Iruka sighed as he walked into his class. He ended up being late because of a situation. He was informed that he would be getting two new students. That's odd. It's the day before graduation, why would he be getting new students at this time? He didn't bother asking, it was something the Hokage told him so he must want them in his class.

"Sorry I'm late everyone" he apologized as he placed his clipboard on his desk and stood behind it. He didn't know when these new students would be showing up so he'll just start the class and let the kids know they'll be having new classmates.

"Sensei, is it true that we're getting two new students? "

He nodded. News spreads fast apparently. He didn't bother going into detail about it. Even he didn't know what was going on. It would be useless to enroll a child the day before the exam. And he was told to treat them the same as everyone. That meant he had to let them take the test. What is going on?

"Isn't that useless? We have graduation tomorrow"

Iruka nodded. "I know, but the Hokage told me to let them take it"

"They're recommended by the Hokage? "

"Something like that" He sighed. "I don't know what time they'll be here, so I'll just start the class. Seeing as tomorrow is graduation day, I would like to ask you all to line up. Let's see how good you all are when it comes to clone jutsu"

Just as those words left his mouth the door was slid open. Everyone turned their attention to the door to meet two blondes. There was silence.

"Are you sure this is the class, Athena? "

The girl nodded and stepped into the class. She held a drawing pad in her hands while she worked on one of her drawings. She looked up to the kids seated above her and immediately found light grey eyes with a hint of lavender.

Naruto stepped into class after his sister while adjusting his forehead protector. He glanced at Athena, curious as to what she was drawing. He saw her staring at someone, so he followed her gaze. She was staring at a Hyuga, he noted. The girl was blushing and had an unreadable look in her eyes. Naruto noticed the necklace around her neck. He looked back to Athena.

He grinned one of the biggest grin ever as he looked between the two.

"Ooooooooh" he drawled. Athena's eyes immediately snapped towards him and he giggled. "It's your gi-"

He couldn't finish for a pencil was sent flying towards him at incredible speeds. He narrowly dodged it and watched it bore into the shut door. He took a deep breath. That was close. If that had hit him, he was sure to be bleeding.

"Don't you dare, Naruto. I will have no mercy"

Naruto laughed nervously. That wasn't very bright of him. He knows how Athena gets when he refers to Hinata as her girlfriend. He remembered very well what happened the last time.

"I'll keep my mouth shut"

Iruka was a bit shocked when the pencil was thrown. It was so fast, he was impressed. He knew the two. Athena and Naruto. He was told of them.

"Hello you two, I'm Iruka sensei. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class"

Athena had been staring at Hinata again and looked away. She gazed upon the familair students. Sasuke, although he wasn't as depressed. Sakura, who was drooling over the boy. Ino was practically the same. Shikamaru was asleep. Choji was eating. Kiba, was staring at her and smiled when she looked at him. Shino was occupied with a bug.

"Athena Senju, pŀėȧsurė to meet you"

"The name's Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki the future Hokage"

Athena sighed at the boy's enthusiasm. He took to using both parents names during introductions. He didn't care if people knew who his father was. He was proud to be his son and he would make sure everyone knew.

At the names the class fell into murmurs. Athena caught Sasuke looking at her with sudden recognition. She smirked. She wondered how the boy turned out now that he still had his clan. She still wasn't informed of what the Hokage had pulled off to stop the coup, but it apparently worked. The Uchiha live and go about normally. She planned on visiting later in the day.

"Are you related to the fourth? "

"Yes, he's my father"

"No way"

Athena wasn't listening to anything the kids were conversing about. She went back to her drawing pad. She was drawing all of the tailed beasts. She was in the mood for it.

"I thought there were no more Senju alive"

"May I take a seat? "

"Yes of course. Sit wherever's free"

Athena always found herself lucky. She was more than happy to take the seat next to Hinata. The fact that no one sat next to her was gold to Athena. She noticed that when she headed up the stairs to find a seat, most of the boys scooted over to give her space. She didn't even glance at any of them.

Naruto took his seat next to a disappointed Kiba. Poor guy.

"Hey Hinata "

Hinata had to resist the urge to hug the smiling Athena as well. It was so good to see her again. She had been gone for so long. Hinata didn't know when she would be coming back but at least she could check on her every once in a while because of the necklace.

"W-welcome back" Hinata managed a small smile.

"Good to be back" Athena sighed in content and rested her head on the shared desk. She was still looking at Hinata though. "How have you been? Has anyone been bullying you? "

"No, not really "

"What does not really entail"

"No one bullies me. They say that my eyes are weird though"

Athena hummed. "I see, point them out"

"What? "

"Point them out. The kids that say your eyes are weird"

Hinata hesitated. She knew what Athena could do to people. She saw her beat up three boys with ease when they were kids. There's no telling what she could do now.

But she pointed them out, because Athena gave her a look she couldn't disobey

Athena eyed the kids she had pointed out. None of them were familiar to her. That made things easier. She made a handsign under her desk.

Naruto glanced at Athena when a couple of kids went white the face. They looked terrified. So much so that they couldn't say anything. It seemed as if the were actually afraid to utter a word. His sister held a victorious smile and returned her attention to the girl next to her.

"What did you do? "

"A simple genjutsu"

"Of what? "

Athena only smiled in reply. It's best the coy girl not know.

"Alright class, as I was saying we'll be practicing the clone jutsu today " Iruka continued. "when your name is called, come down and perform the jutsu"

Everyone agreed to the arrangement

Hinata wasn't paying too much attention to what was going on. Athena had pulled her into a conversation about what they were up to the last seven years. She paid rapt attention to what the girl had to tell her. Athena seemed happy. There was no more sadness in her eyes. It made Hinata happy. She's better. That's good.

She almost didn't hear her name being called. She had to snap out of whatever trans she was in. Eyes were on her as they waited. She blushed as she usually does when there was any attention on her. She quickly stood up and made her way to the front of her class.

She could feel eyes on her but the one she was deadly aware of was Athena's. She was staring. Hinata had quickly looked at her to find her smiling. Her chin was resting in her palm and she was just smiling, encouraging her.


She would have to execute the jutsu perfectly. She knew she could do it. She performed it multiple times before.

She just hoped her nervousness wouldn't make her fail in front of the one person who believed in her since the beginning.

Athena was all smiles as she watched Hinata perfectly execute the clone jutsu. She had a perfect clone next to her with ease . Athena wondered if she could pull off the shadow clone if she taught her.

She'll work on that.

"Great job"

Hinata couldn't help the embarrassed smile she found on her face at the compliment.

"How about we go out for some cinnamon rolls later? "

Hinata nodded with a happy smile.

Naruto's name was finally called. Apparently Iruka had left the two new students for last. Naruto was at the front of the class with a grin.

"Do you know how to perform the clone jutsu? "

Naruto shook his head no and most of the class sweat dropped.

"Alright, I'll show you " Iruka sighed.

"No need" Naruto waved him off. "I can't perform the clone jutsu but I can pull off a shadow clone"

Iruka blinked. Well, he was not expecting that. The shadow clone technique was a forbidden jutsu. Where had the kid learned it.

"That's a forbidden jutsu"

"I know" Naruto made the cross and there was a perfect solid clone next to him with a poof of smoke.

Iruka was impressed. He actually pulled it off.

"Alright, good job. I guess "

Naruto nodded proudly and the clone dispelled.

"Alright Athena, you're up"

Athena nodded and came to stand in front of the class. She also never tried the clone jutsu, because she had no need for it.

"I'll be using the shadow clone technique as well"

Iruka didn't get time to answer for the girl made a quick handsign and a clone of herself appeared in the same manner as Naruto. The clone was gone when she received a nod from Iruka and she went back to her seat.

Iruka was starting to understand why the Hokage told him not to worry about them.


The second Iruka dismissed class Hinata found her hand in Athena's as the girl pulled her out of the classroom. She easily navigated the halls of the school and they were outside in less than a minute. Athena continued on and Hinata hurried to keep up.

Hinata was confused when Athena pulled out a kunai and tossed it into the forest. She was even more confused when they suddenly appeared in the forest.

She felt sick.

Athena caught her when she stumbled. She didn't let go and only pulled her closer.

She was hugging her.

Hinata sighed as she returned the gesture. The feeling in her stomach had been replaced by another. It was pleasant. She giggled and buried her face in the crook of Athena's neck. She smelled nice. And she was warm. And comforting.

"I missed you" she mumbled at some point.

Athena hummed as she leaned against a tree. "I missed you too"

"Will you be leaving any time soon? "


"You promise? "

"Yes" Athena smiled. "And if I ever do leave again, I'm taking you with me"

Hinata giggled happily again.

"I'd go anywhere with you"


Naruto sat under a tree reading the Gutsy ninja when someone approached him. He looked up to meet the black eyes of a certain Uchiha.

"Want something? "

"Where's your sister? "

"Athena? " Naruto thought back to when he saw her leave with Hinata. He smiled. "I don't know. What I do know is that she doesn't want to be found at the moment "

Sasuke sighed. He was hoping to get to talk to her. He had questions he wanted to ask. Questions his brother refused to answer. Something was telling him she would have those answers. They had met years ago and they spent a good amount of time around eachother. She didn't tell him much about herself, but she did talk to him. She was being trained by Itachi. He sill couldn't understand how his brother could train her but not him. Well, the Hokage ȧssigned him the task, but still.

Sasuke turned to leave.

"What did you want her for? "

"I just want to ask a couple of questions"

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