Kuaiyin chose a car between the two cars to follow, and it seems that it is not easy to say now.

Following the car carrying people to the factory, Kuaiyin not only discovered a lot of secrets, but also overheard some "strange" and "deadly" little conspiracies that wanted to plot against Leon.

Moreover, Kuaiyin also stole three bottles of the things produced by that factory from many shelves. Overall, the harvest was good.

However, judging from the conversations that Quicksilver detectives heard, since those people planned to plot against Leon and form an alliance to fight against him, the place to implement this goal should be the place where the other car was going.

If Kuaiyin followed another car at that time, it might not have obtained other more valuable information.

However, if fortune and misfortune depend on each other, such a choice has really been made, and no one can guarantee the specific harvest.

After all, Kuaiyin is only Kuaiyin, and he doesn't know how to clone himself.


The three bottles of potions from the factory were taken away by Tony for testing.

As a super genius and a super rich man, Tony has the experimental equipment he should have, and he also has the experimental equipment he shouldn't have.

This is Tony's plausible explanation for why he has a full set of chemist-specific equipment in his setup room.

However, the test results of the three small bottles were quite surprising to everyone.


"Tony, you really can't read it wrong."

After listening to Tony's words, Captain America bluntly said his truest thoughts directly.

Tony took off the anti-bacterial goggles, took off the protective clothing, walked through the sterile disinfection channel, and came to the US team.

"Mr. Steve, I have to warn you. I am a great and talented physicist and mechanic, but I also hold a PhD in chemistry from four universities.

You can doubt Quicksilver pouring water into bottles and urinating, but not my professionalism. "

Quicksilver, who was standing aside to watch the excitement: ? ? ?

What's the matter with me here? I'm not a hero!


Captain America scratched his head: "Three bottles, filled with the most common medicines, for coughs, headaches, and anti-anxiety...

It doesn't make sense! If there are so many small bottles in that factory, and those small bottles are likely to be ordinary things like this, then..."

Captain America would like to say, are those people crazy after eating enough? !

But when he thought about it, the words "too long to eat" and "neuropathy" seemed to be their exclusive words, and he held back the words.

"Tony, what are your thoughts?"


Tony pointed to himself: "My thinking is, if we keep guessing here, then in a little while those guys can evict the whole factory, or just burn it all down.

If we go straight over now, maybe we can wait until the driver who drives the car has not left work, and if he is kind, maybe we can ask him what he thinks. What do you think. "

Captain America nodded.

He was used to Tony's seemingly sarcastic way of speaking. This is how this person is. Good things have to be said in a disgusting way. It seems that he will become dumb if he doesn't speak in this way.

Tony's character is just annoying.

Not surprising.

"Okay, I'll notify all the Avengers now..."

"Hey, hey! Wait a minute!"

Tony stopped the American team and said directly: "You forgot, there is actually a place we haven't been to, that other car!"

"what do you mean……"


Tony shoved a small thing into Captain America's hand.

"Patton shot an arrow on that car and the split locator is in your hand.

Since we have super-fast companions, there are enough people who can even be divided into three groups, so is it better for us to divide our troops into two teams and let one team go directly to another place. "

Looking at the locator that was still glowing red slightly in his hand, Captain America glanced at Tony in agreement.

"Nice plan. Well, listen to you."


Captain America, along with Tony and Falcon, and Ant-Man, who had never performed any team mission, went to search for the factory found by Quicksilver as one of the Avengers squad.

According to the address that Kuaiyin gave them, several people quickly felt that the factory was not too remote.

Tony looked around through the smart program outside.

Not surprisingly, there was no one.

"Captain, it looks like they really left. The action was quick. However, I found a few shots and it's still working.

I think there may be nothing left in the factory. The truck driver is off work. "

Captain America also exposed his head from behind the piled tires, set up a monocular, and observed it.

Well, the broken glass left by Kuaiyin is still there. I just don't know the people in the house...

"Tony, I don't think it can be ruled out for the time being, this is the possibility of a trap.

Didn't Kuaiyin say that there were at least four people in the room he eavesdropped on, and each of them should not be ordinary people. If they really stayed in the room, they would easily catch us by surprise when we came to the door. "

After thinking about it for a while, Captain America said to Ant-Man, who was still in a state of excitement and had been watching him and Tony talking with joy: "Ant-Man, I have a task for you."

Task! pass it to me!

I didn't expect to be integrated into the group so quickly, it may play a role and make a great contribution!

Ant-Man nodded happily: "Yes! Captain! Then, what is the mission! I promise to complete it!"

Captain America snickered a little. He really likes Ant-Man's character. Although he is very happy to work with his friends, Captain America can't say that the people of the Avengers are a well-managed group of people. statement.

"Well, yes, very spirited!"

Captain America patted Ant-Man on the shoulder and said to him, "I need you to infiltrate that factory by yourself and get information."

"Ah... ah?"

Ant-Man's smile froze on his face.

"I am alone!"


Look back at Tony Stark, and at Falcon in sunglasses.

Well, this task seems to be really only suitable for him to do.

"Guaranteed...to complete the mission!"

Equipped with his own special helmet, Ant-Man pressed the trigger on his arm, and the whole person instantly shrank until it became the size of an ant.

Watching Ant-Man riding a flying ant on the ground give himself another military salute, Captain America also responded.

After Ant-Man disappeared from everyone's eyes, Tony took off the armor on his head, opened his visor, and asked Captain America with a smile: "I don't believe you don't know that Falcon and I can both pass high-altitude infrared scanning and mechanical vibration frequency lasers. The way to read it knows how many people are in that factory.

Why do you have to let him go? "

Captain America smiled and looked back at Tony: "I also don't believe that when you checked the camera just now, you didn't scan the factory with your complicated and difficult to read things.

Didn't you stop me when I let him go? "



Captain America and Tony smiled at each other, and said in unison, "This is all to help newcomers integrate into the group and build confidence~!"

The Falcon behind him looked at the two guys and sighed in his heart.

These two guys, it turns out that they are not such people!

Why, who was infected with this...

Oh. understood. Someone who can't speak.


After several people waited for only a few minutes, the voice of Ant-Man who went to check the news came from the communicator.

"Uh... everyone, I don't know what to say, this place... is not normal...

wrong! Here... so normal! "


Did what he just said mean what I understood?

Captain America and Tony exchanged glances.

Guessing is useless, of course, it is more direct to see it yourself.

Since Ant-Man didn't mention anything dangerous, it should be very safe inside.



The simple colored steel that smashed the roof, the falcon fell from the sky.


With his shield, Captain America smashed through another piece of glass next to the piece of glass that Quicksilver had hit before, rolled back and stood up.


Tony pushed open the heavy iron door and walked in directly.

"Wang Defa?!"

After the three people landed, it was basically the same sentence.

Because what appeared in front of them was neat and tidy, with many, many shelves. And as Quicksilver said, each shelf was filled with different bottles.

"Hey! You guys are here! The way of appearing is very cool, but I'm not bad. I just came in directly from the keyhole, ha! I can't think of it, people who can do these things really don't..."

"Hey! Lang!"

Captain America sighed in his heart why he was always encountering chatterboxes, and turned his head covertly to Tony, and then called out Ant-Man's name, interrupting him: "Is there no one in the factory? Did you find it? Have you been to the room Kuaiyin mentioned?"

"I found it! Of course I found it! Oh, it's that room with a lot of smoke, I can see it at a glance!

I think Kuaiyin's statement of the three or four people is a bit conservative, and the cigarettes in the room are not like three or four people can pull out. "


"No one. I know where it is. Would you like to take a look?"


Sitting in the room where the smell of smoke had not yet dissipated, Captain America was puzzled by Tony who was checking and recording various data analysis on the damaged wall.

These people walked very calmly.

They even took the wine glasses from the table and swept the floor!

But why didn't you take away those potions outside?

What are those medicines used for?

Will it be the so-called "obfuscation"?

Team America doesn't think so.

When they found those homeless people before, the first fight with those guys was not the team led by the US team.

At that time, two cars ran away, and the US team concluded that one of the cars was loaded with various drugs and data analysis reports.

There is no problem with this conclusion.

So those medicines are definitely useful.

At least, until they found Quicksilver, it was useful until they were evacuated from here.

that is……

Captain America really doesn't understand this.

"team leader."

Tony used the instrument on his arm to release a three-dimensional information light curtain image, pointed to the hole in the wall and said: "This attack is very interesting. After testing, the thing that broke the wall does not have any kinetic energy related to metal and gunpowder. Moreover, its detection strength is super high, and its hardness exceeds that of metal bullets of the same volume.

The most important thing is that the applied force does not decay, but gradually expands. "

"Speak humanly, Tony."

Captain America didn't care about exposing his ignorant nature, looked into Tony's eyes and said, "Speak something I can understand."

"Okay, I'll change the term for a TV shopping channel.

To put it simply, those holes are not made of metal, and have nothing to do with the explosion of gunpowder.

It was more like someone standing by the wall and stabbed it with a stick.

Moreover, the stick in his hand will deform, but the hardness is comparable to a diamond! "

This is...

This is so unscientific!

"Anything else?" Captain America felt that he didn't understand this, so he wanted to continue asking what he could understand.

"Yes, I have!"

Tony said, "In the position where you are sitting, a bunch of small pits were scanned by infrared scanning on the table, oh, the kind with fingerprints.

Someone tapped it out with a finger. I just checked and this person doesn't exist.

And then, this, this, and this..."

Tony's hands pointed to the chairs one by one, and finally stopped at the one sitting under Captain America's ass.

"There are eight chairs in total, seven of which have rubbed marks on the ground, all of which are fresh.

So there may be at least seven of our enemies instead of three or four, and that's just in the house.

What we know so far is…”

Tony pointed to the wall: "There is a person, maybe a woman, who has the ability to make the body or other substances harder than diamonds. For the time being, I don't know if it will change other human bodies."

He pointed to the location of the US team: "There is another person who has never existed, and I can't find out any information. I only know that this guy may be quite powerful.

That's all. "

Tony's technology has never disappointed Captain America. Although he once made a cameo appearance as a detective at a certain period, with the clues just now, Captain America alone cannot draw so many reliable conclusions. of.

Captain America knows that, at this point, Tony is much stronger than himself.

"It's good to know a little bit of information about the two of them. At the moment, it seems that this situation is not just between us and them, but also between Lyon and them.

Those medicines outside must be of some use. I don't believe that they are hidden things. I feel like it was useful before.

I just don't know why they gave up those things after they discovered Quicksilver. "

After a pause, Captain America looked at Falcon and said, "Inform the second team, let them be careful, and tell them that our side is empty, and the enemy is likely to be there.

Ask them to report the address. If their whereabouts are exposed, report the location directly, and we will support in the past. "

Falcon nodded and called the hidden communicator.

"Captain, there's no sound over there..."


The first reaction of the US team came from tactical literacy and combat experience: Has the communicator been interfered?



Tony began to check the position of the locator on the second team.

As the head of logistics of the Avengers, Tony installed a locator on everyone's battle suit, which is something everyone knows.

"Captain~www.readwn.com~ there is a voice, there is a voice!"

The Falcons share the frequency band directly within their team's channels.

Then, Captain America heard Hawkeye's rapid breathing and flustered voice: "...request support...here is...strong...Leon...they...doppelgangers..."


The signal that was not very good was cut off immediately.


Captain America shouted. (Have you checked the location!)


Tony turned and flew out. (Follow me!)



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