The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 833: moon

There is not much difference between the environment of the second world and the outside world. There are the sun, the stars, and the moon.

The difference is that the second world has two moons.

One silver moon, one purple moon.

The silver moon is in the middle of the night and the purple moon is in the middle of the night. Once the purple moon is empty, the different light wave frequencies will make the beasts around the world extremely active, fierce and full of aggressiveness.

Not only fierce beasts, human emotions will also become irritable and bloodthirsty under the shining of the purple moon.

After all, humans are also animals.

Fortunately, human beings have good self-control and will deliberately try to block the brightness of Ziyue. Ziyue's real impact on humans is much smaller than that of beasts.

Baili Qingfeng came to read some Second World materials at any time, and knew these common sense things quite well.

"How's it going?"

Baili Qingfeng stepped on the land of the Second World and looked at Xiaozhu and asked.

Xiao Zhu adapts for a few minutes, quickly finds the feeling in the memory, and finally nods: "Well."

"All right, let's go."

"Master Qingfeng, we have prepared a carriage for you ..."

Opposite the door of space, a celestial tower master arched forward.

"No, I can domesticate a mount at that time."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, carrying the bamboo, and quickly left the gate of the space designed as a military camp.

Although he came to the Second World most of the time in the burrow area, he didn't come to the surface at all. He didn't think it was too fresh. He was a native of Bailizhu, looking constantly in all directions.

"Xiaozhu is still small. Although his physical fitness has naturally grown to a war-like level during this period, in this world, it is equivalent to an ordinary adult. It won't take long, so it is imperative to find a travel mount. . "

Baili Qingfeng now stimulates the spirit, and the four spirits work at the same time to absorb the particulate dust floating in the air, polish a large number of lenses, refract the light to enter the shaped holes to condense and imaging, and then use the lens to magnify the image and present it in the "spirit "Vision" ...


For a moment, Baili Qingfeng noticed something, and his face was a little surprised: "This world ..."

Affected by the external environment, his spirit affected these particles and dust, and the effect was actually a bit worse.

And this kind of interference does not exist in the crypt world.

He sensed it carefully for a moment, looking up slightly ...

Two moons?

The moon itself does not glow, it just reflects the sun ’s rays, but I do n’t know if it is due to misperception. One of the two moons above this world seems to be absorbing some special existences ...

"In our world, my 'field of vision' distance has reached 300 to 400 kilometers. Here, due to the influence of Yinyue or Ziyue, it is disturbed that there are only a hundred kilometers left."

Baili Qingfeng inspired his spirit and maintained the "telephoto" state, and soon swept around, and finally set his destination at a mountain range 80 kilometers away.

The mountain range is lush and rare, and at a glance, you know that there must be lurking beasts.

"The cave world can't be sensed, but in this world, you can see hundreds of kilometers at a glance. There is no sense of ground-level arcs. It seems that this star is indeed as large as the scientific researcher speculates. "

As for how big it is, currently humans know too little about the Second World, so there is no accurate data yet.

According to current data, the diameter of this star may have exceeded 60,000 kilometers.

Baili Qingfeng hugged Baili bamboo. Although the speed was affected a little, it still took only an hour and a half to reach the mountain.

Another hour, a beast equivalent to the eighth level of Wushuang Realm has been tamed by Baili Qingfeng. This beast looks a bit similar to Lin Huang, but is smaller than Lin Huang and has no scales like Lin Huang. But a lot of hair.

The reason why Baili Qingfeng domesticated this beast is not the high-level beast equivalent to the ninth-level master, mainly because this beast is comfortable to ride.

With the ferocity of the beast, the next two will travel a lot faster.

Although far from being comparable to the speed when Baili Qingfeng was running alone, the speed was also around 80 kilometers per hour.

"There are hundreds of countries in the North, but most of them are small countries with populations of about one million like the Bloodland Principality ... There are only dozens of large countries with a population of over ten million, and only one of them is qualified to call the Empire- —Empire of Stars. "

Baili Qingfeng read the history of the North.

The entire Northland is a group of human settlements pioneered by a group of pioneers from Middle-earth for thousands of years.

It is precisely because of the birth of the Northland civilization that some people in the deserted world happened to enter the Northland through space channels. Collecting the resources in these worlds opened the heyday of martial arts practice in the deserted world. In the martial arts world at this stage, there were born true immortals, and even true immortals.

Thousands of years ago, the Northern Trail Blazers were the ancestors of the Star Empire, and the kingdom they created was the Star Empire. At that time, the entire Northland belonged to the territory of the Star Empire.

In order to get everyone out of the safe area and expand the northern region to be more prosperous, the founding emperor of the Empire of the Stars implemented a system of lordship. Anyone who opened up the territory, recruited his people, and surrendered to the Empire of the Stars could become that region The lord of the territory.

In the next millennium, a large number of similar territories have sprung up, and the population of the North has also gone from the previous millions to the billions!

"Well, according to the information from the League of Nations, the gods who ruled the Northland participated in a large-scale **** battle decades ago. A large number of gods fell or fell asleep. They are barely called active gods. There are only six puppets left. These six shrines, their kingdoms, lords, and the uncrowned kings of the North have always formed the special seven-square pattern of the North. At present, the six kingdoms are unwilling. As Yu continued to accept the rule of the empire of stars, the smoke gradually began to rise, and those other countries fell or fell asleep because of the gods behind them. They also tried to find ways to awaken their gods, or help their demigods to reunite the kingdom of God and come to the throne ... ... "

Baili Qingfeng recalled this information ...

Finally came to a conclusion.

Chaos in the world!

Because of the large-scale divine war two or three decades ago, the Northland lost the rule of the gods, and it really became a mess.

"The era when lords, princes, kingdoms, empires composed of lord alliances fought against each other ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the map in his hand.

The map shows that the most prosperous area is naturally the star empire located south of the North.

A thin camel is larger than a horse.

Even if the empire of stars is now twilight, it still occupies more than half of the northern territory. Over 60% of the lords in the north who have never established a country have declared loyalty to the empire of stars.

Of course, this kind of loyalty is good. It often belongs to the kind of people who are more active than others when it comes to benefits. It is really necessary for them to serve the country and ensure that they can run faster than anyone else.

"The Duchy of Blood Orchid is really a small country. It consists of dozens of large and small lords ... and the territory of these lords is not a piece of prosperity."

Baili Qingfeng looked on the map for a while, and finally placed his first destination at Li Guangling, 1,400 kilometers away.

Li Guangzheng is a large territory. Although it has not yet established a nation, it has a population of more than 500,000. Among them, Li Guangcheng, the main city of the territory, has more than 200,000 residents.

Because this territory policy is very open, and the lord believes in the **** of justice, the commerce in the territory is very developed. There are not a few businessmen in the north and the south. select.

Choosing a good direction, Baili Qingfeng immediately went at full speed and rushed to Li Guangling.

One thousand four hundred kilometers, even at the speed of this eighth-level beast below him, it will take more than ten hours. If you take into account the time it takes to rest and restore strength, it will take two days.

Considering the cruelty of Ziyue, Baili Qingfeng stopped four hundred kilometers on the first day and lived in a small town.

The circulation of people between the Second World Territory and the territories is very strict, but that is the case for ordinary people. When Baili Qingfeng rode an eighth-level beast to the town, the entire town was alarmed. The town mayor even personally visited and sent him to the only hotel in the town.

As for the hotel environment ...

Much worse than Baili Qingfeng's hotel in the glorious empire.

Can go out, Baili Qingfeng can not be extravagant.

After letting the mayor leave, Baili Qingfeng saved a superb gold medal and did not rest, but read while reading.

In the middle of the night, Yinyue faded away and Ziyue appeared.

The purple light projected from the end of the sky. Baili Qingfeng deliberately went out to the yard for a while, and immediately noticed the impact of this light on the human body.

This effect ...

"It doesn't look like natural light waves ... these light waves ... it looks like a special force pouring down ..."

Baili Qingfeng associates with the myth and legend of Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Hehe and Wangshu ...

For a while, I couldn't help taking a breath.

"His ... Shouldn't Yinyue and Ziyue be some kind of manifestation of innate gods?"

He looked up at the purple moon in the sky.

Although the size of this satellite cannot be calculated, but ...

This kind of horror ~ ~ Why shouldn't the Star Realm be?

It is estimated that it is only half a step that the universe can pull Ziyue from space and cause it to fall into the earth and be destroyed.

For a moment, the anxious Baili Qingfeng could not care about the moon, and immediately returned to the room to practice the practice of small universe.

The amazing speculations on Yinyue and Ziyue made Baili Qingfeng can't wait to find a new channel for clear crystals and set off again early the next morning.

And just as he traveled more than 400 kilometers out of the border of the Bloodland Principality, he sensed by air and saw an army far away with "television"!

A large army, like a torrent, rolled towards the Blood Duchy.

However, adhering to the concept of going out and not bothering when going out, Baili Qingfeng avoided the army in advance and rushed to Li Guangling, the first destination of the trip, before dark.

List of chapters with high-speed text and hand-to-hand enemies

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