
An emotion the little blonde knew all too well. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling. It made him feel out of place. He was. No one really liked him. He was a monster, although he still does not know why people refer to him that way. He was still trying to figure out what it was he could have possibly done to be branded such a terrible name. He wasn't getting anywhere with that.

At least things had changed. He made a friend and she stood up for him. Now he's allowed in stores and they don't dare raise the price. Athena was so nice to him. Such a nice person. Why would people hurt someone like her? She didn't tend to show it around him but he could tell she was in pain. She felt lonely. Like him. But there was more than that. More than loneliness. There was pain. Confusion. Depression. Uncertainty. Longing. A longing to be normal. To rid herself of the burdens she carried around.

But things were not that easy. At least it didn't seem that way. She always smiled for him. Put on a happy face. Cheered him up. Encouraged him. Believed in him. In his dream. So kind.

Why does she do that for him? She didn't know him, did she? She seemed to know more than she let on. Always held a knowing smile. Expectant gaze. Emotionless eyes.

He asked her once. She didn't answer him the way he wanted her to, but she said something that stuck with him.

"The loneliest people are the kindest.  The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone suffer the way they do"

Is that why she was the way she was. Always so kind because she understood the pain loneliness brings. Is that why she always smiles so brightly around him? Because she understood the sadness? Is that why she was so wise? Because she knew what it was like to be broken?

Was she trying to save him from falling in as deep as her?

He was grateful.

But what about her? Didn't she need saving. Didn't she need help. She was drowning. Someone needed to save her before it's too late.

He would be that person. He would save her. He would be strong. He would become strong and protect her. Keep her save help her. As much as she did him. She doesn't deserve to carry around so much pain. Not alone. But she didn't talk about it. She doesn't want to. It hurts. He knows. She may not say it or show it, but he knows. Because he understands what it is like.

Because they were the same somewhat.

And they both need each other. To be saved. And he would be there for her.

Because she's his sister and he her brother.

And siblings protect each other.


Athena was back at the Uchiha compound. She had been retrieved from the Hokage office. She followed along without a word. She already told the old man what she needed. She was satisfied for the moment. She would have to resume her training. Just a few days remaining. She could handle a few days under the Uchiha.

She was sat in the back yard of Itachi's house. She stared at the stick of Dango in her hand. Her teacher's mother had given it to her. She remembered her name being Mikoto. She was very kind and understanding. She seemed like every mother. Upon meeting her she wanted to pick her up. Of course Athena was having none of that. She managed to get her message across with a look alone. Mikoto didn't press or question. She only smiled kindly and asked her if she liked Dango.

So she got some delicious dango.

Something else happened.

She met Sasuke. At first she couldn't believe it was him. He had the biggest smile on his face when he saw his older brother. So innocent and ignorant to the world. As she watched him it was hard to believe he would or could be the emotional teenager she knew.  He was shy. They were introduced and red tainted his cheeks.


Athena didn't know what to think. People really can change. The little boy in front of her could turn into the Sasuke she knew so well. She had stared at him. Pensive. Wondering what could be of him later on. It made him uncomfortable apparently, for he was squirming in embarrassment.

"I'm Athena. It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you Sasuke"

"Will big brother really be teaching you genjutsu? "

Athena only nodded as answer. Sasuke adored his older brother. That was a well known fact. He always sought out training from the teen. He wanted To be just like him one day. To make his father proud. But Itachi did not train him. Not seriously.

"I wish he would teach me too, but he always comes up with excuses" the boy pouted. An odd sight to Athena. Sasuke Uchiha can pout? "Why is he teaching you? "

There was obvious room for jealously. Why was his brother refusing to train him? Why was he training someone he did not know? Jealousy could lead to rivalry. Athena wasn't sure she would want that. It would be a constant pain in the neck to have Sasuke as a rival.

"The Hokage ordered it"

"Why? "

Athena shrugged and ate her dango. She saw no need to tell the boy. It would be a waste of breath of breath to tell him something he did not need to know. He probably wouldn't understand. Or maybe he would. Either it would bring up questions and he would ask them. She wanted none of that. She had been questioned enough for the past week. She'd like it if no one tried to learn about her. Just be satisfied with what you get.

"Are you two getting along? "

Mikoto made her presence known. Athena just met her, but she already liked and respected her. She's an expert at reading people and she prides herself on knowing who the good ones are. Mikoto was the idea mother. Scolding her teenage son for scaring Athena. Pampering her youngest son with her love. Defying her husband when he says something foolish. She didn't have to die.

Sasuke. What does it mean. Athena did know that he was named after the third's father. Fugaku is a respected man. He was a contender for the spot of fourth Hokage. His strife in battle had been noticed and not gone unappreciated.

He was an honorable man.


Athena doesn't like him.

Fugaku had taken his four year old son Itachi to the battlefield to see mountain of corpses, with the purpose to show Itachi the reality of the world he lived in as a shinobi.

He scarred his son for life. He is the reason Itachi is such a passive boy.

Fugaku also has the Mangekyo. He manifested it after his friend's death in the war. Tragic. He kept it a secret from everyone and that is a key factor. It is why the coup must not come to play because of the power that eye has.

"Are you alright Athena? "

Athena snapped out of her thoughts by the voice of Mikoto. Concern was in her eyes as she looked at the child.

Athena nodded slowly and looked at her stick. She finished her dango. It was delicious.

Mikoto followed her gaze and smiled knowingly.

"Would you like some more? "

Athena nodded again. She didn't feel like talking at the moment. There was too much on her mind and she might say something she shouldn't.

"I'll be right back"

The woman left leaving her with Sasuke again.

Where was Itachi?


Kakashi found himself in front of the Hokage. He had been summoned for reasons unknown to him. He adorned his mask as usual and was reading a book he picked up. It was quite interesting. He was starting to wonder if his summons had anything to do with Athena. Most likely. The child is an oddity. She prefers to stay by herself and hardly talks to anyone. She always puts up a smile around Naruto and Hinata, but that's about it. Kakashi was sure she didn't sleep at night. She's always up impossibly early and looks tired. Its a wonder she has no bags under her eye. If she did sleep it's likely she didn't for long. Is she afraid of going to sleep? Or does she have an illness?

"Athena has revealed some crucial information to me" Hiruzen began. He had been silent for so long Kakashi was starting to think he wasn't noticed. His theory about his reason for being there was right apparently.

"What about, lord Hokage? "

"The village. The Uchiha. Danzo. A list of things. She told me what she found needed to be changed and I shall not disappoint"

The Uchiha. He had been wondering what would be done with them. Athena had revealed that they were innocent. If so their dislike and rage is rightfully aimed. They were wronged by the very village they fought to protect.

This could be a massive problem

"As you are aware the Uchiha's are planning a coup. Athena has revealed information to me that could prevent bloodshed" Hiruzen was serious as he looked at Kakashi. It was an odd feeling. Being under that serious gaze. There was more to it. Something else. Anger and regret? This situation is weighing on the old Hokage. "This needs to be handled delicately and silently. You play an important part in this all"

Kakashi raised his one visible brow. His book was shut and all attention was on the Hokage. What duty was he tasked with.

"The ANBU cannot be trusted. There are but three current members Athena trusts with this mission. No one else is to be told"

Just as he said that Itachi appeared next to Kakashi. He smiled weakly and did a respectful bow to the Hokage. He looked tired. As always. When he was informed of this plan that was influenced by his first and only student he was curious. He was also hoping it succeded because he did not want to loose his family.

"Itachi, welcome" the Hokage smiled. "It seems Tenzo is the last to arrive"

As if being summoned by the sound of his name said ANBU appered beside the three. His face lacked any emotion as per usual. The only indication of interest was his raised eyebrow.

"Are we sure this plan will work? "He question.

Hiruzen nodded with a puff from his pipe. "Yes. It is the only option that avoids bloodshed"

"I have talked to Shisui " Itachi started slowly. He seemed to be recalling something before continuing. "He seeks peace between humans as much as I do. He offers his unwavering ȧssistance"

"I'm glad. He has a very vital role to play" Hiruzen was satisfied at the moment. He looked down at his documents as he recalled Athena's words. Things must change. He must change. And it starts now. It must be dome quickly before Danzo discovers his plans. There is nothing he could do against Danzo for there is no proof of his schemes. His schemes hadn't commenced yet and could be stopped thanks to Athena. She was a great help. She will be a very powerful and influential person in the future. He could feel it.

She was special.

For now he focused on what needed to be done. He looked up at his three soul pieces of his plan. They were all he needed for the moment.

"It is time for change"

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