The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 12 - 12 Return, Estate and Konoha's Reaction

After returning to Kumo and completing their mision, A decided for Kira to take care of his cousin and Naruto with Karin, he also told us a that our Clan Estates are done and to check them out, which we did after Darui gave us a free week to rest, Yugito relucantly left but not before giving me another look then left, i sigh knowing that look but i decided to wait until she says something for now, for now me and Naruto alongside Karin and Izana are going to our Clan Estate.

After walking and talking, we reach our Estates. They where close to each other since the Kurogane Clan are the Uzumaki's protectors so having the Estate close is a must, Karin was in awe since she never live in a huge estate, Kusa only gave her a rundown house to live in with her mother and the practically never got enough for both of them, her mother sacrifice herself just so she can live, and after she died, Karin couldn't stay in an abusive village like Kusa, so she left but while traveling through the Land of Lighting, she never knew she would be capture by missing nin, if it wasn't for Kira and the others, she wouldn't know what would have happen to her.

As for Izana, she knew what it means ro live in a Estate, her mother always told her how she and her father live in one of such Estate in the past, both her and her parents have live in a small village you can find everywhere, her parents wheren't shinobis so she doesn't know any training nor chakra, as for the village they live in, it was destroyed by those same missing nin with her parents dying to protect her, the village she live in isn't that big, it's only small with no shinobis, so they didn't have a chance, she was the only one taken due to killing the others in the invasion, so she's glad that those missing nin are dead.

Naruto went to his Estate with Karin and she looked at me for a few seconds before following Naruto in, then i sigh and went into my own Estate with Izana.

Am only going to describe the Estate with only 1 word, Luxurious. It has everything, 2 floors with the 1st being for guest and where the kitchen is, the 2nd floor is where the rooms are with the master room having a REALLY big bed.... does the Raikage expect me to sleep with more than 1 woman? anyway every room has it's own bath with the master room being the biggest one outside in the back you can see a personal hot spring for us and far back is were you can find the training area, all i know that am gonna like it here.


i sigh while i look at the paperworks while also thinking about the past how much it has changed Konoha.


It's been 4 years since i had to announced that Naruto and Kira are dead due to the councils pressure, and i felt disguested when the entire village threw a village wide party, screaming 'the demons are dead' or 'our beloved 4th hokage as been avenged', that was the 1st time i felt soo much disgusted against Konoha, although i could see that some people where sad. Anko for one saw the kids suffering the same way as her, she wanted to help but she knew if she did help then the kids whould have suffer more, so begrundigly couldn't do it, but i know she help them in the dark, bringing them food for one, she couldn't do more so their deaths hit her hard, i can see she still doing misions without any problems but i saw it, her mask has pretty much stuck on her, she doesn't even trust the team she do mision with anymore, luckily she's still have friends like Hana Inuzuka, Kurenai Yuhi and Yugao Uzuki, as a matter of fact, i'll 4 of them never saw them as demons, but only kids, that didn't had a choice but to suffer for the problems of others.

As for the children their age, i know that Ino Yamanaka was close to Kira and Hinata Hyuga was close to Naruto, when they die, they still kept acting the same, up to this day no one knows why, where they faking being close to him? or did they still believe they are alive? i just don't know since their death has hurt me more than i though it would and the civilian council has been getting more and more greedy... sigh where was the Konoha that you created Shodaime? did it die with Minato and Tatsu?

Then a few years later i received some shocking news

-Council Room-

After i enter the room, i still hear discussion, i walk to my chair and sit while the room silenced and i watch the Shinobi Council 1st I see Shikaku Nara lazily seated in his chair, he belong to 1 of the shinobi clans in the village know for their use of Yin technique capable of manipulating his shadows to ensnare opponents and he's also 1 of the most intelligent person in the village.

On another seat i see Inoichi Yamanaka, i clan of Mindwalkers able to used their clan technique to find information from your own mind, he also runs a Flower Shop with his wife and he's also the father of Ino Yamanaka.

Seated next to him is Choza Akimichi, their clan have great physical strength who uses their calories to turn into chakra to use their own clan secret technique, they also own all the barbeque shops in Konoha.

these 3 where the previous 15th Ino-Shika-Cho

Next to him is Shibi Aburame, he's a stoic and silent person. The Aburame clan is a clan of insect breeders capable of using their insects in their secret techniques, if 1 insect manage to hit you, you'll began losing chakra little by little until you get rid of it.

Next to him is a female by the name of Tsume Inuzuka, Clan head of the Inuzuka clan, a clan uaing dogs for their secret techniques and is a famous tracker clan, they also run a veterinary

Next to her is a man with a calm face, his name is Hiashi Hyuga, 1 of the strongest clan of Konoha and known for their dojutsu, the Byakugan capable of seeing their enemies tenketsu and if strike there can temporarily block the usage of chakra's, they also served as good trackers and if it wasn't for their arrogance, great medical nins as well.

next to him is another man with a cold face, his name Unkai Kurama from the Kurama Clan, a clan who's especially skilled with Genjutsu.

The other group are the Civilian Councils, a group of civilian chosen so in the council meetings the civilian voice could be heard, sadly those chosens are either merchants or coming from non-shinobi rich clan ans because of that all of them are greedy and don't care about the civilians except their pockets, yet the have the civilians under their control and using propaganda can change their mind and make them so what they want to, just like they did with both Naruto and Kira.

Their leader is a fat man name Kusone Kuribachi, who's the richest man in Konoha, he has done a lot of bad things, even bribery but due to other problems thr villages has become too much arrogant after the suppose deaths of Kira and Naruto, even some shinobis have also fallen into arrogance, believing they can defeat anyone, and no matter how much i try to change their mind, they won't just wish to hear i can't do a damn thing and even though i hate to admit it, Shinobi does work for money and without it... sigh. am getting too old for this shit.

Then there's the 3 advisors Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane and Danzo Shimura.

All 3 of them have always the best for Konoha's interest in mind, even if it means to torture 2 boys who are the hosts of the Jinchurikis, especially Danzo, who would do ANYTHING for the best of Konoha, even if it means kidnapping children to turn into emotionless Killing Machines, it's a good thing i shut the ROOT down.

"Alright this council is in session" said Hiruzen then became serious "i just receive shocking news from Kumo. The Uzumaki Clan and the Kurogane Clan where revive there." This news surprise everyone, then a civilian angrily said "they can't do that!" "yea they can't!" while others said similar things, then i increase my voice "SILENCE!" after all the civilians had been silence i can see the Shinobi clans head thinking and on the advisors side i could see them in shock by the information, then i seriously said " they can, since they have people with Uzumaki blood and Kurogane blood in their side" then a pink haired female civilian scream which let all of our hears hurting "WHO!!!??" while i was checking if my hears are ok and from what i can see, all the others as well i first seriously said "Don't scream like that in here" then she shuts up then i said still with a serious face "Naruto Uzumaki and Kira Kurogane, the 2 deceased Jinchurikis are now on Kumo's side and revived their Clans there" then Q the scream and complaints, "The DEMONS?! they SHOULD BE DEAD?!" 1 civilian, said another then said "That's right they should burning in heal for what they did to the 4th Hokage!!" "that's right Kumo is harboring Demons we should go to war with them!!" then i exploded my KI shutting them up "no one is going to war over petty reasons" i said with hatred in my voice then danzo said "Hokage-sama, am with them, the Uzumaki Clan and the Kurogane Clan belong to Konoha, and why would they started those clans in Kumo if there isnt proof of them belonging to those clans, not only that they are Jinchurikis of Konoha, they belong to Konoha" i then look at Danzo with disappointment and said "Do you really think they would come back after what the entire village done to them? let's not change the fact that they do have proof otherwise Kumo wouldn't do something stupid as reviving those clans there" that reasoning got the nods of all the in the shinobi side while Danzo was thinking 'so that's where they where, the Jinchurikis are the weapons of Konoha, meaning the should act like one, after this meeting is over i had to send some of my ROOT to spy of them and when they are alone, get them back, they are Weapons of Konoha, they should be MY weapons.' Danzo think with a glint in his left eye.

"We can't go to war with Kumo due to them having 2 Jinchurikis, now 4 with both Kira and Naruto on their side, if he do go to war then-" he was interupted by Shikaku continuing the sentence "then they will send all 4 Jinchurikis and use them on us, let's not forget that ther Jinchurikis can control their beast power, both Kira and Naruto will be train as well, another thing, Uzumakis expert seal master and Kuno know this, so it wouldn't be surprising for Naruto to become extremely knowledgeable in seals, easily containing us ans fortifying Kumo, while weakening us, Sealing is an area we don't know that much about, so Naruto might have made new seals already, making Kumo more stronger, there's even a chance that the person, Hokage-sama that got you that info might have been capture already and even if he won't talk, who can say that Naruto must have already created a seal that force him to say the truth" Shikaku intelligently said.

Hiruzen sigh and said "that's not the worse information that i got" that let all the council and advisors in surprise "before my informant went black he managed to tell me this, Naruto Uzumaki can used the Wood Style" that gave everyone a HUGE shock but what he said next almost kill them of surprise "and Kira Kurogane as Awaken the Sharingan, Who already Mature it" everyone looks at me with wide eyes then a civilian spokes "he-he must have stolen it from the Uchiha grave! thats right he stole it from a dead Uchiha!" then another 1 said "The demon even dares disrespect the dead, he should be murder for it!!" while the civilians where screaming between themselves with an occasional pink hair bitch almost taking out our hear due to her screaming, the shinobi clan heads knew what it means to "awaken" the Sharingan, that makes Kira himself an Uchiha and now due to the civilians he's now living in Kumo and resurected the his clan there, meaning in the future Kumo will have his own Sharingan Nins.

That left every shinobi clan head with a huge headache, while Koharu said "Hokage-sama, we should get them back, those 2 bloodlines belong to Konoha, they shouldn't be in another village" with both Homura and Danzo nodding, then I said after silencing the civilians "i can't, they left the village without being Konoha Ninjas, because of that if i force Kumo to return them, then we will have war and Konoha WILL LOSE, remember, they also are Jinchurikis and civilians, Kira didn't pried the Sharingan from a corpse, hes awaken it, making him an Uchiha as well, he can even turn it off, something that only Uchiha can do"

"Then what do we do now? can we just kidnapped them to get them back?" says Homura who Shikaku turns to shut down "what makes you thing that Naruto didn't created a seal for that as well?" that shuts Homura up but you can see that he's angry along with Koharu and all the civilians, as for Danzo he's strangely calm.

Then a civilian angrily said "We should start making our Uchiha, Sasuke more stronger, so he can combat that treat!!" "That's right, make Sasuke more stronger, so those 2 Demons come for revenge, he can kill them!!" all civilians screaming but saying the same thing.

"SILENCE!!" i scream shutting all civilians up then said at them seriously "due to all of you treating them demons, this situation happen, all of those beating all of you approve, made them hate this village more, if they so come back for revenge, i'll just throw your bodies at them!!" then said sighing and calming down while seeing the civilians scared "for now we wait, since we don't have a choice in this matter" then Danzo suprisingly looks at me and with anger said "Hokage-sama you can't be jok-" i interupt him "We Wait!, council adjourned" all the shinobi clan head stands up going to their own homes to pass this suprising information, while all the civilians where scared about their revenge and angrily, knowing them they'll pass this information to Konoha to make them hate them, but i know some of them will be shocked about how powerful they have both becomes ans my 3 advisors left with an angry face, while i return back to my office with a sigh.

-1 Month after the council meeting-

I sigh "damn paperwork, it never stops increasing" in this month all information, that was said on the meeting a month ago was spread to all of Konoha, suffice to say that all of Konoha almost went intona riot when a lie was spread that Kira stole the eyes of an Uchiha due to the Civilian Council handiwork but the riot was pur down when all of the Shinobi council said that Kira awoke the Sharingan, not stole, not pried from a corpse but awoke, making him an Uchiha by blood.

That let all the Civilians in shock and because i decided to take a little revenge against the Civilian Council, i told them that Naruto Uzumaki can use the Wood Style and because all of them treat them like demons due to the Civilian Councils words they left angry against the village.

For the 1st time i saw guilty looks in the civilians eyes even some Shinobis that hurt the boys as well but knowing them, they'll forget that and start hating them back, only because of what they hold.

Now i understood the reason why Inoichi's daughter and Hiashi's daughter where never sad once they heafd about their suppose death. They knew they where alive, as a matter of fact after i called them and told them how they knew, they told me he's be exchanging letters with them.

That left me a little sad that both of them didn't do the same with me but because i couldn't protect them in their childhood i understood.

As for Sasuke Uchiha, he was in shock that there was another Uchiha alive rather than him and brother if he can call him that, even angry when he found out that while he hasn't awake his Sharingan, another Uchiha his age had did it AND mȧturė it. I don't know what he's thinking but the boy is getting increasingly arrogants ans even began demanding for more power or to even get Kira back to fȯrċɨbŀƴ teach him. I only told him that that's imposible due to him living in another Village, and all of their shinobis that they send to sneak inside, never return. He knew that Shikaku's guess about Naruto making a seal that can detect enemy shinobi is now a fact, it's the reason he stopped sending Shinobis.

Sasuke kept getting angrier and arrogant saying that he's an Uchiha and deserves respect and began demanding things, suffice to say i got angry and release my KI on him shutting him up and telling him that no clan demands anything from the Hokage, then after calming down told him to leave and keep training for the academy. He only accepted then left i anger and knowing the Civilian Council, they for sure are gonna kiss the ground they walk on, and lavish him with gifts so thry calm him down, the fools are only making him arrogant.

Another month pass and a strange box was brought to me from 1 of my ANBU's saying that it was to be brought to him, an ANBU wanted to open to box, just in case it was a trap but i decided to do it and while he was talking about my protection i just open it, shocking him and what's inside was some mask, my ANBU didn't knew what it was but i knew, i immediately told him to bring Danzo to me to which he saluted and left for him.

While i was getting angrier why looking at the mask, ROOT masks, Danzo came in "What's wrong Hokage-sama" Said Danzo in a calm and cold voice" then i angrily scream at him and told him "THIS IS WHAT AM ANGRY FOR!?" then i threw the box with the ROOT mask at him, he catch the box in surprise and what he found inside made him narrow his eyes and began thinking 'isn't this the mask of my 3 operative to i send to Kumo?', then i press a silencing seal under my table and with a scream told him "DANZO I TOLD YOU TO SHUT DOWN THE ROOT DIVISION, TELL ME WHY HAVEN'T YOU DO IT!!!??" i began calming down and look at his eyes with anger, then he told me with a calm face "because it's necessary for the safety of Konoha" then i look him with a cold face and said "you mean your safety, in your eyes all Shinobis can be sacrifice, if it means you can survive, Danzo i want the ROOT Shut! Down! or i'ved to do drastic measure, you maybe my friend Danzo but i will not allow Konoha to suffer due to people like you, am i clear?" thrn Danzo answer while secretly gripping his hand in anger "very clear Hokage-sama" then i wave him away while he stands up and left my office, after the door close i deactive the silencing seals and just fell to my chair and sigh.

-Danzo P.O.V-

While i was walking i began thinking 'How did my operatives where found out' while thinking that, i then remember Shikaku Nara saying that the Blonde boy Jinchuriki Naruto might have been trained in Kumo for sealing 'if this is true, then not 1 of my operative will have survive and the tongue seal is also useless, this completely change my plans against the 2 boys, even more so after it was found out that the blonde boy can use Wood Style naturally, is he a Senju? and the black hair boy is a Uchiha and already awaken and mȧturė his Sharingan to the final level yet our Uchiha is useless and haven't even awaken it....' then began thinking with anger 'if Hiruzen would have never gotten in my away, i would have gotten my ultimate weapon, 2! Ultimate weapons, 1 wouls have the Wood Style and the other the Sharingan WITH the beast inside, and NOW they are with Kumo!!' began thinking even more angrier 'You Hiruzen as fail Konoha!!' after calming down, i began walking to the ROOT'S Base

-ROOT's Base-

Danzo began walking inside ROOT's Base while making sure no one follow him, while walking he reach a door and enters it, inside it, there's only the furniture where the books are in front of that furniture a chair with a pretty big backrest, and in front of the chair there's a big desk.

After sitting in it he immediately call "Torune, Fū" in an instant a 2 man, 1 with a white mask and the other with a monkey mask appear saying with no emotion and kneeling "Danzo-sama" then Danzo looks at Fū and said "Fū, go and contact Orochimaru, tell him that the plans has to start now, if he can kill Hiruzen in the Chuunin Exam. Then Fū said "it shall be done Danzo-sama" then left and shunshin away, when Fū left, the man with a monkey mask said "Danzo-sama, is it wise to trust Orochimaru?" while Danzo then said with a cold face "it isn't, after he kills Hiruzen, he'll die, since he's a danger to Konoha and all dangers to Konoha Must Die" Danzo said that with a glint in his left eyes while releasing a small KI.

-End of Flashback-

-Hiruzen's P.O.V.-

I sigh 'Kira, Naruto i hope you 2 boys are alright and happier there, and am sorry this old man couldn't much for you in your childhood, am truly sorry' i think with a sadden face.

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