The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 10 - 10 6 years and Team Selections

While moving towards the Raikage's Desk he notice a workout equipment on the side 'yep this is the Raikage's office alright' Kira gave a small smile and kept walking forward.

A few seconds later Darui stops ans says "Boss i brought the kids" he said respectfully then Kira and Naruto stop as well and look front and see a dark-skinned man with a small moustache and a goatee finished writing on a piece of paper, Kira just by watching his face, he could see that he's piss off 'probably paperwork, that shit can even make the most kindest of people angry, another reason why i'll let Naruto take the job' thinks Kira with another small smile, then the Raikage look at both of them with a serious face and said "My name is A and am the Raikage of Kumogakure, now you two kids, who are you?" question A seriously.

Then Kira move in front and respectfully said "Greetings Raikage, i am Kira Kurogane and this is Naruto Uzumaki, we've travel from our last village to this one to see if we could become Shinobis of this village" both Darui and A raised their eyebrows and then A got serious and said with a question voice "why?" then Kira looks at Naruto and vice versa then Kira nodded to him while Naruto sigh and then proceed to tell them what they hold and how much they suffered in Konoha by the villagers and some shinobis since the day they where born.

Suffice to say they where surprise, neither Bee nor Yugito who's the same age as them as suffer like that, has a matter of fact the Raikage believe that the entire Konoha are fools, letting two of their jinchuruki suffer for just no reason, only because they have a demon sealed in their stomach.

While both A and Darui where surprise at whay they hold, A snaps out of it and with another surprise said in his mind 'Uzumaki?' A then looks at Naruto and remembers someone but for some reason it escapes him and after looking at Naruto a figure form his mind, Blond hair with to small bangs on each side of the face, Blue eyes and then it click and A became even more suprise 'shit this boy is Minato's and Kushina's son....' A mouth opens in shock then after snapping out of it again he think while holding his laughter 'hahaha Konoha you pathetic fools, you kick out your own hero's son all because the Kyuubi is sealed in his guts hahahaha', while thinking Kira ask confused "Raikage-sama?" then A snaps out of his though a third time then he looks at Kira and said and questioned "i don't mind letting you join Kumo but tell me, how did you two defeated the two missing nin before Darui and Bee got to you?"

Kira then looks at Naruto and proceed to tell him everything thay happen, of course without the Sharingan part.

"I see am impressed you play with his emotions and due to your age the look sown on both of you giving you the chance to win" said A who's very impress.

"That was the first time we had that kind of battle since in Konoha they don't let us train otherwise 'the demon will get stronger' crap" Kira said with slight anger in his voice. "Bullshit, apparently they wanted both of you dead" A said while narrowing his eyes. "Anyway, that's the reason we came here Raikage-sama, is it possible for us to join?" Kira questioned then Kira kept talking and while bringing out a scroll in a seal in his hand (premade seal made using a already made seal in the Scrolls of the Namikaze Estate)

"of course i can give toy this as well" then he gave the scroll to A. He took it and put it on top of the table and question "this is?" Kira with a smile said "this is the Fobidden Scroll of Konoha" A's eyes almost pop out and question "how did you get this?" then Kira smiles and said "let's just say that the ANBU's of Konoha aren't exactly that amazing". A surprise and impress say "am impressed, very, impressed" then he opens it and read just a little, then he closes it with a grin and then looks at both Naruto and me and say "then sit, we got alot of talk about".

Then we started talking about everything, he told us to get to the library to read about Kumo about the Shinobi Academy starting soon and he'll enroll them as well, something that both of us didn't mind since we wantes to join, then i told him about my Absorb bloodline and if i use it well i literally become a Chakra battery and shoot Jutsu almost endlessly something that make him happier and when i show him my other bloodline it literally spook him and Darui, when both found out i have the Sharingan, when A ask why he wasn't killed in the massacre, i told him a lie, that my mother was someone who have half Uchiha blood but because she never awaken the Sharingan she was cast out, he ended up meeting my father and i was born.

Suffice to say that A was laughing and looking at his face i know he's calling Konoha a bunch of idiots in his mind. After he finish laughing he said that he they will be forced on the CRA, Naruto didn't knew what that means and when i told him you can have more than one wife he was literally blushing up a storm, as for me i don't care, i accepted and Naruto while

blushing saying he accept too, he smiled then gave us an appartment key close to the Raikage tower and told us to wait until the Uzumaki Clan House and the Uchiha Clan house is created but i immediatly told him that i which to be Kurogane rather than Uchiha, which he in the end accepted so it's the Kurogane Clan House, something thay made me smiled before we go he told us to go meet Bee the eight tails and also a girl the same age at us Yugito the two tails, he also told us that he have to announced about us being jinchurikis, then Naruto and i look at each other then nodded, and then i say ok to the Raikage who told us to get it easy and check the apartment and that tomorrow he'd announced us, we only noddes then we left to the apartment.

-Next Day-

The next morning we woke up refreshed, it's been almost a week not sleeping in a bed ans no the hospital bed don't count, i went to take a bath and after that refreshing bath i went to the kitchen and got me something to drink, while i was drinking Naruto woke up and also went to take a bath after me while he was taking a bath a made us breakfest once he came out, we started to eat and thinking where should we go first though both of us where in agreement to send our S.Clones to the Library to read, so while our clones do that we think about what to do today, since the Raikage said that at midday he'll announce our Jinchuriki status. So while we where thinking i hit my forehead with my hand since i completely forgot about giving the Raikage the how to exterminate the paperwork, he'll be more on our side if i gave him that method so me and Naruto went to the Raikage, Mabui knew who we where so she let us in since the Raikage isn't doing anything important. A was surprise to see us here this morning since the annoucement is later but i told him that i forgot to give him something.

The result? he laugh out of pure happiness and told us that if we need ANYTHING to talk to him, suffice to say we got a pretty good deal out of that, then we excuse ourself and left while inside the Office, A was working out more than ever while his clones where doing the paperwork, i think that was the first time i seen the Raikage in a very happy mood since in the canon version he almost never smiled due to the 4th Shinobi War.

After giving the Raikage the Method, me and Naruto pass our time walking and knowing the village while info from our clones where coming into our head, seriously have i ever said how much the S. Clones are the biggest cheat in the entire world?

We nodded since we know what is for so he shunshin us there.

After everyone knew we where Jinchurikis they still treated us as normal kids who had more burden than normal people, Naruto even said that he likes Kumo, then A told us that the next day, the shinobi academy starts which got both of us pumped.

-6 Years Later-

6 years is a long time and it is because alot of change, for instance both of them got a girlfriend each ans they are stronger as well in fact they are consider the strongest in the academy with naruto having one more win in his belt but for now let's say what changed each year

The first year in the academy started with math, politics, history and science something that both did not like, especially Naruto even saying that class will kill him, so he instead decided to just send Shadow Clones while he reads all the Uzumaki's scroll they got from the Namikaze Estate, suffice to say Naruto learn a great deal of sealing, that he's officially a lv 7 seal master, sadly he found out that Kumo was one of the village that attack the Uzumaki Clan, that made.him angry but after talking with Kira on what happen, he decided to let go of that hate since the now Raikage is different from the past that took 1 month tk solved.

Naruto passed the time not only on the seals but also making progress with fully befriending the Kyuubi and in the end he got his name Kurama so he succeded in those front. As for Kira he also read some of the uzumaki scroll but he's only a lv 2 seal master, he just doesn't have that genius brain like Naruto does even though he also has a bit of Uzumaki blood, it isn't to the point that he understand seals that easily.

The second year is where Kira and Naruto started paying attention, why? because this year has classes of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Sealing and Medical Ninjutsu, suffice to say this year both of them shine.

In Taijutsu, Naruto is literally the strongest due to his own Uzumaki blood giving him more endurance and in this class he's in first place as for Kira he's in second place due Taijutsu not being his forte, reason why he's in second place is due to his speed, he is very fast and because of that both Naruto and Kira put on a show when they are call to spar, to the point the teacher stops the class and make everyone look since they learn faster due to their spar, they also fully started on using the tail cloak a under Bee alongside Yugito.

In Ninjutsu bot truly shine due to their reserve, though Naruto prefered to use Ninjutsu on close combat and Kira prefer it from afar. Naruto's affinities are Water, Earth and a small affinity to Lighting but he was surprise that he also got Yang affinity and Light Affinity. Kurama told him that only those Uzumaki's that are born in the main branch have thr Light affinity, making Naruto a prince. I laugh a little at that, but i know how powerful Light can be especially against doujutsu users

, since i knew that Naruto will have both Water and Earth, one day i brought him outside the village and give him a handseal for the Wood Clone Jutsu, he didn't knew why i think he got the Wood Style since he isn't a Senju but i told him to just do it, the result? he created a Wood Clone, he was in shock and i know that Kurama himself is also too, then i told Naruto to tell The Raikage who was ecstatic, he got a Sharingan User and a Wood Style User as well, problem is they he didn't knew about Wood Style but then i tols him about Kurama and believe that he could be a good teacher, well wd came out of the Office in smiles while A was happy as well and began calling the council for the info but we'll leave that for later.

In Genjutsu, Naruto couldn't so any Genjutsu unless it was S-Rank due to having too much chakra he couldn't so Genjutsu less thatn S-Rank but that came with a pro, no Genjutsu affects Naruto except S-Rank as for me, i Shine since my family is a Genjutsu and Ninjutsu experts, i easy learn all Genjutsu like it was nothing.

In Kenjutsu both of us Shine, while Naruto took dual wielding like swimming and i took to using only a one-handed sword In Sealing we both shine as well with Naruto reaching the last lv of sealing Lv 10 seal master while i reach lv7 close to lv 8.

Naruto created alot of seal that he sold ans even decided to make it the Uzumaki Clan primary way of getting Money.

He created seals like anti-rape, barrier, lie detector and seals that A himself bought to enforced the wall making it harder to destroy, even Konoha's wall are nothing in front of Kumo's. Naruto also male gravity seals whix i got 1 full body 1 hell even A bought a few as well som shinobis, but when he made the Beauty seal that's when a storm happen, EVERY FEMALE almost killed to get 1, what the seals does is make that woman younger, i wont reduce their age but if will make.their skin younger, for example if an old woman is going to day the next day and today used the seal, shell will look young but she'll still die the next day, but that didn't stop females for buying it, hell Naruto used his brains here ans make it so it only works for 2 months before coming back for me. He's literally the richest Kid in Kumo now after that stunt and Kurama's in a happy mood sincr he loves strenght and money.

Now in Medical Jutsu i excel surpassing Naruto, the only thing he does is pump Yang chakra into a persons body healing it faster but that's it but i can do much more, like detoxify and even healing scars and if i uses my full strenght i can even makes limbs regrow, something that got the attention from the hospital and other ex shinobis in the village, most of the time i have a Shadow Clone on the hospital learning from them and i quickly pick on stuff, i was a litersl prodigy there but i still prefer Ninjutsu but it doesn't hurt pick Medical Jutsu too, now if i can meet Tsunade i wonder how far our skill will be.

The third year of the academy was when we started grouping with different people in class for D-Ranks, so we can learn how to cooperate with other Shinobis though there still some peoplr that hated us Jinchurikis, we shut them up with a quick punch to the face, aaa~~ happy days those where.

The fourth Year was when we started sparing with each other and when we met our girlfriends. Karui was a girl that always speak her mind and is very brash, she is also strong willed and always trying to become the best, when she met Naruto she saw she was strong but never though that much, she even though that Naruto will be just like the others that will look down on her due for her always speaking her mind, being brash and not being big in the ċhėst department but her thoughts on him change on a spar in the academy, she saw his eyes and they where serious when he was fighting her and when he beat her he never gloated nor taunt her, hell 2 weeks later he complimented her red hair and even ask her out on a date and from there it grew to both going out and once the CRA came out she became his fianceé after torturing Naruto a bit.

Samui herself was the opposite of Karui, even though both where friends she was very quiet, only speaking when needed, hell she was very gifted the ċhėst department sporting a D-cup in the 4th year that cause many guys to look at her ċhėst and ask her out in which she alwaya rejectes them, so it can as a surprise to her that when Kira face her on a spar he only look at her once and then started the spar all attacks where fast and hard and had her on the ropes until she lost, what surprise her is that he didn't ask her out to a date after the spar, no he thank her after the spar and left, it was Yugito herself who got both of them together since Kira as been treating the people around him with a quiet face and only showing emotion with Naruto and those he trust, the reason he's like that is due to the many patients he recieved in the hospital, some of their condition is enough to give you nightmares like a severe hand or leg, hell there some he couldn't save in time.

He went out with Samui thanks to Yugito's help abd by the 5th date the officially became a couple with her later on his Fianceé.

In the 4th year spar Naruto is winning ahead by one point with Kira losing by one point, but it's pretty obvious he wouls lose, he's more of a long range Ninjutsu Shinobi rather than a close range Taijutsu Shinobi Naruto uses Ninjutsu on close combat to deal extreme damage against the enemy but Kira does it from afar, that's the reason why Kira will always have a hard time beating Naruto on a Taijutsu spar

The fifth year waa all about sėxuȧŀ education, which cause alot of blushes on everyone, even worse when both males and females took the class together, they learn about STDs, pregnacy, certain changes in the body and keeping clean, needless to say alot of boys and girls went home to measure it, Kira didn't though since he already knew he was above average. Though that happiness was wash away after the council announce that Naruto and Kira where in a CRA, both of their girlfriend where in a piss off mood afterward since both didn't told them and their excuse was that they wanted their love without having to use the CRA, which both accepted as a good excuse, the majority of the people who are in CRA use it to get a girl without having to court her, which always ends badly. It became even more surprising once the council also announcr about Kira having the Sharingan and Naruto able to use Wood Style, something that let alot of Shinobi's and civilian in shock, hell even their own girlfriend got shock too, but Kira said that he prefer to become stronger without using it because in the future they may be an enemy that can counter the Sharingan and he doesn't want to rely on it as well, as for Naruto he just want a challenge and rather not used it but it doesn't mean he has left it untrain, no he always train it due to Kurama's insisting to never let a skill wear down while all others increase in strenght, it always ends up beating you in the ȧss. Kira and Naruto showed their bloodline to their girlfriends with samui seeing the sharingan which already have 3 tomoe due to training with Fenrir and Naruto making a tree grow to the ground surprising Karui, needless to say, the thing they can do with their mouth is ŀustrious.

The sixth year is what breaks a future Shinobis resolve or enforce it, in this year, everyone was brought to the prison and gave them an unmoving criminal to kill, alot of people drop out, when it was Naruto's turn he did the deed but left to vomit due to the experience as for Kira, he appear and broke his prisioners neck easy without change of face surprising everyone how ruthless he was but once he told Samui that he already kill to protect Naruto while reaching Kumo she understood, this year also shows how to torture prisioners or enemy nins to get info and also the fate of those nin that are capture, suffice to sais everyone that stay got even more resolve to become stronger so that something like this doesn't happen to them.

Alot of things change in those years, he proposed to Samui, getting her a diamond ring and Naruto proposed to Karui also getting her a diamond ring but a little redish.

Now here i am 16 years old walking to the academy for team selections and the day i become a Genin.

I stand with my height at 5'11, wearing black pants that reach my ankle, ankle boots that have a metal grey above my toes, i wear angrey undershirt to hugs to my ċhėst showing my eight pack and a black jacket that reach my waist, in the collared area of the jacket there's black hair portruding out with the tips being dark blue, in the jackets back there's the kanji of World Eater, below the kanji there's the face of Fenrir grinning while 9 tails are coming from behind her face, below her Face is her name in kanji Fenrir in color dark blue on top of my left hand is the kanji for sword in which i can draw my sword using my right hand and on my left hand is the kanjo for scythe in which i can draw it using my right hand, i learn how to use a scythe from Fenrir due to her having Kurama's memories he has alot of technique which include a scythe technique call Reaper's Dance, which involve fighting and killing more than one enemy, inside my jacket on the left is the kanji for kunai, i can draw kunais that i store inside i can use my right hand to take out one or more kunais to throw and on the inside in my right there's the kanjo for shuriken and i use my left hand to draw kunais and throw them as well,as for my hair (check haseo's hair from Hack G.U. but black and also his face since i like him), Am approaching the academy for the team selections, Naruto woke up first but didn't woke me up sigh ill kick his ȧss later, i reach the academy and saw less people here, probably due to waking up way early, reaching my classroom i open it and i see a boy kissing a girl while she's on top of him cowboy style, the boy has blond hair reaching just under his collarbone (type young madara in google, imagine that hair but without the bang covering his right eye and having two bang on each side of his face.) he wears a black ANBU pants with with white bandaged on his left with a kunai holster ankle boots with the toes being block by metal, he wears a black tight undershirt that show his eight packs and his fathers cloak but orange with the flames black, behind the cloak theres the kanji for Fury of the Fox below the kanji, it shows Kurama's Face but Grinning and 9 tails coming from behind below the face has his name in kanji Kurama. as for the female, he has red long spiky hair reaching his back, C-Cup brėȧst, she's dark-skinned with amber eyes and also wear ANBU pants but white with a white bandaged and black kunai holster with shin guards and ANBU sandals she wears a mesh armour underneat her low cut shirt that shows a little of her cleavage.

"Dammit Naruto, could you two stop that, today is the team selections" says Kira in an annoyed voice. Naruto stops kissing Karui and looks at Kira and said in an annoyed voice "hey, i don't say anything after you and samui are getting it on" when Kira is about to answer a new voice sound from behind Kira said "but we at least don't kiss in places like this" the voice said in a cool voice, when Kira looks behind him he saw a fairly tall, fair-skinned woman with a curvaceous figure with H-Cup brėȧst cover in mesh armor underneath the low cut shirt showing his cleavage, a short skirt, red hand guards and high boots.

The other woman has long straight, blonde hair bound with taut bandages, she also wearing red lipstick. She wear a short sleeved black ans purple blouse with bandages on both hand reaching below his biceps with fingerless black gloves. She wears black pants with bandages starting below his thɨġhts and reaching his ankle, and a black sandals.

They are Samui and Yugito.

"Besides people will be coming anytime now" said Yugito. Karui with a sad face says "fine i just hope we are in the same team" finish with a hopeful face then Naruto after Karui leave his ŀȧps says "true being in the same team is better than being with strangers" then Kira said "let's wait and see" then he move towards his seat and sitted close to the window on the left with Samui sitting next to him in the center with a cool face while Yugito seats at the right. Naruto seats behind them close to the window on the left while Karui seats in the center next to him, while they are talking with each other the door slides open and a dark-skinned boy suċkɨnġ a sweet palette,

"Hey Omoi" said Naruto with a smiles, the boy now known as Omoi looks at Naruto and with a lazy voice he answers "hey" then he moves and sit next to Karui and began talking with the others, after 10 minutes evergone arrive and rhe chunnin instructor starts with a writing exam, which they completed, though Naruto and Omoi hates the writing part, aftef the instructor takes the exam he broughts them outside to the arena, in which they saw two more instructors there the chuunin instructor told them to last 5 minutes against them to pass, some peoole failed others passed with Naruto and Kira actually beating their instructor, then they move to the Ninjutsu area and which both of them excel as well then after checking who pass and who didn't began saying the names of their student, their team number and the sensei "ok team 1..." they toned out the voice of the chunnin since they didn't care about anything but their team, the chuunin then said " 10 will be Samui, Karui and Omoi with your jounin sensei being Killer Bee who would meet you in trainin grounds 10, and finally team 11 Kira Kurogane, Yugito Nii and Naruto Uzumaki with your Jounin sensei being Darui who will meet you at training grounds 11. After sending their good byes the teams head for their trainin grounds.

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