Athena had rejoined her team after another futon was located and brought into the room to place Hinata. She had woken up before, but passed out again when Athena asked her about Shiroi's question. Now Athena was even more curious about the question. She wasn't going to ask Hinata about it, seeing as it is too much for her to process. So she would have to get it out of Shiroi. That would take some time because Shiroi has a will of iron and won't break no matter what. Athena commends her for that.

"What happened to Hinata? "Naruto asked curiously. Athena didn't seem worried so he concluded that it was nothing serious. Which meant he was free to ask without fearing a deadly glare from his sister.


Naruto adopted a look of complete understanding. This of course raised eyebrows by Kakashi and Sasuke.

"Shiroi is a toad summons who's good friends with Athena and she asks a lot of questions" Naruto explained

"One of her questions was too much for Hinata to process" Athena finished. At the moment she was sketching something again.

Kakashi sighed. He should've known it was something odd.

"Why are you still in bed when you're already healed up? "Naruto asked his teacher.

"He's a lazy ȧss" Athena said bluntly.

"Seems like it" Sasuke nodded in agreement.

Kakashi ignored him and sat up. He glanced at the sleeping Hinata for a moment before looking to the three awake.

"It's obvious Zabuza is coming back and he'll have help" he began sounding very serious. "Naruto and Athena can handle him just fine and have made it clear that they have fought him before and come out victorious. That leaves Sasuke and Hinata"

"And you, let's not forget that you fell for a stupid trick when you could have mopped the floor with him. You disappoint me" Athena said with a stern glare. It was as if she was scolding a little boy or something.

Again, Kakashi ignored her. "So Naruto and Athena you two are in charge of readying Sasuke and Hinata for battle"

Naruto adopted one of his big grin at that and slung an arm over Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke displayed no emotion, but he kind of liked the idea. Those two were strong. They could teach him a lot. All he wants is to be stronger so why not let those stronger than him guide him.

Athena nodded to the idea. "Naruto we'll improve their chakra control and teach them jutsu of their element. Also, work on teaching Sasuke the shadow clone. Kakashi, you teach him the chidori"

Everyone nodded to Athena's instruction

"Are you sure teaching me to shadow clone is a good idea? "Sasuke asked. The shadow clone is a forbidden technique for a reason. "It's a forbidden justsu"

"Multi shadow clone is the forbidden jutsu. One needs a lot of chakra to perform that jutsu" Athena corrected and informed. "You'll learn to make just a small few, but the multi shadow clone jutsu will do you no harm since you have impressive chakra"

Well, that's the first Sasuke ever got a compliment out of Athena. She acknowledged him. Something his father refused to do. He sighed as his thoughts went back to his no good father. He was angry all the time and always swearing revenge on the village. Sasuke doesn't know much, but he knows that such an idea is not very good. There could be a war. People would die. His own people would die. He had a feeling such a thing almost happened before but no one wants to tell him. Athena said she would tel him at some point, so he'll have to wait.

"When Hinata wakes up and we have some food we go out and begin our training" Athena announced

"That's a stupid idea"

The team of ninja looked up to find a little boy. Athena only glanced at him before returning to her drawing. She wondered what happened to the one on the test.

"Inari, where were you? "

Athena forgot the old man was still in the room. She's gotten good at ignoring the old geezer.

"Welcome back grandpa" the boy said as he walked up to the old man.

"Say hello to the brave ninja tasked with protect me, Inari"

"Mom, they're going to die"

"What a cheery kid" Naruto said sarcastically.

"No kidding " Sasuke nodded.

The boy was staring at them. They we're just a few years older than him. There was no way they could stop Gato. What are they thinking?

"There's no chance you're stopping Gato"

"Gato is nothing hut a pathetic man who cares only about his money. He hires thugs and ninja and whatnot to do his dirty work because in reality he doesn't amount to the dirt we walk on" Athena said very darkly. Sasuke and Naruto made some distance when she started letting off that dark air again.

"Kid, we've already taken care of three of the ninja sent after your gramps. Two chunin level nin and one jonin that bȧrėly got out alive" Naruto said casually. "We can take care of Gato"

"You'll die so it's best you leave"

"It's best you mind your own business " Athena said calmly as she looked at the boy. Inari was taken aback by the emotionless look in her eyes. "If we die then we die. What we choose to do with our lives is none of your concern"

"What kind of talk is that!? Why do you talk so casual about your lives? "

"Why do you care? "Athena questioned and went back to her drawing. "We were tasked with protecting the old man. I don't like him, but that does not mean I will not see my job through to the end. Your words mean nothing to me for I know that we can handle this. When we come against Gato, I will personally drag that scum through your town and tie him where everyone can pay him back for what he's done. And after that.... " Athena trailed off, her eyes never leaving her drawings. "I will make sure he gets a slow and painful death"

The dark air returned and even Kakashi made some distance between him and the scarily calm Athena. He could tell she meant every word of what she said. She will really kill him.

Inari was quiet. He couldn't say anything because the air around Athena was frightening. He gulped and quickly turned around to leave. He was convinced she was crazy. There is no way they could beat Gato. Her words were honest. She was telling the complete truth, but he would not believe it.

"Inari, where are you going? "He heard his mother question, but he said nothing as he left for his room.

Stupid ninja.

"You scared my little grandson, you idiot! "Tazuna accused.

"No I did not. Unlike you your grandson actually has some balls" Athena insulted bitterly.

Kakashi sweatdropped. She can really hold a grudge , can't she?

"How dare you! "Tazuna made to pounce om the twelve year old but his daughter, Tsunami was holding him back

"She's a child father. Let her be" she protested as she tried to kept him back.

"That child is a menace! "

"And you're very close to your grave if you keep that up"

"You see! She threatened me! "

"I only make promises. Threats are below me"

"Why you ċȯċky little brat! "

Tsunami sighed as she firmly held her father back. To think he would pick a fight with a pre teen.

"Athena, was it? "She asked.


"Could you please stop throwing insults at my father? I know he probably deserves it, but I can't hold him back forever, he's surprisingly heavy" Tsunami asked.

"As you wish"

The fact that she agreed so easily was kind of a shock to the boys.

"Really? "Even Tsunami didn't seem convinced.

"Really" Athena nodded.

"Wow, I didn't think you could stop insulting him"

"Unlike him, Tsunami is respectful and very nice so I will do as asked only because she asked" Athena admitted with a shrug. "And she's very beautiful "

They sweat dropped at the last statement.

"I'm questioning your loyalty to Hinata" Naruto said.

"Are you telling me I'm not allowed to compliment another woman because of my feelings for Hinata?" Athena questioned. "What is wrong you, Naruto? "

"I was not expecting the fact that Tsunami is beautiful to be your reason for listening to her" Sasuke said. He was genuinely not expecting that

"Again, am I not allowed to compliment a woman? " Athena asked sounding a bit annoyed.

"Don't aggravate her"

Sasuke shrugged and dropped it.


At some point Hinata woke up and everyone had the lunch Athena packed for them. After that they set off to the forest for some good old training.

"Alright let's train! I want you to climb that tree Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed full of excitement.

Athena sighed as she read the confused expression on Sasuke's face.

"Naruto, explain you fool"

Naruto scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Sasuke" he apologized. "Um... You know what chakra is right? "


"You know that is how we use jutsu"


Naruto sighed in relief. He didn't like going into a whole explanation about the thing. He opened his mouth to continue and froze when Kurama screamed in his head. He winced

"Hey Athena"

Athena was massaging her temple. She

already knew what Naruto was going to ask. It had been a long while since they let the fox roam free and they're not very happy with that.

"Are you OK? "Hinata asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine" Athena sighed and looked to Kakashi. "Hey Kakashi, you know that Naruto has the nine tails within him right? "

"Of course. "

"Well he only has half and I have the other half"

Kakashi blinked. Since when? He was sure Athena was not a holder of a tailed beast.

"It's a long story, but just know that we kind of got them to sort of be our friend and stuff. I sometimes let them roam free because they hate being cramped within us. It's been a while since I let them out and now they're being annoying"

Kakashi was baffled with what Athena told him. She's telling him that the two formed a bond with their half of the tailed beast and that she can let them roam free. How?

"I know you're confused, but just let me do this"

Kakashi nodded, knowing that if he said no she would do it anyway. Athena doesn't listen when she wants to do something.

"You're Jinchūriki? "Sasuke asked with a blank face. Why was he not at all surprised to find that on top of their overpowered power they are Jinchūriki. He sighed. He made some interesting friends. "And you have a bond?"

Naruto and Athena nodded.

Hinata wasn't surprised seeing as Athena already told her this. She was however curious to see how she would let the fox roam the earth freely. Wasn't the creature supposed to be massive?

Athena sat on the grass and closed her eyes for a moment. When she did that Naruto immediately followed her lead. The last time he was standing when she did this he almost fell face first. It's a bit disorienting when the fox is pulled from him. When Athena opened her eyes it was the familiar blue the rest had seen and never questioned. She seemed very focused on what she was doing. As soon as the blue eyes appeared they were gone and replaced with purple eyes, which shocked everyone. Did she have two dojutsu?

"Restore and take shape" she said quietly and slowly orange forms started to appear next to her and Naruto. The forms took the shape of a normal sized fox with nine tails.


The second the foxes were formed they attacked the blondes. Naruto screamed as he tried to get Yang Kurama off him while Athena easily defected Yin Kurama and held him by the tails.

"You ungrateful bastard" she said as she tossed him in some corner with little effort. She was back on her feet soon and her eyes were normal.

"Get off, Kurama! "

Athena sighed and pulled the angry fox off her brother and proceeded to throw him like she did his other half.

"Why do you struggle so much with him? He's small"

"He bites me, that's not cool" Naruto pouted.

"Why in the hell did you not let us out!? "Yin Kurama shouted as he attacked Athena again.

"Because we were in the leaf and it's best you not be seen, you fool! "Athena kicked the fox before he could get to her.

Yang Kurama sighed and lied down under a tree. He proceeded to curl up and apparently go to sleep. He could care less about his "brother" and his anger. If he felt like attacking the girl and only getting thrown or kicked away then he is free to do so. He already exacted his revenge and now he would enjoy the outdoors for as long as Athena would allow.

Kakashi, Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto stood aside and watched Athena and Yin Kurama go at it. He would attack. She would kick or throw him, but he would come back.

"Are they always like this? " Kakashi asked.

"Mostly" Naturo sighed. "They have an odd relationship "

"I swear if you decide to pounce again I will take away your freedom" Athena said to the fox. Yin Kurama scoffed and walked away. "You better not bring back a dead animal" Athena warned as he walked into the forest.

"Everyday I see something new in this team" Sasuke said to himself.

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