Athena stared down at the test in front of her. Day of the exam. The room was quiet. Everyone was focused on the sheet of paper on their desk. The written test meant as much as the practical. They had to at least get an average score. She could see the struggle on some of the student's faces. She sighed and looked back down at her paper. The questions were elementary. She was finished in less than ten minutes and had just been observing. Shikamaru had finished almost as fast as her and went to sleep. Naruto was happy, which meant he had already answered all the questions. Sasuke was neutral, but Athena knew he was finished. So was Sakura. Hinata as well. A couple other students too.

Those who struggled aren't cut out to be ninja. The knowledge provided by the academy is basic. They weren't prepared for the real world. She had managed to pull Iruka into a conversation and found that the kids only take field test once a month . The school teaches more book smart than they should. They should be simulating situations they are likely to encounter in the field. Train them and teach them how to handle those situations. They should be teaching more jutsu and chakra control. The students should learn what their nature is at an early age and be taught jutsu of that nature. They should expand their weapon training. Kunai and shuriken are not the only weapons used in battle. Sealing techniques would be useful. Medical training would be more than beneficial.

The academy lacked. She'd need to have a chat with the old man. If things went on as they are, anyone could become a genin and the village would just be sending them out to die.

She wanted to draw. Of course she could not, because she was in the middle of a test. It didn't matter that she had finished within minutes. She would have to sit there until the full hour was up. She wasn't even placed by a window so the hope of staring out into the world was lost. Maybe she should just follow Shikamaru's lead and sleep.

Or she could follow Naruto's lead and doodle on the back of her test.

Or she could do her own thing and cast a genjutsu to make everyone think she was still focused on her test.

She went with Naruto's example and flipped her test. She took her pencil and started to sketch out a drawing. She wasn't sure what it would be, sometimes her drawings just take shape.

She must have been occupied with it for the rest of the test because Iruka came to collect before she even finished the drawing. She had to give him her test either way. She didn't like to leave a drawing unfinished, but she'd have to let that one go.

In all honesty she could care less about the test. It was easy and she wasn't even sure it was required to pass.

In all honesty the school should be set up like the one in Boruto. To make sure the next generation of shinobi were better prepared, the entire curriculum had been revamped. Advanced chakra control lessons, such as tree-walking and water-walking were made a part of the curriculum and a requirement to pass the ninja courses, and elemental ninjutsu, which is rare for a young ninja to learn currently.

After all the test were gathered the students were free to sit wherever they wanted. Of course Athena had her eyes set on the seat next to Hinata but before any of that could be done, Sasuke slid into the seat next to her. She wanted to groan in frustration. She just wanted to go sit next to Hinata. Was that too much to ask for? It's not that she didn't like Sasuke. She actually likes him a lot but she did not want him next to her because a lot of people would be jealous. She does not want that negative energy around her.

"Sasuke, make it quick"

"I want you to tell me what was taking place seven years ago"

Sasuke wanted to know. He knew something was taking place back then. He was just a kid, but he remembered his father being infuriated about something. He was going on about the weak Hokage and how the village doesn't respect his clan. One day Itachi and Shisui showed up to have a talk with him and that didn't go so well either. The next day the heads of his clan were missing for a full week, including his father. Itachi and Shisui were gone as well. When they returned it was as if nothing happened. His father was still angry, but seemed cautious.

"Ask your brother"

"You know he refuses to answer me"

Athena sighed. She could feel eyes glaring into her back. The girls of the class weren't taking the situation very well. She turned to Sasuke. The boy looked determined.

"I can't tell you right now. It doesn't feel right" that was the truth. She may have known what the hell was going on but she has no idea what the old man did to stop it without anyone being killed. "But I'll tell you at some point"

Sasuke didn't like the answer, but it was better than what his brother was giving him.


"Good" Athena looked up and met glaring girls. She does not like fan girls. "Look Sasuke, I'm going to be perfectly honest here"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"I like you and all, I mean I see you as a friend even though we hardly talked as kids, but right now I don't want you around me when we're in class. You understand, right? "

Sasuke nodded. He understood perfectly. He could see the girls planning on murdering Athena. He never talks to the girls that are so crazy about him. Athena is actually the one girl he knows he can talk to without being annoyed, because unlike the other girls, she is not infatuated with him.

"I'll be on my way" he made to get up but Athena stopped him.

"No you can stay I'll be leaving."she vaulted over her desk and made her way towards Hinata. She waved at Sasuke as she did.

"You know Sasuke? "

"Yes. His older brother was my teacher, remember? I saw him a lot as kids"

Hinata nodded. She was about to ask another question when she caught Athena watching her with a very happy smile. Of course the girl was immediately embarrassed. She should be used to Athena's stare, but it still made her blush. It didn't help that she was wearing Athena's jacket. That was obviously what made the girl so happy.

"Um.. P-please stop staring"

"Why? "

"it's embarrassing "

Athena nodded, but didn't look away.

"Athena, you're still staring"

Athena nodded.

Hinata sighed and looked away from the girl. Apparently she was content as she was and didn't want to look away. At least the girl could try to hide her face behind the turtle neck of the jacket. She ended up wearing it because it had Athena's comforting scent. And because Athena asked her very nicely to wear it.

"The test was easy wasn't it? You were finished in around ten minutes"

Hinata nodded. The test was easy. They weren't asked incredibly hard questions.

"The curriculum of the academy lacking" Athena admitted to the girl. She was sure Hinata understood. She was smart, something people don't notice about the shy girl. In fact, people tend not to notice much about the girl. Something that annoyed Athena.

"It makes it easier for most to pass, though " Hinata said as she looked around the class. She was sure the curriculum was as it was because it made it possible for civilian children to become ninja, although they are a talented bunch. Sakura for example. She was a civilian child. She was very smart and always scores highest on written exams. She may not excel in taijutsu, but Hinata noted that her chakra control is near perfect.

"Yes, but what's the point? I have been informed that you only had field training once a month and weapon practice only twice a week"

Hinata nodded to confirm. Taijutsu wasn't taught as often either. What she knew was of what she was taught since she could walk.

"After our physical or what it is, we're visiting the Hokage. I need to have a chat with him"

Hinata nodded again.

"Naruto "Athena called. The boy turned over in his seat to look at her with curiosity. "We go see the old man after the test"

"Sure thing" Naruto offered a thumbs up and returned his attention to reading his book next to Shikamaru while chatting with Choji.

Soon enough Iruka returned and called the first name. Athena had a feeling she and Naruto would be called on last again.

That made her remember Mizuki. Both her and Naruto knew the shadow clone technique. He would want the information on how to perform the jutsu from one of them. Athena didn't feel like dealing with him.

"Hinata, I plan on visiting some friends today. Would you like to come along? "

Again a nod. Athena had to laugh. It seems the girl was still embarrassed about Athena staring at her and couldn't speak.

"You won't talk"

Hinata opened her mouth to say something but it came out in a embarrassed stutters. Athena laughed again and Hinata stopped trying to talk. She just fiddled with her fingers.

"Too embarrassed to form correct sentences? "

Hinata nodded.

"Would you get over your embarrassment if I offer you some cinnamon rolls I made for you? " Athena asked while she slid a bento box onto the shared desk. Hinata had no idea where it came from but she was very interested when she heard cinnamon rolls.

"Y-y-you made cinnamon rolls? "

Athena nodded proudly as she opened the lunch box to reveal what she had prepared. It wasn't only cinnamon rolls. It was everything cinnamon. There was also rice in the shape of a smiling fox.

"Wow, it's amazing"

"Thank you" Athena pulled out her own Bento box. "I had lots of practice. I tend to cook for Naruto more often than not " as she said that she pointed at the boy who had also opened his fox themed bento. Choji was admiring it with as much respect as one would show the Hokage. "I made him some noodles today "

Hinata smiled. Athena took very good care of Naruto. Athena had told her that they were god siblings and are very close. If she didn't know that fact she would think they were related. She would actually think they were Fraternal twins. They were both blondes after all and they dressed similarly.

Hinata decided to try the food Athena had made her. She of course went for a cinnamon roll.

Athena chuckled when she saw the look of pure joy on Hinata's face when she tasted her cinnamon roll. The girl looked as if she had a taste of heaven.

It was delicious. Hinata was enjoying her favorite food. The taste was familiar yet new at the same time. She didn't know what Athena added to the mix but it gave the cinnamon roll a defining taste that she loved.

"I'm glad you like it"

Hinata nodded happily as she savored her food.

She just made Athena's day. She was very content as she snacked on the Dango she made herself.


At some point Naruto's name was called and he quickly made his way to the next room. Iruka sat behind a shared desk with a man he didn't recognize.

"Naruto, I'm glad to inform you that you have passed the written test with flying colors. To be made an official genin I need you to create three clones of yourself "Iruka said. "Shadow clones are allowed since it is an advanced version of the clone and the one you seem capable of performing"

Naruto noted the look of interest on the other man's face. He heard Kurama growl in his head. If the fox didn't like him it meant he could not trust him.

Naruto looked back to Iruka and made the signature cross sign as he devided his chakra.

Mizuki smiled when Naruto created three solid clones of himself. When the boy received a nod from Iruka he dispelled his clones.

"You've passed. You are now a genin. Whether or not you keep that title is up to the jonin you'll be ȧssigned. Feel free to take any forehead protector you wish"

Naruto was smiling as he looked over his options. There were protectors with cloths of all colors. In the end he went with black because as cool as the orange one was he had enough bright colors on him. Even though the orange his what identifies him.

Naruto stepped out of the room, removing the protector he wore for a year. He stared down at it and sighed. He liked how it looked on him and he had engraved the word that meant something onto it. Maybe he could still keep it on and wear his newly gained protector somewhere else.

He'll think about it.

When he stepped out he immediately spotted Athena. She had on her own acquired forehead protector as well while the one she always wore was tied to her pants. Hinata had her own tied loosely around her neck.

When Athena saw her brother approach she raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, that Mizuki guy is suspicious " He voiced as he placed his hands in his pocket

"We'll just have to inform the Hokage" Athena shrugged and stepped out of their classroom.


They turned to find Sasuke behind them.

"What? "

"I'm coming with you"

Athena eyed him for a moment before shrugging again.

"Suit yourself "

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