The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 914: the difference

The next day Baili Qingfeng woke up and was refreshed.

Not only was the injury recovered, but also the spirit consumed by the mad smash triad was restored.

In addition, there is a small increase in spirit and will.

Especially the spirit.

The spirit of splitting into sixteen Taoism completely relied on Chengjing Spar to deduct each one to the top of the tenth level. This spirit was a bit futile, and even his mental state became somewhat empty, and most people even had to Can't keep up with his thinking.

But this time after colliding with the core of the will that is left behind by the true evil god, the Lord of Fear, his spirit and will have obviously completed a round of refining and become more pure.

Go to Wu Cunjing.

"Very well, it seems that after a period of precipitation or collision with the spiritual will of the Lord God of Fear, I can consider a new round of fission."

Baili Qingfeng nodded slightly.


He couldn't help frowning at the thought of a new round of fission.

There is no such a step of fission in the cultivation system provided by the Lord of Flames?

They do n’t understand the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth levels of refining the gods. He can understand them. After all, the so-called tenth refining of the gods is a concept put forward by them in the heavens and the realm of the bimonthly world. , But this step of distraction is cancelled ...

Isn't he a practice chap?

"No! I would have gone into the devil if I had practiced it. If I had died, would I still be living like a tiger now? Besides, I was distracted again and again, and I obviously felt that my spirit was arrogant compared to the previous one. , Especially after I condensed the core of the will and the incarnation of the astral world, the sixteen spirits that were only equivalent to a loose sand really completed the integration and unification. In terms of spiritual power, I am more powerful than my previous self. When fighting against the will of the Lord of Fears yesterday, my will is clearly not as good as the Lord of Fears, but I rely on my arrogance and smashed the triplets one by one. Will I finally defeat his will to achieve the final victory? "

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and gradually came up with an idea close to the truth.

"It must be a question of the King of Flames!"

He said, and quickly convinced himself: "The King of Flames is a dragon. The dragon is the most legendary life. Even if it does not reach the level of the beast like Titan, the power it possesses is still not human. It can be imagined that they do not need to cultivate, they only need to eat and sleep all day, and sleep and eat. Living a pig-like life can become a legendary life, and they are still powerful legends with breath-breathing talents. Is this comparable to humans? "

After that, he nodded.

It must be because the legendary life is too powerful, so there is no need to experience the struggle of the weak hour period, which skips the distraction phase.

"I need a copy of the true God heritage of mankind! Only the true God heritage of mankind has sufficient reference value for me."

Baili Qingfeng quickly learned the truth of the matter.

Then he came out of a stone house that the Dragon King of the Flame helped him arrange.

This stone house is under the volcano. It is estimated that it is also inhabited by dragons in weekdays. The environment can only be regarded as sloppy, but Baili Qingfeng is not a person who has strict requirements on the living environment and does not care.


Soon after stepping out of the stone house, Baili Qingfeng had felt his own change.

His vitality and resistance to high temperatures have increased a little more than yesterday ...


His sense of harmony between man and nature to the outside world is clearly clear.

Go on like this ...

"I seem to be cultivating the Legendary Realm !?"

Baili Qingfeng used the mystery of harmony between heaven and man a little, and his face couldn't help showing his joy.

As long as he can cultivate the legendary realm, life such as promotion will come to fruition, and once it becomes a high-level life, with the core of his will that he condensed early, a proper high-level legend!

This is not a high-end legendary combat power that can only be obtained by the outbreak of the golden demon disintegration, but a real high-end legend!

The legendary title of the high-level legend is not a realm, but refers to the powerful existence of mastering magic, semi-artifact, and artifact. In other words, if you do not pursue combat power, wait for him to reach the high-level legend. You can start sprinting into the demigod realm.

And he is a peace-loving person. His continuous practice is only to better enjoy a stable and peaceful life, even if it impacts the demi-god realm just to give himself the ability to deter the empires of the stars. He was able to rest for a long time.

Even if he can solve the threat of the immortal emperor, he won't have to squeeze his free time again and again before the two worlds merge.

"I never thought that signing a contract with the Lord of Flames would have such a benefit, and if his strength can be restored to the true **** level, will ... bring my cultivation to the true **** level?"

Think about it a little.

"Good morning, Her Majesty the Great Nothingness."

Baili Qingfeng stepped out of the stone house, and a dragon ancestor who had been waiting here for a long time already saluted his salute.

Baili Qingfeng remembered him. His name was Scarlet Scarf, Pope of the Temple of Flame, and the Scarlet Crystal who had previously died under him was the judge of the Flame Temple.

I always feel that the structure of all the temples is similar.

"I'll go see the King of Flames. He should be awake."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud and walked towards the top of the volcano.

"His Majesty the Void Realm, His Majesty's injuries have not yet recovered and he is undergoing cultivation, so it is not convenient for you to meet with His Majesty the Void Realities now. You can tell us if there is anything you need to do. As long as we can do it, we will surely try best."

Scarlet Red respected.

"Cultivation? It's been a day, and he hasn't cultivated yet? He is the true God, and can he be recovered without the fear of the Lord's will?"

Baili Qingfeng said suddenly.

Scarlet gave him an embarrassing but polite smile: "This ... may be a loss of will, so it takes a little time ..."

"So, I will go to him tomorrow to discuss the matter of dealing with the fear of God ..."

After listening, Scarlett took out a copy of the information: "Your Majesty has sorted out all the information about the Lord of Fear last night and let me pass it to you, please look over it."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the information and thoughtfully said, "No wonder today, I have n’t recovered yet. It turned out that I was staying up late to sort out the information. He was really interested. Well, I ’ll take care of my affairs. I hope he will solve my problem His injuries have also recovered. "

"Yes, His Majesty the Void Real God, if he needs any assistance, just speak."

"It's nothing, but one thing I want you to remember is that I don't want to see the flame empire appear again from now on."

After Baili Qingfeng said, he was a bit uneasy and simply said: "Forget it, I will let someone form a cabinet team to be responsible for the size of the flame empire. You can cooperate with them at that time."

Scarlet expected this result, but even the King of Flames, who was so powerful and invincible in their minds, succumbed to Baili Qingfeng's spear. They could not resist this situation and had to obey it: "Yes."

"Then I'll go first, by the way, get me a satellite phone."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

"Yes, is Your Majesty the Great God of Nothingness going to meet with your army by the sea? I will prepare your flight palace for you."

Baili Qingfeng did not refuse.

Although the speed of flying the palace is not fast, it just allows him to deal with some problems.

An hour later, Baili Qingfeng stepped into the palace of a lord-level bird. Under the driver's driving, the bird rushed to the sky and left Huangshi volcano.


The crater of Huangshi volcano felt relieved when the King of Flames hiding in the magma absorbing the energy inside was relieved.


This breath was relieved for a moment, and he had to fall into meditation.

Although Baili Qingfeng has gone, the blood contract has been signed. From now on, as a true god-level dragon, he will be subject to others.

"Fortunately, I ca n’t figure out what kind of nihilistic true **** is without any power ... at least, with his help, I have successfully wiped out the fear of the Lord God of Fear remaining on me ... otherwise, When the Lord of Fear comes, I will definitely feel the presence of fear and will in me. At that time, only the legendary cultivation will make me unable to fight this powerful evil **** ... "

The King of Flames can only think in a good direction at this time to comfort himself.

Although Baili Qingfeng's method of eradicating the fear of the Lord of God left him with a lingering fear-it was simply unsuccessful and he became benevolent.

However, it must be said that when he truly obliterated the will of the Lord of Fear God and completed the metamorphosis after death, his own will was actually a strong one. If at this time he can give him enough of the God of Purity, His will can even support the structure of a kingdom of God.

And if it can be made into a kingdom of God, plus his billions of high-quality believers on the ancient continent, the power of the billions of high-quality believers will be continuously transformed into the kingdom of God as a converter, and injected into itself, even if Let him face the Lord God of Fear again, and he is not inferior.

As long as I can survive this dark period, the future ...

It's bright!

"Now the only cricket that restricts my flying is the blood contract of Baili Qingfeng, who doesn't know what exists ... Fortunately, ~ ~ Yesterday's confrontation with the fear of God ’s will His will is not strong, at best it is slightly stronger than the high-end legend. As long as my will is ten times stronger than him ... and then a true body of God separated from the flesh form, it may not be impossible to get rid of the contract of blood. control!"

His current will is five or six times that of Baili Qingfeng, which is about half of the heyday, so ...

As long as he can return to the true God, the problem of the blood contract will be solved.

And as a former true god, without the interference of the will of the Lord of Fear God, it is almost a matter of sleep to completely recover his Lord of Flames.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a mess! During this time, be honest and obedient, and keep this Baili Qingfeng talking!"

A gleam of light flashed through the eyes of the King of Flames: "I only need to sleep once, as fast as three or five years, and as slowly as eight or nine years. The glory that belongs to my Lord of Flames and the Burning Lord will be revealed again. By then ... "

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