The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 882: earthquake

Frontier Palace of the Iron Empire.


The lights of the humble palace, which was originally brilliant, shone for a while, and it seemed to be strongly disturbed. For a moment, a cricket went out.

However, immediately after the backup power was turned on, the lighting resumed.

What "conqueror" faintly felt picked up his phone and glanced ...

No signal.

"What happened?"

Heilien, Iron Empire's ruler, who was signing an army mobilization order, looked up at Graff.

"I'll investigate right away!"

Graf said, and started calling immediately.

Unfortunately, there is no signal.

Graff had to retreat for a moment and leave first.

Not long after, she returned to the Emperor's office, announcing the information she had just received: "Your Majesty, the Earthquake Administration just heard the news and detected a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on the Richter scale!"

"An earthquake, or an earthquake in the mountains, we don't have that much time to care about now ..."

The sea frowned a little because of frowning.

But what he hadn't said yet seemed to be associated with something, and suddenly said: "Sauer? Soler, where the door to the empire-building space is located !?"


Graff followed the report, "In addition, six hours ago, our intelligence personnel heard that Her Majesty Baili Qingfeng appeared in the Rees Mountains where Sol is located, and appeared about a distance away from Sol. 1,600 kilometers. "

"Did ... the earthquake and electromagnetic signal interference were related to Her Majesty Baifeng !?"

Conrad said incredulously.

"It ’s impossible. My signal has just been restored. Some team members reported to me that his signal in the city of Winey was also disturbed. The city of Winey is more than 6,000 kilometers from Sol. Six thousand kilometers away? "

Rudolph said.

He is the highest person among all the people, reaching the half-step legendary realm, so he understands the destructive power of the half-step legend.

Even if the destructive power of a half-step legend is increased by one hundred times, it will have no effect on people 6,000 kilometers away.

They even affect human life less than 600 kilometers away.

"Some satellites have observed a strong light source signal, and in addition ... the interference effect caused by the gate of space seems to have disappeared, and we are currently mobilizing new satellites to take pictures of the Sol Peak."

"Can a hundred miles of Majesty Qing Feng use divine punishment weapons?"

At this time, Captain Colson suddenly said.

"Divine punishment weapon ..."

These four words gave a few glances to the room.

"Now the most advanced bombers can't fly directly from Dongshenzhou to Xiyanzhou. During this period, I haven't heard of a transporter belonging to Shia or Aurora landing in which country of Xiyanzhou."

Graff said.

"But don't forget, there are hundreds of thousands or millions of people in the burrows coming out of Sol. It is perfectly reasonable and reasonable that His Majesty Bai Feng's use of punishment weapons is facing so many burrows. "

Coleson said, adding: "Otherwise, it would not be good to explain why His Majesty Baifeng had killed Solfer alone, and he might have used himself as a bait to lure many cave people together and detonate. The **** punished his weapons and wiped out all those cavemen who had gathered. "

"Captain Coulson's speculation is very reasonable. According to our intelligence personnel, in the past, a large number of cavemen warriors have moved in the direction of Sol. They want to reinforce that space channel. Until the earthquake, a hundred kilometers around the center of Sol, gathered most of the cavemen who belong to the Temple of Death ... "

Graf agreed with Coulson's speculation.

"Waiting for the good news of His Majesty Qingfeng, I believe His Majesty's shot, the result will not let us down."

Herein said.

He said these words along with another sentence that he didn't say.

If Baili Qingfeng used the weapon of divine punishment, why didn't he die the cavemen army of the temple and the Holy Spirit who led these army ...

Then their steel empire, and even the entire West Yanzhou, all humanity, will really face the danger of extinction.

No news has been received from the Iron Empire, but in the Golden Eagle Empire, the most technologically advanced empire, a bunch of satellite images are in the hands of current President George.

"This is ... the latest information about the latest battle between Baiyan Qingfeng and Death Temple Cavemen in Xiyanzhou?"


Secretary of Defense Flanders and Charles the Divine Sculptor both sat at George's desk at the same time.

"According to satellite images and data we have detected from other sources, a terrifying explosion erupted at the Sol Peak, where the Iron Empire's Space Gate is located. The center of the explosion formed a large pit with a diameter of 10 kilometers and a height of nearly 1,000 kilometers. The peak is completely reduced to history, and it will be renamed as Sol Lake in the near future. The shock waves that formed a large pit around the original Sol Peak swept and spread in all directions, destroying the rottenness, destroying the square and all flowers and trees within hundreds of kilometers. It's almost impossible for anyone in this area to survive. "

Fleders said with a look of relief.

"Hisse! Destroy hundreds of kilometers !? 10,000 square kilometers?"

George took a breath.

"At least 10,000 square kilometers!"

Fleders said with a grim face: "Even the impact of the explosion was clearly visible even 200 kilometers away. Many trees were blown away by wind pressure, high temperature, and scorched from the explosion center. This area is still lethal, but it can already be resisted. In other words, the explosion of 100 square kilometers has become extinct, 10,000 square kilometers have been razed to the ground, and the range has reached 40,000 square kilometers. "

"Forty thousand square kilometers!"

As the president of the Golden Eagle Empire, George knows what amazing data this is!

"If this attack happens to happen in a city ... Any life left ... As long as similar attacks continue for ten times, more than 90% of the countries will be erased from the map of the Heaven and Famine World. If ranked by the area of ​​the country, the countries after the 204th place will be deleted. One blow to the country. "

"One hit ... destroy ..."

George trembled and said these four words, and didn't speak for a long time.

While Freders, Charles, and Vice President Ron, who is still in office, Intelligence Minister Hess has also been silent, and they need a little time to digest the news.

"Have there ever been such a terrifying destructive force in human history?"

George looked at the Minister of Intelligence, Hass.

"Never before, Your Excellency the President."

Hess said, "This is no longer a force that humans can control."

"Is it Baili Qingfeng's magic weapon?"

George looked at Charles again.

"I'd love to say no, but I can't think of any explanation other than magic weapons."

Charles said: "According to the data I got when I hypnotized Heisen, in addition to this generation of magical weapons, Baili Qingfeng is studying a new generation of magical weapons. Based on the information we have obtained, scientists are constantly analyzing day and night. It is concluded that the new generation of magic weapon is a thermonuclear weapon. It uses the hydrogen isotope to generate fusion reaction to release energy to cause killing ... Once this weapon is developed, it can continuously increase the raw material to enhance its explosive power ... Inferred from the model And field data to infer that a 20-million-equivalent thermonuclear punishment weapon could have a similar effect ... "

George took a deep breath. "When will we have this weapon?"

"We have just developed the first generation of punishment weapons. Although we have thoughts about the second generation of punishment weapons ... I'm afraid it will take five to ten years to try ..."

"Can you please His Excellency to go to Shire in the Kingdom of Shia?"

"Baili Qingfeng has already prepared for it, and I can't gain anything even in the past."

Charles shook his head.

"Then ... if at this time Baili Qingfeng is carrying God's punishment weapon against our Golden Eagle Empire? What is the security of the country to guard?"

George asked again.

Flinders, Hess and others were silent.

"Can we just watch our golden eagle ... dead?"

George asked with eyes wide open.

"People who are under the command of Baili Qingfeng ... should ... should not use magic weapons to target our country ..."

"So now we can only pin our hopes on the mercy of the enemy?"


Everyone was silent.

"Gentlemen, you must do something!"

George looked sternly.

It took a while before Charles said carefully: "Maybe ... we can still pray to God?"


There are more countries than satellites in the Golden Eagle Empire.

Although the satellite technology of the Steel Empire and the Bright Empire is one point behind the Golden Eagle Empire, and the image accuracy is not up to the level of the Golden Eagle Empire, the detailed images and data were still obtained the next day.

When these materials were placed on the emperor's desks of the two empires, the supreme rulers of the two super empires took a breath of air.

Looking at the destruction data left on the battlefield, it was clear that most of the winter had passed, and they still felt an uncontrollable chill coming to their hearts.

Forty thousand square kilometers!

What a terrifying power this is! ?

If such an attack falls on the capital or major city of any country in the world today, the consequences ...

Definitely devastating!

Fortunately, ~ Baili Qingfeng, who is in charge of such a terrible power, is using this power to fight against the invasion of humanoids.


The effect is remarkable.

Countless cavemen in the Temple of Death have been frightened by this blow, and fled in all directions with horror and fear. They are afraid that they will be transmitted to the cavemen of the Black Temple and the Temple of War in a short time. If the two temples don't want to follow in the footsteps of the temple of death, retreat is the only option.

But the only problem now is ...

Baili Qingfeng, who gave a critical blow to the Temple of Death ...



(To be clear, this power is far from destroying the planet.)

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