The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 881: Annihilation


Without any hesitation, the omnipotent cells in Baili Qingfeng's body were all burned, and the golden demon's disintegration broke out. His body looked like a cannonball, and blasted out in the direction of the door of space.

"Can you escape?"

Galauda, ​​an ordinary Holy Spirit, can be transformed into an incarnation of God with the power of his Holy Spirit and the continual resonance of the vague kingdom of God in the void, and his power far outweighs the Holy Spirit, even more than the legendary power.

this moment……

He is like a demigod walking on the earth!

"When you choose to fight against death, your destiny is destined to have only one left-death, and now, as the master of death, eternal sleep will be your only destination, no one can reverse this fate, because , This is the final judgment of the true God of death on you. "

The true **** of death contains a mighty and powerful voice that is transmitted behind, accompanied by a kind of unstoppable death fear, as if inspired from the heart.

That death fear ...

"No! This death is not only caused by the death of the true God ... but also the attack from the immortal emperor ..."

Once Baili Qingfeng read this, the void behind him ...


The void was torn, and a majestic sound rang through the mind of all beings within a tens of thousands of meters through an unknown and inexplicable power ...

Extreme! Extreme! Extreme!


At the sound of this sound, the spirit of Baili Qingfeng was all excited, and he did not hesitate to enter the special state of the half-step stardom.

At this time, the real body came down, exuding a mighty divine power, and showing off his own sense of death. The true **** also sensed something, and looked up in astonishment.

"So ... what's that !?"



The shattered void blasted out dozens of sword qi, as if one drill bit, forcing two completely different places through!

"Just dozens of swords?"

The Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised when he ran.

The immortal emperor did not appear? Instead, they shot dozens of sword qi. Despite the sharpness and horror contained in these dozens of sword qi, it is still enough to kill all legends, even demigods, but ...

Compared with the last stunning shot of the Immortal Emperor, this time the shot is obviously weaker.

"What is this!?"

The true **** of death seemed startled to see these sword air holes pierce through the void. He was a bit incomprehensible to him as a true god, but when he felt that the threat of these sword air threatened the demi-gods was almost the same, his majesty was immaculate. Hesitation hesitated, and the imaginary kingdom of God overwhelmingly swept through it. It was necessary to completely smash the dozens of swords that were shot and killed.


Earth and Earthquake!

When the true **** of death swept through the dozens of horrible swords, each of which can be ten or ten kilometers long, shattered one by one, the void that had been cut out of the cave seemed to become a mirror ...

The crack started to spread at the point where it was pierced, and the spread continued for a moment ...


Front mirror ...


A broken mirror, sword qi, turned out!

Although these sword spirits are similar to those of the dozens of swords previously shot, each threat to the true **** is quite limited ...

But when he saw the sword qi blasted out from the collapsed space with his own eyes, Baili Qingfeng felt a stun in his brain!


Too much!

From the collapse of space to the shooting of sword qi, his entire vision has been filled with countless sword qi!

One thousand? Three thousand? Ten thousand? Thirty thousand? Or 100,000?

"so much!?"

Baili Qingfeng felt his brain trembling after feeling the sword qi that straddled the void.

If it was said that the fragmented void was a hive, those swords are the bees flying in the hive, and the kingdom of the **** of death is sweeping like a smashing stone on the hive. The end result ...

The whole hive fryer!

Jianqi! Jianqi! Jianqi!

Thousands of sword spirits!

Every sword qi has the power to shoot the legend!

"It's scary."

Baili Qingfeng just felt a scalp with only a glance, and his thoughts were stagnant at this moment.

Don't watch! forget about it!

At this moment, he only wished to burst into full speed, rushed into the door of space, and ran to the realm of heaven to say it again.

And the death **** who has been hanging in the void show for a long time has become the target of these sword attacks.

These two swords are one and two, which is not worth mentioning to him as a true god. There are dozens or dozens of them. The volume of his kingdom of God can still be easily rolled into powder. There are thousands of qi, tens of thousands, and even 100,000!

Under the impact of this violent storm-like sword air, the kingdom of death that God of God has just swept across is just a moment, and there are so many holes that have been penetrated by sword air. , Continue to spread wildly towards his body ...

"no no!"

The color of fear finally appeared on the face of the true **** of death.

"Unstoppable, I can't stop these swords!"

For a while, the real kingdom of death converged and pulled away. It seemed to be immersed in a strange space!

However, these sword spirits seem to have the mysterious power of shuttle space and shuttle space. The true **** of death can still resist one or two with the support of the kingdom of God. Once the kingdom of God is closed, his true body is exposed to thousands of swords without any cover. Under Qi's shooting and killing, dozens of sword Qi holes have been penetrated in an instant.

Although the pierced death **** quickly repaired his wounds, more sword spirits came again ...

These swords are like life, like a never-ending storm!

Even if the true speed of death is fast, there is no guarantee that he will not get wet in the rain.

"No! What is this! What exactly is this !? Stop! Stop ..."

The fierce screams reverberated in the void, and in a moment, the true **** of death was drowned by the countless sword spirits that pervaded the sky.

"My ... my lord ..."

When the true **** of death was strangled by the sword-gas storm, Garuda couldn't help trembling, and he was able to clearly feel that his **** was suffering from the torture of Wan Jian.

"call out!"

Strong wind swept through.

When he was suffering, Barry Qingfeng's figure passed by him like a streamer, and he rushed into the door of space for the first time.

This scene is also to make Galauda a spirit, suddenly yelling: "My lord!"


The true **** of death is also aware that only by fleeing into the heavenly realm, and using the power of the heavenly realm to consume these swords, can there be a glimmer of life. At present, the figure exuding great power does not hesitate to roll towards the door of space. At the same time, the kingdom of God, which has not yet been condensed and formed, is inspired to the extreme, madly resisting the mad shooting and penetration of thousands of swords.

In a burst of black flames and smoke, the entire **** of death, like an air-to-air mothership bombarded by numerous missiles, crashed in the direction of the door of space. Instantly, he swept the broken **** The country's body has already crashed into the gate of space, and slammed into the heavens ...


These sword qi are born to destroy everything!

Escape into the door of space did not save his fate!



Thousands, tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of sword spirits frantically permeated and swept across this heaven and earth, destroying all beings and all matter within a range of tens of kilometers and hundreds of kilometers, even though it is a vast and vast land, all The plows that were blown away by these storm-like swords were flattened for dozens of meters. At the same time that the true **** of death escaped into the door of space, he attracted a large amount of sword gas into them.

Because of the uniqueness and stability of the structure of the door of space, one or two swords can not be avoided, but any so-called absolute defense is no longer absolute in the presence of quantity!

With the shooting of tens of thousands and tens of thousands of swords, Baili Qingfeng, who is located in the realm of heaven, clearly saw that the door of space was slightly trembling, then trembling, and then trembling, trembling ...

Finally, this stormy offensive lasted. I don't know how long ...

Maybe one minute, maybe ten seconds ...

The stability of the door of space is broken.



The pupil of Baili Qingfeng's eyes contracted sharply. When the door of space collapsed, he rushed away in the opposite direction of the door of space at the fastest speed.

"Do not!"

After all, the death **** who rushed out of the gate of space with the broken kingdom of God sent out a scream of unwillingness.

next moment……

It's as if some terrifying force is pulling him back crazy!



The collapsed gate of space seemed to turn into a black hole, madly engulfing the material around the tens of kilometers with the gate of space as the center.

Humans, cave people, rocks, flowers, trees, fish, insects, beasts ...

Everything, nothing is spared!

Because the power of devouring is too large, countless living bodies seem to be pulled into blood mist by that horrible pulling force ...


Baili Qingfeng's half-step astral realm was inspired to the extreme, and the entire human and star magnetic fields were completely integrated into one, devouring him, as if devouring the entire celestial body.

But even so, his body still retreated at a very fast speed, and a lot of people were swallowed up into the void by devouring power, and completely thrown into the door of the collapsed space.

Fortunately, the duration of this swallowing is extremely short.

Maybe three seconds! Maybe two seconds!

It might even be only one second!

This "black hole" formed by the collapse of the gate of space was instantly filled with countless substances and flesh ~ ~ and then ...

Nothingness, annihilation!

Large-scale material annihilation!

The material annihilation has produced unparalleled energy, and it is released and exploded in an instant!



Black light, blue light, and purple light are mixed with countless currents and high-energy particle lasing, which instantly fills Baili Qingfeng's field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, a horrific shock wave that was so strong that it could not be resisted by humans banged his body fiercely, even if the half-step Xingjing Realm had no meaning under this shock.

Light and electricity shone for hundreds of miles.

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