The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 929: computer

Outside a small town more than 60 kilometers from the capital.

"Your Majesty Qingfeng, this is all we get from the ancient island."

Coulson respected.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, but his eyes fell on these items.

All kinds of scattered instruments, some of which are still in a broken state, but he can recognize that he has visited military bases. Most of these instruments were removed from a large battleship.


The text used by the instrument is also mainly English, and he understands the contents of many documents.

such as……

Arabic numerals in the file.

When Baili Qingfeng inspected the remains of the base ... or the wreckage of his warship, his cell phone rang.

As he connected the phone, Bai Yisheng's voice came quickly: "Your Majesty, the dragon gun has brought the personnel lurking in the Golden Eagle Empire to your location."

"Okay, are things like vehicles ready?"

Baili Qingfeng said.


"I have people bring them in."

Baili Qingfeng said that he turned his eyes to Coulson, and he didn't need to tell him. Coulson immediately smiled and said, "I will immediately inform the guards to let go."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

According to data estimates, the space battleship is not small, even if the Golden Eagle Empire received only the wreckage, and only a small amount of wreckage, it can still be loaded with several trucks. With his own strength, it is naturally impossible to take all the wreckage wreckage Go to East China Island.

Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment, and soon found something, and came to a laptop.

This laptop looks good, and the Golden Eagle Empire researchers seem to understand the basic performance of the computer, and still maintain a sufficient battery.

As Baili Qingfeng turned on the computer, he quickly entered a rather familiar operating interface.

It's just that there is a password on this operation interface, which will block Baili Qingfeng.

"Looking at the configuration of this computer ... it looks like a personal computer ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at it and needed to enter a user account and password ...

"user account……"

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and typed Administrator.

As for the secret ...

A return key will do.

What password do you want.

Sure enough, he entered the operation interface very smoothly.

Baili Qingfeng looked calm, as expected.

How many personal accounts and passwords can be set on a personal computer? All are factory default settings.

But this scene fell in the eyes of Coleson and the person in charge of the base but they couldn't help changing their faces.

Due to the severe damage of the battleship, there were less than ten computers that could be used. The ten computers were damaged for various reasons, so that they were extremely cautious about this relatively intact computer. In this case, how long did they spend years researching how to log on to this computer?

Countless years of investment in manpower and material resources, but now nothing is happening ...

When the face of Coulson and others changed, Baili Qingfeng, who entered the computer interface, first looked at the time displayed on the computer ...

September 26, 2041.

Although this time may not be the crash time of the space warship, it can be used as a reference.

Then he looked at other files on the computer ...

Because there is no network, or the network of that world, plus the poor English of Baili Qingfeng, such a computer in front of him is really useless.

During this period, several small movies were spotted, which made Coleson and the others on the sidelines look strange for a while.


Just as Baili Qingfeng kept blindly clicking on the folder in his computer, he seemed to find something and quickly entered a file.

This folder contains a lot of information.

Although he can only guess with confidence in English, let alone look at such professional materials, he can't hold the pictures inside.

"This is? New electromagnetic railgun technology?"

Baili Qingfeng froze.

He has more or less common sense of electromagnetic guns, but basically understands the principle of the data is still relatively backward and simple coil gun technology. Because of this, even if he applies these techniques to the sword technique, the attack speed of the sword technique is difficult. It broke to ten times the speed of sound, but the appearance of these materials in front of him made him shine.

"Although they are in English, these materials seem to be educational. Coupled with the pictures, and I also understand some principles ... I believe that it will be of great help to improve my electromagnetic sword skills."

Baili Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Since this laptop computer appears in this air and sky mothership, it is enough to prove that the users of the computer are estimated to be serving officers of the mothership, or even civilian officers.

After all, ordinary soldiers may not have access to personal computers.

As a civilian-oriented officer, there are some similar learning materials in the computer, which is completely reasonable.

"This computer has a total of 16TB, and currently uses 7TB. It is not easy to flip through the folders, then ..."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the search bar that came with the computer, entered Nweapon, and after searching, he found a lot of information.

It's just that most of them are indexable things, and it is estimated that there is nothing that can really help him.

"There is too much literature for this word ... for another ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and quickly thought of the problem that he needed to solve most urgently at the moment, and re-entered it now.

Soon, a lot of information popped up again.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment, and soon selected one of the folders. As he opened the folder, some of the documents and the images in the documents surprised him.

"Is this the latest version of a biocomputer paper?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the last modification date of the folder, December 19, 2036 ...

At this time, there are already prototypes of biological computers. Although they are far from the biological computers in science fiction, they can form quite extraordinary computing effects.

"Leave this information to Professor Kanis. They believe that my biocomputer will soon be brow-eyed!"

Baili Qingfeng's face was full of joy of harvest.

And these joys fell in the eyes of Coleson and others, making their worry even worse.

At this time, a group of more than ten people came in from the outside.

The first person stepped forward, saluting in front of Baili Qingfeng: "Your Majesty, the dragon machine of Tianjilou, waiting for your dispatch."

"Dragon gun?"

Baili Qingfeng heard the name very well.

This one seems to be the top genius of Bai Yisheng, Xingyu and Junbuqi and said that the next generation of the four neutral organizations will carry the best people.


Baili Qingfeng greeted him enthusiastically and said, "These things, please help me move back to Xia."

"Follow your will."

The dragon gun bowed slightly.

The corner of Coulson's mouth was slightly drawn.

The good news is that they will return what they lost for Shangguzhou. How did you move directly to Dongshenzhou, and also to the Kingdom of Shia in your base camp?

Soon, the dragon gun had already called the Tianjilou staff and quickly picked up the wreckage belonging to the empty mother ship in the base.

In addition to the grass-roots staff, these Tianji Building staff also have scientific researchers who have studied the wreckage of the spacecraft for a long time, and their presence can smoothly ensure the authenticity of these wreckages.

Fortunately, it seems that I really don't want to be seen by Baili Qingfeng at a critical moment, or that these things are only temporarily moved by Baili Qingfeng. It won't be long before they will move back again. Nothing was done on the wreckage of the warship.

In one day, all the wreckage of the warships had been completely loaded and loaded, and drove towards the transport plane arranged earlier by the Tianji Building.

In the dark, everything was loaded into the transport aircraft except the laptop, which had a lot of valuable information.

Along with a roar, six transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 52 tons carried hundreds of tons of battleship wreckage into the night sky and disappeared into the sight of Dragon Lance, Coulson, and others.

The Baili Qingfeng, not far from the airport, looked at the crystal that had been blasted on his side, looking slightly black.

"Why is the human-machine AI so strong !? Cheating!"

Baili Qingfeng was very unconvinced.

This computer comes with decades of battle games, heroes glory!

Seeing this game, Baili Qingfeng naturally associates himself with the hero's brilliant record of choosing heroes to kill people in the game.

Just didn't expect ...

In addition to the easy and general modes of foreign human-machine AI, there are actually difficult and nightmare modes.

He was habitually selected for the highest difficulty, and was directly beaten for three consecutive knees.

If it weren't for this computer, he would have thought about hitting it.

"His Majesty……"

"Wait a minute, I'll play a few more games!"

Baili Qingfeng said that this time he learned well, and directly chose the lowest difficulty of human-machine.


He really was experiencing what it means to kill everybody, and to dominate the battlefield.

After hitting it one by one, looking at the grid, although I didn't know the text, but knew the six artifacts of the icon, and the amount of gold coins that eventually accumulated up to 40,000, Baili Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction, then stood at the enemy's resurrection Previously, after the enemy heroes were all resurrected, they killed the other five heroes one by one with Ping A, and then they were satisfied to destroy the crystal that had long been without any protection and win.

"Eighty-one kills, perfect!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at this data, quit the game with satisfaction, and turned off the computer.

After turning off the computer, he turned his attention to the lance: "What did you just want to say?"

"The transport planes have all taken off ..."

The dragon gun said ~ ~ and added: "But now it should have flown out of the Golden Eagle Empire airspace ..."

"Your mission is complete, you can go back."

Baili Qingfeng said to the dragon gun.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The dragon gun bowed a gift and retreated.

Coulson also came up at this time: "Your Majesty the Green Front, look, what are the next arrangements, if ..."

"Of course there are arrangements."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Coleson: "This time I came to the Golden Eagle Empire for two things. The first one is to get back the ruins that belonged to the ancient continent. The second one ... I remember one of the Golden Eagle Empire was called Charles Divine Refiner ... "

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