The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Chapter 59 - 59I have nothing to say.

"Sasuke, I'm telling you. Sexy jutsu works"

The group had stopped to set up camp for the night. They should be arriving the very next day. Athena had built a little cabin for them to spend the night in. At the moment they sat around the campfire Sasuke had created. Yuki was to be found asleep in a nearby tree. She had supposedly been on the lookout. It didn't take long for sleep to overtake her. Kakashi occupied himself with Icha Icha as per usual. As he read he listened to the bickering of the boys. Athena quirked a brow when the subject became the famous sėxy jutsu. She wondered how Naruto would be proving his point. She leaned forward a bit, in curiosity. Her chin came to rest on the shoulder of one Hinata Hyuga, who seemed to be just as interested in the boys' conversation.

Sasuke had sighed at the words. He did not reply and instead continued to eat his rice ball. Naruto's jutsu was ridiculous. He said it once he would say it again. He was not a very strong believer in the jutsu. A ninja must be prepared for anything. Surely a nȧkėd woman won't distract anyone as much as Naruto promised.

"You're just a hater" Naruto grumbled.

"What ever you say" Sasuke glanced at him. "I won't believe until I actually see"

Naruto nodded, smiling. Alright. If that's what he wanted that's what he would get. Naruto looked to Kakashi, who subtly glanced up at him. Then to Athena who looked very content with Hinata in her ŀȧp. And then Hinata herself who seemed to be very curious.

"Alright, watch me"

Sasuke shrugged and kept his eyes on the blonde. He made his hand signs in quick succession. With the name of his self made jutsu leaving his mouth, he transformed in a cloud of smoke. Before them all stood a nȧkėd blonde in all her glory. Sasuke blinked, getting a close up. He looked away. Damn. He'd never actually seen a nȧkėd girl before. He was, however playing it very cool.

Kakashi on the other hand could feel the blood rush to many, many places. He tilted his head back when he felt a trickle of blood. This was Naruto, he reminded himself. Naruto the boy. Male. Remember that.

Hinata blinked in surprise and like clockwork her face adopted many shades of red in her embarrassment . Her hands went up to block her eyes, a soft whimper leaving her throat.

Athena was seriously hating Naruto at the moment. She took her eyes off the beautiful form of the blonde female, only for her eyes to travel back. She cursed herself as felt the blood rush to her face and soon felt the metallic liquid running down her nose.

Damn it, she was not immune to the jutsu. She hated that crucial factor. Hell, if Kaguya herself fell victem to this jutsu how was she supposed to fare any better. It didn't really help that Naruto could transform into such a gorgeous girl. She had curves in all the right places. Her eyes lingered on her ċhėst for a moment before Athena smacked herself on the forehead.

The transformation came to an end in a burst of smoke and Naruto bursted out laughing.

"Believe me now? Look, Athena actually has a nosebleed"

"I guess you're right. "

Hands gently took Hinata by the waist and placed her on the log Athena sat on before the blonde herself stood. She wiped the blood off herself, her eyes on Naruto.

"Hey, no hard feeling right? I mean I didn't just use it on you, you know? " Naruto took a step back.

Athena said nothing, all she did was form her own hand signs.

Two can play at that game.


Sasuke sweatdropped at the boy sitting next to him. He had blood running out his nose and a dazed look on his face. Across him Athena had pulled Hinata back into her ŀȧp and proceeded to eat her dango in content.

Surprisingly Athena did not hit the boy. Instead she used the very same jutsu on him. Sasuke had to wonder, if he just quite possibly saw Athena nȧkėd. He shook his head. Na. It was a transformation jutsu. Besides the girl she transformed into had black hair and eyes. Plus her bust wasn't the same size. Sasuke nodded. Yeah. They seemed a bit too small. He nodded again. He was sure of it.

"Touche" Naruto wiped the blood off his face, offering Athena some respect for the stunt she pulled.

Yuki looked down at the group, her expression unreadable. Her eyes lingered on them for a moment before she stared ahead. She yawned and settled back into her tree branch. Her katana rested on her ŀȧp, her fingers followed the curve of her sheath. She had her eyes on the full moon, admiring its shine. Such a beautiful thing the moon is. Only shining when the sun comes behind it. It's beauty can not be found unless the sun graces it with its light. Sad really. Yet oddly beautiful. Would she consider herself the moon or sun? Which would she be?

She sighed and closed her eyes. Oh well. No use dwelling on something like that. It was pretty meaningless. She should get some sleep. She had been awake for 50 hours. She deserved a rest. She yawned again. She had work to do the next day. She needed to sleep.

"Hey, Yuki"

She didn't open her eyes or respond to the sound of Naruto's voice. She didn't need to and she didn't feel like it. She only actually answers to Athena. Not that she had anything against Naruto. She liked him well enough. Athena was just different is all.

"Are you sure you'll be fine up there? "

She nodded. Of course she'll be fine. She found a very comfortable spot up in the tree. Besides, she liked to be surrounded by nature.

"Suit yourself" Naruto shrugged and made his way into their cabin. "Make sure to get a good night sleep"

He didn't have to tell her that. She was going to sleep and no one was about to stop her. Anyone who dare disturb her sleep will punish.

Athena casted a glance at the girl as she followed after the others. She sighed. No doubt she'll sleep an entire day away. Of course she'll have to wake up to continue on with them. Or maybe not. She does her own thing sometimes.

Stepping into her room, she found Hinata staring at one of her books. More specifically, Icha Icha paradise. Huh. She was alone in the room and had the opportunity to finally read the book, but she didn't take it.

"You didn't read it? "

Hinata shook her head no.

"And why is that? "

"You don't want me to" Hinata replied, her hands twisting together as a soft pinkness colored her cheeks.

Athena hummed, a smile blooming on her face. "Obedient, aren't you? "

She wondered exactly how obedient she could be.

She could just imagine all t-

She stopped herself, shaking the thoughts away. Some other time.

"I know" Hinata nodded her eyes back on the book. "Why can't I read it? "

"The book is highly inappropriate, you are not ready" Athena said with a sagely nod. No. Her princess shall not be tainted by the book. Not at all.

Hinata gave Athena a look. A look that made the other laugh.

"Don't give me that "we're the same age" look"

"I can handle it" Hinata said bravely.

"Shiroi's question"

That was all she needed to say. Within moments Hinata was blood red.

Athena shook her head, smiling. Seriously, she was too cute

"If you can't handle that question you can't handle the book. That's just how it is" Athena had taken off her jacket and climbed into the one futon present in the room. She grinned at the defeated look on Hinata's face. "Now, don't be disappointed. You'll read it one day"

"Well..." Athena trailed off, a questionable smirk playing on her lips.

"Well what? "

The blonde bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head. She was just too innocent. And that was so cute. She couldn't handle it. She's just too adorable.

Hinata yelped when Athena suddenly latched onto her and pulled her down. The Hyuga landed right on top of her, a blushing mess. Athena nuzzled into her, chuckling in amusement.

"You're too adorable, you know that? "

Hinata mumbled. Not brave enough to actually respond to the words. She didn't move from where she was. She enjoyed her position. She nuzzled Athena right back, a giggle escaping her.

"Comfortable are we? "Athena teased.

Hinata responded with a hum of confirmation. She ignored the teasing tone in the blonde's voice and the blood she felt rushing to her face. She really was comfortable and she didn't mind admitting it.

"Hey, I just realized something "

"I haven't kissed you in a while"

Hinata swallowed thickly. At this point she might as well be permanently red. Her blushes were just a natural response to Athena now.

"I should fix that, shouldn't I? "

Fingers trailed down her cheek, seeming to take interest in the increasing warmth in them. They came to stop at her chin, gently tilting her head back. Athena was looking at her with the usual intensity in her eyes. An intensity that had Hinata weak more often than not. How was it that a look alone made her feel as if she could pass out?

And then she kissed her. As soft as the first. Athena's lips were as warm as her body and had a soft taste to them. She couldn't figure out the taste she was getting. It wasnt dango this time. Her lips were soft against her own, pulling all her focus. A hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. She was engulfed fully in Athena's comforting warmth. A pleasant sound left her throat. She was amazed.

Athena had pulled away just bȧrėly. She'll never get enough of it. That was for sure. She chuckled at the dazed look in Hinata's eyes. That chuckle died in her throat when she felt arms wrap around her neck, fingers losing themselves in her hair. She was pulled back down. She was a bit surprised by the action. Not expecting Hinata to be brave enough.

"Again" she had mumbled before their lips met again. Athena hummed, hands gripping the Hyuga by the waist and pushing her against the futon.

She was surprised by Hinata's brave act, but not complaining.

No sir. Not at all.


Meanwhile in the boys room

"Hey Sasuke l-"


"But, you didn't let m-"

"No, Naruto. No"


"No" Sasuke rolled over on his futon his back to the pouting blonde. "Just, no"

He was not risking his life with the blonde again.

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