The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 930: Advent

"Her Charles?"

Coulson froze.

"I seem to have heard Long Gun say that he is in the presidential palace. Let's go."

Baili Qingfeng said, not giving Coulson time to oppose, heading for the presidential palace.

Coulson's face changed, and he secretly gestured to his subordinates while continuing to lead the way to Baili Qingfeng.


The request here quickly passed to George in the presidential palace.

When he saw the request made by Baili Qingfeng, his heart sank suddenly: "Charles !? He didn't look for Charles specifically for others?"

"God punishes weapons!"

Charles had no doubt: "Bali Qingfeng must have been found because of God's punishment of weapons. Although my hypnosis skills are superb, the people I hypnotize will have some consciousness residue. These residual consciousness will follow The passage of time will gradually recover, so that the hypnotized people feel something wrong, and Heisen, Auburn, Maher and others who I hypnotize are the pillar-like figures in the Baili Qingfeng laboratory. They As soon as there is an abnormal situation, Qingfeng will definitely investigate. With the powerful intelligence capabilities of Tianjilou, they will search for any traces, and eventually they will find me ... "

"Bali Qingfeng already suspects us? Doesn't it know that our side already has a divine punishment weapon !?"

George's expression suddenly became calm.

"It's possible! But we haven't had enough time to get information about God's punishment weapons, if they are lucky ..."

"We cannot be lucky!"

Flinders didn't finish speaking, and George interrupted him immediately: "You must act now!"

"If we say that the best way to deal with Baili Qingfeng is the magic weapon, but Baili Qingfeng is now coming to the capital. The magic weapon cannot be used ... Is it really the power of our eight Holy Spirits? Besiege Baili Qingfeng? "

Freders frowned.

"Eight of us might have besieged Baili Qingfeng, but during the heyday of Baili Qingfeng, when one of them died, one or two of them must fall on the spot ... We must avoid this sacrifice."

George's eyes fell on Charles: "To this day, you can only leave you first. As long as you can drag this month, the situation will be in our hands."

Charles thought for a moment, and he didn't want to die with Baili Qingfeng.

After all, they are just the Holy Spirit, and Baili Qingfeng is a real high-end legend. Their combat strength is better than them. It is the most unwise choice to hit it.

"Okay, I'll leave now ..."

Charles said a slight pause in his tone, and a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes: "I will lurk to the Shia Kingdom of Dongshenzhou. If Baili Qingfeng really does not spare, and will not stop chasing me, I will entangle him desperately. At that time, please ask His Excellency the President to order the launch of all magic weapons, I will drag him with the Kingdom of Hea, and the jade will burn! "

George and Freders looked at him, moving at the same time.

"Her Charles ..."

"Okay, I'm going."

"We will keep in mind His dedication and adventure!"

George looked at Charles and promised: "I will drive the Lost Fleet, the Black Hawk Fleet, and the Arthur Fleet to the waters near East China Island near the Kingdom of Hea within half a month. When it comes to danger, we will make Baili Qingfeng and let the entire Kingdom of Shia be buried with His Excellency Charles! "

"I remember His Excellency."

Charles grinned and quickly turned away.

When Charles left, Fleders hesitated, "His President, how is Barry Qingfeng going? He can be here now as fast as possible."

George is still a little embarrassed by hundreds of miles of Qingfeng, but his duties have made him stand up: "I will deal with him! According to my inference, Baili Qingfeng should not have done a good job with us this time. Be prepared, otherwise he would not be the only one who came, and the three legendary beasts would definitely follow. "

While talking, he took a deep breath and waited quietly for the arrival of Baili Qingfeng.

But he hasn't waited for Baili Qingfeng, but a message came over: "His President is not good, Baili Qingfeng doesn't know where to get the news that His Excellency Charles left the presidential palace in advance. Now, chase Charles Your Excellency ... "


George rose suddenly.


At this time, the door of the President's Office was pushed open at once, and then Vice President Ron and Intelligence Minister Hess came in from outside, with a dignified expression: "His Excellency, you can't bear it any longer. Do n’t forget that we all have the power of the Holy Spirit in our body, unless His Excellency does not resist in the pursuit of Baili Qingfeng. Once he resists, his power of the Holy Spirit is bound to inspire, and Baili Qingfeng once said, Any person who colludes with the bimonthly realm will be punished against humanity. Our cooperation with His Majesty the Great Immortal God, is clearly included in this category. At that time, Zhengchou could not find an excuse to deal with us. , Will definitely hesitate to mobilize all the power that can be mobilized, and completely turn our Golden Eagle Empire into history! "

George's eyes were full of struggle.

"My Excellency, I don't think we need to tolerate Baili Qingfeng any more. We now have the power to fight against Baili Qingfeng. As long as our divine punishment weapon can hit, waiting for him is definitely a dead end. One. "

Fleders followed.

"But in case those **** punishment weapons have never been better than Baili Qingfeng? How many miracles have Baili Qingfeng created in his life?"

"His Excellency, you are the supreme leader of our great Golden Eagle Empire. If you act so proactively, do you not destroy the glory of our Golden Eagle Empire? All these hundred miles of Qingfeng have bullied us, we just have no patience, now it is clear With this kind of power, why still bear it out? "

Ron looked sharp.

It took George a while to turn his eyes to Ron: "What do you want to do?"

"Let Charles go as fast as possible to the area where the Black Hawk Fleet is located. The Black Hawk Fleet is loaded with fourteen magic weapons! And there is also one of our military bases on the Sapphire Coast cruising by the Black Hawk fleet, where there are three magic weapons. Weapon silos launched two attacks at the same time, striving to kill Baili Qingfeng with a single blow. "

Ron said.

"After all, is this the moment ..."

George was silent for a while, seeing Ron, Flanders, and Hess all thinking the same thing, and felt that the Golden Eagle Empire was so powerful that it no longer needed to endure the arrogance and arrogance of Baili Qingfeng, and he waved now: "Go, I will sign the launch code and do what you think."

"His President is wise!"

Ron's eyes were full of joy.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly straightened his waist, his eyes became full of aggressiveness: "Now, let Baili Qingfeng feel the anger of our Golden Eagle Empire!"


Golden Eagle Empire West Coast, a space passage.

At this time, a layer of ripples suddenly escaped from the space channel that would normally be opened for a few days. The special wave was captured by the nearby instruments.

For a time, a soldier quickly rushed out of their camp, accompanied by a large amount of cash and steel equipment.

"Why did the space channel C17 open in advance?"

A colonel guarding this space passage came to the headquarters for the first time, and observed the ripples scattered around the space passage remotely through telephoto equipment.

"Sir, this is the only space channel with the lowest risk. According to records, this space channel opens once every six months and six days. Except that a stupid steel beast rushed out of it six years ago and caused some trouble, these nine The opening of the subspace channel is calm. "

Next to the colonel, a middle-aged man with the rank of lieutenant colonel laughed.

"Although it is the least risky space channel, it suddenly opens unexpectedly, which always makes me feel awkward."

"It's no surprise that space passages open earlier or later."

"But this time two days ahead."

The colonel said, he could hear the subordinate soldiers hurriedly saying, "Sir, the formation of space channels is accelerating ... stability is also improving rapidly ..."

"What do you mean !?"

"Once this space channel is opened, it may take longer to open than we expected ..."

"You mean, this time, the space channel will not be closed after 13 hours?"

"The stability of the space channel has been improved by at least ten times ... external forces are intervening in the space channel ..."

"external force?"

The colonel suddenly thought of the gate of space that the Gate of Heaven had spent a lot of time building recently. How similar was the situation at the time?

But the gate of heaven builds the gate of space, and in front of them is just a passage of space ...

"Quick! Quick messaging capital!"

The colonel immediately drank.

But after he finished speaking, a circle of ripples that were countless times stronger than the previous spread out, and the spatial fluctuations interspersed in the ripples spread over a radius of 50 to 60 kilometers at a time, and they counted as many stations as there were only ten kilometers from the space channel cover.

Under the sweep of space ripples, all electronic products seem to be attacked by electromagnetic pulses, and they have failed, and some circuit nodes are more flaming.

"What's going on !? We have been attacked !?"

The colonel shouted.

"Sir ~ ~ Look ..."

A soldier shouted in horror pointing at the space channel.


Almost at the same time as the colonel's eyes turned to the space passage, a ray of light suddenly filled the space passage completely, and a large and magnificent country could be seen faintly in the light. There was a scorching sun hanging high in the country. The giant sword stands tall and supports the sky!

This majestic kingdom of God appeared, and Shengsheng opened and torn open the space channels that had not been fully opened.

At the same time when the space channel was torn, a figure emitting a dazzling golden light suddenly strode across the space and descended into this world.

High-energy life and low-energy space form a crazy energy backflow. In a moment, the world changes color, and the situation suddenly rises.


(Chapter 3 after eating a meal.)

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