The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 945: Ancient artifact

"The way immortal Divine Emperor locks my body is the eternal life method of the Holy Spirit. Because I use the eternal life method of the Holy Spirit too many times, coupled with the immortal Divine Emperor ’s intentional search, even if I do not use the eternal life method of the Holy Spirit, I step in At this moment in this world, he could still sense my arrival vaguely and attack with the Supreme Sword ... "

Baili Qingfeng figured out the attack mechanism of Immortal Divine Emperor, and basically eliminated his threat to himself.

Of course, this elimination is not absolute.

You know, the immortal Divine Emperor ca n’t attack him with the Supreme Sword, but that does n’t mean he ca n’t do it himself.

He can sense his position through the remaining traces of the eternal life method of the Holy Spirit, and can completely cross the reckless mountains from Middle Earth and come to the Northland personally, giving him a fatal blow.

The difference is whether Immortal Divine Emperor wants to do this.

"So ... I can't be called real security until this problem is solved ... Well, maybe, when I split my spirit from thirty-two to sixty-four, I can alienate a spirit, and later in the bimonthly When the world is walking, the other 63 spirits are silent, and only this spirit is allowed to maintain its own normal activities ... In this way, it can be smoothly separated from the immortal Divine Emperor's induction ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and thought that this method was very feasible.


In his thoughts, he seemed to find something, and his eyes fell on the king of flames.

he thinks……

The king of flames seems to be shaking?

"are you cold?"

Baili Qingfeng asked strangely.

"No ... no ... I'm not cold ..."

The King of Blaze responded quickly, but it seemed to be a trembling tone.

"You seem to have a cold, and your speech is unfavorable. Is it because you haven't been in the Biyue Realm for too long? So you are not satisfied with it? It's okay. Go back and I'll buy you a box of cold spirits.

Baili Qingfeng said understandingly.

"I ... really fine ..."

The King of Flames took a deep breath and forced himself to escape from the shocking and horrifying scene that he had just witnessed.

"Really okay?"

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the fiery high temperature emanating from the huge body of the flaming king. The ground was scorched by him, as if it was really not a cold, so he just added an additional sentence: "Cold Just say, take medicine if you are uncomfortable, you are such a big person ... such a big dragon, you have to learn to take care of yourself. "

With that said, he turned around and walked to the place where the fear of God's incarnation collapsed.

The king of flames carefully followed Beili Qingfeng, and after a while, he asked: "Great majesty of nothingness, just now ... Is it the legendary supreme sword?"

"Yeah, Supreme Excalibur, didn't you see it all?"

"Really a supreme dagger of one of the seven ancient artifacts!"

The eyes of the king of flames shrink sharply.

The huge hearts seemed to be beating for the words "Supreme Excalibur".

It took a while for him to relax, looked at Baili Qingfeng, opened his mouth, and asked what, but ...

But he dare not speak at all.

After all, as far as he knows, the Supreme Sword is in the hands of the ancient great **** ...

Oh, that ancient existence seems to have fallen asleep for some reason, and the Supreme Sword has also disappeared, it is impossible ...

The king of flames is thinking wildly, a pair of people who want to ask and are afraid of knowing too much, fearing that they will be wiped out, and they have to tangled behind Baili Qingfeng for a time.

"found it."

At this time, Baili Qingfeng suddenly exclaimed with joy: "The essence of the true god!"

In his hand, it was a thing similar to the essence of the true God.


When he took this "Essence of the True God" for a moment, he was a little stranger: "It's a little different from the Essence of the True God I saw earlier. Is it because of the Evil God?"

"This ... His Majesty the Great God of Nothingness, Evil God belongs to the combination of desire, their essence of the true God should be called Essence of Evil God, anyone who absorbs it will be contaminated by it, and eventually grow into a little Evil God ... or ... a new generation of Fear God Son ... If the original fear **** fell, the little evil **** who absorbed the essence of the evil **** might even be promoted to a new **** of fear and become a real **** ...

The King of Flames on the side explained: "This kind of thing is harmful and unhelpful to our spiritual gods ..."

"Is that so?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at this essence of Evil God, he could feel the powerful fear will inside: "It is a pity that such an essence of Evil God is wasted, and I intend to use it to sharpen the core of my will. ... "

"Sharpening the core of will with the essence of the evil **** who fears the Lord?"

The king of flames looked at Baili Qingfeng strangely. He wanted to ask: "Are you afraid of being polluted by the will of the essence of evil spirits and falling into a controlled evil spirit?"

It ’s just that when he saw the scene he saw not long ago, he finally pressed his heart to the bottom of his heart: "Your Majesty, the evil **** ’s things are still less provocative. The creatures like the evil **** are the most difficult, and their power stems from the wisdom of life The primitive emotions and, in terms of fear, all wise life will have fear, which is part of the wise creatures, even the taller God, and even the ancient gods are no exception. Therefore, the power of provoking evil gods is not as good as playing with fire , A careless ... "

"I always feel that power has no good or bad and good and evil, and it is the hearts of the people that really have good and evil!"

Baili Qingfeng said, but did not immediately try the effect of the essence of Evil God, but first put it away.

Because it was only an incarnation, he only got one copy of the essence of the evil god. This is because the fear of the Lord ’s fear of the power of the Supreme Sword, he gave up this avatar decisively. If you give him a little time, he can completely use the power of the incarnation All are taken away, and then Baili Qingfeng can't even think of the essence of an evil spirit.

"Well, the fear of Lord God is temporarily resolved, I can go back and take a rest ... Of course, I killed the Lord God Fear and become an incarnation. Once the Lord God Fear is angry and annoyed, it may be the true body ..."

Baili Qingfeng's words were not finished, the king of flames had interrupted eloquently: "Absolutely impossible!"

"Huh? Why?"

"That's the Supreme Excalibur!"

The voice of the King of Flames sank slightly: "Even the Evil God can't face the power of the Supreme Sword, and the fearful Divine Lord who has hit the Supreme Sword and Sword, I am afraid that for a long time I can't fight the idea of ​​Heaven and Wasteland!"

"You know the Supreme Excalibur?"

Baili Qingfeng curiously said.

"No ... I don't know much, just ... the Supreme Excalibur, and the other five ancient artifacts with the same name as the Supreme Excalibur are too famous."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

The king of flames looked at Baifeng Qingfeng, he really couldn't understand this vain god.

If he is shallow in knowledge, he still possesses all kinds of incredible powers. The gods on his body are beyond description even if the true **** is reincarnated, but if he is unusual, he does n’t even understand some basic things ...

But recalling the horror scene where Baili Qingfeng personally sacrificed the power of the Supreme Divine Sword to shoot the incarnation of the fearful God, he still honestly responded: "The seven ancient artifacts are said to be the seven species in the beginning of the two-month world. The origin, they represent time, space, energy, material, spirit, and real and illusory. "

"The Supreme Excalibur represents space?"

"No! He represents spirit."


"The power of spirit is not as strong as the power of will, but it is the most basic existence. The power of the soul and the power of will are transformed on the basis of the power of spirit. As long as consciousness is conceived in any life, there will be a spirit With this birth, the spirit is actually an extension of life. It is precisely because of this that as long as the spirits of any two people come into contact and collide, the Supreme Excalibur can launch attacks along this trajectory. "

Baili Qingfeng nodded slightly when he thought of the relative theory he mentioned when chatting with Xiaozhu.

Just as the Supreme Excalibur is a quantum Excalibur, through quantum entanglement, or relative theory, causal law, attack any existence that can be related to him.

"In addition to the Supreme Sword, several other ancient artifacts are the shield of samsara representing space, the source of the world representing energy, and the rod of thunder representing time."

"Stand of Thunder?"

Baili Qingfeng stunned slightly.

"Your Majesty knows?"

"No, I just think the name is good."

Baili Qingfeng said.

His first mystery practice was called Thunder Staff ...

It's really nostalgic.

"What are the four ancient artifacts you mentioned, and the artifacts that represent matter, reality and illusion?"

"The three ancient artifacts representing materiality, reality, and illusion are only circulated in ancient books and legends of the past, no one knows ..."

Speaking of this, the King of Flames spoke a little bit: "Perhaps, those innate ancient gods who survived from ancient times know what the other three ancient artifacts are."

Baili Qingfeng heard that the concepts of the seven artifacts are familiar: "Whether these artifacts, the reincarnation shield can be used to shuttle space. Arriving at any location, the rod of Thunder can control time and continue to shuttle on the world line? The source of the world is infinite energy? "

"Shuttle space? Control time? Infinite energy?"

The King of Flames was stunned for a while before saying: "This ... even the power of ancient artifacts is not so strong? If it really reaches this point ... I am afraid that it can destroy the stars and destroy the world ... Or maybe, God has ruled the world with the power of these artifacts. "

"Can't do it?"

Baili Qingfeng thought slightly: "Is the world not allowing such a strong existence?"

"As far as I know ~ ~ The reincarnation shield can only shape space, transfer all attacks, and provide the holder with almost indestructible defense. The infinite energy of the source may be true. "

The King of Flames said, looking up, looking up at the sky, watching the blazing blazing sun hanging over the sky: "The source of the world is in the hands of that great being."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He is not very interested in other artifacts, but he prefers the Thunder Staff, after all ...

This name sounds close to him.


These ancient artifacts are far away from him, and he is too lazy to waste his energy. Now that the problem of the Lord God is solved, go back to the bath and go to bed early.

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