The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 880: Contempt


Baili Qingfeng's figure was once again bombarded out, even if the cavemen who flew out of the direction were hiding very fast, they were still hit by bone fractures, vomiting blood and dying.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Galauda gasped slightly.

But Baili Qingfeng, who was shot out by him, shook his head and climbed up again.

Seeing this scene, Garuda's breath suffocated slightly.

But with the constant influx of the Holy Spirit's power in his body, a fierce light appeared again in his eyes: "I don't believe you really can't kill!"


Along with the raging waves, a new wave of offensive broke out again, as if the sword in his hand turned into a storm, slamming down towards Baili Qingfeng.

"The power of the enemy seems to be endless, and I will not be able to hold on for at least an hour in this way!"

Once you ca n’t hold back ...

He can only burn everything, desperately.

This approach may have a hint of hope to turn things around, but if he fails, he will eventually play with fire and bury his life.

Feeling that there are still a lot of spiritual power left, Baili Qingfeng looked up and fell on the door of space more than ten kilometers away.

It is not the kingdom of the **** of death above the gate of space, but the gate of space!

He intends to re-engrave the scene of the immortal emperor beheading the blood god!

The immortal emperor cannot come to this world because of the power of the world, but he can enter the bimonthly realm!

Bring the power of the immortal **** from the bimonthly realm, and give the death **** a fatal blow.

This approach is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, it is more life-threatening, but ...

He has half a step of the star realm, and is very close to the door of space. Even if there is any uncontrollable accident, as long as he retreats faster, the final situation is better than the death of Garuda, who can be continuously assisted by the power of the **** of death. It will be much better to hold on.

"Try it!"

Thinking of this, the slightly restored universal cells in Baili Qingfeng's body detonated, and the golden demon's disintegration technique was stimulated, and Galauda, ​​carrying a mighty might, was cut off directly by this explosive force.

Because he and Garuda were killed in a life-threatening fight, the erupting forces blasted around in all directions, turning the 100-meter-wide area into a dead place, leaving no one around him except for a few big knight-level strong men. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the speed erupted at his feet, and the stone and soil rushed toward the gate of space as a cannonball.

"Can you go !?"

The flamboyant Garuda's body light flowed, and the damage caused by the spattering sword gas was quickly restored under the power of the Holy Spirit. He followed Baili Qingfeng's body again to drive away.


For a moment, Galunda had already associated with the goal of Baili Qingfeng: "Want to escape to the bimonthly realm !?"

He looked at the power of the Holy Spirit from the endless projection of the true **** of death from above the door of space.

Despite the existence of the door of space, the amount of Holy Spirit power that the true God of death can cast under a circumstance of a world is still extremely limited. If this high-intensity battle is to be maintained, it will take less than an hour for the **** of death to be afraid. Overwhelmed, and once without the continuous infusion of the Holy Spirit's power of the **** of death, with his own strength, Garuda would not be able to carry this human outbreak at all.


He wants to escape to the door of space, which is exactly what he wants!

With this idea, his speed has slowed down slightly by half a minute, always maintaining a distance of 100 meters behind Baili Qingfeng.

After chasing and escaping, the distance of ten kilometers between the two and the gate of space was instantly crossed.

Without hesitation, the figure of Baili Qingfeng rushed into the door of space immediately.

"Very good! Your death is here!"

Galauda sneered on his face and followed Baili Qingfeng into the door of space without hesitation.



Baili Qingfeng crossed the gate of space and just stepped into the bi-moon boundary. A terror of energy in the sky had begun to nurture.

Compared with the kingdom of God projected above the gate of the space in the heavens and heavens, this courageous force bred from the sky is several times more powerful, even if it has not yet been fully formed, and only the pressure fluctuations emanating from it Let Baili Qingfeng have a feeling of facing the tsunami tens of kilometers away.

That feeling ...

Enough for any unsettled person to turn and run away.

"Then, it depends on whether my guess is true."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the gates of the space that circulated ripples a hundred meters away, and the Holy Spirit immortal law was cast.

The familiar steps flashed through, and the spirit separated by Baili Qingfeng directly entered the kingdom of the immortal emperor completely constructed by countless spiritual wills.

"Huh, here it is again, this time really a little nervous."

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

It seems to have set up a special means of prompting, or as the master of the kingdom of God, omnipresent changes in the kingdom of God, the arrival of the Baili Qingfeng immediately attracted the immortal **** emperor with the power of divine power, accompanied by the void That scorching sun is enough to burn down all the horrors.

But just when this brilliance was about to truly burn and expel Baili Qingfeng's consciousness, the immortal emperor seemed to perceive something, and he was in a spirit.

The next moment, his eyes focused on Baili Qingfeng again-for a full second!

Feeling that the Immortal Emperor seemed a little different this time, he didn't attack him for the first time, and Baili Qingfeng greeted him with a "smile" emotion out of politeness and friendliness, "Hello?"

"Blasphemer! You despise this seat !?"


Baili Qingfeng is somewhat unknown.

He is obviously very polite and friendly. Why, greet with a smile will be regarded as contempt?

"The birth of this seat is ancient, and I have experienced many years. I have never seen such a human being dare to challenge again and again!"

Baili Qingfeng was a bit innocent and a little bit wrong. Why did the Immortal Emperor suddenly become unreasonable this time?

"Very well, I have forgotten what it feels like, and I have to say that you succeeded in laughing at this seat."

"Laughing? Are you happy or unhappy?"

Baili Qingfeng asked.


The immortal emperor once again gave a second of silence.

The next moment, an indescribable, unspeakable, incredible terror is brewing frantically in the kingdom of God!

This horror, this horror, and this destruction are infinitely more numerous than any one of the dangers felt by Baili Qingfeng.

If the previous crisis he felt was a landslide, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption, or the deep weakness of human beings when the natural and angry roar of the heavens and the earth, then this time ...

It's a supernova!

A supernova is just around the corner!

The landslides caused by landslides, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions may bring serious trauma to the human world, leading to the displacement of countless people, but at least ...

Humans can also survive and rebuild civilization on the ruins of destruction.

But a supernova broke out ...

That power is the annihilation and destruction of this star, the entire galaxy, at its source!

Even the inhabited stars are gone, and even the entire galaxy has been extinguished. No matter how stubbornly human beings survive, the destruction of races, and the extinction of civilization, there is no way to stop them, leaving only the deepest despair.

"My Lord is angry ..."

"I am willing to be a sword in my master's hand, to calm all my dissatisfaction, and just ask my master to calm down the anger ..."

"Great Lord, all living beings in the world should worship before your greatness ... anyone who does not kneel is heresy ..."

Feeling this deep despair and horror, the powerful spirits in the kingdom of God are boiling up and down, constantly chanting and praying.


Under the pressure of this horror and despair, Baili Qingfeng quickly disconnected the link between the eternal life of the Holy Spirit and his kingdom.


Immortal Emperor ...

This time there was no catch up.

He allowed Baili Qingfeng to suspend the connection with the kingdom space.

For a while, the destructive breath that seemed like a super-new star burst slightly converged, but did not dissipate at all, but turned into a deeper, more horrible, more desperate repressive and destructive breath.

"This one said, unless you never set foot in the bimonthly world, when you next come, it will be the day of your death ..."

The mind of the immortal emperor radiates in destruction.

But what did that human do?

As soon as he had finished speaking these words, he flew to the bi-monthly boundary in a blink of an eye! ?

What a contempt!

What a shame!

What a provocation! ?

The shame of the world runs through the immortal Emperor!

"Extreme Excalibur!"

The next moment, the Immortal Emperor stood up from the palace like the sun, and the powerful power penetrated the kingdom of God, directly injected into the Supreme Divine Sword exuding even the fierce sunshine he could not hide.

"Destroy it!"


Excalibur drama shock!

"call out!"

Countless swords are like intercontinental missiles carrying nuclear warheads, rising from the kingdom of immortal gods, spanning space and time ...

"That human ... everything!"


"Immortal ... seems to be really angry."

Baili Qingfeng regained his spirit, and he felt something was a little serious.


At this time, a vast and grand voice sounded through the void.

Baili Qingfeng suddenly looked up. When he was distracted by the space of the kingdom of God constructed by the eternal life of the Holy Spirit, there was already a whole body filled with black robes in the void, exuding a mighty divine figure.


Another voice sounded in the direction of the door of space behind Baili Qingfeng.

It was Garuda ~ ~ he had already hunted down from the heaven of the wilderness where the gate of space was located.

At this moment, Galauda, ​​and a real body condensed by the true **** of death suspended in the void at the same time, the black flames shone at the same time, and the power of each other was reflected in the sky's shadow of the **** kingdom.

"The God of Death ..."

When Baili Qingfeng saw the figure, he immediately understood ...


He underestimated the position of Tianhuangjie in the heart of the true **** of death!

Death God ...

Actually come in person! ?


(This plot should be completed in a wave, but it has not been saved.)

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