The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 876: Second form

"Divine magic! Divine magic! This is divine magic!"

Watching Na Luo, who was a legendary life, die in front of himself, Galauda felt a cold in his body.

At this moment he finally understood why the black Mukai and Yehua who went to meet this human being had almost no decent fight, so they disappeared silently.


The human in front of him was killed with this weirdness without any sword skills.

Silent Kill!

This silence and no trace left Galouda a choking from the soul!


It's too late to realize this.

This human has killed Hemukai, who is the legendary Holy Spirit, and Naro, who is the legendary life, and Jewa, who is the same Holy Spirit as him, and it is his turn.

He didn't feel that this kind of horrible swordsmanship that even the legendary holy spirit and real legend can't resist can be resisted by the new Holy Spirit who has received the power of the Holy Spirit for less than three months.



The golden sword light pierces and tears Nalo's body like a storm.

The miserable appearance once made Baili Qingfeng worry about how the burrow people would bury in time, divided into several burials.

However, after all, they are aliens. Baili Qingfeng cannot treat them like He Qi and Sarah as intimate cotton jackets.

Instantly assassinate an enemy. A legend that does not know if it is a legendary holy spirit, a legend, a holy spirit, has burned out the all-purpose cells in his body, coupled with the eruption of spirit, the star magnetic field leveraging the half-step starry realm of heaven and humanity, Let him use up all the strength in his body.

Although there is still a Holy Spirit in front of him, which has not been completely resolved, Baili Qingfeng has no choice but to give up.

"I can only wait for tomorrow!"

After all, he was just an assassin.

It's a thousand miles away without a hit.

A single hit also hits thousands of miles.

The Grotto Warriors around him have been rushed by the Holy Spirit of that Grotto man. The number is feared to be more than 100,000. Once he was dragged by the Holy Spirit and fell into the sea tactics, he also Will die.

The scariest thing is ...

Behind these cave people ...


Without being able to continue into the half-step star world, he has not faced the true spirit of the true God.

At the end of the reading, Baili Qingfeng's figure turned, and his vitality erupted. The thunder roared on Wushuang Sword, and dozens of cavemen within a radius of tens of meters were torn into shattered sword energy.

After clearing the body around slightly, Baili Qingfeng bent under his feet, squatting slightly, and surging force burst from his feet as he squatted, like a rocket lifted off ...


The earth sinks!

Baili Qingfeng just collapsed into a large pit with a diameter of ten meters just before the ground. When the debris was flying, his body was like a cannonball that broke through the void and flew away at full speed.

Seeing this scene, Galouda, who was so frightened by the horrific assassination of Baili Qingfeng, was a little stunned, and then immediately thought of something, shouting: "Stop him! He is a legendary one-half step, inspiring That kind of swordplay will inevitably consume a lot, and now it is very likely that the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Don't let him escape! "


The cave people who got the order snarled at the same time, chasing wildly towards the Baili Qingfeng, some people in the cave who were coming to hear the figure stood up and flew towards the Baili Qingfeng that passed by. Killed away.

It was just that they hadn't had time to throw down the figure of Baili Qingfeng flying, and Wushuang Sword had turned into a shivering cold mang and pierced it in one fell swoop.


Passing a distance of hundreds of meters, the figure of Baili Qingfeng hit the ground fiercely, trampled and crushed the two cavemen on the spot, the blood mist was diffused, and the power of the explosion not only formed a large pit of several meters on the ground, set off Qiqi's waves were again blown away by these cavemen.

However, such a fierce scene is a burrowing man who has failed to scare away the fierce and unafraid. During the roar, there are still burrowing people who have come forward to kill and die suddenly.

"These cavemen are sometimes very heroic and sometimes extremely cowardly. They don't understand their mentality at all ... It is probably the difference between the elite and the novice."

Baili Qingfeng flashed this bizarre idea in his mind.

In the face of those burrowers who came out, Wushuangjian was again assassinated madly, but Wushuangjian had no time to assassinate him. He simply collided with those burrowers by relying on his speed!

The collision of iron and blood sounded in the void!

"Kill him! No one can trample on the glory of our Black Temple warriors so!"

Galauda kept yelling and giving orders.

He knew that this was the only chance he could kill this terrible human, otherwise he would not be able to resist it anymore when he returned to recover and assassinate again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The Grotto soldiers who received Garuda's order fully developed their spirit and courage to fear death, and the tide was generally rushing in all directions.

In the past three months, no one knew how many burrow people had poured into Xiyanzhou.

100,000? 200,000? Half a million? one million? Or two million?

Although the Black Temple in this cave-dwelling world rules only 10 to 20 million people, the proportion of soldiers in this 20 million population can reach a staggering ten to one, and as the supreme true god, the black **** himself The gods that were issued, countless cavemen went through the gates of space from the kingdom they lived in and entered this world, hoping to be able to hold sacrifices and obtain the gift of the black god, thereby transforming themselves into the Holy Spirit.

Once you become the Holy Spirit, you can not only reach the sky in one step, have the legendary combat power, but also have a life span that is far better than the legend.

Coupled with the fact that the cave people themselves are a fearless and belligerent race, at this moment the Baili Qingfeng was culled, really like a tsunami.

"Too many. There are too many people in these caves ..."

Baili Qingfeng's Warrior Sword revolved around him quickly, tearing the three-handed flying axe in the volley, and then the energy burst, a punch was blown, and explosive power bloomed in his fists, ten in front of him. Mi Xukong seemed to be blown by a punch.


The body of a ascetic man with a large knight's combat power painted almost on the rune was almost smeared with blood by this violent force. His body, which flew into a corpse, crashed into the crowd, and a dozen of them were spotted on the spot. The burrow people spit blood and fractured their bones.

But without waiting for him to take off again when the surrounding environment was clear, the four or five same-dressed Grotto man assassins were already madly leaping, and his mouth screamed almost feverishly: "Death! "

For a time, Baili Qingfeng had to punch again!

"Yes, yes, that's it! Siege him, he's just a human, and he can't hold on for long, especially since he just broke out with the almost magical swordplay, which consumes a lot of energy, energy, and spirit. Let him escape, he will die today! "

Galauda seemed to finally see the hope of killing this terrible human being.

This human being is the strongest person in the entire deserted realm, and has even become the spiritual pillar of many people. If he can be killed and the spiritual pillar of the humans in the deserted realm is defeated, it will be much easier for them to rule the deserted realm.


Baili Qingfeng clenched the Wushuang sword with both hands and swept across the sword, beheading a leader-level burrower outrageously, a roar suddenly came to his ears at this time!

"With me, return to the arms of my god!"

The next moment, a giant axe that cut through the sky with a thunderous force severely cut him in the body.


The fire is shining!

Baili Qingfeng's body of the Storm Ripper's Battlegear, made by Blood God Steel, was cut out of a crack on the spot, and his tremendous strength made him lean towards the ground!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, another cave man with a rune on his body roared wildly, held his axe high, pointed at the head of Baili Qingfeng, and chopped off!


This is beheading!

"not good!"

Baili Qingfeng's face changed, and his spirit broke out. Wushuang Sword seemed to be a dragon, and shot lightningly at this burrower.

But without waiting for Wushuang Sword to shoot this caveman, another big hand full of runes grabbed his Wushuang sword with fearless fear!


Blood spatter.

Wu Shuangjian's shooting has stopped abruptly!

"kill him!"

In the roar, the huge axe that was held high was no longer stagnant, and was severely chopped on the head of Baili Qingfeng with a thunderous terror!


The helmet cracked!

Baili Qingfeng felt as if he had been photographed with a brick board from the back of his head. Although he was rough and thick and not very painful, he was also photographed lying on the ground with dirt on his body, which seemed quite fair. Wolverine.


With such an axe going down, people in the burrowing burrows around the cave seemed to be a little quiet.

Especially the black temple ascetic who wanted to behead Beili Qingfeng ...

He looked at the split of Baili Qingfeng's helmet, but it was apparently intact without a bit of blood flowing out of his head, and then looked at his baby giant axe with a trace of cracks, which was a little cyanosis for a while.

It was not just him, the same was true of the people in the burrows who had witnessed this scene around him. Because of this, Baili Qingfeng felt that the sound around him suddenly became a little smaller.

"kill him!"

This weird silence lasted for less than a second. A ascetic with a half-step legendary practice yelled and the sword in his hand fell again.

Just patted the ground, Baili Qingfeng, who wanted to get up, faced the slashed sword and rolled away on the spot.

But when he was about to dodge, he thought of something.

The cave man who had the axe trying to behead him seemed to have gathered the power of life, and the strongest among the cave men who surrounded him was this level.

Even these half-step legendary cavemen who gathered the power of life did not scratch his scalp with an axe on his head ...

This attack ~ ~ what can he hide! ?

Although he is an assassin ...

But if the enemy is too weak, it is not necessary to flee after the assassination.


The sharp sword slashed Baili Qingfeng's neck fiercely, and the knife blade contained in the sword shattered, tearing the air within a few meters to shatter, and the two burrowers who were weakened were even more vulnerable. The shot sword light tore on the spot.

Such a knife ...

Just to make Baili Qingfeng's figure oblique, his head deflected.


Baili Qingfeng, facing the cracked sword, slowly straightened his lean body: "Since you don't want me to go, then I won't go."

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