ago, but the bamboo is actually ...


Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment, and soon realized what he said: "Although Xiaozhu's sword art has a touch of star assassination, but it feels to me not to use the magnetic field of the stars to let the sword gas shoot the target at a very rapid rate, but ... beyond space! Her sword seemed to be beyond the barrier of space and time. At the moment of piercing, she jumped the middle step and hit the position she wanted to hit ... "

For a moment, he didn't care if Bailizhu was practicing sword, and asked, "Xiaozhu, how did you come to this sword art?"

"Brother Qingfeng."

Seeing Baili Qingfeng come down, Bailizhu screamed sweetly. He was embarrassed to hear his inquiry: "I just think that a sword like this should be better than a simple straight piercing, so That's it ... "

"Do you mean ... did you realize it yourself?"


Thousands of bamboo nodded.


Baili Qingfeng glanced at Xiaozhu and looked up again, and looked at Zhao Jiansheng's yard, which was a few hundred meters away-Zhao Jiansheng was not there. He was concerned about his rice in the field on the other side of Qingyuan Mountain ...

So Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on Xiaozhu again.

"Brother Qingfeng, isn't this practice right? If not, I'll change it right away."

Thousands of bamboo puzzled.

"No, you practice, you continue to practice."

Baili Qingfeng said.

A moment later he asked, "Just, what is the principle of your swordplay?"

"is God."

Thousands of bamboo road.


Baili Qingfeng glanced at Bailizhu and quickly realized that she was referring to spirit.

For the last time, Baili Qingfeng used the magical powers to teach the experience of Baili bamboo refining gods. At the critical moment, he caused the refining gods to bite back. In order to ensure the safety of Baili bamboo, he intercepted part of his spirit to protect the mind of Baili bamboo. After the restoration of Bailizhu, his realm of refining the gods directly broke from the fourfold real ego to the fivefold manifestation of the holy realm.

This result, which was similar to a break-up, was also a blessing for disaster, saving her months of hard work.

And with the reminder of Baili Bamboo, Baili Qingfeng also gradually recalled the particularity of her swordsmanship, and said at the moment, "You practice it for me again."

"Good brother."

Bailizhu obediently promised to practice swordsmanship soon.

This practice of Baili Qingfeng soon found out that it is not that the swordsmanship of Baili Bamboo has become faster, nor that the swordsmanship of Baili Bamboo can cross space, which is actually a visual effect, or mental interference.

It's like the principles of hypnosis, illusion, and dislocation of light and shadow.

Thousands of bamboo combined her sword skills with the five-fold sacred state of refining the gods, forming a double illusion of vision and perception, so that at first glance, her sword skills seemed to exceed time and space.

But when he focused on seeing the hypnotic effect a little bit, the sword became commonplace, no different from his basic bayonet.

"It's amazing swordsmanship."

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

The double illusion of vision and perception that comes with this sword art does not belong to refining mysticism. It is like the same action, the visual difference caused by water and the bottom is extremely different, and it seems that a person looks at a tree while moving at a fast speed Looking at a tree under different circumstances has a completely different impact on perception. It has been seen for a long time and even dizzy. This kind of non-refining mysticism is used so that even the eleventh person who refined the **** at first glance Did not see the exception,

If she were to fight with such a sword master and a great master, as long as the master had not seen through the mystery of her sword skill, I was afraid that she would be assassinated instantly by the sword of Baili.

"Assassination in an instant ..."

Baili Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Worthy of his disciples.

"Brother, did I practice wrong?"

Baili Bamboo practiced a round of swordsmanship and looked up at Baili Qingfeng.

"There is nothing wrong, Xiaozhu is amazing. You are the sword genius of our Baili family."

Baili Qingfeng said, pulling Baili bamboo and sitting down aside: "I will tell you another kind of swordsmanship idea, this swordsmanship idea is the true biography of my veins, just this swordsmanship The conditions are relatively high, and you should not be able to practice for the time being, but your sword skills are very high. You can use it as a reference to see if it can help your sword practice. "

Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo carefully explained the star assassination technique.

Bailizhu listened very carefully. Regardless of learning or not, write it down before talking.

The star assassination is relatively simple. The age of Bailizhu is the best time for memorization. Once again, she has already remembered seven hundred and seventy-eight. As Baili Qingfeng repeats it again, she already has the star assassination. Be clear in your heart.

"Is there anything I don't understand?"

"No more."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng wiped Xiaozhu's head.

At this time, Shi Yiyi walked in from outside and looked at Baili Qingfeng who was chatting with Bailizhu and smiled. "Qing Feng, get up. What would you like to eat today?"

"I also can."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu and thought of her promise to her, and said, "I plan to take Xiaozhu to Blood Orchid Town in the afternoon, and go to Blood Orchid Principality through Blood Orchid Town. Look for her parents for Xiao Zhu and see if I can find her. get."

"Go to Blood Orchid?"

Shi Yiyi glanced at Xiaozhu: "Did you not find Xiaozhu in the cave world?"

"Xiaozhu himself said that they had entered a space channel in order to escape, and according to her description of where she lived, there was a sun, moon, and stars, which was obviously on the ground, that is, in the human world. In other words, she was because of a space. The passage has reached the cave world ... Although I do n’t know whether the space passage connects the cave world and the second world, from the outside environment, the place where Xiaozhu is located must be the surface, so the first step in finding her parents is to first Find a human settlement, preferably an informed human settlement. "

"You just came back, did you leave so soon?"

Shi Yiyi was a little bit reluctant.

"Search early, or the harder it will be, the longer you go."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Shi Yiyi listened and nodded.

After getting along for a few months, she also fell in love with this well-behaved little girl, so she also supported her when she went to the Second World to find her parents: "Well, is there anything I need to prepare?"

"It's some small bamboo daily necessities, kettles, sweat towels, hats, changing clothes, snacks, camping tents and the like."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He went out by himself, and it didn't matter if he slept in the cave or in the wilderness, but it was obviously not the case with Xiaozhu.

only hope……

Behind the door of the space in Blood Orchid Town is not far from the city of the Principality of Blood Orchid.

"Well, I'll get ready."

Shi Yiyi nodded and went into the yard.

Shi Yiyi went to prepare the bamboo, and Baili Qingfeng naturally had to prepare some of his own items. At least, the less than one hundred servings of superb gold had to be brought in, and there was no delay in going to the second world. Cultivation.

Some books and daily necessities are also essential.

Although the Bloodland Principality is a human kingdom, it is very barren and backward.

After preparing for the morning, after eating lunch, Baili Qingfeng set off with Xiaozhu.

This time there was bamboo. The Qingli Feng was obviously unable to take a step and ran to Blood Orchid Town. Fortunately, the Blood Orchid Town was on the northern border of the Shia Kingdom. It was only 1,200 kilometers away from Xia City. Feng called Miro to drive, and in a day, he had arrived in the newly built blood orchid town.

In Xuelan Town, the well-informed Tianjilou and others got the news ~ ~ Early welcome at the town entrance.

As soon as Baili Qingfeng arrived, the responsible Guangxi had welcomed him with a smile on his face: "Master Qingfeng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Welcome you."

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "I need to go through this gate of space to the human settlements in the second world."

"The Qingfeng Sovereign is our most sincere ally, and any resource of our four forces can be used as much as possible."

Xu Guang said that he took out a map and handed it to Baili Qingfeng: "Sovereign Qingfeng, this is a map of the Northland, and planned out the locations of many great powers in the Northland. I hope it will be helpful to Qingfeng. "

"You have a heart."

Baili Qingfeng did not refuse and took the map.

Immediately, at the invitation of Li Guang and others, Baili Qingfeng took Xiaozhu's hand, carrying a large luggage bag, and stepped into the door of space.

List of chapters with high-speed text and hand-to-hand enemies

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