The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan
Chapter 11 - 11 1st C-Rank and Surprising Encounter
Soon Team 11 reach training ground 11, while entering they saw their sensei leaning on a tree, while walking to him, he saw me them as well then got off the tree and began walking to them said with a smile "apparently am your Jounin sensei, so why don't we introduced ourselves, ill go first My name is Darui, my likes are the boss, Kumo, seeing a sucessful mision and watching you 3 surpass me, my dislikes are failing the boss, the death of a comrade, rapist and traitors, my dream is to keep helping the boss, ao who's next?
then Naruto said "me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, my likes is Karui, Ramen, Kurama, making new seals, my friends and Kira, my dislikes, people that can't see the difference between a kunai and a storage seals, the time it takes to prepare ramen and Konoha, my dream is to become the next Raikage, my affinities are Yang, Light, Water and Earth with a little lighting" Naruto said Darui smiles at that, "i'll go next, my name is Kira Kurogane, my Likes are Samui, Naruto, Fenrir, helping out in the hospital and making new jutsus, my dislike are those that can't see the difference between a kunai and a storage seal, Konoha, those that hurt my friends and making Samui sad, my dream is to help Naruto's dream a reality and have a big family, my affinities are Yin, Darkness, Lighting and fire, Kira saif Darui smile "i'll go last, my name is Yugito Nii, my likes are my friends, training, matatabi and a certain boy am taking a liking, my dislikes are females who don't takes Kunoichi seriously, rapist and traitors. My affinity is Fire but thanks to Matatabi it's Blue fire making it hotter".
"Good now let's go and start doing some training and then do some missions. Darui said. Then they pass the time with teamwork training and individual training afterward they went to do D-Ranks which annoyed Naruto but they needed at least twenty completed before doing C-Rank mission, so after 2 days, they went to the Raikage's Office, who to piss off Naruto gave him 1 more D-Rank and then he said "Dammit no D Rank, please just give us a C-Rank, we already got all twenty's completed" Raikage just laugh the ask Darui "Are they ready for a C-Rank?" Darui then looks at his students then think and after 3 seconds told him "They are boss, they already show me, the can handle it" A think then brings a paper out and give it to Darui and said "Alright then, this is your first C-Rank ans the first time your gonna kill targets that can fight back, theres a bandit encampment close to the borders of the Land of Water, but they are still inside the Land of Lighting, you know what to do" Darui then took the mision papers and look at the others, they all nodded then he look at A and say "we got it Boss" "don't worry old man, we'll get it done" Naruto grinned, "heh brat try not to die on your first mision" A grinningly said and also said with gratitude "also thanks for your seals, if it haven't been for your seals, we couldn't gotten all of these spies in here, although Konoha knows your here they won't be able to take you back since you two where civilians before you left" then Kira looks at A and said with determination "we don't care about going back, Kumo has given us more happiness than Konoha itself" while also looking at Naruto who nodded and Yugito herself also smiled at Kira with Darui giving a lazy smiles to the 3 of them. A laugh and said "well enough of this wishy washy situtation, Genins you got your mision, so go do your job" then all the three of them said "Yes Raikage-sama!" then began walking out with Darui in the back and when he was about to leave, told him with a serious face, "take care of them Darui, those three are the Future of this village" then Darui said while also sporting a serious face "with my life" then leaves catching up to them.
A then began thinking about the day Naruto gave him that seal that got him to find all the spies.
"To think Naruto's seal actually work, i mean i know that his seals are perfect and amazing, hell my wife keep using my pay to get that beauty seal, but still" says a Kumo Shinobi, then another said "what do you expect- shh the Raikage" when both Nin silenced Tha Raikage came in with Darui walking behind him, then he looks at the Nin and said "how's the prisioners?" "Sir, the prisioners are all acounted for, we also took everything off of them to check if they have more weapons hidden within and seals, other than weapons, there's only three people we found with seala in their mouth, they sport a strange blank mask with the symbols N.E. on them" the Kumo Nin said, "and?" A questioned "well the Shinobi doesn't have that much emotion, they are pretty much emotionless, we put some seals to prevent them from suiciding since they tried to kill themself , we also found some poison in their mouth, on one of their teeth, we got it out as well, we also found a seal in their tongue, who ever this guys are working with, they really didn't wanted to be trace back, the seals prevent them not only of speaking of their master but also reduce their emotions to pretty much nil" The Kumo Nin is impressed but disgusted about them being emotionless, then A asked "hmm.... any information we got out of them?" "we did, after using Naruto's truth seal, they said that they work for a man name Danzo Shimura, an elder from Konoha, they are ROOT Nin who where trained from pretty much as a child to be his weapons and also that ROOT shouldn't even exist, hell we got that the third Hokage pretty much shut them down, but apparently, Danzo has been working on the side wirhout the Hokages permission. We also found out that it was him who told Konoha that they where Jinchurikis and had thr Kyuubi inside of them and fan the flames of hatred against them, so when their emotions are broken, he would have come and taken them as his weapons" Kumo nin said with a disgusting face, A frown "appatently Hiruzen can't control his own people" "that's right Raikage-sama, it's a good thing they left Konoha, otherwise i fear what woukd have happen to them" the Kumo nin said relieved, "true" A says with a relieve face then get serious "anymore?" then the Kumo nin says "not at the moment, sir. But what are gonna do about these guys?" A then says without emotion in his voice "Kill them, and send their mask to Hiruzen but make sure it isn't traced back to us, the information the we got is useful but not enough to destroy Danzo" the Kumo Nin then said "Yes Raikage-Sama" with determination in his voice then the Raikage left but before he could leave thr Kumo nin told him hurriedly "Raikage-Sama! there's one more piece of info, from the Civil War in Kirigakure" Then A turn back surprise and then the Kumo nin talk.
After finished talking, A began thinking, then told him to do what he order, the Kumo nin saluted and left.
While A left the underground prision, he began thinking 'hmm... Civil War"
-End of Flashback-
It took them three days but the managed to reached the Bandit Encampment at mid day and decided to stay close to the encampment and began looking at Darui for orders but Darui look at them and said "This is one of the easiest mision, there are gonna be times you have to do a mision without me, so choose a leader among you and do your thing, am gonna be the back up if something doesn't go right" when Darui sais that he lazily went and lean on a tree.
All three Genin look at each other, then Kira and Yugito look at Naruto, then Naruto, then Kira said "why don't you be the leader Naruto? haha it's good for you to learn one of the Raikage's duty, future Raikage" while smiling, then Naruto sighs and said "ok then for now let's wait till night" both nodded at his words then decided to rest until night
"ready?" ask Naruto, while both of us nodded in return. We started moving to the camp and getting closer, we found they still have lights on "Kira use your Sharingan and Sensor abilities to get us how many they are" after Naruto commanded on which Darui who was close nodded at that instruction, Kira used both the Sharingan and his Sensor ability "this is not a C-Rank Naruto, this i probably a B-Rank, borderline A, i can see and feel 3 Nins, 2 of them are Chuunins and 1 Jounin, i can also feel distressed emotions on the farthest tent, the others are only 19 Bandits" Kira surprisingly said, then Naruto asked "can you put the Nins in a Genjutsu?" then Kira answer "i can but the jounin will dispel it in like 2 minutes" "enough for us to take care of the bandits, then all of us will go against the 3 nins" Naruto said and all nodded, then Kira began moving through the dark, while decreasing his chakra so they can't detected him, after he reach a suitable place he saw the 3 nins talking with each other, then weave some handseals and use a Genjutsu on them, then he send a S.Clone back to tell them that it's done while he keep moving to the tent where the distressed voice are, after reachi g the tent and enter, he saw 3 girls surprising him since he knows 2 of the 3 girls but before he can say something, multiple screaming are heard from the outside, he immediately told the 3 of them that him and his team will get them out, leaving before he let them talk he went after the bandits around and began killing, by the time 2 minutes pass they kill all bandits and when the 3 Nin woke up, they where infuriated, and attack them as well but it was already late for them, Kira put them into another Genjutsu and killed the Jounin while Naruto killed 1 of the Chunnins are Yugito the other.
After everything was over both Naruto and Yugito had to breath deep in order to get their emotions in control, after the deed was done, ther sensei came in "Good job, without casualties and without getting hurt, this is a perfect mision" Darui smiled at them but also seriously said, "After we return, you 3 better take at least a week off so that act of killing sink in, remember, you 3 are not monster, you 3 killed to protect, never kill for no reason" then Darui smile and all 3 answer "yes sensei" then Kira came out and said " Sensei there are 3 girls in the tent at the back" "then let's go to them" Darui answer them.
After reaching the tent and liberating the girls Kira then think ' to think i'll meet them here' 1 of the 3 girls has red long unusual hairstyle, her hair is short and spiky on the right side and longer and straight on the left side, he has crimson eyes and fair skin, this girl is Kari Uzumaki, the other girl is a fairly tall, she is fair-skinned with pupiless brown eyes. She has green hair that's tied in a bun on top her head with orange bangs on each side of her face, 'apparently my existence change alot of lives, Pakura is alive here', as for the other i don't know who she is but she's fair-skinned with black hair with a bob hairstyle. She was dark violet eyes and a great figure as well. While i was thinking that, our sensei spoke "we are Kumo nin, sent to take care of the bandits here, who are you 3?" then Pakura spoke " am Pakura as for who i am, i was a Suna nin but not anymore, the red head here is Karin Uzumaki and she's Izana Kurogane" after he said that all of us where surprise even more me and Naruto, then i spoke "Am am Kurogane as well, my Name is Kira Kurogane" i said looking at Izana with Izana looking at me in surprise "A Kurogane? wait.... you look like Tetsu and Yuna...." that surprise me even more then i hastily said "am their son" "what?" she said in surprise then she look at me with a smile "guess that makes you my cousin, my parents where close to yours, i was born 4 earlier than you making me 20 but at least it's good you're okay" i began smiling too but i can see Karin looking at me aince awhile ago, oh yea she can sense chakra, well at least i wouldn't betray her like Sasuke did.
Karin had a talk with Naruto too, then Darui came and said "what are you 3 gonna do now?" they look at each other then Izana said with a smile "am going with you, since i found family i rather stay with them" i smile at that, then Karin said the same thing and even sais how his mother died due to Kusa overworking her on those Heal bites, that made us sad, i could feel Naruto's anger on them before calming down as for Pakura she doesn't know where to go, she even said if it wasn't due to being out of chakra due to being betrayed by Suna, she wouldn't have gotten caught. True words Pakura is a strong kunoichi those 3 missing nin got lucky.
After moving around and checking that we didn't forget anything, we left to return to Kumo with 3 more people, at this time the Uzumaki and Kurogane Clan houses should have finished, that makes me giddy.
then Naruto said "me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, my likes is Karui, Ramen, Kurama, making new seals, my friends and Kira, my dislikes, people that can't see the difference between a kunai and a storage seals, the time it takes to prepare ramen and Konoha, my dream is to become the next Raikage, my affinities are Yang, Light, Water and Earth with a little lighting" Naruto said Darui smiles at that, "i'll go next, my name is Kira Kurogane, my Likes are Samui, Naruto, Fenrir, helping out in the hospital and making new jutsus, my dislike are those that can't see the difference between a kunai and a storage seal, Konoha, those that hurt my friends and making Samui sad, my dream is to help Naruto's dream a reality and have a big family, my affinities are Yin, Darkness, Lighting and fire, Kira saif Darui smile "i'll go last, my name is Yugito Nii, my likes are my friends, training, matatabi and a certain boy am taking a liking, my dislikes are females who don't takes Kunoichi seriously, rapist and traitors. My affinity is Fire but thanks to Matatabi it's Blue fire making it hotter".
"Good now let's go and start doing some training and then do some missions. Darui said. Then they pass the time with teamwork training and individual training afterward they went to do D-Ranks which annoyed Naruto but they needed at least twenty completed before doing C-Rank mission, so after 2 days, they went to the Raikage's Office, who to piss off Naruto gave him 1 more D-Rank and then he said "Dammit no D Rank, please just give us a C-Rank, we already got all twenty's completed" Raikage just laugh the ask Darui "Are they ready for a C-Rank?" Darui then looks at his students then think and after 3 seconds told him "They are boss, they already show me, the can handle it" A think then brings a paper out and give it to Darui and said "Alright then, this is your first C-Rank ans the first time your gonna kill targets that can fight back, theres a bandit encampment close to the borders of the Land of Water, but they are still inside the Land of Lighting, you know what to do" Darui then took the mision papers and look at the others, they all nodded then he look at A and say "we got it Boss" "don't worry old man, we'll get it done" Naruto grinned, "heh brat try not to die on your first mision" A grinningly said and also said with gratitude "also thanks for your seals, if it haven't been for your seals, we couldn't gotten all of these spies in here, although Konoha knows your here they won't be able to take you back since you two where civilians before you left" then Kira looks at A and said with determination "we don't care about going back, Kumo has given us more happiness than Konoha itself" while also looking at Naruto who nodded and Yugito herself also smiled at Kira with Darui giving a lazy smiles to the 3 of them. A laugh and said "well enough of this wishy washy situtation, Genins you got your mision, so go do your job" then all the three of them said "Yes Raikage-sama!" then began walking out with Darui in the back and when he was about to leave, told him with a serious face, "take care of them Darui, those three are the Future of this village" then Darui said while also sporting a serious face "with my life" then leaves catching up to them.
A then began thinking about the day Naruto gave him that seal that got him to find all the spies.
"To think Naruto's seal actually work, i mean i know that his seals are perfect and amazing, hell my wife keep using my pay to get that beauty seal, but still" says a Kumo Shinobi, then another said "what do you expect- shh the Raikage" when both Nin silenced Tha Raikage came in with Darui walking behind him, then he looks at the Nin and said "how's the prisioners?" "Sir, the prisioners are all acounted for, we also took everything off of them to check if they have more weapons hidden within and seals, other than weapons, there's only three people we found with seala in their mouth, they sport a strange blank mask with the symbols N.E. on them" the Kumo Nin said, "and?" A questioned "well the Shinobi doesn't have that much emotion, they are pretty much emotionless, we put some seals to prevent them from suiciding since they tried to kill themself , we also found some poison in their mouth, on one of their teeth, we got it out as well, we also found a seal in their tongue, who ever this guys are working with, they really didn't wanted to be trace back, the seals prevent them not only of speaking of their master but also reduce their emotions to pretty much nil" The Kumo Nin is impressed but disgusted about them being emotionless, then A asked "hmm.... any information we got out of them?" "we did, after using Naruto's truth seal, they said that they work for a man name Danzo Shimura, an elder from Konoha, they are ROOT Nin who where trained from pretty much as a child to be his weapons and also that ROOT shouldn't even exist, hell we got that the third Hokage pretty much shut them down, but apparently, Danzo has been working on the side wirhout the Hokages permission. We also found out that it was him who told Konoha that they where Jinchurikis and had thr Kyuubi inside of them and fan the flames of hatred against them, so when their emotions are broken, he would have come and taken them as his weapons" Kumo nin said with a disgusting face, A frown "appatently Hiruzen can't control his own people" "that's right Raikage-sama, it's a good thing they left Konoha, otherwise i fear what woukd have happen to them" the Kumo nin said relieved, "true" A says with a relieve face then get serious "anymore?" then the Kumo nin says "not at the moment, sir. But what are gonna do about these guys?" A then says without emotion in his voice "Kill them, and send their mask to Hiruzen but make sure it isn't traced back to us, the information the we got is useful but not enough to destroy Danzo" the Kumo Nin then said "Yes Raikage-Sama" with determination in his voice then the Raikage left but before he could leave thr Kumo nin told him hurriedly "Raikage-Sama! there's one more piece of info, from the Civil War in Kirigakure" Then A turn back surprise and then the Kumo nin talk.
After finished talking, A began thinking, then told him to do what he order, the Kumo nin saluted and left.
While A left the underground prision, he began thinking 'hmm... Civil War"
-End of Flashback-
It took them three days but the managed to reached the Bandit Encampment at mid day and decided to stay close to the encampment and began looking at Darui for orders but Darui look at them and said "This is one of the easiest mision, there are gonna be times you have to do a mision without me, so choose a leader among you and do your thing, am gonna be the back up if something doesn't go right" when Darui sais that he lazily went and lean on a tree.
All three Genin look at each other, then Kira and Yugito look at Naruto, then Naruto, then Kira said "why don't you be the leader Naruto? haha it's good for you to learn one of the Raikage's duty, future Raikage" while smiling, then Naruto sighs and said "ok then for now let's wait till night" both nodded at his words then decided to rest until night
"ready?" ask Naruto, while both of us nodded in return. We started moving to the camp and getting closer, we found they still have lights on "Kira use your Sharingan and Sensor abilities to get us how many they are" after Naruto commanded on which Darui who was close nodded at that instruction, Kira used both the Sharingan and his Sensor ability "this is not a C-Rank Naruto, this i probably a B-Rank, borderline A, i can see and feel 3 Nins, 2 of them are Chuunins and 1 Jounin, i can also feel distressed emotions on the farthest tent, the others are only 19 Bandits" Kira surprisingly said, then Naruto asked "can you put the Nins in a Genjutsu?" then Kira answer "i can but the jounin will dispel it in like 2 minutes" "enough for us to take care of the bandits, then all of us will go against the 3 nins" Naruto said and all nodded, then Kira began moving through the dark, while decreasing his chakra so they can't detected him, after he reach a suitable place he saw the 3 nins talking with each other, then weave some handseals and use a Genjutsu on them, then he send a S.Clone back to tell them that it's done while he keep moving to the tent where the distressed voice are, after reachi g the tent and enter, he saw 3 girls surprising him since he knows 2 of the 3 girls but before he can say something, multiple screaming are heard from the outside, he immediately told the 3 of them that him and his team will get them out, leaving before he let them talk he went after the bandits around and began killing, by the time 2 minutes pass they kill all bandits and when the 3 Nin woke up, they where infuriated, and attack them as well but it was already late for them, Kira put them into another Genjutsu and killed the Jounin while Naruto killed 1 of the Chunnins are Yugito the other.
After everything was over both Naruto and Yugito had to breath deep in order to get their emotions in control, after the deed was done, ther sensei came in "Good job, without casualties and without getting hurt, this is a perfect mision" Darui smiled at them but also seriously said, "After we return, you 3 better take at least a week off so that act of killing sink in, remember, you 3 are not monster, you 3 killed to protect, never kill for no reason" then Darui smile and all 3 answer "yes sensei" then Kira came out and said " Sensei there are 3 girls in the tent at the back" "then let's go to them" Darui answer them.
After reaching the tent and liberating the girls Kira then think ' to think i'll meet them here' 1 of the 3 girls has red long unusual hairstyle, her hair is short and spiky on the right side and longer and straight on the left side, he has crimson eyes and fair skin, this girl is Kari Uzumaki, the other girl is a fairly tall, she is fair-skinned with pupiless brown eyes. She has green hair that's tied in a bun on top her head with orange bangs on each side of her face, 'apparently my existence change alot of lives, Pakura is alive here', as for the other i don't know who she is but she's fair-skinned with black hair with a bob hairstyle. She was dark violet eyes and a great figure as well. While i was thinking that, our sensei spoke "we are Kumo nin, sent to take care of the bandits here, who are you 3?" then Pakura spoke " am Pakura as for who i am, i was a Suna nin but not anymore, the red head here is Karin Uzumaki and she's Izana Kurogane" after he said that all of us where surprise even more me and Naruto, then i spoke "Am am Kurogane as well, my Name is Kira Kurogane" i said looking at Izana with Izana looking at me in surprise "A Kurogane? wait.... you look like Tetsu and Yuna...." that surprise me even more then i hastily said "am their son" "what?" she said in surprise then she look at me with a smile "guess that makes you my cousin, my parents where close to yours, i was born 4 earlier than you making me 20 but at least it's good you're okay" i began smiling too but i can see Karin looking at me aince awhile ago, oh yea she can sense chakra, well at least i wouldn't betray her like Sasuke did.
Karin had a talk with Naruto too, then Darui came and said "what are you 3 gonna do now?" they look at each other then Izana said with a smile "am going with you, since i found family i rather stay with them" i smile at that, then Karin said the same thing and even sais how his mother died due to Kusa overworking her on those Heal bites, that made us sad, i could feel Naruto's anger on them before calming down as for Pakura she doesn't know where to go, she even said if it wasn't due to being out of chakra due to being betrayed by Suna, she wouldn't have gotten caught. True words Pakura is a strong kunoichi those 3 missing nin got lucky.
After moving around and checking that we didn't forget anything, we left to return to Kumo with 3 more people, at this time the Uzumaki and Kurogane Clan houses should have finished, that makes me giddy.
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