Naruto was confused. Actually confused is an understatement. He had so many questions and was trying his very best to come up with answers for them. He blinked as he stared into the weird yellow space he found himself in. What in the world was going on? How did he end up in a cloudy yellow space? The last he remembered he was in bed. Asleep after reading some more of the gutsy ninja. It was a really cool book. The main character was relatable. Naruto was very proud of himself. He could read like a master now. At least that's what he told himself. It has been two years. He spent two years with Jiraiya. He had learned a lot. Including the fact that the sage was his godfather. Which made Athena his godsister. She already knew that, he realized. That's why she declared herself his sister. He still smiled at the memory. He was so alone back then. And then she came along and made things a but better. She then introduced him to her parents, who were happy to see him. He had a little family. He had godparents and a sister who were very kind to. He found himself smiling despite his confusion. He got distracted. Over the two years with Jiraiya he had learned to fight. That was something he was vs proud of. He couldn't wait to see Athena again. He would challenge her to a sparring match. He was also taught Jutsu. He learned that his affinity was wind. He was also taught a super cool jutsu his dad had created. Rasengan. That name is so cool. He grinned. He couldn't wait to show Athena. He also learned the summoning jutsu. That wasn't so fun. Jiraiya had kicked him off a cliff. He was s angry about that. But he managed to summon Gamabunta, the frog can be mean. Naruto mostly summons Gamakichi for company. They make a pretty good team. 

He got distracted again. He sighed. Where was he? What should he do? Athena would probably know what to do. She knew a lot of things he didn't. She knew more than she let on. Another sigh. What would Athena do? She would most likely remain calm and try to analyze the situation. 

There wasn't much to analyze. There was just a yellow cloudy space. 

"Where in the world am-"

Before he could finish his sentence he heard a soft giggle. He furrowed his brows in confusion and twisted abruptly. The giggle came from behind him. Was it an enemy? If so he had to be on guard. He was already charging up the rasengan when he turned to face whoever the giggle came from. 

He froze in utter shock. 

In front of him stood a red head. She was smiling kindly at him. He blinked. The rasengan faded. He went quiet. He knew her. He had only seen her in photos. He never thought he would meet her in person. He found her to be very beautiful. Her red hair was cool. And very long. 

He gulped. 

"Y-y-" he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He was just shocked. Emotions started to bubble up within him the longer his eyes lingered on her. 


She giggled again and nodded. She had a very happy smile on her face as she spread her arms. Naruto didn't need words. He immediately tackled her into the tightest hug he could muster. Tears were stinging his eyes as he buried his face in her clothes. He was hugging his mother. He sniffed. He was hugging his mother. He thought he would never get such an opportunity. He would never feel his mother's embrace. He was okay with it. There was nothing he could do about it.

But he was proven wrong. And he's glad he was. 

"You're a strong one" Kushina laughed as she stroked the blonde hair on her son's head. Blonde and spikey. Like his father. Blue eyes like his father. She sighed. She had waited so long for this moment. 

Naruto grinned and wiped away his tears. There was no need for tears. Even if they were of joy. He was with his mother. How? He didn't know. Did he care? No. Not at all. He had his mother. But he still had questions. 

"How.. Where.. What? "He had a lot of questions and did not know where to start. He wanted to ask his mother so much and tell her just as much at the same time. He wanted to tell her about Athena. Jiraiya. About Ichiraku ramen. The old man. The mean villagers. The cool things he was learning. His dream be the future Hokage. 

Kushina couldn't help the joyous giggle escaping her. She could tell the boy had a lot of things on his mind. He was fidgeting and mumbling with the cutest look on his face. 

"Focus on one thought Naruto" Kushina rested a hand on the boy's head. 

"But there is so much I want to ask and have to tell you, ya know? "

"I know but you need to choose a subject, ya know?

"But it's hard, ya know"

"Why do we keep saying "ya know"? "Naruto giggled out. 

"I was hoping you wouldn't inherit that" Kushina admitted. It was her tick. She had a tendency to finish her sentences with that phrase whenever she was nervous or excited. At least her red hair wasn't passed on. 

"The pervy sage told me I'm a lot like you" Naruto was swaying with excitement. "Do you like ramen too? Was ichiraku around before I was born? Tuechi makes the best ramen ever.

"Yes. I had a craving for it when I was pregnant with you. Tuechi really does makes the best"

"My favorite is miso ramen with extra pork" Naruto beamed. "Ramen is the best. I always have some cup noodles with me"

"That's not very good for your health" Kushina sighed. She had passed over her love of ramen to her son. It was always a concern. She didn't want him to eat it as much as she did. 

"Athena said that too. She made me eat healthier. She told me what was good and what was bad. She told me that I can always have some ramen as long as I eat a good amount of veggies "

Athena. Kushina remembered her very clearly. Her goddaughter. She never thought she'd ever be friends with the legendary Tsunade, let alone be asked to be her daughter's godmother. It was an honor. She smiled at the memories. When she had first met Tsunade she was, in all honesty, internally fangirling. Tsunade was the best female ninja of the leaf. She might as well be the best of all the nations. Kushina wanted to be like her. To be as renowned. To be admired and looked up to. So of course she was overly happy when she became friends with the woman. 

"Athena looks out for you"

Naruto nodded vigorously. "Yeah. She told me she would be my sister on the very first day we met. Back then I didn't know she was my godsister. She's my one best friend"

"I'm glad you two get along" Kushina smiled at her excited son. 

"Yeah. She's really cool. She knows a lot and uses a lot of big words like approximately, distinguishable, condescending and a lot more. At first I didn't understand but she explained them to me. So now I know a lot of big words"

"I see" Kushina was just noadding along as she happily listened to her seven year old talk. It was very clear to her that the boy looked up to her. 

"She gets me, ya know? "Naruto had a small smile om his face. "She understands what it's like. I was alone for as long as I could remember. Practically everyone in the village hated me And never really talked to me because I was a "monster ", but Athena did. She talked to me and didn't care about what anyone else said, because she knew what it was like. She's been there for me ever since" 

Kushina smiled sadly. She was aware of what her son went through. She went through the same. It was lonely. She didn't want that for him. She wanted him to have someone. She wanted Minato to stay with him. Sadly that could not be so. She couldn't be there. He couldn't be there. They couldn't be there.. 

"I'm sorry"

Naruto looked to his mother, confusion on his face. Why was she apologizing? 

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry for sealing the fox within you. I'm sorry for not being there to shower you with all my love. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I hope you can forgive me" Kushina was trying very hard to hold back her tears. She should've been there for him. She wanted to be there. 

"Stop that" Naruto's sudden sternness shocked the sorrowful Kushina. He was looking at her with a fire in his eyes. "Don't apologize for something you had no control over" Naruto quoted Athena. "You had no choice. I know that if you could you would have found a different solution. The way I was treated is not your fault" 

Naruto smiled. "I used to apologize for everything. I thought everything was my fualt. I thought I was the reason I was hated. I thought I was the reason you died, but it wasn't my fualt. I figured that out after some time. Athena always told me not to apologize for something when it wasn't my fault. Now I'm telling you that"

He smiled the very same smile Minato would wear when tries tried cheer her up. He was so much like him

"You're just like your father"

"In looks " Naruto corrected. "I wish I had your red hair. It's so cool"

"You think so? "

"Yeah. It's totally awesome! "

"Thank you for the compliment"

Naruto shot a thumbs up. He asked some of the questions he had in mind and was satisfied. Now he needed to asked the dominant question. 

"Can you explain how all of this is happening? "

"My chakra was sealed within you and your necklace. It was Minato's genius idea"

"That's cool. So I can talk to you when I want to? "

"Whenever you fall asleep or enter a meditative state" Kushina explained. "And I wasn't sealed within you just to talk to you"

"What's the other reason? "

"Well you see.. "


"You're supposed to train Naruto and I? "

Athena found herself facing a smiling Kushina. She had suddenly woken up in a familiar yet unfamiliar space. She had recognized it as the space where Naruto met his parents. Finding herself there was odd and it made her question everything. The questions increased in numbers when she found Kushina standing in front of her. If she was facing her that meant that her chakra was sealed within her. Or maybe it had more to do with the chakra within her necklace? She wasn't sure, but her situation was an interesting one. 

Kushina said she would Naruto as well. That meant Naruto had met her as well. That's a major change from canon. Naruto wasn't supposed to meet his parents until he was a teenager. It was a drastic change, but one Athena saw working out for the better. Both Naruto and her would be trained by a Uzumaki. All she could think about was sealing techniques. 

"I have a question "

Kushina motioned for her to go ahead and ask. 

"How long can you remain here? "

"For a surprisingly long time. Minato had his ways "

He did indeed. Athena was curious. If what Kushina said was true that meant there was more than just a little chakra in play. She wanted to know what exactly Minato did. It would be worth learning. 

"Questions? "

"A few"

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