Naruto was looking between Athena and the frozen Zabuza. No matter how strong, hardcore or coldblooded any ninja is. Once Athena is angry there is little hope for them. Athena could take on a Kage if someone ticked her off. Naruto was pretty sure she would win and if not she would come close to it. Athena is overpowered. That was obvious. That is something he knew from the very beginning. Hell, he was overpowered. But this wasn't about him. Not right now. This was about Athena. Normally she could easily handle jonin level ninja. When she's angry she makes sure her victem suffers. That is when she's truly terrifying. Naruto could tell from the look in her eyes that she was beyond angry. She was furious.

Zabuza had a very low chance of surviving this. Haku better come get his friend before Athena slices his head off. And he better do it quickly .

The water prison around Kakashi had broken and he fell back into the water. He quickly scrambled back to the surface in hopes of stopping Athena before she does something she'll regret. He noticed that she did like Zabuza. She was friendly with him and made no move to kill him before. She wanted him to accept something. She wanted something from him and Kakashi was sure she did not wish for him to die. At the moment she was not in her usual state of mind. She wasn't friendly with him anymore. He tried to harm the one person Kakashi was sure she loved more than anything. If he didn't do something he knew Athena would kill someone she did not wish to kill.

Alas, he was not fast enough to get to Athena.

One kick to the stomach sent Zabuza flying. The pain was excruciating and he coughed out blood. He had to move before he crashed into anything. He tried to twist his body. He had lost his sword. Athena had it. He was practically unarmed. That was bad. He needed to land on his feet or he could break something. But he couldn't move. The minute he tried to the grip on his chakra tightened and paralyzed him to the bone. Was she doing this? Was she keeping him powerless? How? Was it the eyes?

Those cold blue eyes that could send even the most hardened of ninja running.

Those eyes were staring at him again. He hadn't even been granted the mercy of crashing to the ground. She was in front of him again and dealt him another paralyzing blow.

Sasuke was frozen to the spot as he watch Athena slaughter Zabuza. Not minutes ago this man had been terrifying. He was-is so strong. He managed to capture Kakashi. He was one of the seven swords men. He was a feared ȧssassin. His bloodlust had brought such dread to him.

And now Athena was throwing him all over the place like a ragdoll. He couldn't do anything against her. Why couldn't he move? Was she somehow preventing the action? Had she poisoned him?

Her eyes were blue. Why were her eyes blue? She had straight tomoes connecting the outline of her pupil the end of her iris.

A dojutsu? Athena possessed a dojutsu? But how? She's a Senju. He was sure they had no such thing. He looked to Naruto. The blonde was following the fight with worry. He obviously knew about the eyes. Sasuke would have to ask later.

Hinata was shocked to say the least. She was not expecting the series of event that lead to Zabuza suffering Athena's wrath. She was so angry. She could practically feel it. She got so angry because Zabuza tried to hurt her. She was mad because she wanted no harm to come to her. It actually made Hinata happy, knowing Athena cared so much. She cared so deeply that she was completely enraged at the thought of Hinata being harmed. On the other hand she knew Athena had to stop. She knew Athena actually liked Zabuza and she knew that she would do something regrettable in her angered state. She had never seen Athena so angry before. That one time when she saved her from the bullies she had touched upon this anger. Now it was something else.

"Oh boy, she might kill Zabuza" Naruto said with a nervous chuckle. Where was Haku? He couldn't be far, but Naruto could not Pick up on him. The boy matches Athena in skill when it comes to conceiling his chakra, which was a bit frustrating.

Athena stood above the battered body of Zabuza. He was sure to have a couple of broken bones and he was bleeding excessively. On top of that Athena was still Holding his chakra captive with ease. She had come to gain great control of her dojutsu and understood them to a degree. The blue eyes alone had the power to cripple anyone with ease. All she needed to do was grab their chakra.

Athena stared down at the mist ninja with cold eyes. She deactivated her dojutsu and placed a foot on the man's ċhėst . The scar she had given him with her sword was reopened and leaking an amount of blood. She didn't care. Her heel dug into his ċhėst making it worst.

Kakashi winced when Zabuza let out a scream of pure pain. Athena retrieved a sword from her back and brought it to his throat. She presses the sharp tip into the same spot she had drawn blood from. She glared but stopped when she felt familiar chakra flow through her. She stood there unmoving for a moment before glancing at the worried Hinata. She had a hand over the other as she fed it chakra. Athena's eyes softened for a moment and she looked back to Zabuza. She pulled her blade away from him and returned it to her back.

She sighed before getting down next to him and started to heal him.

To say Zabuza was confused was an understatement. But he was starting to think he should not be as wondrous as he was at the moment. She had previously fought him and proceeded to heal him. The only difference now was the fact that she beat him to an inch of his life. To think he was treated like a ragdoll by some kid.

When Athena thought he was healed enough she stood up and turned away from him. She shoved her hands in her pocket and took another deep breath. She was still mad, but she was slowly calming down.

It was at that moment that Haku appeared. He had on the ANBU mask and stood near the still battered Zabuza.

"Thank you for spearing his life, Shadow princess " the boy thanked before teleporting both him and Zabuza away.

"I need some Dango"


At the moment the team was at Tazuna's house. Athena sat in a corner of the room and quietly ate some Dango. Kakashi was bedridden because the Sharingan was used too much. She could restore him, but she was not in the mood. He would recover normally.

Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata sat near Kakashi. They kept glancing at the moody Athena. She had calmed down but there was still some dark air around her. She hadn't said a word after everything happened. She just picked up Kakashi like he was nothing and threw him towards Naruto and Sasuke as she fell in step with Hinata. No one dared say a word.

"Hey kid" Tazuna stepped into the room and eyed Athena in the corner. "Why did you let that ninja go? He'll come back"

"Then let him" Athena said casually. "I almost killed him when I don't want him dead. I had nothing against him, I do now, but I'll put it aside for the moment. There is something I need him for and he's no good to me dead"

"You left the ȧssassin sent after me alive, because of your own personal gains? " Tazuna asked annoyed.

"Sounds about right" she met Tazuna's eyes very easily. "I don't care what you think right mow and I don't really care about you, but you have a daughter and grandkid so I'm keeping you alive for their sakes"

"That's better than nothing when it comes to Athena" Naruto voiced as he busied himself with some new paper bombs. "Zabuza will come back, he still has a contract after all. He doesn't give up. He'll bring Haku with him, that's for sure"

Hinata glanced at the somewhat annoyed Athena and met her eyes. She stared at her like she usually did before motioning for her to come sit with her.

So she did.

"Are you alright? "

Athena nodded soundlessly and continued to eat her dango. She was still a bit mad and will probably hold a grudge, but she won't kill Zabuza. Now, if it was some random bastard she had no interest in he would have met a painful death.

"Want some dango? I don't have any cinnamon roll on me right now" Athena said in a calm voice. She offered Hinata a stick of dango.

"How many dango do you have on you? You've been eating for some time now" Hinata asked and stated as she took the offered sweet.

Athena only smiled at the question and statement. She did have quite a few on her. She just loves the treat so much.

"An amount" was her answer. She seemed amused by the curious look on Hinata's face. She chuckled.

"She's getting back into her good mood" Kakashi noted to Naruto and Sasuke. "You think you two can convince her to heal me? "

"No can do, you can never be too sure when it comes to Athena" Naruto said with a glance.

"Yes and the good mood is just a default whenever she's around Hinata" Sasuke added.

Kakashi sighed. He used the Sharingan too much and would be bedridden for at least two or three days. He knows she could heal him. If only she would get out of her bad mood.

"You should heal Kakashi" Hinata said as she pointed at the motionless man. She was starting to feel very sorry for the man.

Athena hummed and glanced at her teacher. She said nothing for a full minute.

"I suppose"

The relief Kakashi felt when he heard those words. He glanced at her and saw her smiling. But it wasn't a very kind smile. That relief quickly faded.

"But I'm very comfortable here" Athena slowly said.

"Athena that's not very nice"

Athena glanced at Hinata when she said that. She had a frown on her face that only made the blonde smile.

"Fine fine" Athena bit her thumb and made a couple of handsigns. She pressed her palm to the floor and markings spread across it as she completed the jutsu. There was some smoke and when it cleared there stood a small slug. "Care to heal Kakashi for me? "

The slug let out a high pitched sound as she made her way towards Kakashi with surprising speed.

The man shivered when he felt the creature slithering up his arm. It was on odd feeling and the little slug came to rest on his forehead.

"A slug summons" Sasuke noted.

Athena watched the little slug do her job before repeating the entire process. There were markings and then smoke. When it faded there stood a slightly bigger Shiroi.

"Hello " the young toad greeted. There was the usual curiosity in her eyes as she hopped towards Athena. She quietly hopped into her ŀȧp and stared at Hinata, who was doing the same. "A Hyuga"

"Her name is Hinata"

"Oh" Shiroi said in realization. She then easily hopped into Hinata's ŀȧp, shocking the girl. "I'm Shiroi"

Hinata was slightly lost as the toad stared up at her her. Shiroi had curiosity in her eyes and Hinata guessed it must be one of the reasons Athena likes the amphibian. She was also very cute.

"Shiroi is a good friend I met while I was training with my father" Athena explained. "She asks a lot of questions and sometimes she comes back to the same questions, but she's nice to have around"

"Do you really have 360 vision? "Shiroi asked As if on cue.

"Y-yes I do"

"Is it true that you have a small blindspot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra? "

That was a very specific question. Hinata nodded and looked to Athena, who was amused. She did tell her that Shiroi asks questions.

There was silence for a moment as Shiroi stared at Hinata. Said girl noted that the toad was similar to Athena in that department.

"Do you love Athena? "

Athena snickered at the question. She knew the reaction it would get out of the shy Hyuga. Her face quickly turned red and she was reduced to a stuttering mess.

"So you do" Shiroi concluded once Hinata gave up on trying to form a sentence.

"Shiroi, I think that's enough. She might faint if you continue "

"But I have one more question " Shiroi protested as Athena picked her off Hinata's ŀȧp. She struggled in Athena's hands before managing to slip out and land on Hinata's shoulder. She smiled a victorious smile as she quietly whispered something into Hinata's ear.

Athena had no idea what Shiroi asked Hinata, but this was it. The embarrassment was too much for her and the blood that rushed to her head made her dizzy and she soon lost consciousness.

Athena caught her when she fell and shot Shiroi a curious glance.

"What did you ask her? "

"Oh, you know"

"No I don't know, Shiroi"

"Oh, then you'll just have to ask her when she wakes up " Shiroi said with a nod and waved.


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