The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 915: Battleship wreck

Light of Hill, the capital of the Kingdom of Hea.

Prime Minister's Office.

The Prime Minister Yasuo in the office, and Duan Murui and Lynch who happened to be in the office, listened to the voice coming from the phone.

"Up ... Upper Island?"

It took a while for Prime Minister Yasuo to re-determine the general: "Mr. Chairman ... you ... you just said that you have been defeated by the ancient kingdom? Now let us send someone to receive the flame empire established in the ancient kingdom?"


The voice of Baili Qingfeng came from the phone: "Elderly continent is so large, even if there are hundreds of millions of people who fled to other continents, there are still one billion people, one billion continents. I am alone, With little power, how can we lay such a large territory? "

Prime Minister Yasuo heard what Barry Qingfeng said, although he felt it made sense, but ...

What others can't do doesn't mean you can't.

You are the true **** of nothingness!

It almost suppressed the aurora empire with one person's power, and led the miracle figure of the new pattern of East Shenzhou.

We won't be surprised if anything happens to you.

"That lord let us pass ..."

"I just had a friendly discussion with the original ruler of the ancient kingdom, the legendary fire dragon, and reached the principle of peaceful coexistence. That legendary fire dragon is willing to give us the rule of the flame empire and we will form a new cabinet. Responsible for helping the ancient island rest and recuperate. In other words, we are not laying down the ancient island, we are just going to help manage the ancient island. "

"Is this ... different?"

Prime Minister Yasuo said a little at a loss.

"Of course, if there is no war, how can we call the laying down of the Old Continent? Should we call it the promotion of the peaceful reunification of the East Shenzhou and the Old Continent?"


Prime Minister Yasuo paused for a moment, and finally nodded: "You are right! You are right!"

After he said that, he immediately added: "I will convene a manpower to form a new cabinet, go to the ancient continent, and replace the order of the flame empire."

"Well, you're at ease, I'm assured."

Baili Qingfeng answered quickly and hung up the phone.


On the lord-level bird of the ancient island, he stretched a little lazily, with a slight smile on his face: "Very good, it's a big trouble, I believe that the people of the ancient island will soon be like Hea Like the people of China, they enjoy peace and quiet, and there is no war and no oppression. "

Baili Qingfeng was very satisfied.

Now he cannot enjoy this peace and tranquility, but he can see with his own eyes that he has stabilized and peaceful a region that was originally plunged into chaos and war, and he still feels a sense of accomplishment beyond words.

World Peace!

This is what he pursued throughout his life, and it is also the motivation for him to heal the blood and fight at all times.

Baili Qingfeng sat in the palace of this lord-level fierce beast, and only half a day later, he had arrived at the position where the fleet of Yuan Zhishi and others were.

As the lord-level bird was approaching the fleet, it was immediately warned of bombardment. To this end, Baili Qingfeng had to let the lord-level beast fall.

After a while, Yuan Zhishi had taken a team from the area where the fleet was parked. When he saw the Baili Qingfeng without any abnormalities, it was both expected and relieved.

"His Majesty."

Yuan Zhishi saluted respectfully.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go to the area where the ruins are located."

Baili Qingfeng said.


Yuan Zhishi promised.

The next group of people set off on the inside of Upper Ancient Island.

The reason why the ancient continent is called "ancient" is mainly because many parts of this continent belong to deep mountain old forests, and there are rare human traces. Some ancient woods have not had human footprints for thousands of years, and many places maintain the most primitive forest features.

Although the places where Baili Qingfeng and others are going are not pure virgin forests, they also belong to the periphery of virgin forests.

It took three days for a group of people to travel on a special means of transportation, spanning over 2,000 kilometers, and they stopped by a lake in a wild forest.

"Sir, this is the area where the ruins are located!"

Genji World.

"It's really not a cave, a mural ... or any ancient building left ..."

Baili Qingfeng's original impression of the ruins shattered.

"In fact, Your Majesty, even if the so-called 'Battleship Ruins' were formed so far, it should be less than forty years. Our Tianjilou, Golden Eagle Empire and other forces have excavated this ruin for more than 20 years. The ruins are not very proper, they should be called warship wrecks. "

Genji explained: "The reason why it is called a relic is simply because the excavation inside is too surprising."

"In less than forty years ..."

Baili Qingfeng said, suddenly as if to find something, his eyes turned around this lake: "This is ... the crater formed by the explosion?"


Yuan Zhishi nodded: "The mysterious warship has had a violent explosion, and many things have not been preserved. Even if something was preserved at the time, I am afraid that it has been corroded after decades."

After speaking, he said slightly: "The main purpose of our visit this time is to expand the scope of the search and see if there are similar warships elsewhere in this continent to obtain more complete technology. As for this, A battleship remains of much less value than before. "

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The last time the forces such as the Golden Eagle Empire and Tianjilou discovered this warship were because a local force was chased by the forces led by the descendants of the legendary fire dragon descendants and fled to this deep forest and found the place where the warship was. Then, the curiosity of the Golden Eagle Empire, Tianjilou and other influential people was attracted, and the technology of the Golden Eagle Empire and Tianjilou took off in the past two decades.

However, at that time, the legendary fire dragon ’s mighty power in the ancient continent was like Tianjilou, the Golden Eagle Empire, and the Iron Empire and the Bright Empire that came later, and they did not dare to spread their fanfare. More and more dragon descents and fierce beasts have to withdraw from the area and destroy all the things that cannot be taken away, lest they be used by the enemy.

In the following ten years, although the Golden Eagle Empire and Tianjilou also sent elite teams to sneak into this area, due to the limited number of people and the scope of the search, they did not get much.

"This time we brought in more than 30,000 people, more than 3,000 professionals, and many people. The search range will naturally be extremely large. We can use this lake as the center and carry out a carpet-like search of hundreds of kilometers around each other. With the existence of relics, we must be able to dig out. "

Yuan Zhishi's expression looked full of expectations.

"Maybe the so-called relic is this warship?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"This ... the excavation of the ruins is a matter of luck. If there is really only such a warship on the land of the ancient continent, it can only be said that we have no chance with the ruins ..."

Genji World.

Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Originally, his search for information on foreign relics was like gold digging and treasure digging. It should be full of fun and anticipation, but now listen to Yuan Zhishi's saying ...

Just listen to the fate! ?

"If you need a lot of people, I'll go to the King of Flames and ask him to send hundreds of thousands of people to help?"

"It is necessary to have relevant professionals, otherwise it will be easy to damage the scene and even some things that were originally valuable."

Genji World.

Baili Qingfeng looked around a few times, and finally fell on the lake in front of him.

The lake is very large, and the radius is three kilometers. I don't know how terrible the power is to cause such amazing damage ...

"and many more!"

Baili Qingfeng stood by the lake for a moment, as if something was sensed, his spirit was quickly excited.

For a moment, his eyes narrowed: "Nuclear radiation !?"

By the lake, he actually felt weak nuclear radiation.

And the source of nuclear radiation ...

Baili Qingfeng looked at the lake in front of him: "Have you ever searched in the lake?"

"The lake contains horrible radiation, and there are a lot of harmful elements. It is a dead place. Although some people have infiltrated the lake in the Golden Eagle Empire, they have not only gained a lot, but the people who enter it will not be long for various reasons Caught in death. "

"Such strong radiation ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, considering his defense ...

Going to try it.

"I went to see!"

"His Majesty……"

"Unless I am willing to spend a lot of time here, the only way to gain something in a short time is to enter this lake, and besides, normal nuclear radiation will not affect me much."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He has tried this in the laboratory.

Yuan Zhishi saw this, and was in absolute trust in Baili Qingfeng, and did not stop.

Soon, Baili Qingfeng took off his coat and was in a vertical shape, and plunged directly into this absolutely no small lake.

As the lake has no external water source, as soon as it entered, Baili Qingfeng immediately sensed a linear rise in the radiation around him, but as he guessed, this level of radiation would have no effect on him at all.

Soon, he had swam around the lake ~ ~, but he didn't gain anything.

After thinking for a moment, Baili Qingfeng inspired his own spirit, and each spirit seemed to be invisible, penetrating into the soil layer under the lake and groping one by one.

After searching for half an hour in this way, Baili Qingfeng suddenly felt something.

With one of his dives, his body quickly plunged into the mud at the bottom of the lake. After a while, a steel plate nearly two meters long and several meters thick was found out of the mud.

Finding out this steel plate, Baili Qingfeng didn't have time to surface, and her pupils suddenly shrank!

"This ... this is !?"

On the steel plate, there are four complete, broken letters.

And if he read the letters correctly ...

It's English!

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