The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 924: trivia

Thunder Sect.

Fourth anniversary.

When the Thunder Sect was first established, a ceremony was held. But at that time, let alone the great forces from abroad. Even the number of guests rushed to the country was few. The top six were only a few of the top six. By.

However, in just four years, the Thunder Sect has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only has it expanded rapidly in these four years, it has become the first major in the Kingdom of Shia. Even if it is not the impact of the Baili Qingfeng, it still has top world-class power. Background.

Dong Shengyang, the tenth **** of refining, has reached the heavens and heavens of the ninth-level heaven and earth.

Which of these people is not a figure who can make a splash in the world?

Not to mention the Deputy Sovereign of Thunder Sect.

Therefore, it is clearly night, but the Thunder Sect is still a splendid light. From the mountain gate to the inner hall, there are a lot of pedestrians coming and going, and the whole Wushan is immersed in celebration and liveliness.

It's almost seven o'clock before Baili Qingfeng came under Thunder Sect.

Even if he hadn't gone up the mountain, he could still clearly see the lights of the Wuzong Mountain in the area around Thunder Gate.

Under Wushan, where Thunder Mountain Gate is located, I don't know when a small town was formed. The buildings and villas that have been completed or are being built are full of Wushan to Sanshun Town and Wuhe City. ten kilometers.

"It's changed a lot."

Baili Qingfeng said heartily.

The town outside the Thunder Sect is clearly planned by someone, not only the roads are extremely spacious, but the greenery on both sides is full of flowers, plus the street-facing facades, full of vitality.

The main reason for this vitality is pedestrians.

There is a lot of pedestrians in the area from Wushan to Wushan. Even the traffic jam that Baili Qingfeng did not see in Wuhe City actually appeared in the town under Wushan.

"This is where our shiya is the only martial arts shrine? It is spectacular and lively."

"I just said that Wushan will not let you down? I have heard from friends more than once that when traveling to Xia Ya, Wushan is a necessary place to check in."

"Well, I heard that His Majesty, the true **** of nothingness, is the Thunder Sect of Wushu Holy Land from Wushan. Is it true or false?"

"Of course it is true, I tell you ..."

As Baili Qingfeng headed up the mountain, from time to time he heard the voices of pedestrians talking.

Affected by the Thunder Sect and the transformation of Wushan, this mountain range is gradually forming a scenic spot, and it will attract many domestic, even other countries in the Knights League and Aurora and Chiyan tourists.

At this moment, less than one-third of the pedestrians in Wushan are in the pedestrian zone, and the remaining two-thirds are occupied by tourists and warriors.

The Thunder Gate's Shanmen archway was built magnificently, and it is unknown when it was converted into a square outside.

Hundreds and thousands of people were walking around the square at this time, and from time to time some young couples were seen taking pictures.

No matter tourists or warriors, there is no contempt between the two sides, and no one maintains the supremacy.

At present, the security of Shia is very good. Coupled with the promotion of international status and a large amount of capital injection, the people have become wealthy and friendly.

The warriors no longer feel arrogant and dominate themselves. Although ordinary people have some respect and longing for the warriors, they only use the warriors as a respectable profession, such as soldiers.

The whole square was harmonious, full of laughter and laughter, almost the same as the temple fair of his last world.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and soon came to the position of Shanmen.

Because the Thunder Sect is holding a celebration, tourists are not received in the Sect, so that there are Thunder Sect disciples at the door to guard it. Only invited martial arts people can enter it by invitation.

As Baili Qingfeng looked around, three people were arguing in front of him.

Among the three were a young man in his twenties, a middle-aged man and a man and a woman.

"One thousand is too expensive. Our two-month salary does not add up, Ah Sheng, forget it."

At this moment the girl was pulling the young man to persuade something.

"No, Xiaoxiao, look closely at our thunderous martial arts shrine. This is your biggest wish. We managed to get here from Feitianzhou for more than thirty hours by train. How can we turn back?"

Young man said.

The middle-aged man on the side also said, "Although my ticket is expensive, it is expensive. This is an internal ticket. Not only can I visit the Thunder Mountain, but also the interior of the Thunder Sect. All the people living in the Thunder Sect. It is the official disciple of the Thunder Sect, especially now that it is the four-year celebration period of the Thunder Sect. If you are lucky, you can even meet a Taishan Beidou who is in the world of Shia martial arts ... See you also have martial arts? Fortunately, you can get a great person to be a disciple, and you can definitely fly Huang Tengda in one fell swoop. The future is unlimited! "

"No, it's too expensive. You can save half a year to accompany me to Xia, I'm very grateful. Don't spend more."

The girl pulled the man and was about to leave.

"Xiaoxiao, haven't you always said that one day you must come to Thunder Zong in person to thank them for destroying the evil organization Ziyilou. Why don't you ..."

"The price of one thousand in my hand is already affordable. If you exchange it for other people, it is not strange to sell you two thousand and three thousand."

A middle-aged man saw that the two were so contentious that they were too lazy to waste time on them, his eyes turned quickly, and he quickly fell to look around, a pair of tourists who had just arrived at the appearance of Baili Qingfeng.

Although he felt a little familiar with Baili Qingfeng, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening after all, even if there were orange lights, it didn't look very real. At the moment, he rushed together: "Little brother came to Wushan for tourism? I have an internal ticket here, which is equivalent to an invitation to martial arts. I can directly enter the Inner Court of Thunder Sect. Thunder Sect is holding a grand celebration. At 8 pm, there will be a variety of performances. I missed my whole life, 1,000. I'll sell it to you! "

"Still a ticket to Thunder Sect?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"It was not needed before, but the time period is different now. Think about it. This is the four-year anniversary ceremony of the Thunder Sect. How many big people will come, young people, I see that your bones are clear and rare. If you can get them, The famous instructor pointed out that it wouldn't fly to heaven! A thousand dollars for such a precious opportunity is definitely worth the money! "

Middle-aged man.

"No, I don't have to buy a ticket, I can go in."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

"Do you have a ticket? So does the brother sell it? If it is two hundred tickets for Thunder Zongshan Gate, six hundred tickets for Thunder Zong's inner court!"

"Selling a thousand? Recycling six hundred?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the middle-aged man as if he was looking at an adulterer ...

"After all, we also bear the risk of smashing tickets in our hands."

Middle-aged man hehe said.

"I just walked in, and I have never bought a ticket."

Baili Qingfeng said, ignoring the middle-aged man, but greeted the young men and women who were struggling: "Are you going to Thunder Sect? Would you like me to take you in?"


The woman didn't answer, and the young man asked in surprise: "Can you bring someone in?"

"it should be OK."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Thank you so much."

The young man quickly pulled the woman over.

The middle-aged man watched Baili Qingfeng not only do his own business, but broke his own business, and yelled, "You can just walk in? Never bought a ticket? Bring someone in? When you are Deacon Thunder, elder? Even suzerain? Don't see what time it is. "

After saying that, he hugged his hands and stared at Baili Qingfeng who was walking towards the mountain gate: "I just watched you pretend to be quiet!"

"Thank you. This is Lin Wusheng. This is my girlfriend Zhao Xiaoxiao. Will it not cause you any trouble?"

The young man thanked Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng said, adding: "It's okay."

Zhao Xiaoxiao, a woman on the side, was also a little embarrassed and said, "My parents opened a small martial arts hall, but offended Ziyilou a few years ago ... My parents died in their killer's hands. After the Thunder Zong disappeared, I always wanted to come to the Thunder Zong to express some thanks, but ... we are flying too far away from here ... "


Baili Qingfeng nodded: "Those people are really not good people."

While talking, he had taken them to the half-closed gate of Thunder Zong.

Because it is a special period, even if you enter the outside, you need to scan invitations or work permits, but fortunately, in addition to scanning the invitations and work permits, there are two artificial passages left and right by disciples.

Baili Qingfeng waved at the disciple wearing Thunderzong costume: "Hello, please open the door."

The disciple had already looked at Baili Qingfeng when he came over. When he saw that he was really approaching, his face was a little cautious, even more incredible: "Are you ... the lord?"

"I'm not suzerain."

Baili Qingfeng shook his head, and then said: "The lord is my second grandfather, I am just a deputy lord."

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's identity, the disciple's face flushed with excitement: "Baili ... ah no ... lord ... I ... we will open it for you ... open ... open the door ..."


Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side originally thought that Baili Qingfeng was a little familiar, but it was a bit unreal to see at night. Now he could listen to his disciples, and then turned his head to look at Baili Qingfeng carefully. ... Baiqing Qingfeng, Lord !? "

Baili Qingfeng smiled at the two of them ~ ~ and at this time, the disciple returned a little bit, and the excited uncle opened the door: "Sect ... I ..."

Aside from those Thunder Sect disciples who also recognized Baili Qingfeng, it was even more difficult for them.

"Thank you."

Baili Qingfeng said a word, and beckoned to Zhao Xiaoxiao and Lin Wusheng.

After the three of them left, these Thunder Sect disciples suddenly fry: "I see the Qingfeng Sovereign, I see our Thunder Sect's Baili Qingfeng Deputy Sovereign!"

"Oh my God, the Lord Feng Feng thanked me!"

"The Sovereign is here! Our Deputy Sovereign of the Thunder Sect is here! Come, tell the Sovereign the news, and tell the elders!"

For a moment, the news spread to the Thunder Sect at a rapid speed.

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