With the address, Captain America and Tony won't be too worried, although, the voice sent by the team just now is indeed a bit...

Still worrying.

Who is too strong? what guy?

It will never be a friend, it must be an enemy.

But although there has been something about Lyon in the past few years, and the contradiction of the problem is going straight to Lyon.

But how could there be any danger if Lyon was there?

Can anyone beat Lyon?

Not likely...

Tony, who was flying at extreme speed, glanced down at Team America, who was still galloping on his motorcycle.

At this distance, he couldn't see Team America's expression clearly, but Tony could guess that Team America's face must be the same as his own now, full of incredible and unbelievable.

"...Barton, you'd better read something wrong...


Tony was a little reluctant to think further.


Falcon led Ant-Man slowly to this side. It is also a small team. Let's use it as a support. Who made them two can't keep up with the life-threatening US team and rocket propulsion. Tony.

Soon, Tony and Captain America approached the place they had just learned from Hawkeye's tracker.

Before it was completely reached, the people were in the sky, and Tony, who had a better perspective, saw a few people in the distance.

"team leader!"

Tony shouted on the communication channel: "It's Hawkeye! I saw them!"

Team America's motorcycle was a little faster, riding in a style that wasn't afraid of death.

Sure enough, the US team soon saw Hawkeye and others, but their state did not seem to be very good.

Captain America stopped the motorcycle, and Tony slowly flew down from the sky and stood beside Hawkeye.

The situation at this time is that Hawkeye is supporting Sister Widow, and Kuaiyin is carrying Wanda on his back. All four of them have injuries to varying degrees, all kinds of flame burns, and traces of being injured by the air after the explosion. experienced a more complicated battle.

Looking at Captain America, Tony and Captain America both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

When they were allocating teams, Captain America put himself and Tony into a group, bringing a Falcon with low combat power and not much experience, and an Ant-Man with no combat experience at all.

Because from the analysis of the pre-war meeting, the factory that was discovered by Kuaiyin may have been abandoned by the other party in a very short period of time and completely evacuated. If there is rich time, there may be some traps set up. What.

For a rookie, this is a good opportunity to try, and Cap's presence ensures that even if he lets a rookie like Ant-Man perform tasks like "sneaking" alone, no one will question his decision.

Tony's existence is a complete cameo appearance of the [Detective]. Although it is expected that the other party will disappear into which factory, but with Tony's high technology, they can always find some useful clues, and what the four of them have seen and heard, It did indeed confirm this.

Another team, the ratio is more appropriate.

Sister Widow and Hawkeye are the two people with the most combat experience and the highest combat literacy among all the Avengers.

With these two people around, the chance of small mistakes during the mission is much reduced.

Then there is no need to say Quicksilver, it is a ghost assassin and an expert in intelligence detection. In the expectations of Captain America and Tony, even in the worst case, as long as Quicksilver is there, everyone will still have a chance.

After all, Kuaiyin is the person who cannot be silenced in the conventional sense.

As for Wanda, that's a real fight.

In the entire Avengers Alliance, no one will be Wanda's opponent in terms of paper strength alone.

The guys who play magic are so rude.

But Tony and Captain America didn't expect that the four of them didn't seem to be very...

It's ridiculous that Wanda is injured!

Moreover, the issues that Captain America and Tony are more concerned about are:

"Barton, are you okay? If the situation allows, I want to ask you a few questions."

He glanced behind him, and didn't know what Hawkeye was looking at. When he turned around, he put down the widow sister who was injured in her calf and asked Tony to treat her leg wound. He sat directly on the ground and recounted himself to Captain America. of what has been seen and heard.

"We had a good start, we found the car and we found...

I feel like we've found the mastermind behind the whole thing.

Captain, they are not one, but eight! "

eight people? !

Captain America thought of Tony's analysis report. There are indeed eight chairs on that table, but there are definitely only seven people sitting on it!

eight people...

Could it be that there is still a real bigwig behind the scenes? !

Captain America looked at Tony, and Tony shook his head at him: "There were indeed only seven people sitting on chairs in that room at that time.


Maybe someone will not sit in a chair during a meeting, but not necessarily walking around the table~"

"When are you still here... Barton, you continue."

After saying a word to Tony, Captain America continued to look at Hawkeye.

Hawkeye nodded and glanced behind him again. It seemed that the scene at that time had a great impact on Hawkeye.

Captain America looked at Sister Widow who smiled wryly, and then turned to look at Wanda, who was somewhat decadent.

If even Wanda in this period can't defeat an enemy, it will indeed be a more troublesome opponent.

If there are eight people on the other side, if they are all people with special abilities, then the clues that were accidentally learned from the mouth of the homeless person, dug up, is the most powerful super criminal alliance at present.

Wanda is still somewhat lacking in combat experience. It would not be an accident if he lost to eight people to join forces, but Hawkeye did mention Leon's name just now.

Captain America looked around, and Leon was not here. So, was it that Leon held back those enemies and let Hawkeye and the others evacuate safely?

Leon, won't you lose too...



Hawkeye took a breath and continued: "...In fact, although there are eight people on the other side, only one shot."

Captain America: "What?"

Tony: "What did you say?"

Falcon finally came over, and as soon as he landed with Ant-Man, Ant-Man exclaimed: "What? What's wrong!!"

Captain America didn't answer him, and Tony walked straight past him, squatted down and looked at Hawkeye and asked, "You mean, the four of you, plus Leon, can't beat one of the eight opponents."

If so, then...

Things are getting a little bigger...

"No! It's not like that!"

Hawkeye hurriedly shook his head and said, "The opponent is indeed alone, and we really can't beat it, but Leon...my master, he didn't lose.

In other words, the one who lost was his clones. "


Captain America and Tony both breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, it is the strange clones of Leon who are holding those guys back now.

In that case...

Leon's body should be here soon.

Lyon once told them that his clones were equivalent to him at the same time.

If the avatar dies, the ontology will receive all the memories and experiences of that avatar when it existed.

In the same way, compared to the main body, Leon's clone is still much worse in terms of combat power.

Can't beat the clone, doesn't mean the main body can't beat.

It seems that they don't have to join in the fun. No need to call Dr. Banner, who is still housekeeping at the Avengers Building, over.


Captain America put down the big stone in his heart, and his tone slowed down a bit. He asked Hawkeye, "Has Leon's clone been defeated? How many are there in total?"

Depressed Hawkeye raised his head, his brows twisted into pimples: "There are dozens of clones in total, and when we cover our departure, there are probably less than ten left.

The enemy...really strong! "


"You know I'll be here soon. What I said: I, of course, is my body."

In a semi-circular deep pit with a vast area like a big bowl, Leon's three clones stood side by side, still smiling and looking at the tall, thin, blond, young white man in front of him.

"Since you killed the first [I], the main body has already learned all the events.

Congratulations, although I don't want to say that, but fortunately you didn't kill us all in an instant, otherwise, the main body would definitely not be able to react. "

Looking at the burnt hole in his chest, the talking avatar turned his head to the two "Lyons" beside him who looked exactly like him and said, "This dog b is so good at beating, fuck! I'm so weird. dying!

You two should wait a little longer, the main body won't come, I estimate that among the people who can be found on earth now, there should be no one who will be his opponent. "

After speaking, the clone turned into a light rain and disappeared.

The remaining two clones moved closer to the middle and coughed twice: "Cough! That... Anyway, the two of us can't beat you, and it won't do you any good if you kill the two of us.

Why don't we do it this way, anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle. Let's talk to you about a cross talk! "

The other clone grabbed his arm and whispered, "...that thing is called a talk show here..."

"Oh! Talk show! Yes, the two of us will talk to you about a talk... FUCK!"

The clone lowered his head and looked at his smoking chest: "How can you sneak attack!

Made! I'm going to die too... it's just you, you keep dragging on..."

There is a separate dog leash.

There was only one left, and the clone coughed again: "Cough! That...a talk show is the most reliable one, or else..."

The blond young man in a strange cloak and golden battle suit looked back to the edge of the big pit, where seven people were standing.

The man in the middle shouted, "Robert! Remember our conversation!"

The blond young man turned his head and his eyes became firm. He looked at Leon's last avatar. The pupils gradually heated up and turned red, and quickly emitted two heat rays. Two holes were burned.


The last clone raised his finger "on the verge of dying": "I'm the one who delays the shortest time! It's a shame this time...

Spirit pill! "

After the last shot of the spiritual pill was fired, the clone no longer existed.

And the blond young man named Robert, facing the Ling Wan, who was feared by most super criminals, didn't even dodge, and took the attack with his face.

Then, the smoke cleared, he. Unscathed.


The seven people standing on the edge of the big pit are naturally the seven people sitting in the chairs that Captain America and Tony guessed.

As for the one below, he wasn't in that room at the time.

The one who was wearing a suit and standing in the middle of the seven was the one who tapped his fingers in the house.

Of course, the C position is not so easy to stand casually. Although it is an alliance, it is obvious that among the seven people, he is the leader.

He moved his hand behind his back, his fingers moved slightly, the man with the back of the suit looked at the blond young man in a strange battle suit in the big pit and said, "What a terrifying power... Even if we temporarily [manipulate] I am still afraid of his mighty power.

I hope... this mighty power will not come back and take revenge on us, otherwise, I don't think this guy is necessarily less dangerous than Leon.

Judging from the data we have learned, this lucky idiot seems to be stronger than Leon..."

As soon as these words came out, several of the seven people nodded unconsciously.

It's not that they are cooperating with the man with the big back in the suit, but they really think so.

Who would have thought that this homeless man who didn't even have a serious job and was stealing things on the street every day would be such a powerful guy!

"Oh, fortunately, when we went to kidnap those homeless people, we didn't use it so... direct, otherwise, before Leon's problem was solved, we would get into trouble with this guy again!"

The big man with the rings on his hands patted his head and said angrily: "Special code! This world is really becoming more and more incomprehensible, so many powerful and unreasonable guys, who are they? Where did it come from!"

The white-clothed and white-haired woman glanced at him, didn't answer him, but said to herself, "Lion can't be controlled, someone tried it, but it wasn't me. Here's...

Honestly, I don't even want to try and control him. This kind of thing, there is not even a chance to make a mistake. If you fail, it will definitely be death! "

"Do not worry."

The man standing in the middle moved his fingers and chuckled: "No one asked you to control the guy below, everyone knows who they are, if you really control that guy, the first time, my His head will be pulled off by him, right?"

The white-haired woman smiled and said nothing.


The expressionless old man standing on the edge suddenly looked up at the sky~www.readwn.com~ Is that... a plane? Meteorite? comet? "

The old man looked at the companion beside him with the eyes of a fool: "...Are you stupid? Of course it's Leon!"


Rapidly breaking through the air, with a high-temperature air wave, Leon made an emergency stop in the air, stood in the center of the big pit, slowly descended, and stood on the ground.

"Ha, it's actually you..."

Ugly cloak, yellow tight battle suit and yellow pants, a big S on the belt...

This is the pirated version of Superman:


heh...a copycat...

(Ps: To emphasize again: Marvel's Sentinel is one of the most failed characters to set up, each has its own rotten, and each has its own disgusting.)

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