Naruto winced when Sasuke fell off the near top of his chosen tree. He did not see that coming. He was doing pretty good and made it that far after all. He felt bad that he fell but it was a little funny and he had to hide his smile before the boy saw him.

"Naruto, you're an idiot" Sasuke ġrȯȧnėd as he stood up. He managed to break his fall but he still hurt himself. He stood up straight and did a couple stretches in an attempt the get rid of any pain he had.

"Sorry, it was funny"

Sasuke sighed and looked at his tree. He almost made it to the top. He just needed to focus more. Add chakra to his feet but make sure it's just the right amount. It was harder than Naruto and Athena made it seem. Or maybe the problem was with him. Hinata did it after two tries. But then again she is already used to focusing chakra to her hands. Directing it to her feet is a small difference so no wonder she got over it quickly enough.

Sasuke retrieved another Kunai from his pouch and got a running start.

"You can do it! " Naruto encouraged as he watched his friend run up the tree.

Athena sat on the grass as she observed Hinata. She graduated from tree climbing very fast. Now she had to manage walking on water. Athena had created a literal lake for her to practice. Walking on water is a different story , because the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly.Hinata seemed to struggle with this one. She fell into the water multiple times but she always began again. Athena guessed around five or six more times and she'd get the hang of it. She's very smart and already has a good level of chakra control. She just needed to figure out the new challenge is all.

Hinata's chakra natures are fire and lightning. Same as Sasuke. Well not really, Sasuke learns to master lightning nature. Athena was sure Hinata had two of them naturally. So she could learn the chidori. Athena noted that most Hyuga don't tend to use jutsu. They have the gentle fist and the Byakugan , so maybe they saw no need for jutsu. That was something Athena liked about the clan. They were all about taijutsu. They could literally walk up to someone and say "catch these hands". That's something Athena always liked about the clan. Taijutsu specialist. No need for ninjutsu or genjutsu. But if they added those two into the mix it would be amazing.

She'll teach Hinata a couple of jutsu and see how things work out.

"Yeah! "

Athena looked at her brother who had his fists in the air. She followed his gaze to a smiling Sasuke. He was upside down on a tree branch. He graduated. That was a lot faster than he originally did in the anime.


"Water walking time! " Naruto cheered. "You'll ace this challenge! "

"You're confidence in me is comforting, but I know I cannot complete this challenge on the first try" Sasuke said as he climbed off the tree and made his way to the self made lake. "I can't believe you actually created a lake"

Athena shrugged and returned her attention to Hinata. She stood straight on the surface of the water and walked around carefully. Athena smiled before standing and getting closer to the lake. She crouched before it and placed her palms on the surface. Hinata watched her. She read that smile on her face and knew what to expect.

"Ready? "

"Not really "

"Good enough"

Hinata yelped when Athena created waves in the lake. She almost fell back into the water but she focused an constantly changed the amount of chakra she released to make sure she stayed above and dry. She was already soaking wet though.

"You're doing great"

"I'm going to fail" Sasuke sighed. "I don't have enough control to constantly shift the amount of needed chakra like that"

"If you fail you get no food" Naruto said with an innocent smile.

"I don't believe that"

"Well believe it! "

"Athena, will I really get no food? "

"No, that's a lie. We can't let you go hungry as punishment "

"Athena" Naruto whɨnėd. That was supposed to encourage Sasuke to do his best.

"But if you manage to get this right today I'll give you some of my dango"



Kakashi was sitting under a tree watching his team interact. Naruto and Athena are good instructors in their own way. They each decided to train one person. Naruto took Sasuke and Athena obviously took to training Hinata. Hinata graduated from water walking and now sat next to Athena, watching Sasuke struggle to graduate as well. Apparently they decided to wait on him. They would not continue training until he mastered water walking.

They're an interesting group that gets along surprisingly well. He was starting to understand why the Hokage placed them together. Although he was sure the old man just ended up making an overpowered team. Naruto and Athena are already on a different level. Hell Athena could probably beat anyone if she feels like it. If those two train their teammates, well they'll be more than capable.

Kakashi was snapped out of his thoughts by a low growl. He looked to his side, where the growl was coming from and met the red eyes of one of the Kurama. He guessed he was the Yang half because his fur was a bright orange. Why was he growling at him , he wondered.

"You know, you're kinda cute" Kakashi said absentmindedly.

Big mistake.


There was a unexpected shout that attracted the attention of the twelve year olds. Sasuke lost focus and crashed into the lake, only to quickly resurface to see what's going on.

Naruto and Athena sighed when they saw Yang Kurama attached to Kakashi's leg.

"He called him cute" they both said at the same time.

"Kurama! Let him go right now! "Naruto quickly made his way towards the scene.

Athena sighed in relief. It was a good thing Kakashi hadn't stumbled upon Yin Kurama. Neither liked to be called cute but Yin Kurama gets furious at the statement. Yang Kurama will only bite and growl. Yin Kurama will actually attack with a ball of chakra. Also, he does not listen, unlike Yang Kurama who had reluctantly let go of Kakashi's leg and returned to his spot under the tree. The very same tree Kakashi had taken place under.

"Let me see your leg" Naruto said with a sigh as Kakashi rolled up his pants leg. A bite from Kurama meant chakra poisoning and it was hard to get rid of unless you're used to the dark chakra and dabble in medical ninjutsu. Naruto extracted the fox's chakra from the wound and proceeded to heal it.

"You can use medical ninjutsu too? "Sasuke questioned when he saw the scene.

"Yeah, I trained with Athena's mom" Naruto said as he patted Kakashi on his leg

"Why did he attack me? "

"Because you called him cute" Naruto shrugged. "And you must have already made him a bit angry before that , because Yang Kurama doesn't really bite when he gets called cute. He'll throw insults and maybe scrape you"

"You were sitting under the tree he had chosen to sleep under some time ago so that must've pissed him off" Athena pointed out.

Kakashi looked to the now sleeping fox. He better stay away from them. They have a temper.

"Never call them cute" Naruto warned.

"Athena" Hinata called as she stared into the forest. "Yin Kurama is back"

Athena followed Hinata's gaze and indeed the fox had returned. Athena glared when she saw something hanging limply from his mouth.

"He better not have"

Naruto chuckled nervously and sat under the tree next to Yang Kurama. The fox opened one eye to glance at him and went back to sleep. His brother probably brought back a dead animal to spite Athena.


Yin Kurama came to stand right in front of Athena and placed a dead snake at her feet. He the sat down and looked up at her, baring his teeth in what could only be described as a arrogant smirk.

Athena stared down at the smug fox. His nine tails wagging as if he was a happy puppy that jus brought back the stick his owner had thrown.

"Kurama" Athena's voice was calm but she was glaring at the little fox. "What did I say about bringing back dead animals"

"I brought dinner "

"Dinner my ȧss" Athena said bitterly. "What is wrong with you? "

"That's what you get. You stupid child"

"I will kick you "

"I'll bite you, try me"

Athena smiled. "Alright, maybe I won't. I mean, who can kick such a cute little fox. Aren't you just the cutest thing? "

Yin Kurama growled and pounced.

"You good for nothing little brat! "

"Your arrogant fox! "Athena dodged and aimed a kick his way.

"Not this time! " Kurama dodged and sunk his teeth into Athena's arm. He was grinning when he did and Athena sighed.

She held her arm up to stare at the little fox.

"Such a dog"

"Who are you calling a dog! "

Athena only smiled when the fox fell to his feet.

"Look at that I tricked ya. I guess that proves who the smartest of us two is. Although it was pretty obvious"

Kurama growled at her and sat back down. He then proceeded to quietly eat the snake he had murdered.

"This snake is a representation of you"

"You are disgusting, you better go wash your mouth when you're done with that"

"Not before I make sure to give your face the wettest lick I can muster "

"Try it, see if I won't take away that freedom you have"

"It'll be worth it"

Athena sighed and turned away from the fox. She couldn't tell if he was serious or not and she did not want to find out. If he licks her she will beat his ȧss.

"Um... Athena is your arm ok? You've been bleeding for some time now" Hinata asked with worry in her eyes. She told herself that she shouldn't be worried because Athena didn't seem affected by it. But then she remembered that Athena didn't really care about her health in any way in the past and she didn't know if that habit stuck around.

Athena looked to her bleeding arm. Blood was oozing out the bite marks the fox had left behind.

"It's fine" Athena said as she pressed her palm over the wound and worked some of her magic. When she removed her palm the wound was no more and she washed the blood off in the lake she created.

"Do you two always fight like that? "Sasuke asked. It seemed like a natural occurrence.

"My half of Kurama is a sadistic little bastard with a massive ego. It happens all the time" Athena said casually and ignored the growl she received. "He's not all bad though "

Hinata eyed the fox as he started to dig a hole to place the remains of the snake he had devoured. After he took care of that he wandered off to the lake and drank some of the water. She figured that was his way of washing his mouth as Athena suggested. When he was content he returned and easily jumped into Athena's shoulder and sat down while licked his front paw.

"Not going out to hunt anymore animals? "

"Not interested anymore" was his reply.

"Alright, get off my shoulder"


Athena eyed him for a moment before leaving him where he was.

"Sasuke, get back on the water"

"After seeing you wash off blood in there and the fox washing his mouth I don't want to go near that water again, even though a little blood makes no difference to a lake of that size" Sasuke said with a look at the lake. He just didn't feel like falling into that lake.

"Good" Athena took him by the collar and he widened his eyes already knowing what she was going to do. "Then don't fall into the water"

Sasuke was then easily tossed towards the lake. Naruto bursted out laughing when that happened. Sasuke wasn't happy , but landed on his feet. He struggled with the water, one of his legs went knee deep into the lake.

"Fall, you fool" Kurama demanded from his place on Athena's shoulder.

"I bet your next meal he'll fall in ten minutes" Athena said with a grin.

"Fifteen. If I win you come hunting with me"

"Sure "

"You've got yourself a deal"

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