She had forgotten what is was like to sleep. The calm it brought when it was not plagued by nightmares of all kinds. When was the last time she slept through a night? She couldn't remember. Whenever she closes her eyes images flash before her. Images she does not want to see. Her sleep is always plagued and cut short. She never really got a good night of sleep. She was always afraid of what she would see. She was afraid of what could happen to her when her eyes were closed and her guard was down. It is was what lead to her insomnia. Just another illness on top of the pile she had constructed.

She felt satisfied when she had open her eyes. Her eyes stung with the remnants of tears however. She was comfortable and warm. She hadn't felt that in a while. It was something she only felt around Hinata. She was half expecting to find the shy girl. Instead she was met with the familiar face of Tsunade. She had blinked to get the sleep out. The events of the day suddenly hit her full force. She gasped and almost fell out of her mother's arms. Tsunade reacted quickly and held her tightly. She could see the immediate worry on the woman's face. She looked away. She was still getting used to such an emotion being directed at her. Only a small set of people gave her that look. Including a apologetic Itachi.

Her training with him went surprisingly well. He never once returned her to his dark genjutsu. His way of teaching was odd, but it worked. He never really instructed her in anything. He just did things and she would have to figure it out. It was frustrating but it worked. She learned to dispel genjutsu on her first day after all. Even though it was a terrifying experience. Soon he taught her how genjutsu was created. Well he didn't really teach her. He only told her to imagine. What was she supposed to do with that info. Turns out that if she released her chakra into her surroundings and imagine something, the person who was accidentally affected by her chakra would see and experience it. It was a learning experience. She still felt bad for little Sasuke.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she was shifted in the arms she found herself in. She realized that she was in contact. With another human. She had tensed and squirmed at first, but Tsunade was not letting go of her. Slowly she calmed and enjoyed the warmth she felt. It was comforting. Like Hinata.

"Are you alright? "

She nodded and returned her head to their place on her mother's impressive brėȧsts. From such a position she could see her father watching her with tender eyes. He had a small smile of content on his face as he did. The tender look was another thing Athena was unused to. She could not meet the man's eyes.

"Did you sleep well? "

"Yes" Athena breathed. "Surprisingly" she had a dreamless sleep. No nightmares. That was new and welcome. She felt better. Like a weight was finally off her shoulder. Her eyes weren't as tired and she felt more energized. It was a welcome feeling.

"How so? "

Athena glanced at her mother. Worry had returned. She looked away promptly after. She didn't answer the question and just stared at her father who did the same. She didn't want to talk about her sleep disorder. She'd rather not talk about any of her disorders.

"Athena "

"I don't want to talk about it"

She was shifted again. This time she was being held in front of Tsunade. Face to face. She was really small. She was reminded of that. Her mother's eyes met hers in a stare. It was an odd stare. It was somewhat commanding, yet gentle. It was a look she could not disobey. She tried to look away, but could not. Most looks don't effect her. She could care less sometimes. But the way her mother looked at her made her feel weird.

"I have a sleep disorder " she suddenly spilled. She could take the stare no longer. The second those words left her mouth Tsunade's eyes softened in worry and sorrow.

"What else"

"I don't want to reveal anything else" Athena wasn't looking at either of her parents. She was not comfortable with talking about what troubles her. She never was. She couldn't find it within herself to tell them even if they were her parents.

"I guess we can't push you" Jiraiya sighed and lovingly ruffled her hair. She had instinctively flinged away from the touch.  Athena made a face as she tried to get her bangs out of her face.

"Please don't do that"she muttered. "You messed up my hair" she sighed. "And I'm not entirely comfortable with physical contact. Even as small as that"

"We could tell with how you tried to het out of Tsunade's arms" Jiraiya said with a small smile despite himself.

"Are you uncomfortable in my arms? "

"No, not anymore. It's warm. I like the warmth. I haven't felt it in a while" Athena admitted as she gazed at the bustling streets.

"You haven't? "

Athena hummed as she continued to stare past her parents. As they past by a shop she saw a familiar shade of purplish hair and immediately knew who it was. She was suddenly struggling in her mother's arms again.

"Athena what are you doing? "

She didn't answer. Instead she made quick hand signs and poofed away. In her place was a log.

Jiraiya and Tsunade stared in shock. They had been informed of her training, but did not know what to expect.

They immediately turned in the direction Athena was running and quickly followed in fear of losing her.


The parents came to a stop at a small shop. They stepped into the small place and saw their daughter conversing with a small Hyuga. She had a smile on her face as she did so. The smile was of genuine happiness. It was the first time they were seeing her smile and could not help but stare. It was wonderful. The feeling it brought within them was unexplainable.

"She's got your smile" Jiraiya chuckled.

"I guess you're right. It looks nothing like thag dumb smile of yours "

The two silently laughed together. The heavy weight of loss had been lifted from their hearts. They could smile. Their daughter was alive and well and very skilled in the arts of jutsu.

"Athena" Tsunade called as she stepped toward the animated child. She gave her a look that Athena purposfully avoided. "Don't run off like that, you had me worried"

Athena sighed and nodded. Her attention was soon back on Hinata, who's face was now beet red.

"This is Hinata Hyuga" Athena introduced. "Those two are my parents "

Tsunade noted that Athena had an odd look on her face when she said "parents". What could that entail.


Tsunade smiled kindly at the young girl. She had remember Kakashi mentioning her name. He had said that Athena only showed any emotion when around her or Naruto. It seems he was right. Athena seemed to like being around the shy girl.

"Hello there young Hyuga. I'm happy to meet a friend of Athena's"

"Ah, Tsunade, Jiraiya"

Hiashi had appeared in the group. He held a container filled with cinnamon rolls that he handed to a happy Hinata. He glanced at Athena and then at her parents as he connected the dots.

"You've arrived. I could only imagine what you must be feeling "he smiled.

Jiraiya returned that smile as he watched his daughter. It seemed to be something he does a lot lately. But he could not help it. He felt that if he took his eyes off her for a second she would disappear.

"She's very talented" the Hyuga leader said as he watched the children interact. "She comes over every now and then to see Hinata. She mostly helps her train and I must say that she's a very skilled fighter despite the fact that she was recently introduced to the art"

"I see. The Hokage has also informed us of her impressive chakra reserves"

Hiashi nodded. "Yes. They rival that of a tailed beast. It's extraordinary " he turned to the two. "Do you plan on training her yourself? "

They both nodded in confirmation. "We'll take her with us in a few days"

Hiashi only hummed.

"I imagine Hinata would be very sorrowful of her leave" he chuckled slightly. "She's grown attached"


Athena was aware of the ȧduŀts watching them. It's the first time she had any real supervisors. She mostly wandered off to spend time with her two friends. She was not expecting to find Hinata in town. It seems the shy girl has a craving for cinnamon rolls. That's something learned.

"You really like cinnamon rolls " Athena mussed aloud as she held one in front of her. She never had one of these. She was discovering the taste of new foods these days. Dango has become a favorite. Training under Itachi meant that she spent a lot of time in the Uchiha compound. Specifically Itachi's family. His mother made Dango daily so Athena developed a liking for it. Something the kind Uchiha mother took note of. She gave her a container full of them the day before.

"I-it's delicious"

"I never tried one "

Hinata blinked at her. "You haven't. "

"No, there's a lot I haven't tried. I recently tried Dango and it's delicious. It's become a favorite "

Hinata looked at her as if she had to correct some grave wrong doing.

"Have one" she motioned to the one Athena held within her hand.

She looked at it. It did look very appetizing. It smelled good too. With a shrug she took a bite.

She hummed at the taste. One she never experience before, but it was good. Really good. She could see why Hinata liked them so much.

"It's good"

Hinata nodded in proud agreement.

"The look of pride is an odd one on your face" Athena said honestly. Its not bad. It's cute actually, but it's an odd one. She's never seen Hinata really be proud of anything.

Her comment made the girl's blood rush to her face.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. Just so you know"

"Hinata, it is time to take our leave"

Hiashi stood over their table. Hinata got a dejected look as she slipped out of her seat to stand next to her father.

"Don't look so down, I'll come visit soon. I promise " Athena patted Hinata's head as she often did. It was something she could not resist. And it seemed to sooth the other so all was good. Fair play.

The two had to part ways. Athena watched her follow after her father. She'd visit her later. If not today then the next.

"You plan on leaving the village again, do you not? " Athena asked as she was picked by her father. She made no room to resist. It would be a waste and she should at least try to be comfortable around her parents. As hard as it was.

"Yes, and we're taking you with us" Tsunade said

"When? "

"In a few days"

"For how long? "

"The old man suggested until you reach the age of twelve" Jiraiya said thoughtfully. "You'll spend three years training under your mother. Three under me and one year doing your own thing. It is what the old man advised"

Athena only nodded. That meant she would be gone for seven years and return just in time for the graduation exam. If her math was correct. At least she planned on returning just in time.

"I won't see Hinata for seven years" she voiced out loud. She went quiet after that. The thought brought an odd feeling with it. She didn't understand it.

"You'll get to say goodbye" Jiraiya said as he noted the look on Athena's face.

"Not my point" Athena said calmly. The look was gone. Forced away. "If I'm gone who'll spar with her and make sure she knows how strong she is? She doesn't have any other friends. She'll be alone. And if I'm gone I can't be there to kick her bullies into next week. The last ones got off easy but I know genjutsu now. I'll become their worse nightmare if they even dare look at her the wrong way"

"You're very protective of her" Tsunade noted with a knowing smile. She shot Jiraiya a look and he chuckled.

"I protect the very few I care about" was the answer they received. An interesting answer to say the least.

"And what about Natuto. You don't seem to worried about him"

"Of course not. I requested something of the old man some time ago"

"And what does this request entail? "

"That he allow Naruto to come with us"

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