Athena was happily munching on some Dango while Hinata enjoyed her cinnamon rolls. Athena planned on spending her day with the other girl. She could go visit everyone else the next day. And she was sure Naruto could find them a place to stay. He's a good negotiator and can sweet talk anyone. Mostly women. But he can still sweet talk anyone.

She was having a casual chat with the girl she missed so very much when she caught sight of a certain Uchiha genius. Their eyes met and recognition flashed. He immediately approached her, following after him was a brunette. She was familiar.


"Hello Itachi and friend " the last part was said with a new tone in her voice. One Itachi noticed and raised an eyebrow as he eyed the girl

"Athena and friend " he said the last part with the same tone. The two stared each other down before looking away.

Two can play at that game.

Hinata looked from Athena to Itachi and back. What was that about? What are the two implying. Izumi had the same look of confusion on her face as she looked between the two.

"Um.. Itachi. How do you two know each other? "

"She was my very first student " Itachi admitted and slid into the booth opposite the twelve year olds. Izumi slid in next to him.

Izumi looked at her differently when the information was revealed. She was the little girl Itachi talked about. She was the one who prevented the worst from becoming a reality. She always wanted to meet her. To thank her for warning the Hokage and making him do something before it was too late.

"Thank you "

Athena tilted her head in actual confusion. Hinata was staring at her when she did. She never saw Athena do that. It was surprisingly cute and so innocent.

"What for? "

"For doing something. For warning the Hokage. Itachi told me of what you did. If it wasn't for you there would have been a lot of bloodshed"

"Oh" Athena seemed to just realize that. She shrugged and took a Dango into her mouth. "Don't thank me"

"You're being modest "

"No I'm not. I don't like to be thanked for such things. It bothers me"

"You're in the same class as my brother" Itachi stated as he took a stick of Dango off Athena's plate. The girl stared down at the plate as if she couldn't believe he just took her food. She glared at the Uchiha as he ate her Dango.

"You rude bastard"

Itachi smiled while the other two present sweat dropped at Athena's geniune annoyance.

She sighed and made due with the Dango she had.

"Yeah I'm in his class, what of it? "

"He'll approach you"

"With questions" Athena sighed and rested her chin in her palm. He must have questions. He must have realized that something was going on those seven years back.

"Look after him" Itachi said seriously and Athena raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? "

"I know you'll be placed on the same team as him. Look after him"

"He's your brother " Athena shot a the older boy. "If he has questions you answer"

"He won't take it very well" Itachi sighed. He knew how the boy is. He's already doing everything he could to be stronger than everyone. He's trying to prove himself to his father. The war may have been prevented but his father did not change.

Athena said nothing and finished her Dango. "He's trying to prove himself, isn't he? Trying to prove to your father that he can be just as good"

The older Uchiha nodded.

"Alright " Athena smiled slightly. "I'll take care of everything "

"Why is she smiling like that? " Izumi quietly asked Itachi, who was smiling.

He didn't answer the question. Athena had changed. She wasn't the same traumatized little girl he was told to teach genjutsu. She came into her own. She had confidence.

"So, what are you two doing out here? "Athena asked curiously.

"We decided to come out for some Dango" Izumi answered with a bright smile.

Athena smiled as well. She eyed Itachi and made a quick sign. The Uchiha didn't seem affected. He only held the smile he usually had as he returned the sign.

Athena furrowed her brows and stared her former teacher down. He returned her gaze.

"What are you two even doing? "Izumi asked as she looked between the two.

"Nothing" Athena stood and glanced at Hinata. "Well it was good seeing you again Itachi. It was nice meeting you Izumi. We'll be taking our leave"


Naruto smiled proudly as he stood in front of a nice little house. He had managed to buy it from the seller with sweet words traded here and there. He had managed to talk the seller into a lower price. He knew that Athena would most likely spend her day with Hinata so that meant he had to go looking for a place to stay. He found the perfect house. Two bedroom. Two bathrooms. A nice kitchen and living room. A huge back yard. It was perfect. He was sure Athena would appreciate it.

A job well done.

"Not bad"

Naruto jumped when he heard Athena behind him. He turned to face her. She had a small smile on her face. She was accompanied by Hinata.

He waved.

"Hello, I'm Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. It's nice to finally meet you Hinata" Naruto introduced with a bright smile.

"Y-you k-know my name? "

Athena noted that Hinata tends to stutter around others. She lost the habit when she's around her.

"Oh yeah, Athena told me you're a very close friend who means a lot. She missed you, if she didn't tell you. You know she really l-"

A look from Athena made Naruto realize that he almost said something he was not supposed to and he shut up. He scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you" Naruto said at some point. "This is our new house. I just bought it"

"How much? "Athena wondered. The house was perfect for them. It wasn't big and it wasn't small. It was a good distance away from other houses and she could tell it had a big back yard. She'd turn it into a training ground.

"Not much, I managed to convince the seller to lower the price"

Naruto was very proud of that.

Athena hummed. "Does it have furniture? "

"Sure does, I went and got us everything we would need"

"Very well done"

Naruto grinned proudly at the compliment.

"Come Hinata" Athena took the girl by the hand and lead her towards the house. Naruto followed after them while he retrieved his book and continued where he left off.


Athena sighed as she sunk into her new bed. Naruto did well. He bought everything. Her bed was perfect. Her closet was filled with the type of clothes she loved to wear. She had a bookshelf above her bed and storage compartment filled with art supplies.

She glanced at the embarrassed Hinata and chuckled to herself. It seems the girl didn't know what to do now that she found herself in Athena's room.

"Hey Hinata, come here for a sec" Athena sat up on her bed and motioned for Hinata to come sit next to her.

Hinata was curious so she climbed onto the bed and sat next the smiling Athena. Did she want to show her something?

"Your hand, please"

Hinata was confused but offered Athena her hand. Athena gently took her hand and clasp her other over Hinata's. She focused a bit of chakra to her flesh, while picturing the seal she wanted to appear. When she removed her hand there were the kanji for protect. It was only visible for a moment as it faded.

"What was that"

"A seal. I can teleport to anything I mark"

"Oh" Hinata observed her hand. It didn't feel any different and the kanji had faded.

"If you're ever in trouble and I'm not around, just focus chakra into your hand, ok? "

Hinata nodded.

"Do you think we'll end up on the same team? "

Athena shrugged and fell back into her bed. She really didn't know. Things will change, that she could say for certain. The Uchiha were alive. There were a couple present in Iruka's class that she noted. She could end up on a foreign team. Or she could end up in a team she's familiar with. Maybe she won't be placed on a team at all. Maybe the Hokage had a use for her.

But Itachi said he knew she'd be on the same team as his brother.

"Time will tell" She said at some point as she stared at the ceiling. She wanted to be on the same team as Naruto and Hinata. She worked well with Naruto, although she could work with anyone, she just preferred Naruto. And Hinata, well she just wanted to be around the girl. She hadn't seen her for seven years. If they end up on separate teams she won't be able to see her as often as she wanted.

Athena suddenly sat up in bed and Hinata jumped. She looked over at her blonde friend and found her staring at her. It made her feel self conscious.

"What is it? "

"Do you like wearing jackets? "Athena asked as she opened her closet.

"I guess so" Hinata just tended to wear jackets often. It's just something she started doing.

"Great" Athena retrieved a handful of jackets from her closet and dumped them on her bed. She had a proud smile on her face as she eyed her collection. "Try on some of mine"

Hinata glanced at the pile of jackets. They all belonged to Athena and most of them were her signature colors. Red and black. There were some blue. A few lavender.

So Hinata tried one on. It was light lavender in color and actually had Athena's initials on the front and back. It fit her perfectly. She felt comfortable in it. It was a turtle neck hooded jacket that was cool on the inside.

Hinata was blushing different shades of red when she saw the proud Athena. Apparently the girl liked how it looked on her. Hinata liked it as well. It had a comforting scent that made Hinata smile.

Athena understood why her friend preffered jackets or baggy clothes. Hinata is shy and insecure. It's only natural she dress that way. Athena didn't mind it. She couldn't imagine the current Hinata without a jacket. It suited her.

Besides, it's really cute.

"You look like you really like it"

Hinata nodded despite her embarrassment of admitting it.

Athena chuckled. It was perfect for Hinata. When it's warm the jacket can cool her down. When it's cold the jacket will keep her warm. Multifunction. All Athena's jackets are like that.

"You can keep it"

"I can? "


"But it has your initials on it"

The realization only made Athena brightened.

"That makes it even better" the thought of Hinata wearing that jacket often made Athena feel a way. She couldn't describe it, but she knew it wasn't far from possessiveness.

"It does? "

Athena nodded and zipped up the jacket. Part of Hinata's face was hidden behind the turtle neck. Athena found it adorable. She'll have to supply herself with more lavender colored jackets just so she could give them to Hinata.

"Why do you have so many jackets? "

"I like them" Athena admitted as she eyed a red jacket. It also had her initial on it. She looked back to Hinata. How would she look in red?

"Is there a special reason."

"They're comforting to me" Athena admitted as she turned to face the the curious Hinata. "That's all I can say, I can't explain further than that "

Hinata hummed. She had a number of questions. She never asked Athena much about herself when they were kids. Now she really wanted to know. She had spotted Athena's art supplies and ȧssumed she liked to draw. That was something she didn't know. She wondered what she liked to draw.

Athena caught Hinata looking at her art supplies and surmised that she must be curious. So she retrieved her drawing pad and pencil and scooted closer to the Hyuga.

"Curious? "

Hinata nodded.

"Feel free" Athena handed her the drawing pad while she held onto her pencil.

Hinata found many drawings. Of different people, animals, places. They all looked so realistic. She had a couple of drawings of Naruto. Hinata focused more on the one in progress. It had a four drawings of him, all of different ages. The current was of the twelve year old boy she had met.

There was another of a small toad. One of her father. Another of her mother. One of Shizune and TonTon.

She had many.

"May I draw you, Hinata? "

Hinata found herself nodding without even thinking the question over.

"Great" Athena took back her drawing pad and made some distance. She stared at Hinata for some time before flipping onto a blank page and.

"You're drawing me now? "

"Capture the moment" was her response as she glanced back up at Hinata, who was now blushing.

"This is embarrassing "

"No need to be embarrassed "

"It's not that easy"

"I suppose" Athena's eyes were on her drawing pad. "Matters not. You're cute when you blush"

That only made more blood rush to the Hyuga's face.

Athena smiled.


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