Hiruzen was doing the usual. Since Naruto had separated his documents he could do his work faster and better. He was looking forward to having an empty desk. Not long to go. He took a pull from his pipe and let the smoke fill his old lungs. He should probably stop smoking. Athena hadn't told him to stop, she must think he's a lost cause. She did tell his son and he did not listen. Hiruzen sighed. Athena and Naruto are ninja and they will be sent out into the field. He was in charge of creating the teams and as he went through the students who had passed he decided that he'll be doing things differently.

He looked up when the doors to his office was pushed open. In stepped Athena, her forehead protector tied around her forehead. Her former at her waist. Naruto was grinning as he adjusted his own. The old man was used to them coming in alone so he was curious as to why the other two were there. Less so about Hinata. He knew Athena was close to her and had a feeling she would be keeping her close since her return.

So what is Sasuke doing with them?

"Congratulations on passing the exam each of you"

There were words of thanks as Athena placed herself in front of the old man. "The academy lacks"

The academy lacks? What does she mean by that? Was she speaking of the curriculum? He thought it was pretty good, although he hadn't went over it in a few years. He should probably do that , but as far as he's concerned the school is great.

"What makes you say that"

"Because it's lacking. I took the test today. It was elementary. I finished it in minutes. A set of us did. Those who did not should be rehabilitated. For if one could not answer those questions they are not ready for the field. Classes only have one day of field training every month. Weapon practice twice a week. I'm pretty sure the only jutsu those kids know are the substitution, transformation and clone. Taijutsu is basic. Do they even teach chakra control? What about obstical courses? You need to revamp the entire academy."

Hiruzen sighed. Lacking. Since when had the school fallen to what it currently was? He would have to hold a meeting with the council again. He smoked and Athena shot him a look. She said nothing but the old man knew she was judging him.

"Alright, I'll do just that. After tomorrow the school will be shut down for a month. In that time I'll take care of everything. Any suggestions"

"Introduce seals they're helpful. Chakra paper. Let the kids learn what their nature is and teach them jutsu after that. The school should also teach chakra control. The leaf sticking exercise, walking on trees, walking on water. Taijutsu training and weapon practice everyday. New weapons should be introduced as well. They should have field training twice a week and an obstical course should be added. When it comes to book smarts increase the knowledge given. They should also be taught to strategize. I'm sure the only ones capable of such things are the Nara, Sasuke, maybe Sakura, the Aburame, Hinata, Naruto and I. Also did you ever think it would be useful for them to know basic medical information? They would need to know how to fix themselves or someone else up in the field. It's best they know what to do. How to stop excessive bleeding . How to remove poison. How to properly bandage a wound"

Hiruzen noted that Athena was very critical and very right. The ninja the school produced would be better overall. And prepared. Of course if the lessons are installed the school would most likely have a lower graduating number, something the civilian council will not like. The way to school is set up is perfect for their children to become ninja.

"I understand. I'll take care of it

Don't be surprised when I call you in to help me with some if not most of this. "

"If you're tearing down the school building, because it really needs to be rebuilt and if you don't do it I will demolish it myself, anyways, when you do that come find me. I'll take care of rebuilding it and you'll save a month. Everything would most likely be done in a week or less"

Hiruzen nodded. Athena must've gotten very skilled in using her wood release.

"Well that was what I needed to talk about. I'll see you later in the day"


The group was walking through the village. Sasuke was still with them. Athena wondered why he stuck around while Naruto was curious. He might just want to know more about them or get Athena to spill. Athena didn't care too much. It was just Sasuke. And this Sasuke is more tamed and less depressed and not focused on getting a girl pregnant and murdering his older brother. This Sasuke was pretty ok so she would let him hang around.

"Ichiraku! "

Athena sighed when Naruto ran into the familiar stand. Athena followed, making sure to take Hinata by the hand. Athena had feeling that if she didn't focus on her presence and make sure their in contact when they go around she would lose Hinata. Lose her in the same fashion a mother loses her child. Hinata was quiet and made herself unnoticeable. She also doesn't appear to be paying a lot of attention to her surroundings at the moment.

"Tuechi! "Naruto climbed onto a barstool and happily slammed a hand down om the bar. "Ramen, for all of us. I'm paying"

"Naruto, is that you? I haven't seen you in seven years. You've grown. How have you been? "

Athena took place on her own stool and watched Naruto have a friendly conversation with the old ramen stand owner. Athena thought for sure Ichiraku would be the first place Naruto came to. Apparently he didn't visit the shop the day before.

"Alright here you go. Two miso ramen with extra pork and two ordinary miso ramen, one with an adding of cinnamon "

"Thanks for the food"

Conversation started. Not by Athena though. She was enjoying her ramen while taking amusement in watching Hinata enjoy hers. She remembered the title she had gained for eating a large amount of ramen. She beat Naruto. That was impressive.

"Hey Sasuke, why did you come with us? "Naruto asked after he had ordered another bowl.

"Because I wanted to" Sasuke didn't even look at the boy. He had his reasons. First of all he wanted to get away from Sakura and Ino. Second of all he was curious about Naruto and Athena. Mostly Athena because she held the answers he was in search of. And third of all, Naruto and Athena were obviously stronger than him. He wanted to be strong so hanging around them seemed like a good idea. Fourth of all, Hinata and Athena are the only girls besides his mother and Izumi that he feels comfortable enough around. They do not go crazy for him. They do not war to sit next to him. They are not loud. They are normal and that's the energy he wants. If he went off on his own he would find some fan girl around some corner and his day would be ruined.

"Oi, you're an Uchiha. Have you unlocked your sharingan? "

Sasuke shook his head no. He looked disappointed in himself at the answer. His father doesn't respect him because he wasn't as good as Itachi. He wasn't a child genius who unlocked his sharingan at a young age. He didn't graduate at the age of seven. He didn't become a jonin before fifteen or an ANBU.

He sighed.

"One must experiences a powerful emotional condition with regards to a person precious to them, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves, transforming the eyes into Sharingan" Athena said suddenly as she looked to Sasuke. "You haven't had that emotional impact yet. Be patient"

Sasuke said nothing and only ate his ramen. Itachi and Izumi try to cheer him up about his sharingan, but he is reminded of it everyday when his father looks at him.


"Hey, can I come to your compound later? I always wanted to check it out" Naruto said excitedly. "Oh and Hinata, can I come to yours too? "


No stutters. Athena smiled proudly and patted Hinata on the head. That only made the girl go red In the face and stutter profusely.

"I should visit too. It's been a while since I saw your old man "


Athena sat in front of Hiashi Hyuga. She Had a cup of tea in her hand and was reminded of their first encounter. She was conflicted about him. Now, not so much. He had redeemed himself so she was ok with him. Her mixed feelings still remain, but not as much. Hinata had retreated to her room for a moment, leaving the two alone.

Athena sipped her tea.

"You did not tell him"

The clan leader sighed and sipped his own tea. He couldn't bring himself to do so. He didn't know why it was so hard. He figured he would tell Neji when he's old enough but by waiting he only made the young boy despise the main branch. Him and his daughters. Especially Hinata. He didn't take a liking to her gentle nature.

"Old man"

"The boy hates you. He hates your daughters. He thinks you sent your brother out to die. Do you know what that does to one's mentality? "

"I know, I just can't bring myself to tell him"

Athena wanted to growl. It was because of Neji's hate that he almost killed Hinata. The hell if she's going to let that happen. She'll train with Hinata on the daily and make sure she's skilled enough to beat him. In fact she is skilled enough. They had a sparring match the day before and she noted how much better she was than she originally thought. The pride Athena felt at that moment.

"Where is he? "

"Training "

Athena nodded and stood. She discarded her tea while thanking the man and made her way down the familiar hall.

She stood on the training ground, watching the Hyuga train. He was skilled.

Another sigh.


"What is it? "

Athena approached the boy casually. "I challenge you to a fight"

"You? "


Neji made a sound in his throat as he took on his stance. Athena watched him for a moment before adopting her own.

She smiled.

Time to beat destiny out of the boy.


Hinata stood on the raised platform outside of her house. She just stood there, alongside her father and younger sister. They were watching the fight between Athena and Neji.

"Big brother is losing" Hanabi commented as she watched Athena keep up with his strikes and perfectly counter with her own.

"She's reading his moves perfectly and is unaffected by his blows" Hiashi also offered commentary. He wasn't expecting Athena to go pick a fight with the prodigy of his clan.

Hinata was quiet as she watched. Neji was strong, but Athena was stronger. It was as if she was seeing his moves before he himself executed them.

Hinata followed every move. She had activated her Byakugan and was surprised to find such large amount of chara residing within Athena. The striked chakra points did not remain closed for Long. There was too much chakra flowing through them for them to remain blocked. Each time one was struk, chakra flowed towards it and forced it open.

Athena was making sure no chakra point was blocked.

Hinata directed her eyes at Neji. She blinked. Some of his chakra points were blocked. She looked back to Athena. Was she blocking his chakra? Was she striking his chakra points? How does she know exactly where they are?

Neji had fallen and Athena stood before him. She stared down at him. She had hurt him. Not very badly, but he'd feel it in the morning. She got down on her knees and held her hands above him. She focused chakra and began to heal the boy.

"You're skilled" she said as she stood. She offered a hand to help him up, but he refused. "And ignorant "

He said nothing.

"You should learn to loosen up and let go of unnecessary hate" Athena advised. "If you don't you won't be liking your destiny"

The boy looked at her, slightly surprised. He won't be liking his destiny?

Athena waved at the young Hanabi when she approached father and daughters.

"Hey there, I'm Athena. Nice to meet you Hanabi "

"You're Athena? "Hanabi tilted her head and took a closer look at the casual Athena. "Your strong"

"Thanks, I bet you are as well" Athena was smiling. She had met the girl before. Not officially but she had seen her. She was just a baby back then. A newborn infact.

"You're big sister's friend. She's talks about you a lot"

Athena snickered. "Does she? All good things I hope"

"I don't think she can say anything bad about you"

Athena raised an eyebrow. Hinata suddenly took interest in the floor. Athena could practically feel her want to disappear.

"Why don't we have some tea and you can tell me all about what Hinata has said about me"

"Sure, I have lots to tell you and ask too. do you think you can teach me to fight like that? "

"I don't see why not"

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