Hiruzen sighed in frustration and worry. It had been over two hours since anyone had least seen Athena. She had just stormed off. Kakashi went home to check but she wasn't there. He decided to stay just incase she came back. Where could she be? Hiruzen was praying to any god out there that she was alright.

He thought back to what she had said to one of the council men. It had pained him to see the look in her eyes. The words she had used. He knew something was bothering her . Something had happened in her last life that was still causing her pain. He wished he knew what it was and he found out, even if it's just a little bit. How could someone call a child useless? A waste of space? He gripped his pipe as he felt the fire of anger swell within him. He wanted to know what she went through. He wanted her to talk to him, but she was still afraid to do so. He understood and knew he could do nothing but wait.

With a sigh he got back to his paperwork. It was hard to focus with the thought of Athena in his head.

The sound of the doors opening made him look away from his paperwork. He was expecting one of his ninjas coming to report something, but he was pleasantly surprised to find Athena looking at him.

"Athena, you're back"

Athena said nothing and only sighed and she shuffled some hair out of her face. She didn't look as depressed as she was before, but she still looked a bit down.

"Where were you? "

"The forest, to clear my head" She replied and stuffed her hands in her pockets as she stared at the floor. "It didn't help all that much, but I found Hinata wandering around, lost"

Hiruzen saw a ghost of a smile on the blonde's face at the mention of the Hyuga.

"I feel a bit better now I suppose" She sighed again. "I just needed someone to... " She trailed off staring at the floor again. "Never mind" She looked up at the old man. "I have a request and you mustn't refuse"


Athena stepped through the open door and walked into the familiar house. She was thinking over her discussion with the old man. He didn't refuse as she had asked and she was happy for that. What she had in mind needed to be done in order to improve the future. She wasn't going to wait around and second guess her decision. Things already changed with her presence in this world. If she was here she would make changes where she saw fit. She would prevent as much death as possible. She will help those worthy achieve the power they would need. She has a worth. She has a use. No more second guessing.

"Huh, so you came back" Kakashi sat in the living room reading a book. Athena looked up at him with the same emotionless eyes.

"Yeah I did, I have no where to go after all"

"Where did you run off to? "

"The forest"

"Care to tell me anymore about that? "

"Not really, no"

Kakashi stared at her and she returned his stare with a look of her own. At some point Kakashi sighed and looked back at his book.

"Prepare for bed, we resume training the same time tomorrow"


The next morning went like every other. Athena did her basic exercises and practiced her jutsu. She had improved and was capable of performing high ranking jutsu like the water dragon for example. Kakashi found himself feeling prideful of his young student. His one week of training was at it's end. He would have to pass her on to Might Guy later that day. He was confident she could handle training under him. He had built up her muscles just enough. Guy would make sure to push her to and past her limits as he should. Break her down then build her up.

"Athena" Kakashi called.

Athena at the moment was standing up side down on a tree. It was still a bit hard to walk on trees but it was becoming easier every day. She was even more determined than ever to be stronger and it showed in her enthusiasm during training that day.

"Get down it's time to go meet Guy"

"I guess I'm going to have to get used to being in pain twenty four seven" She sighed as she walked past her trainer. She purposefully ignored him knowing very well he might teleport them both to the spandex wearing taijutsu master. She absolutely refused to go through that torture again.

So the two walked through town like normal people. Athena was somewhat happy that she didn't have to go through teleportation as she followed after her care taker. She was fed and energized. She would take on any challenge thrown at her with her head held up. She would finally learn how to fight. Kakashi refused to teach her, saying that he would teach her a thing or two after she was properly trained by the master himself. All he had to do was help her with chakra and jutsu. Taijutsu and Gen jutsu were not his erea.


"Kakashi! My rival and friend! " Guy appeared out of nowhere the second the two stepped onto a training ground. Kakashi didn't seem all that surprised and knew to step aside when the other man came barreling towards him. Athena only stood aside and watched the scene before her unfold. Kakashi dodged the green body that flung itself at him and bȧrėly dodged a kick to the temple. To retaliate he sent a fist of his own and soon the scene turned into a full scale Taijustsu fight between two of the strongest Ninja. She wondered who would win. The swift and flexible Kakashi or the strong and experienced Guy?

The battle ended as suddenly as it started.

"Huh, a tie" Athena was a bit disappointed, but still satisfied with having seen the Kakashi and Guy fight right before her eyes. Even though she struggled to follow their movements.

"Young Athena, how happy I am to see your youthfulness again" Guy said very loudly with a blinding smile and thumbs up. The usual pose.

Athena tilted her head slightly as she tried to deduct the mystery that was Guy. His teeth really sparkled. Just like they do in the anime. So that means that the facial expressions that appear in the anime are possible here. Makes sense, kinda, she was in the anime.

"It's good to see you as well Guy"

Athena was panting as she ran past the same tree for the 15th time. Her legs hurt like never before. Her ċhėst felt like it was on fire. Every breath hurt her lungs. Her head was cloudy and she could bȧrėly keep her eyes open. She was truly and utterly exhausted. If she thought Kakashi's training was hard Guy's  was a nightmare.

"You can do it young Athena, just five more to go! Push forward with the power of youth!"

Athena wanted to say something to the man running alongside her like it was nothing, but it was hard enough already. She kept her mouth shut and focused on not face planting into the dirt. Running twenty ŀȧps around the training ground was only her first thing on the exercise list. After this she would have to do the same amount of push ups, sit ups and the likes. She didn't know how she would accomplish that and stay conscious. While she appreciated the voice of support from Guy she still needed a break. Her feet were getting weaker by the minute.


Immediately after she miraculously finished her twentieth ŀȧp she had to move on to the other activities. At least the push ups didn't involve her legs too much, still it was hard. She felt weak as it is and she needed to push her own weigh twenty times.

"You can do it Athena! "

She really wanted to yell at him at that moment.


Somehow she pushed through it all and finished all the exercises. She was too weak to move a muscle and just layed sprawled out on the grass staring at the sky. Her breath was coming in quick short pants. Her ċhėst was heaving rapidly and she could hear her heart beat in her ear. Her body was hot. Super hot. She felt as if she had just walked through fire. Her clothes were soaked with sweat so much so one would think she took a dip in the river.

"Well done Athena, tomorrow we will do the same training and the day after as well. In no time at all this will be a piece of cake for you"

Athena ġrȯȧnėd already feeling the pain she'll go through each day.

"Now, I will give you ten more minutes to breath then we shall begin our youthful training! "

Another groan and she rolled over to her side. The next few days were going to be very painful in deed. Maybe she should start looking for some healing ointments in hopes of easing the pain.

Ten minutes later as promised Guy came to get her. He made her stand on her shaky legs and began teaching her some basic Taijustsu. Despite the pain and weakness in both her arms and legs she paid very rapth attention and copied Guy's every move.

When I say every move I mean every move.

Every movement guy made she followed with both her eyes and body. At first Guy didn't notice it. When he did he didn't pay it much mind, but after an hour of teaching her the basics he moved on to more complex movements. He demonstrated it only once and Athena copied it flawlessly. This, this gained his attention. He demonstrated another complex movement and again Athena copied it like it was nothing. Four complex moves later and he uped the factor and a set of difficult moves in a row. When he told Athena to try it she did it perfectly.

Guy was shocked.

"Young Athena I think we should visit the Hokage"


"Would you please demonstrate? "

Guy complied and did a couple of attacks in a sequence. During this Hiruzen observed Athena. She stood very still and just watched Guy unblinking. Her eyes followed his every movement. Observing and calculating. Hiruzen stared into the golden amber orbs that were her eyes. He watched as they darted in every direction Guy went. And finally he saw a quick flash of deep purple in her eyes. He blinked in shock. The flash was gone in an instant. Did he imagine it?

"Athena can you perform every step I just did? " Guy asked.

Athena blinked and nodded. She took on a position and proceeded to do the exact same movements Guy had done. Every step was timed precisely. Every step matching that of Guy perfectly. Hiruzen was both shocked and amazed. What could this mean?

"Athena how can you copy movements like that? "

Athena shrugged. "I don't know"

Hiruzen sighed. Athena was a very odd and rare child. She had all five chakra natures. Reserves as strong as a tailed beast. Control on par with the most skilled ninja. A knack for performing Justu and now she could copy someone's movements with ease? What is going on with this child?

"Hey" Athena had stuffed her hands in her pockets. Hiruzen was starting to understand that it was a habit of hers. He wondered if it was a nervous tick. "Seeing as I can copy any movement I see I would like to get back to learning Taijutsu"

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. "Why so enthralling? "

"I need to learn to protect myself, don't I? "

"Yes, but your skill in Jutsu is enough for that"

Athena didn't argue with that. In fact it made her feel happy that the Hokage recognized her abilities.

"I promised Hinata that I'd help her train the instant I learned some good Taijutsu. I'm no use to her if I can't even keep up with her" Athena admitted.

"You made a promise, huh? "

"Yeah and I don't break promises" Athena said. "Especially not to someone who was there for me when I needed it"

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