The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 877: God's presence

"Lord, this ... what kind of monster is this ..."

The ascetics of the Temple of Death looked at the beheaded sword, and even the human skin was not scratched, his face was pale, and the hand holding the knife was shaking slightly.

But I have realized that the attacks of these people simply don't want to have hundreds of copies of the first-class gold to strengthen the body of the Baili Qingfeng, but he no longer wastes time with them, he no longer wastes the spirit Royal Sword, Wushuangjian started, Relying on one's physical fitness, a sword stabs out!

When the knife-bearer had just reacted in shock, he had passed through his skull.


Bayonet sword, draw sword!

Then Baili Qingfeng's figure turned, and Wushuangjian's sword edge once again torn from the bodies of the other two cavemen.

"It's an illusion! It must be an illusion! You can't scare me!"

Another big knight-level caveman yelled, his blood was surging, and he utterly killed: "The warriors of our death temple are fearless!"

In the charge, he cut a huge axe at Baili Qingfeng in his hand, and his body was full of indomitable, lifeless decisions.


Wu Shuangjian just assassinated a cave man. Facing this axe cut, Baili Qingfeng didn't look at it. The sword sharply turned. At the same time that the axe cut his body, his sword was also Runs through the skull of this great knight-level caveman.

Moreover, in the face of the axe cut by the caveman, he didn't spend much physical energy to resist directly, but let the strength of the axe impact his body, and use this impact to reverse and assassinate him. The man and the sword are united, tearing a line of death ten meters long.

This distance ...

Exactly the distance he might fly after being chopped by this axe.




The Holy Spirit Galounda watching from a distance.

All the seniors in the caves opened their eyes wide and looked at the humans who had not even lost their hair, no matter how they attacked, one by one felt that their worldview was completely subverted.

"How could there be such a human ..."

"God's body! Do not wear or damage, this is the body of the **** !?"

Galauda felt an excitement, and seemed to think of something, and could not help but tremble in his heart.

He thought of two kinds of information they had about this human ...

Nothingness incarnation!

The reincarnation of the true **** of nothingness!

When he first heard the news, he also scoffed at the news. How could such a barren and barren world give birth to the great existence of the true God?

But now, looking at Bai Li Qingfeng's strong body that is not injured and invincible, he believed.

Especially the sharp golden light exhibited by Baili Qingfeng at the beginning ...

Divine Art!

God body!

It's a real hammer on his guess!

"How does this win ... Is this really a human in the barren world?"

"Master Ashe couldn't cut his head with a single axe. There are such terrible lives in the barren world. Can we ... still occupy this world?"

"This is a horror that our cavemen cannot overcome with sword and courage ..."

Several large knight-level cavemen stood beside Garuda, with fear on their faces.

Galauda also opened his mouth and almost issued an order to withdraw the door of space.


But at this time he seemed to have found something, his eyes suddenly fell on Baili Qingfeng again.


"Leverage strength."

Baili Qingfeng flashed this concept in his mind.

The swordplay in his hand has changed slightly.

Constantly transforming his own attacks into attacks against other cavemen.

In this case, he clearly felt that his physical exertion had been greatly reduced.

In addition, as a human being, he is strong, strong, young and vigorous, and his recovery ability is several times stronger than that of a cave man. If he keeps fighting at this level, he thinks he can fight for a day!

Even if you stick with it, it will last for two days.

Two days later, it is estimated that his Void Legion and Void Knights will come to rescue him. By then, he will be able to escape from the death cave made up of these burrow people.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng's hanging heart finally relaxed.

While fighting with the cave people who are constantly flowing around him, he is constantly trying to use his strength and strength to maximize the killing effect while ensuring physical strength and speeding up recovery.

Because he is trying new tactics, his attack power and lethality are significantly weaker than the rampage at the beginning.

In this scene, several half-step legendary ascetics and Galunda who were almost collapsing at the same time inspired the spirit.

"No, he can't carry on. He is only a human being, after all, he may rely on some treasures and secret methods to block Assault's slash. But this secret method can never be performed a few times, just like the one he broke out earlier. It's almost like a magic sword, as long as it can break his defense ceiling, waiting for him is definitely a dead end! "

Galauda shouted.

The two big knights beside him looked at each other in unison, and they always felt that Lord Galunda's words were familiar ...

However, it is a fact that Baili Qingfeng's attack has weakened.

This scene gives the people in the cave who are already thinking about whether to retreat a renewed courage to continue fighting.

At this time, Garuda was also drinking: "I will immediately hold a large-scale sacrifice and call the eyes of the great true God to come down in person. At that time, the great deities will witness your courage and glory! Show your fearlessness and joy. Be brave! "

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Crowds with generally low IQs were instantly instigated and war-warmed.

Especially those who are devoutly devout to the true **** of death, yelled, and once again dared to charge Baili Qingfeng.

For a while, the figure of Baili Qingfeng was constantly hit by flying, splitting flying, shaking flying, and flying flying ...

However, although his body was beaten and flies over and over again, the sword light in his hands continued to shine during the process of flying out, almost dying wherever he flew.

The killing effect may not be better than the assassination of the Royal Sword and the outbreak of Qi, but the victory is easy.

He hardly consumed his own power throughout the process.

"This ... may be the second sword skill I can create after the assassination of the stars!"

Once again, Baili Qingfeng was split in the air by an axe and thought in his heart.

At the same time, the sword of Wushuang Sword in his hand flickered, tearing past six burrowers along the way, three of them were stung by a sword.

"Although this sword art is not famous for its outbreak and power, it can greatly save energy and ensure long-term killing ..."

Baili Qingfeng remembered seeing a sentence somewhere.

Can only stand if there is output!

Like him before, although the lethality is amazing, one hit and killed thousands of miles, but it is like those soldiers who continue to increase their strength, maybe they can make their output reach one hundred in one second, but the physical attributes are too low. After ten minutes of exhaustion, they had to retreat and fight again when the energy recovered.

But if a warrior does not increase strength, he will build up his physique. Although his output damage is only 10 points per second, he will continue to output for 24 hours. In the end, the comprehensive output efficiency of the physical warrior will reach dozens of times the output efficiency of the strength warrior!

Time passes by in this complete sword-slaying killing.

One hour, two hours, three hours ...

It may have reached five or six hours.

Baili Qingfeng can't even remember how many cave people he killed.

When he is trapped in a magic cave, there are a steady stream of cave people in all directions. Even if he kills as many people as possible, compared with a base of 100,000, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, Still a fortune.

Compared with the cavemen in Blood Wolf City, this group of cavemen is more than twice as elite?

They seemed to be infused with the belief of fearless death, and even regarded death as a return to the arms of the gods, so that the Wushuang Sword in the hands of Baili Qingfeng showed a gap, but the cave people around were still endless.

Just when Baili Qingfeng felt that he might really kill the whole day, and insisted that the reinforcements of the Void Legion and the Void Knights came to hope to kill the encirclement, a sudden burst of sorrow came from the direction of the space door. , The smoke of countless black flames rushed into the sky, rushing towards the door of space.

With the continuous interlacing of this black smoke and the distorted space of the Gate of Space, a phantom like a mirage like his own mirage was projected over the Gate of Space and covered a radius of more than ten kilometers.

"My lord!"

"The great **** of death is watching us!"

"Here comes! He comes!"

This change made the same tired people in the caves feel as if they were stimulant, and instantly fell into fanaticism, one by one, to show their gods their fearless performance, and even donate themselves without hesitation. s life.

"Crazy! It's crazy!"

Bai Liqing Feng can't stand this kind of generous death, and sees his life as nothing.

Looking at the mirage that gradually diffused out from the direction of the door of space, and the rising and magnificent power in the mirage, Baili Qingfeng's heart sank.

"Almost! I need to inform the immortal god! According to the last experience ... I first used the Holy Spirit immortal method, the immortal **** can sense my existence ~ ~ wait until my next When using the Holy Spirit Immortal, he locks in my existence and launches an attack ... "

After reading this, Baili Qingfeng cultivated the Spirit Eternal Life without hesitation.

Before long, all kinds of hallucinations had appeared in his ears ...

"Great immortality, you are eternal, you are the only ..."

"Great immortality, the sun and the moon will go with you, the world will live with you, and the world will live with you ..."


After a few days, I heard this sound full of deceptive power again, and Baili Qingfeng felt a little kind.

He traced back and forth along the lines of prayer and chanting. He came to that spiritual space lightly, and his eyes fell into the sky like the sun for the first time, exuding eternal divinity, and shining on the immortal **** emperor ...

"Immortal, here I am."

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