A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing its has experienced physical pain. It is further explained that, because genjutsu affects activity throughout the prosencephalon structure of the brain, humans, dogs and other species of mammal are therefore all affected by genjutsu; however, insecs lack that specific structure in their brain and henceforth cannot fall victem to the wonders of genjutsu. 

Genjutsu can also be used to manipulate others - similar to brainwashing - by feeding the victim illusive suggestions. Methods include integration with nature transformation and ingesting special pills that activate when the target sleeps. Audible genjutsu is deemed the most dangerous because the user can trap victims from long distances.

Those under the influence of genjutsu will either appear to be unconscious or continue to move around under the pretence of the genjutsu. The latter is very effective in battle as a genjutsu user can make themselves appear to be somewhere else and attack the victim from behind or change the environment to make the victim see a flat plain where there is a steep cliff.

A victim's chakra flow, if disrupted enough, can break the caster's influence. This "Genjutsu Dissipation" or "Genjutsu Reversal" can be done by the victim themselves, ȧssuming they realise they're under a genjutsu's influence or an ally who emits chakra into them.

It can also be broken by real physical pain. 

Athena already established that she was trapped in the illusionary technique. Despite her knowledge of her situation her brain refused to cooperate.

Darkness. That is all she met. No matter where she looked. There was nothing else to be found. Pure darkness. Not a sliver of light anywhere. She couldn't move. She tried, but was met with a barrier. A wall perhaps? She wasn't sure. There were four barriers keeping her where she was and they were very close. The space was crampt. Tight. She could hardly move.

It was dark and almost impossible to move.

Panic set in.

Claustrophobia typically classified as an anxiety disorder. It is one of the many phobias she was cursed with. It was accompanied by her fear of the dark. Scotophobia or lygophobia.

Those two were not a good pair. Athena couldn't help the panic and fear that gripped her tightly. She wanted to get out, but she couldn't. She couldn't move. She couldn't see anything. It was beyond terrifying. She struggled against the walls keeping her down. Tried to see anything at all.

She was in a genjutsu. She knew it. So why couldn't she just calm down and dispell it. She knew how to. It was basic knowledge. She needed to disrupt her chakra or inflict physical pain. It would all be over if she just did that. She would get out. She would escape.

But she couldn't.

Humans are weird like that.

They would be aware of their situation. Know what was wrong. What was the cause. Who was the cause. What they should do. They could no it all. But it would make no difference. Despite knowing all of that they do nothing. They couldn't do anything. They let fear take their hearts and have it's joyride.

Humans are weak and she was too.

Wasn't she?

She didn't know how long she had been in the darkness. How long she had been struggling. How long she had been berating herself. It didn't matter. She had stopped. She stayed still and stared ahead at the darkness. She forced herself to abandon all emotion. To be an empty shell. She felt nothing. She wouldn't allow it. It was cold and lonely. She didn't like it. She never did. But it was the one way she knew to calm herself to some degree. She closed her eyes and stopped thinking about where she was. What she felt. What she feared. Instead she thought about what she needed to do. She needed to break the illusion she was in and she needed to do it quickly or her panic would set in again.

She had almost perfect control of her chakra and while she never tried to intterupt it she didn't think it should be that hard to figure out. As long as she kept calm and fought the fear. The panic. As long as she remained strong she could get out. So she focused. Directed all her attention at the energy that flowed through her. She grasped it immediately and imagined a riple in the system. A riple in the flow. Just enough to disrupt everything for a moment. It took two tries, but it worked.

The genjustsu was broken. Her eyes snapped open and she abruptly sat up. She regretted it immediately. It was too fast for her blood to return back to it's usual circulation and her head spun. Despite that she got back to her feet and glared at the passive Itachi.

"Well that was faster than I expected" The boy admitted, uneffected by the ice cold glare he was receiving from tj child.

Athena let out a sound from deep within her throat and bolted past the Uchiha. She was angry. She was scared. She was on the verge of remembering painful things and she'd rather not be around the Uchiha. He may be someone she respected and liked but he was still Itachi Uchiha. The child who grew up in war. The passive ANBU who could be easily manipulated by a certain someone. And someone who despite being very kind could also be very insensitive and unknowing.

That thought reminded her of what he would or could do to his entire clan.

She wasn't sure if she should do something about it or not. The Uchiha were planning a coup d'etat and Itachi did not want another war. Then there was Danzo and Shisui's eyes.

There are tons of negatives that she wanted to change. The Uchiha massacre was a major event that set the stages for future major events. The end of the Uchiha's was what made Sasuke Sasuke. It's what led to him seeking power. Leaving the village and hating the leaf. It is what caused Itachi so much pain. Regret. It is what made him the villain Konoha needed him to be.

If she changed that. If she found a way to resolve the issue with no use of violence. Sasuke could grow up with his family. The Uchiha bloodline remains. Itachi wouldn't have to walk around with so much remorse in his heart. There are a lot of positives.

But when there are pros there are cons.


Hiruzen was getting very frustrated. Documents upon documents upon documents filled his desk. He didn't want to look at them. He didn't want to even hear anything ȧssociated with them. He found himself again seeking a distraction. Anything at all. A useless complaint. A mission report. Anything. He was again praying to any existing god.

And then the doors open.

"Athena, to what do I owe the visit? "

The child sighed as she dragged herself into the office and climbed into the seat opposite the Hokage.

"Itachi used a genjutsu on me" she stated flatly.

"Did you break it? "

"Yes I did, but I had to shut down emotionally to do so" Athena admitted casually as she played with her necklace.

Shut down? Hiruzen was wondering and wondering. This child was a mystery wrapped around layers of emotional and pshycological trauma. Physical truama was also most likely webbed in there. Her unease with physicality should be an indication. Her way of coping seems to be not caring about anything or anyone. And if that fails her she locks off her emotions to the point where more than one present could overwhelm her.

What hurt the old man even more was her reluctance to open up to him.

"May I as why?" He was taking a big risk here. Athena was like a landmine. You need to know where to step or it's the end of the line. In this case he needed to be careful with his questions because anything could trigger the child and drive her to an emotional breakdown.

"I have a series of mental health issues if it wasn't obvious enough. The fear of the dark and the fear of tight spaces are included " Athena explained after a moments hesitation.

Hiruzen didn't need her to continue. He deciphered the rest by himself. Itachi had put Athena in a state where her fears could take over.

"Anyways" Athena tugged on her sleeve as she looked at the table. She seemed uncomfortable. The old man supposed it was because of the information she shared. "I didn't come here to talk about my depressing existance" Athena's voice was laced with a bit of amusement. Something that worried the old man even more. "I didn't plan on interfering too much when it comes to Danzo, but thinking about everything he caused and all the lives lost I decided I could help you out"

Hiruzen's eyebrows shot up in interest. He was about this. About approaching Athena in search of advice or hints to what he needed to do. What would happen. What could happen. How he could prevent it. He was not expecting the child to come to him. Willingly giving her the information he wanted.

"I'm listening"

"Kakashi may have told you about my spill" Athena started. She had leaned into her seat and continued to play with her necklace. Her eyes, while void of any emotions they were very calculating. As if she was debating whether or not to continue. "The Uchiha in the village are innocent of that day, but they are conspiring against the city. I think you already know that"

Hiruzen nodded in confirmation. Itachi had informed him of his father's plan to seize control. If such a thing took place he was afraid it could trigger another Shinobi war.

"And you've had a meeting with the council, right? "

Again the old man nodded.

"A suggested option is to get rid of the class completely, right? "

Again he nodded. Athena had a look in her eyes that made even him uneasy.

"It was suggested by Danzo wasn't it? "

The old man sigh with a nod. He didn't like it. He would rather another solution be found but such an option was difficult to detect. The longer he waited the more options he lost the more the council got restless the more the suggested Danzo's idea. By the look on Athena's face he sumized that worse case scenario was the victor.

"Not to sound rude but all of this is due to bending over and letting the council do as they please" Athena's tone was harsh and impaled the Hokage right in the heart. She had brought up this subject before. He had been thinking about it ever since and she was right. Her pointing out that the hatred the Uchiha harbored was because of him made the guilt even more unbearable. "I really shouldn't be pointing fingers but it's my opinion and I wanted you to know so you could change a bit"

"I understand. Go on"

"What I'm about to tell you shall not leave this room. I don't care about who you trust or anything of the sorts. This information is only for those I choose to tell. Promise me you shall tell no one without my permission "

Athena was dead serious. Suddenly the air in the office shifted as all pretense fell away. The old man took a deep breath and nodded.

"Say it" Athena looked him in the eyes. "I tell you nothing until you promise"

"I promise"

"Good" Athena said satisfied.

"Sit back and try to relax as much as you can for what I'm about to tell you might be a bit hard to take in"

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