So apparently I'm dragging out the bridge arc. I apologize! Damn, you guys got me feeling all bad and stuff. I didn't mean to drag it out. I didn't even know I was dragging it out. But now I'm wondering how long I can keep it up. How much longer will I be able to make the bridge arc until you guys drop my story?

Anyways, I got a new chapter for you. Here's the thing about me. When I write I just go with it. In all honesty I just have a couple of jumbled sentences and words in my head that form a chapter.

For example.

Sasuke kicks Haku's ȧss.

Gato meets Athena's sword.

The bandit's are slaughtered.

New character is introduced

Blah blah blah.

That was literally what made this chapter you're about to read.

And regarding the matter of me writing too many stories or spreading myself to thin and stuff along those lines. Let me just tell you guys that I have nothing and I mean absolute nothing better to do right now. Before, my focus had been school and exams, but that's over and done with. Now I have nothing but my stories. My job does not need me to be present. Hell I hardly have to do anything and I gety monthly check. So I'm just sitting at home and existing.

That's all I do now. So the least I can do to keep myself sane is write my damn fan fiction.

So yeah, I needed to get that out.

Now on to the story.

Naruto had a massive grin on his face as he watched the mirrors desolve into water to reveal Sasuke standing victorious. The boy was panting and had cuts all over his body. Despite that he had a smile on his face as he stood above the fallen form of Haku. Next to him Athena actually looked impressed, which made Naruto grin brighter.

"You owe him some dango" Naruto reminded with a smug smile.

"That I do" Athena started to appraoch.

Sasuke tumbled to the ground, lying on his back to catch his breath. That was fun actually. Naruto must really be rubbing off on him for him to have enjoyed that fight so much. He tested his new strengths and the newly unlocked eye. He still had a ways to go, that was certain.


The sudden voice made everyone turn towards the direction of the town. Standing before an army of men was the man himself. Gato had a smug smile on his face as he looked at the ninja he had hired.

"Zabuza, there's bee-"

He couldn't even finish because Athena was already in front of him and had her sword buried in his gut. The action was so sudden he didn't register the pain immediately. When he did, he screamed in terror. Athena looked down on him with cold eyes, twisting the blade in his stomach and pushing it deeper. Blood leaked out of him and gathered on the ground. He coughed watching blood spill out his mouth.


The blade was removed and the man stumbled forward. He couldn't catch himself and fell face first. Another pained scream left him when Athena placed her foot right on the new wound. She ground her heel into the bleeding injury, not one bit bothered by the man's cry of pain.

The bandits behind him were rooted to the spot in fear. The amount of killing intent dripping off the blonde was enough to make them shake in their boots. She was dangerous. They all realized that. Too dangerous. They didn't even see her move. They needed to get out of there, but they could not move. The terror had truly taken over their entire body.

They were going to die.

As if confirming that realization, Naruto was suddenly in the air. He glared down at them, kunai already in hand. He wasn't letting off any sort of killing intent, but the knowledge of who he actually was made the terror worse.

"Looks like those two got things sorted out" Kakashi watched the scene before him. Naruto could hardly be seen. All he managed to catch was a flash of orange before all the men dropped to the ground. Athena still had her heel buried in Gato's wound. He's still alive. Athena didn't stab him to kill him. That would be letting him off easy. Knowing Athena he's going to suffer the worst of pains.

"Hinata, would you happen to know medical ninjutsu? "Kakashi asked the girl. He figured since Athena took the time to train her she might have taught her the used skill .

Sadly Hinata shook her head no. Athena hadn't taught her the ability as of yet. She said something about when they return to the village.

"Well, I guess Haku will have to remain in his current state for a while"

"Nice to see you're so worried about your student" Sasuke ġrȯȧnėd on the ground. Damn. The needle cuts hurt more than they did before.

"Seeing as Gato really did not intend to pay me, I have no choice but to work for the Blonde Devils"

At some point all the bandits had fallen and Naruto decided to return. Following after him was Athena, only after she healed Gato enough. He could not die yet. She wasn't done with him.


Everyone except Naruto seemed confused when Athena said the name. That confusion turned to surprise when a voice responded from behind them.

"Yes, master? "

Twisting around they came face to face with a girl of similar age to the rest of the team. She appeared to be the same height as Hinata. Where did she com from? How had they not sensed her presence?

"Would you stop calling me master? "Athena sighed as the girl approached her.

"Yes Master" she nodded, white hair falling over her face. "As you wish"

"You just did it again, Yuki" Athena should really get used to it, shouldn't she. This girl never changes. She just refuses to use her name and see them as equals. "Never mind, I have a job for you"

Athena nodded. "Locate Gato's base. I want you take care of anyone working for him. Take all his money and burn his place down"

There was a flash of something in the girl's eyes at the order. She nodded, a small smile present on her lips.

"As you wish"

"Return as soon as you're finished"

She nodded before disappearing in a halo of water.


"Oh, that was just Yuki" Naruto shrugged. "She works for us, or actually for big sis"

"So you two actually have a spy network? "Sasuke asked.

"Yes, yes we do" Naruto's eyes gleamed. "Do you want to be recruited Sasuke? "


The group found themselves back in the old man's house. Zabuza and Haku had been forced to come along. Mainly Zabuza, seeing as Haku wordlessly followed. Now they were all at the table enjoying some food. Athena and Hinata had helped Tsunami cook this time around

"Inari, you really pulled through, huh? "Naruto laughed humorously. When everything was over, Inari showed up with his entire village, ready to fight.

"You took care of everything"

"Yeah, but still. That took some major guts didn't it? I knew you had it in you"

"Of course he did" Athena agreed as she munched on some of her dango. Sasuke sat next to her, a proud smile on his face as he ate his own. He had earned it and he would enjoy it. "He may be the old man's grandson, but he still has bigger balls than him"

"What was that you brat!? "

"Ah, as expected. You're too old for your hearing to function properly, you should really take it easy"

"Don't you dare mock me! "

"And why in the hell are we having lunch with the ninja sent to kill me? "

"He really is annoying" Zabuza grumbled. "Are you sure I can't kill him, boss? "

"I wouldn't mind, but he has a familily"

"If I may ask, Princess" Haku started. "But, whatever happened to Gato? "

"I tied him to a cross and put him in the middle of the village" Athena informed. "No actually, I nailed him to a cross"

Oh she did. His entire arm was nailed to the wood. His entire leg as well. He would be constantly bleeding, but she would not allow him to die. He would be in pain for a very long time.

"The villagers are free to do as they wish"

"Is that good enough punishment? "Naruto asked? "That seems very softcore for you"

Athena smirked a dangerous smirk at that. "I put him in a genjutsu that let's him feel pain a thousand time worse than it actually is. So just the simple blow of the wind is enough to hurt him"

Naruto nodded. Yeah, that sounds like something she would do.

Hinata didn't even bother saying anything. She felt bad for him, but not enough to let Athena lessen her punishment. He wasn't a very kind man, that's for sure. He planned on killing Zabuza just so he didn't have to pay him. He tried to kill Tazuna just because the bridge would hinder his business. All he seemed to care about was money. That actually disgusted her.

"I have returned, master"

Everyone, minus Athena and Naruto jumped at the voice. Standing behind them was Yuki. She ignored the looks she was given as she moved towards Athena.

"A job well done, I presume"

She nodded and pulled out a scroll. "All his money has been sealed within, Master"

"Great, give it to Zabuza and Haku"

As instructed the girl handed the scroll to the two, no emotion present on her face. She then silently awaited further instruction.

Athena shook her head at her behavior. She really never changed.

"What of his bandits"

"Taken care of"

"His base? "

"Burned to the ground"


"Anything els, master? "

"These two will be joining us from today" Athena pointed at Zabuza and Haku. "Take them to our base and ȧssign them proper jobs. Show them the ropes and make sure they're content"

Yuki nodded obediently, her blue eyes landing on the two new members of their network. She knew them, as she did almost anyone. They were mostly ȧssassins than anything else. What job would suit their talents most? Should she make them spies or let them continue as mercenaries?

"Zabuza, Haku" Athena placed a hand on their shoulder, quickly placing her mark on them. "Yuki will take care of everything"

Zabuza eyed the girl. "Fine, if she annoys me she's in trouble "

"What of you annoy her, Zabuza? "Haku was amused.

"It's best you not do that. Not much bothers her but she's still human. She can get annoyed and you don't want that"

Naruto shivered. "Believe me, you don't want that at all"

"Let us go" Yuki placed a hand on each of the new recruits and they vanished in a swirl of water.

Hinata had watched the girl since her arrival. It was really hard to paint a picture of her. She seems emotional and only wants to follow orders.

"What are you, a mafia boss? "Inari asked curiously.

"No, I'm a ninja" Athena shrugged. "I just have spies and mercenaries all over the land is all"


"Homebound! "Naruto exclaimed happily as he adjusted the bag on his back. Sasuke was walking next to him, another stick of dango in hand. He was very much enjoying his reward. He was in such a good mood he didn't even mind that Naruto was so loud. When the blonde turned his attention to him he slung an arm over his shoulder, grinning. "Don't forget, you owe me a bowl of ramen"

"You owe me a year's worth of dango"

Naruto's smile did not falter. "Yes of course. I take you out tomorrow. You buy me my ramen I buy your dango"

"Yes and you buy me dango the day after that and the day after that. You buy me dango next month and the month after that"

"That's a lot of money. Maybe I can just steal some of Athena's dango for you"

"Try it, I dare you" Athena warned coldly. "If you even come close to my dango you'll be in for a world of pain"

Naruto chuckled nervously. Well. That was obviously not an option. He'll just buy dango everyday. He then looked to Hinata and remembered his promise to the gods.

"Hinata, I'll take you out for cinnamon rolls when we get back"

Hinata was not expecting that , but she would not deny his offer. "Alright"

"Why do you suddenly want to offer her cinnamon rolls?"

"It is my offer to the angel that saved my life twice. I shall forever be grateful" Naruto nodded sagely, as if what he was saying was something perfectly normal and universal.

Athena hummed. "Seems Naruto worships you now"

Hinata was a blushing mess at the statement. She had been called an angel so many times today,but the embarrassment would not fade. Of course Athena took amusement in her expression and could not suppress her smile.

"No need to blush, Hinata" Athena moved to pull her hood down to reveal more of her face. "We only speak the truth"

"Yeah, the truth" Naruto nodded.

"We would be in some serious trouble without you" Sasuke admitted.

"Yes, you guard and protect us from the shadow "

"Shadow tamer" Naruto said in realization. "Doesn't that sound cool Hinata? Shadow Tamer Hinata"

"That makes three nicknames"

Hinata was too embarrassed to utter a word. Instead she buried her face in the crook of Athena's neck, mumbling out embarrassed words. Athena only chuckled as she slipped an arm around the Hyuga's waist and pulled her closer. That of course seemed to make the color on her face increase. Athena could practically feel the warmth coming off her.

"I think we should leave her be for now"

Naruto shrugged and pulled out Icha Icha paradise almost the same time Kakashi did. Sasuke occupied himself with eating his hard earned dango and thoughts of returning home. He would have to tell his brother the entire story. Hopefully his mother hadn't worried too much. Hopefully she doesn't worry even more when he came back to tell them of his first time outside the village.

As they left the land of waves they spotted a figure in a three. Upon closer inspection the figure was revealed to be Yuki, who seemed to be fast asleep on a high branch. Sasuke and Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Is she for real? "

"She likes her sleep" Athena shrugged.

"You know, I think she would get along great with Shikamaru. I mean they both like to sleep and laze around "

"The only time she lazes is when she has no job" Athena pointed out as the group walked under the tree the girl was asleep on. "Get down, Yuki"

Her lids fluttered open to reveal icy blue eyes. She stared at the sky, yawning before sitting up. She reached for the katana she had placed near her before slipping off the tree and landing next to Kakashi. She stretched as she walked, reminding them all of a cat.

"Following us today? "

She nodded before speaking. "Master, your parents are heading to the village"

Athena smiled at the new information. "That's good to know. Now we just have to travel faster"

"It's been a while since I saw pervy sage. I didn't think he would coming to the village so soon"

"It really doesn't matter why they're back. I'm just glad to see my mother again"

Naruto almost laughed. "Pervy sage would feel so dejected "

Speaking of her father.

"Remind me to smack him when I see him"

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