A feeling of dread washed over the blonde as she stood in front of the familiar gate to the leaf. How long had it been since she last stepped foot in this village? Five years. It had been five years. Five years since the attack. Five years since she lost her. She left and she never wanted to return. It was too painful. Everyone she loves. They all met their end. All in this village. All because of her. She should have protected her. She should have kept her close.

Why has she returned? She swore that she would never do such a thing. Did she not? Then what is she doing here? She wanted to leave. To turn on her heels and walk away. To forget that her teacher had summoned on her. It was urgent he has said. Very critical. She needed to return. He needed to return. Why? She didn't know. What she did know was that she wanted to get it over with and go. Leave and never return.

It was too painful.

She walked the streets of the village. Her mind was not focused. There was a haze covering her. So many thoughts. So many emotions. So many memories. The most prominate one being that of five years ago. October tenth. The day she gave birth to her daughter. When she first found out she was pissed. She was angry with the damn pervert. And she was angry with herself. How could she have done such a thing? She was drunk, but even then she should've stopped it. Instead she woke up beside the bastard the next day. She scoft to herself. Such a fool, that man. But her anger faded. It was replaced by an odd joy. Why was she suddenly so happy? She was pregnant. She was carrying a child. She would give birth to a child. A new life. It made her feel something. Something so unknown, but so warm? It was a comforting feeling.

She smiled at the memory. She had been so happy at the prospect of being a mother. She would have a child. The fact that it was that Of the idiot sage meant nothing. She would be a mother.

The joy she felt was otherworldly.

She would take very good care of her child. She wanted to be the best mother. To shower her schild in so much love. She would be there for her. Teach her. Guide her. Help her. Support her. She looked forward to it. She would make sure to give them anything they could ever want.

Those dreams were crushed on the very day she was born.

She was so small. So fragile. So soft. So innocent. She could still remember holding her in her arms. Humming a tune to sooth the wailing newborn. She was beautiful. In every possible way. She loved her. She always will.

That moment did not last very long. The nine tails was free. She was in danger. She needed to protect her, but she was in no state to even defend herself. It had meant nothing to her. She would give everything she had to secure her daughter's safety.

A sad sigh left her lips as she looked up at the grey sky. Snow fell on her face. She ignored it. Even as it melted an ran down her face. How many more days until her birthday? It was close. That day was the one day she felt like a waste. She felt worthless as she mourned the life of her little one.

She continued on. The sooner she arrived at the Hokage office the sooner she could leave this god forsaken village. Her tempo increased as she made her way past the bustling people around her.

Her mind was blank as she let her feet carry her. She didn't want to think about anything at the moment. All thoughts would be led back to that fateful day.

She was at the destined building before she realized it. She looked up at it. Her expression unreadable. Her eyes didn't linger for long. She looked away and stepped into the building. Her trek up to the office was uneventful. She hardly paid attention to what was happening around her. She almost walked right into the old man's office. Instead she somehow regained herself and knocked.

"Come in"

And so she stepped through the door. She was met with two pairs of eyes. One belonging to her teacher. The other to the father of her child.

The man wasn't his usual cheerful and perverted self. He looked serious. His eyes held the same sorrow she felt.

"Tsunade, I am happy you made"

Tsunade didn't answer of react. She only took a seat next to her fellow student.

"We're both here. What do you want? "


Hiruzen almost flinched from the tone of Tsunade's voice. She didn't want to be there. Jiraiya didn't want be there. It was easy to see. Why would they after suffering so much? He couldn't blame them. It saddened him to see his students like this. Broken and not wanting anything to do with their own village.

He didn't know where to start. He would be telling them that their daughter was alive and well. That they did not loose her. That she is very talented.

That she had been through a lot. A lot of pain.

"There is something I must tell you" He began slowly, not sure how to start. Not sure how they would react.

"You've said that already " Jiraiya sighed. "Tell us already old man. I have things to do"

"I don't know where to start or how exactly to tell you this" Hiruzen said with a look of uncertainty.

"What is it? "

"It's about Athena"

At the mention of her name both students visibly flinched as if the name itself ha stuck them in the heart.

"Why are you bringing this up? "

"We decided not to speak of it again, didn't we? "

Hiruzen sighed. "Well we have to now"


Jiraiya was frozen in his seat as the old man recounted everything to him. He was silent. Not daring to say a word in fear of breaking the spell that had taken hold of them. He could not believe what he was hearing. Surely it was not true. Why would the old man lie? How could she be alive? He told her she had... He told her they had lost her, didn't he? Now he's saying she's alive?


He didn't know what to think. His daughter is alive? The thought was hard to believe and had a powerful effect on him. She's alive. That one thought was prominent in his mind. He had not lost her? He couldn't believe it. Could it be true.

"She's alive? "

His voice was hardly recognizable. Soft and vulnerable. As if he could break down at any moment. In all honesty he could. He was overtook with a sudden rush of emotions all at once. Relief. Joy. Confusion. Disbelief. Hope. His daughter was alive. He could see her. Talk to her. Hug her. There was so much he wanted to tell her. So much he had to apologize for. So much he wanted to show her. To teach her.

He thought he would never get the chance to. She was with him one moment. A small bundle of joy in his arms. The love for her he felt felt that moment had brought him to tears. The next she was gone and he could do nothing. He had never felt more worthless in his life. It hurt like nothing before. Not even a kunai through the heart could compare to the pain he felt. Nothing could compare to the pain of losing a child.

"Yes. She is and she has been training under the best for the last three weeks" Hiruzen say carefully. His words were bȧrėly heard by the two.

"Where is she? " Tsunade asked. Her voice was filled with so much desperation. "Where's is she?"

"On her way. I informed her caretaker of your arrival"

As if on cue there was a proof of smoke and leafs behind them as Kakashi appeared in the room. Tsunade and Jiraiya abruptly turned in their seat.

Next to Kakashi a small familiar child stumbled as one hand clutched her stomach and the other clasped firmly over her mouth. Her face was slightly green as she fought to keep her food in her stomach.

"I hate you" she mumbled towards Kakashi in contempt. She carefully removed her hand from her mouth before continueing to speak. "Old man, what could possibly be so urgent that Kakashi had to teleport me here even though he kn-"

Her line of speech was suddenly cut short when her eyes landed on her parents.

Jiraiya widened his eyes as he stared at her. She looked so much like her mother. The only inheritance of him were the lines under her eyes. She looked so beautiful. Just like the very first time he saw her. When he held her in his arms five years ago.

She stared at him with surprise in amber eyes. There was another emotion he could not recognize. What was it? He couldn't tell. Something withing him wasn't letting him believe it t be of the positive type.


Tsunade was suddenly out of her seat. She moved so fast. So purposeful. Jiraiya could only watch as she pulled the shocked child into a desperate hug.


Athena had stiffened upon contact she had noted. As if she was afraid. Unused to physical contact or perhaps having a discomfort towards. Slowly, to her relief, she relaxed in her arms and fell into her. Tiny arms gripped onto her clothing. Desperately. Her face was buried deep in her ċhėst as a sob ripped through her small body. She clung to her tightly as if she was afraid of suddenly loosing her.

"Athena " Tsunade breathed shakily as she adjusted her position. She was now seated on the ground and pulled the child into her ŀȧp. Her grip on her did not lessen. She refused to let her. She would not let go of her again. She would not lose her again. Not ever.

The child's sobs continued for some time. She said nothing. She never made a move to. She just cried until she could no more. She cried herself to sleep.

Tsunade shifted as she became aware of this fact. She looked up, meeting Jiraiya's eyes. He looked as if he didn't know what to do. She knew however, that he felt the same as her. They may not get along, but she knew that much.

She silently arose from her spot. Quietly. She said nothing as she carefully handed the sleeping Athena to the man. His hands were shaking as he held her. Carefully as if he feared she would break. He hugged her to himself and sobbed. He broke down completely.

Tsunade could only offer a small smile as she wiped the tears from her own eyes.

"How is she alive? "

Hiruzen seemed startled by the sudden question, but he quickly answered.

"From what she's told me she was transported to another dimension of sorts. There she lived fifteen years of life and knew of this world"

"How is that possible? "

"I'm not sure" Hiruzen frowned as he stared at the sleeping Athena. "Kakashi"

The ninja stepped forward after remaining as quiet as possible.

"How has she been? "

"The same. Not a lot has changed. She talks little and hardly displays any emotions. When she does it's mostly around Naruto and Hinata"

Tsunade didn't like the sound of that. She eyed Kakashi as if asking if he was telling the truth.

"And what of her sleeping habits? "

"She doesn't sleep much or at all. I'm not entirely sure. I do know that she is awake most of the nights and refuses to say anything "

Tsunade eyed her daughter worriedly now. She doesn't sleep? She doesn't display emotion?

"What's wrong with Athena? "Her question was firm and the look she gave the old man was dangerous.

"I don't know how to answer that question. She refuses to talk about. From what I've gathered She's been through a lot of trauma in that world of hers. For most of her life actually "

Tsunade frowned as she watched her sleeping daughter. Her daughter was in pain. She had been for years and she was not there to help. She could not be there to help.

But she was there now and she would make sure to remain with her daughter. She could not lose her again.


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