The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 925: untitled

Qingfeng is here! "

"Haha, how did Qingfeng come over today?"

"It looks like our celebration is going well. Even our deputy suspicious dragon, who has never seen a dragon before, is attracted."

Baili Qingfeng was introducing the thunderous environment to Zhao Xiaoxiao and Lin Wusheng, who were full of restraint. The sound of the sound came from the front, accompanied by dozens of people welcoming the news.

"Well, you guys have fun in Thunder Sect. If you don't understand anything, you can ask others."

Baili Qingfeng saw the hundred miles of sky in the crowd, and now spoke to Zhao Xiaoxiao and Lin Wusheng.

The two responded hurriedly: "Busy, please be busy first, don't worry about us, let's just look around."


Baili Qingfeng nodded, and then beckoned to a disciple who had been staring at him not far away: "You take them around."

The disciple named by Baili Qingfeng was flushed, and seemed to be a little nervous. After a while, he talked out and yelled, "Yes, the lord!"

Baili Qingfeng waved at Zhao Xiaoxiao and Lin Wusheng, and then met Baili Sky, Baili Skywalk, Shi Tianya, Yu Changqing, Shouzhen, Duanmurui, Dongshengyang, Nanfeng Pass, and La Shi Yiyi, who was holding a hundred miles of bamboo, and others greeted them one by one.

"Qing Feng, is your retreat over?"

Hundreds of miles through the sky.

"It's temporarily over. When I went out, I saw the note left by Yiyi. Considering that I didn't finish my meal, plus that it was not far from Xia Ya to this side, a few minutes away, so I just came here. Look at Grandpa and everyone on the one hand, and have dinner on the other. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Okay! Now that you are here, go back later, but today we have a lot of practitioners in our martial arts circle."

Baili Qingfeng said, taking Baili Qingfeng to the venue where the celebration center is located.

The venue of the celebration is an external martial arts venue of the Thunder Sect. It not only has more than 20,000 square meters of open space, but also has plenty of seats and rest areas around it. It is not a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

In fact, the number of people present at the moment did indeed reach the standard of 10,000 people, and each was a figure with a face and face in the Eastern Shenzhou Martial Arts Circle.

Not only East Shenzhou, but also Xiyanzhou, Beihanzhou, Nanlizhou and other places have sent representatives and messengers to come to congratulate the Thunder Sect, and even in the meeting place of ten thousand people, the quality of the warriors is surprisingly high. The strongest reaches four digits!

As Baili Changkong brought Baili Qingfeng to the venue, waves of extraordinary personalities stood up again and saluted him.

"Bali Qingfeng Sovereign."

"Your Majesty the Nothingness."

"Master Chairperson is here."

Baili Qingfeng responded one by one, and at the same time looked at these people. Among these people, the familiar faces were not a few, and they were from all over East Shenzhou.

In the Cavaliers League, Renard, Prince Yao, Uwe, Judy, Moonlight, Leng Yu, etc. in the Chiyan country.

Although the number of Xeons is not large, the number of high-level warriors in the field has exceeded three digits. It is not difficult to destroy most of the 10,000 people if these people are pulled out and thrown into the world of the crypt.

"Although many of these people are guests, it seems to me that along the way, there are also many people wearing our Thunder Sect disciples ... Are there so many of us in Thunder Sect?"

Baili Qingfeng was curious when he looked around.

"The Thunder Sect benefited from the reputation of your Deputy Sovereign, and it is expanding rapidly all the time. Even if we have repeatedly raised the threshold for discipleship, there are still countless young handsome men who are not far away. All continents came and wanted to join our Thunder Sect. In this case, the number of Thunder Sect disciples naturally grew extremely fast. Today, the Thunder Sect disciples have exceeded 100,000. "

"One hundred thousand?"

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "How many insiders and how many true disciples are there among the 100,000 disciples?"

"Inner disciple? True disciple?"

Hundreds of miles lingered.

"Shouldn't all be like this? The disciples who first joined Thunder Sect are outside disciples. Those who have stayed in Zongmen for a period of time and have the potential to cultivate further are the disciples who have achieved success. Is it true disciple? "

Baili Qingfeng said a little while thinking about it, he remembers that it is described in many books.

"This ... there is no division ... There are only two disciples of our Thunder Sect, one is a disciple taught personally by elders and deacons, and the other is collectively taught by elder Chuan Gong ..."

Shi Tianya on the side gave a voice, and at the end he immediately added: "But Qingfeng's statement does have some truth. At present, the number of Thunder Sect disciples has exceeded 100,000. If there is no management system as before, it is not true. OK ... "

"I also thought about this, but I originally planned to divide the disciples into one level, such as first-level disciples, second-level disciples, and so on until the ninth level, but this statement has not yet been reported to the suzeraint."

Dong Shengyang nodded.

"Qing Feng said a bit of truth just now, but the outer door, inner door, and true biography are too general, and the so-called classification of the Lord of the East Shengyang is not clear enough ... why not the third grade of the outer door, the third grade of the inner door, and the third grade of true biography ? "

Shi Tianya discussed.

The Baili Qingfeng on the side listened, and felt that the system of the third level of the outer door, the third level of the inner door, and the third level of true transmission ...

Seems strange.

But it's strange where for a while it can't be said.

However, when he looked at Xiaozhu and Shiyi, they seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "If the outer door is not the third grade but the sixth grade, is it not the sixth grade of the elementary school? The inner door is the junior high school, and the true story is the high school! ? "

"elementary, middle, and high school?"

Baili Sky, Shi Tianya, Dong Shengyang are unknown.

"What are the levels of the inner door or something?"

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

Otherwise, when a true disciple bullies an external disciple, he will always have a high school third grade bully and a primary school scene ...

"Let's go back and discuss it."

The End of the World Road.

Next, Baili Changkong and others introduced Baili Qingfeng to dinner while introducing him to the current situation of Thunder Sect.

Due to the arrival of Baili Qingfeng, the following celebration was obviously a lot more lively than the original, not only fireworks, singing, dancing, but also young warriors selected from various places to compare with swords, to martial arts friends.

And the media from Hiah, and even Hiah, have tried to record the most lively pictures of the celebration, and most of them are looking for the figure of Baili Qingfeng.

After all, Baili Qingfeng's real public appearances are too few, and it is unprecedented for him to participate in the celebration of Thunder Sect for a few hours before the public.

"Qing Feng, because of your arrival, all the people who were originally sent up to the equivalent of the sword comparison have been replaced with the best disciples in their school, what do you think?"

Shi Tianya laughed beside Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng was taking a look down, and all the disciples who were preparing to go on stage to take a look ...

Generally, they are not too old, under twenty-five, they are ...

Very good!

The strongest person is actually a land fairy!

You know, even if he broke through to the township level with the real land immortal, it was only one or two years ...

Think of it as if it was yesterday.

"How's it? Do you want to accept a disciple?"

Baili Changkong followed the echo.

"No more no use."

Baili Qingfeng quickly shook his head: "I'm not suitable to teach my disciples, and let me accept them. That's a mistake."

"Missing child?"

Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya and others looked at him, and then looked at the completion of the Xeon Road, and successfully broke through to the town's state-level Baili bamboo ...

Twelve-year-old town level to find out! ?

The simple town-state level is just fine. The key is that she has reached the peak of the ninefold of the **** of refining God. According to Dong Shengyang, it will take several months, and one year slow. Supreme Ten Saints, that is equivalent to the power of the Xeon class!

Teach the Twelve-year-old Xeon ...

Is this the wrong child?

"Qing Feng, didn't you tell me before that I wanted to help you find more good disciples? These people are all excellent."

"I can't teach it just because it's so good. After all, I only taught them a level not long ago."

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

Among his disciples, except for one hundred miles of bamboo, none of them took the shot.

Yu Caiwei left somehow, apparently dissatisfied with his master's teaching.

Ge Feibai broke through to the Grand Master level. It is said that he is now a Grand Master Zhou Tian, ​​but he formed an association himself and became the president. He occasionally ran to him, but rarely met him.

In the case that he was busy cultivating himself, and even spent time reading and listening to songs, he really did not want to accept any disciples.

When Baili Changkong and Shi Tianya saw this, they could not help but sigh, and had to let go of this idea.

The four-year celebration of Thunder Zong was unprecedentedly successful due to the arrival of Baili Qingfeng. All the media in the world scrambled to report, completely raising the reputation of Thunder Zong to a new peak.

There are even good people claiming that the only church, as well as the mirror mountain and the gate of heaven, which have already become history, are no longer qualified to call the superworld, and there is only one superpower in the martial arts world, that is, the Thunder Sect.

The same ~ ~ the world's six super empires are no longer accurate.

In such an era of legendary rampage, you do n’t have a legend, but fortunately you call yourself a super empire?

Therefore, there is only one country that truly meets the standards of the super empire, and that is the State of Hea.

Under the influence of this kind of media, three days later, the Golden Eagle Empire initiated and convened hundreds of other countries, such as the Iron Empire, the Shining Empire, the Forest State, Olympus, the Akyan State, and the Karan State, to jointly send to Hea The kingdom and the leader of the Nether Temple issued invitations.

In the face of the increasingly precipitous integration of the bimonthly and heavenly realms, if the nine continents of the heavenly realms are scattered again, events similar to the legendary Youying will be common. Therefore, leaders of various countries have discussed and held international conferences to discuss the formation of heavenly desolation. Federal matters.


(No! No! No! I wo n’t write this chapter! BGM ~ Wanzhang sunshine shines on you and me ...)

(End of this chapter)

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