Athena was two days into her training. She had been copying every move Guy had and burned it into her memory. Most of her time was spent on the physical exercises she had to go through. Since she could easily copy any move taught to her Guy made sure she worked on her body. Three third of the day was spent working out while the one third is spent practicing Taijutsu. Despite the amount of techniques she had in her arsenal she hasn't went up against anyone yet. Guy promised to test her skills on the third day.

Kakashi had come visit during her training hours and seemed to enjoy watching her struggle through her exercises. She knew he was a sadist. The damn bastard. He would drop her off in the morning and pick her up in the night. Sometimes like today he would stay and watch when he had nothing better to do. He would openly laugh when Athena seemed in pain and she always shot him a glare. She wished she could kick his ȧss, but she knew he was a monster compared to her.

It was four in the afternoon when Guy had said they should visit the old man again. They hadn't seen him in two days. She wondered what he wanted.

On their way to the Hokage Office she found herself thinking about Naruto. She should probably go check on him when she gets the time. He must be lonely. At least he knows that Athena has his back. At least she hoped she did. She told him she'd be there when he needed her and she hoped she could pull through on that promise.

After arriving at the Hokage Office Athena stuffed her hands in her pockets and leaned against the far wall. They weren't the only one there. She recognized the ANBU in the room. He was staring at her and she returned it not at all unnerved by the mask.

"So, you brought Tenzo? Is he supposed to train me in the arts of wood release? " She said the sentence in the form of a question but it was an obvious statement. Athena could not see behind the mask but she knew he was shocked by the way he turned his attention to the Hokage. The old man sighed and nodded.

"I guess that answers the question of whether or not you know him" The old man answered. "You are correct about him training you. His sessions will be in between your training with Guy seeing as your Taijutsu depends on what you copy from him you'll have enough time in between to train in your wood release. "

Tenzo stared at Athena for some time before taking off his mask. Athena didn't give him a second glance already knowing what's under the mask..

"So you really know about the past and future"

"That I do Tenzo"

"Is it ok for me to know? "

"Yes, you are one of the four ANBU I actually trust"

"Four? "

"Yes the others are Kakashi, Itachi and I don't think the third is even a member yet"

This got a raised eyebrow from Tenzo.

"Very cryptic"

"Can I take a break from training to visit Naruto? It'll only be around an hour"

"Of course you can my youthful flower! Friendship is the essence of life" Guy said enthusiastically.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome young flower, but before you go allow me to give you these" Guy pulled a bag out of nowhere and planted it on the floor. He zipped it open and pulled out black leg, waist and arm warmers. "Please put these on"

Athena took one look at them and immediately knew what they were. She recognized them from Lee always having them on. They're the same type of leg warmer he always wears to conceal his weights . She had a feeling her warmer would be the weights. They didn't look that heavy though. She cautiously approached the bag and picked up a leg warmer. It weigh as much as a leg warmer should. She raised an eyebrow in question even as she pulled the accessory on. She tested it out. The weigh didn't change and she actually liked the way it looked on her

"They fit you perfectly" Guy grinned. "These are special weights. The weight depends on the amount of chakra you pour into it"

Ah, so they rely on chakra. No wonder they're so light. They have no chakra in them.

"Even when you're on a break you can train if you have these on" Guy said. "The power of youth is so beautiful"

Athena sighed. "And you want me to put some chakra in them"

"Yes, enough to effect you"

Another sigh and Athena did as told. She slowly added chakra into the weights until it was pulling on her. She tested her new obstacle. It was harder than usual to lift her arm, but she managed.

"This should be enough"


Athena wandered through town in search of Naruto. She wasn't really searching per say. She knew exactly where to find the ball of sunshine. She had a list of activities planned out for them. She would join him at Ichiraku seeing as that's where he spends his day. After that she'll go grocery shopping with him. She'll help him out around his apartment, Maybe cook him some dinner.

She turned down a corner and saw the Ramen shop in sight. She allowed herself a small smile as she approached the store.

Upon entering she immediately  spotted the orange wearing Uzumaki.

"Athena! " The boy barrled off his seat and made to tackle the other blonde in a hug.

Athena reacted fast and side stepped the airborne Uzumaki and watched him fall face first into the dirt. It was an amusing sight. His face was in the dirt while his rare was in the air. After some time he sat up and dusted himself off. He smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

"I forgot you don't like it when people touch you" He said and stood up. "Sorry"

"Don't worry about it. How about we eat some ramen and you tell me what's been going on these few days? "

Naruto didn't object and climbed back into his seat to finish his Ramen. Athena sat next to him and ordered a bowl for herself as she told Naruto to eat as much as he wanted for she was paying. The look of joy that crossed the boys face was satisfying.  He tried to thank her with a mouth full ramen.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you'll choke"

He nodded and focused on swallowing what he had in his mouth.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome little brother"

Naruto beamed when she called him that and there was a slight tinge of red to his face. He wondered why Athena saw him as her sibling. The first day they met that was one of the first things she said to him. Even though she bȧrėly knew him.

The two spent thirty minutes at the ramen shop. They both talked about what they had been up to since the last time they saw each other. Naruto didn't have much going on. It was the usual for him. The only difference is that he was allowed into stores now. The old Hokage came through after all. Athena listened to everything Naruto had to say and it made him feel appreciated. An emotion he doesn't feel all that much. It was a positive change.

Of course Naruto was fanboying when he found out that Athena was training in the ninja arts. He listened to her stories with rapt attention and had stars in his eyes. He nodded at every detail and asked a buŧŧ load of questions. Athena found that it was nice to talk about what she had been up to in the past few days.

"That is so cool, can you teach me some taijutsu" Naruto asked with pure excitement.

"I can teach you the basic steps"

Apparently that was enough for the blonde as he jumped with joy. That action caused him to tumble out of his seat though , and his face hit the dirt again. He wasn't one bit fazed by this however and immediately shot up again.


The two stumbled into Natuto's apartment carrying bags filled to the brim with groceries. Naruto didn't see the need for so much stuff but Athena was persistent. In the end he followed her lead and helped her get what she needed. Now he helped her get everything out the bags and put them where they should. Canned goods went in the cabinets. Vegetables and liquids went in the fridge. Eggs in their container and so on. Naruto helped as much as he could since he didn't feel right having Athena do everything for him.

"Alright Naruto I only have about twenty minutes left to spend time with you so I'll make a quick dinner and head out" Athena said this as she got a couple of ingredients ready. She planed on making some yaki soba because of Natuto's love of ramen. Yaki soba can be made in any fashion. She can add whatever she so pleases. She wants Naruto to eat healthy so there will be lots of veggies.

"Awe, but you didn't teach me any taijutsu yet" Naruto was clearly disappointed at their short time together.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I'm on a tight schedule. I only have a week of taijutsu training until I move on to genjutsu for another week. I promise I'll teach you when I have a free day"

Naruto sighed but nodded. He understood why Athena had to go. He could wait. She always comes back to him. He just had to wait.

While Athena occupied herself with cooking, Naruto sat and watched. There was really nothing for him to do. He could help Athena cook, but he told himself he'd only be in the way. He was content with watching for the moment. It let him think. He was thinking about a lot of things lately. He was trying to be more responsible and independent like Athena. She could do anything even though she's as small, well smaller, than him. She was already training to be a ninja. That was super cool. Naruto knew she would be strong. She's Athena after all.

As he stared he thought back to that time in the Hokage office. He had seen a different side of Athena that day. He knew she was lonely, but he didn't know she felt that way. Like him. She felt the same way. Why would anyone be mean to her? She was so nice. She had been nothing but a friend to him since the moment they met.

"Why do people hate me? "

He found himself blurting that question out suddenly. He looked away when Athena displayed a sympathetic look. He could tell by the look alone that she knew the answer. She wanted to tell him, but she couldn't. Not yet.

"You can't tell me"

It hurt. It really did. Athena knew. She knew the reason, but she couldn't tell him. No one wanted to tell him. What did he do that was so terrible? What was so unspeakable?

"Why? "

"Because.. " Athena couldn't come up with a reason that wouldn't hurt the already broken boy in front of her. "Because "

"I really want to know"

"I know you do Naruto, but I... I can't. Not yet" Athena had to fight the crack in her voice when she saw the hurt in the younger's eyes. She didn't want to see him like that. She wanted the sweet ball of sunshine. She wanted the bright orange Hokage.

"That man in the Hokage office blamed me for losing everything. I don't know him. I don't think I ever met him. Did I do something to him? I want to say sorry " Naruto was radiating sadness and could feel the tears threatening to overflow.

"You didn't do anything Naruto. You have nothing to apologize for. That man was just a delusional fool" Athena was angered by the fact that that lowlife was the cause of Naruto's pain at the moment. She will find his house.


"No buts" Athena patted his head with a reassuring smile. "Don't let this bother you too much. Cheer up. After all you're Naruto Uzumaki and you're gonna be Hokage one day, believe it! "

Naruto couldn't help the small smile that snuck on him. He nodded.

"Yeah. Believe it"

It was nice having a sister. It was nice to know he had someone who understood him and was always there.

Athena was clearly going through something. Naruto wasn't blind to that. And despite that she was doing her best to be there for him.

He would make sure to be there for her as well.

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