Athena was in her last year of training with her mother. As it was the eight year old could be found floating in a lake with nothing much to do. She was eyeing the clouds and just thinking over some things. Her life was interesting. She was her training. Her hand went to her forehead as she smiled. She finally got the seal. She had learned how to create the reserve seal and was very proud. It was in the shape of a diamond, just like her mother. It had the same color and everything. Everyday she would need to add some chakra into the seal. She had learned every medical technique. Every chakra trick. Every jutsu. Anything her mother could teach, she learned. She also signed a contract with the slugs, like her mother. From what she's been told Naruto signed with the frogs. She hasn't heard a lot from the boy. Jiraiya hardly sent letter. What she did know is that they would be seeing each other soon enough. It had already been three years. There are only a few days remaining.

She was also pretty adept when it came to Fuinjutsu. Her training with Kushina was paying off. All she needed to do was enter a meditative state or go to sleep. She would automatically appear in front of the smiling Uzumaki.She was very kind. She would've been a nice mother. She was mothering Athena. She was her god mother after all. She would scold her when she did something reckless and encourage her when things weren't going so well. Athena got to truly experience what it was like to have two mothers. As it was Athena could make her own paper bombs, sealing scrolls, summoning scrolls, she could even alter Naruto's seal if she needed to. It was important for her to know how to, that was something Kushina told her. With some hard work and determination Athena succeeded in creating her own seals. She'll put them to use later on.

"Athena "

She glanced to her right to see her mother. She waved lazily as she continued to drift above the water.

"Why in the world are you nȧkėd? "

"I didn't want to wet my clothes" Athena answered simply as she let herself sink back into the water and swim to the edge. "Is there something you need? "

"Yes" Tsunade handed the child her clothes and watched her get dressed. She had a mission for her daughter. It would benefit her. She would have to travel on her own for the first time. Meaning she would have to protect herself if any dangers introduced themselves. Tsunade tried not to worry about it. Athena could handle it. She was very strong and very smart. She would know what to do.

"What do you need me for? "Athena asked as she followed after her mother all the while adjusting her pants and hair.

"I need you to deliver a message to the village in the clouds " Tsunade said as she handed Athena a scroll. Athena eyed the object, wondering what could be found within it. "You must bring this straight to the Raikage"

The village in the clouds. Killer B's village. She could meet Killer B, possibly. His brother was the Raikage so the chances were high. The thought excited her. She always wanted to meet the rapper.

She also realized that it was that very village that had sent ninja to kidnap a young Hinata in hopes of acquiring the secrets of the Byakugan. It was becaof them that Hizashi had to die. She sighed. Seriously. She started to remember that they caused a lot of trouble over the past few years.

"May I ask what this message entails? "

"No, that is classified "

Athena sighed and slipped the scroll into her back pouch. Welp, she tried.

"Why do I need to go? "Mostly Tsunade or Shizune handle such things. Athena was never sent out on a mission. Alone. Athena was aware of Tsunade's worries. She didn't want her to go off on her own because she was still afraid of losing her. So of course Athena was not expecting to be sent on a mission.

Tsunade sighed as she looked down at her curious daughter. In all honesty she didn't want to send her out, but it was her last lesson. She would have to go out on her own and know how to handle herself. Tsunade was sure she would pass with flying colors. Worry was still present, however.

"It's your final lesson"

Athena hummed in thought. "I need to learn what its like to be out there on my own?"

"Yes, Naruto has to go through similar lesson. I think he's being sent to the village in the sand"

"Why there? "

"Because of the one tail Jinchūriki. It would give him a chance to meet someone similar to him"

He could meet Gaara. Athena was hoping he did. Knowing Naruto he would try to become his friend and that is exactly what Athena wanted to happen. If Naruto influenced a young Gaara it could cause beneficial changes in the future.

"Alright, when do I leave and when should I arrive? "

"You leave now and should arrive within three days"

Athena nodded as she looked to yje forest she came out of. It was time for her to be off on her own, even if it was for only three days.

"Don't worry too much. I can handle it. I'll be back as soon as I can" She tried to reassure her mother with a hug. She was short and only reached Tsunade's waist, which the woman always teased her about.

"I know"


Naruto hummed in joy as he chewed on the delicious ramen he had in his mouth. It may not have been Ichiraku, but it was still ramen. He was enjoying his free day. He had nothing more to do and was more than happy when Jiraiya offered to take him out for some ramen.

His training went well. He could proudly say that he could handle himself in real life situation. He could fight. He could use ninjutsu. He knew his way around seals, thanks to his mother. The only thing he lacked was genjutsu. He didn't think he needed it anyway. His training was hard,but fun. Jiraiya was fun to be around, despite him being massive pervert. Kushina made sure Naruto did not follow in the Sage's footsteps. Naruto would have to hunt the man down and drag him away from the women hot spring before they could kill him. It was all in the name of his research. Kushina would would warn the boy not to be like his godfather.

"Hey kid"

Naruto glanced at Jiraiya, ramen still in his mouth. The man was looking at him. Almost as if he was debating something. Naruto raised an eyebrow. What was the ma debating. And did it have something to do with him? Most definitely. He was staring at him.

"What is it? "

Jiraiya hummed and slipped a scroll towards the eight year old. Naruto was curious and accepted the scroll, wondering what it was. What it entailed. Why it was given to him. He looked up at his teacher as he pocketed the scroll.

"I need you to get that scroll to the Kazekage. You must not open it under any circumstances " Jiraiya instructed very seriously. It was the last lesson. The boy needed to experience the outside world on his own. He would need to protect himself against danger. Trust no one. Go above and beyond to complete his important mission.

"I have to travel to the village hidden in the sand? "Naruto questioned. He had read about the village from the many books his mother had reccomended. Being surrounded by desert offers the village a natural deterrent against invasion, as few foreign powers would be willing to endure the sandstorms and water scarcity common to Suna. Sunagakure itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground. The buildings inside seem to be made of clay or stucco, which would help to keep the buildings cool.

Conclusion, the village was hard to get into and he was tasked with doing just that. Well he did have a massage for the Kazekage. Maybe they will let him in knowing who he was and what his mission was as well.

"I need to do this by myself? "

Jiraiya nodded. "Don't tell me you don't think you can do it"

Naruto puffed out his ċhėst proudly and grinned brightly. "I can do it, believe it! "

Jiraiya chuckled and ruffled his hair. He knew he could do it. The boy was very strong despite his goofy attitude. He's also taken to reading and is very smart. He would know how to come up with a plan should he end up in a sticky situation. Latened genius, just as Athena said.

"I do believe it little Hokage"

"Hey! Don't call me little Hokage. I'm not that small. I've grown a lot and I eat healthy" Naruto protested. He did. He followed Athena's advice and cut back on the ramen. He ate more fruits and veggies. It did him some good.

"Whatever you say" Jiraiya paid the stall keeper and hopped out of his stool. Naruto got the message and quickly finished his ramen to follow after his teacher. "You leave today and hack three days to make it there. Don't be late"

Naruto nodded with determination. He would not be late.

"Is this a test? "

"Yes, your last lesson before I hand you over to Tsunade" Jiraiya admitted.

"Does Athena have to do the same thing? "

"Yes, she's headed to the village hidden in the clouds"

The land of lightning, if Naruto's knowledge was correct. He read a lot about those guys. Weren't they constantly causing problems for other villages because they wanted power?

"What's in this scroll? " Naruto asked as he observed the object. It looked like any other scroll.

"Classified information you are not allowed to know"

Naruto said nothing as he returned the scroll to its place in his pouch. He WS tasked with delivering secret information. He wondered if he could run into Athena on his three day travel. It would be nice to see her again.

He had stopped walking when he found himself at the edge of the village he was staying in. He looked up at a smiling Jiraiya who motioned for him to go on.

"My first mission"


Athena was wandering the forest. It was. Uneventful. Nothing had happened. It was very quiet and calming. She had said goodbye to her mother and Shizune around thirthy minutes ago and set off. She was prepared for anything. She had pouches full of kunai, shuriken and paperbombs. That was all she would need. She's a skilled user of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. She could handle any low ranking enemy. Maybe even jonin level. Just maybe. Most definitely. One would not expect much from a ten year old. She could use that under estimation to her advantage.

She adjusted her arm warmers as she glanced at the sky. High noon. She had hours until nightfall.

The arm warmers were the very same given to her by Guy. She still used them. She would add chakra Everytime she got used to the former weight. It was great training. Maybe she should introduce the method to Naruto the next time they see each other.

She was still very curious as to what was written in the scroll. It had a seal upon it. One she could alter if she wanted to. It would get her in trouble. She sighed. Curiosity can be dangerous.

"My first mission ended up being highly classified. It'll only be a matter of time before I'm attacked or something"

Words, dangerous words.

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