The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 946: Long


Blood Weeping smashed the table into a smash, his face full of horror, fear, and incredible: "Your Highness is dead?"

"We were attacked, the true **** of nothingness! It is the false **** who claimed to be the true **** of nothingness-Baili Qingfeng! In addition to him, there is also the legendary fire dragon-the king of flames, which has fallen.

He was reporting another news to him.

"Bai Li Qing Feng, the King of Flames!"

Blood sobbed his teeth.

Although the King of Flames is just a legendary fire dragon, he was ascendant to the gods at the end of the year, and his combat strength is strong. I am afraid that he is slightly better than the fear of the Son of God. Too.

The two of them joined forces to round up the Son of Fear ...

It is entirely possible that His Highness the Son of God could not stop and fell.

"Your Majesty? Shouldn't the great fear God Lord come? Why didn't it appear?"

"Perhaps ... It's just an incarnation, and was beaten back by Baili Qingfeng and the King of Flames?"

"How is it possible! Even if your majesty is only an avatar, the power still is not comparable to that of the legendary king of flames and the false **** ..."

Blood Weeping said that he already had another idea in his heart.

The God of Fear was not attracted to Heavenly Waste Realm, so he didn't even bother to send an incarnation.

For a time, his face changed for a while.

"Adult ... what shall we do now?"

The animal-oriented man looked at Blood Weeping for a long time without speaking and couldn't help asking.

"If such a world is wasted ... it's a pity ... the quality of human beings in this world can be much higher than that of believers in the double moon world ... and it's better to fool ..."

A trace of red light flashed in Blood Weeping eyes: "During this time, I continued to promote fear in this world, absorbed the power of this fear and integrated it into the core of my will, so that my power increased greatly, if I can continue to maintain this situation Go on, and within three months, I will be promoted to the new Son of Fear ... "

"However, there is not only the legendary king of fire and flames in this world, but also the pseudo-god named Baili Qingfeng ..."

The Beastman said, with a trace of awe in his eyes.

"How about the legendary fire dragon, what about the pseudo-god Baili Qingfeng? After all, it is just a group of vulgar, even if they step into the field of legend, they can be called high-level life, but the vulgar is the vulgar, as long as it is the vulgar, we can be killed! "

Blood Weeping said, a flash of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes: "You can't imagine how great the power of the punishment weapon developed by the false **** Baili Qingfeng first! If I can make full preparations, one Twenty dozens, dozens, and even hundreds of punishment weapons were launched in a tone to carry out cover saturation bombing. Even if the hypocritical **** and the legendary fire dragon have the most powerful power, it is a dead end! "

"Adult already has this weapon?"

"Of course, human beings are extremely fragile creatures, especially the humans in this world. Without any faith, I spent a little bit of control and mastered a lot of authority ..."

Speaking of this, Blood Weeping stood up slowly: "I will not make the same mistake as the God of Fear. Since we can't confront the real God and the legendary Fire Dragon directly, why don't we manipulate humans behind our backs? You know, camouflage is The talent we are best at.

"Adult wise!"

A happy look flashed in the eyes of this beast-shaped man: "Only our classmates can bring out the true advantages of our family."

"I remember not long before, humans in this world will convene a large conference, it seems to discuss to unite to form a so-called sky federation, at that time, this false **** named Baili Qingfeng will inevitably attend, Now that he knows where he might appear, then next, it will be much easier ... "

Blood Weeping said, with a trace of enthusiasm on his face: "If I can detonate the weapon of God's punishment at the scene of this meeting, the whole Heaven and Wasteland will definitely fall into fear and panic, and then I will absorb this power into it. In my core of fear, I am bound to be transformed into a new son of fear, and it is also an extremely powerful son of fear! By that time, how dare I be a legendary fire dragon?


"For this day, I have prepared for too long, too long. I live almost every day that I do n’t want to eat without tea. I have finally solved this serious problem, and I can sleep well after going back."

Baili Qingfeng came out of the space channel and felt relaxed.

The problem of fearing God Lord was solved. According to the King of Flames, for a long time, the fearing God Lord would have to spend energy to restore his lost power.

The evil **** system is different from the true **** system.

The evil spirit belongs to a radish and a pit. There is a large number of fear **** sons under the fear **** master. Some of these fear **** sons are bred by the fear **** master to spread fear for him, and some are chances to get the essence of the evil spirit by chance. , Or even the crystallization of divine power, thus stepping into the vein of evil spirits.

But no matter what kind of **** of fear, their eyes are fixed on the **** of fear. Even if they are respectful on the bright side, they ca n’t wait to fear the **** ’s death. Only when the **** of fear of death will they be qualified to go further. Become a new fear evil god.

Therefore, it is inevitable that many frightened Sons staring at him have seen his weakness. What he really needs to do is to raise him back as soon as possible to restore his peak state.

"It ’s not only the fear of God ’s problem, but also the threat of Immortal Divine Emperor has been eliminated. At this moment, I really can feel relieved ... If it ’s not because Heaven and Earth Realm and Bi Moon Realm will gradually merge in the future, I will I can relieve all the burdens on my body, find someone I like, get married and have children, and then watch the children grow up slowly, but I gradually grow old under the erosion of the years until I go to bed at the end of my life. Into the loess. "

There are still some regrets on Baili Qingfeng's smiling face.

A moment later, he waved his hand to the King of Flames next to him: "Okay, you go back first, continue to sit in Xiyanzhou, so as to avoid any powerful enemy cross-border attacks in the cave world."

"Then ... Your Majesty, I'll say goodbye first."

The King of Flames responded cautiously.

"go Go."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He always felt uneasy about the cavemen ...

Probably related to the Shire University they had blown up.

Anyway, no matter how gentle and harmless the cave people behave, he wouldn't be worried if there weren't strong enough creatures to guard the door of space.

"Forget it, anyway, there is only one black **** and one **** of war left in the world of caves. After the cultivation is completed, take a time to see if they can be eliminated, and solve the cave world once and for all. Threat from the world. "

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself.

The King of Flames, who was soaring into the sky, felt an inexplicable chill. Although the chill did not seem to be directed at him, he still involuntarily accelerated some speeds, hoping to be further away from the Baili Qingfeng.


Farewell to the King of Flames, Baili Qingfeng walked to a small town 300 kilometers away.

Due to the fact that the members of the Void Knights, such as the powerful presence of the Dread God Lord, are not useful at all, Baili Qingfeng let them hide for three hundred kilometers early.

At the same time, this distance is relatively safe, and once the fear of the Lord is out of control, they can also learn in time and let the well-prepared Kingdom of Shia use God's punishment weapons to ensure the safety of the Heavenly Wasteland.

Fortunately, the God of Fear obviously underestimated their heaven and earth, and it was actually just an incarnation.

"It can't be said that it's lucky ... If the fear of the Lord comes, it may solve the threat of the fear of the God to the world of heaven and death once and for all ... If I am lucky, I can still harvest several essences of the evil **** ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought about it for a moment, but there were some regrets.

Arriving in the town, Baili Qingfeng greeted everyone from the Void Knights and took the lead to go to Xia Ya City.

Although the Void Knights can choose to go by plane together, Baili Qingfeng feels ...

The plane is too slow, and he is not as fast as he can fly. Go home early and read and study early.

No matter how bad it is, you can take a bath, sleep, and recover your mental state so that you can read and study better.


Xiaya city.

By shielding the electromagnetic waves, Baili Qingfeng quietly returned to his small courtyard under the Qingyuan Mountain. The whole process did not cause any twists and turns.

"Uncle Zhao has not returned yet."

When falling outside the courtyard, Baili Qingfeng glanced at Zhao Jiansheng's courtyard not far away, with some regret.

Unconsciously, Zhao Jiansheng has gone a long way, but I haven't seen it for a long time, and I miss it quite a bit.

I do n’t know how Zhao Jiansheng ’s sermon was going, and how many disciples he accepted.

In the courtyard, Xiaozhu actually ...

Still practicing swords?

And her swordsmanship is getting more and more magical. Whenever her swordsmanship stabs out, it seems that there are illusions accompanying him, which interferes with people's cognitive senses.

At the moment when people's cognitive senses were attracted by swordsmanship, they had already been killed by this sword.

"Brother Qingfeng."

Feeling that Baili Qingfeng was back, Xiaozhu stopped practicing the sword for the first time, and happily ran out of the courtyard and opened his hands.

Baili Qingfeng quickly picked her up ~ ~ turned a circle and smiled: "Xiaozhu, in fact, you don't have to work so hard, you are still young, and you can find children when you have free time Play for a while, or look at the book or something. If it does n’t work, you can go online and chat with friends in the Golden Zodiac. I hope you have a happy childhood. "

"However, I want to grow up quickly so that I can help Brother Qingfeng."

"It's okay, my business is almost done."

"Then I can protect Qing Feng's brother when I'm so powerful. Just like Xiaoyu's sister said, I want to be the princess of Qing Feng's brother and guard the brother of Qing Feng as a knight.

"Become a princess? Guardian knight?"

Baili Qingfeng wondered, did he make a mistake?

For a moment, he said: "The princess is not good and will be taken away by the evil dragon."

Xiaozhu looked up, and her beautiful big eyes flickered: "If Brother Qingfeng is that dragon, I am willing to be taken away."

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