The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 9 - 9 Recovery, Meeting Darui and Meeting the Raikage

In an hospital, we see people coming in and out getting their own treatment, inside of it, we go to a room, inside this room there's 2 bed in it with 2 boys, 1 has pure black hair and the other 1 has blond hair with his whisker marks that distinguish him from others, the 1 with the black hair starts waking up "ugh...." he opens his eyes and finds himself in a bed wirh bandages all over, he looks around and finds his friend on the bed next to him 'good Naruto is ok' he smiles happily, then he checks his body 'few ribs broken...ugh... damn moving hurts a little but with Fenrir chakra am healing nicely' he smiles.

'Now that i think so, Fenrir are you there?' Kira thinks, 'of course am here, am always here' Fenrir said, 'if you where here, why didn't you say anything while in the battle?' Kira question confusedly 'because that was your first battle to the death, i've seen the future through your memories and they'll be times i won't be able to help you, this is the reason why i didn't help you otherwise you'll become dependant of my chakra like Naruto did in the Canon version, and you know why' Fenrir said with a smile then Kira said "true, Naruto wasn't exactly train by Konoha, in my eyes he only survive because of plot armor otherwise he would have die sooner and those worthless villagers in Konoha wouls have been happy, hell his so called "sensei" if he can be call that concentrate on training the Uchiha and left Naruto to his own device, hell Jiraiya only taught him Toad Summon and he never used that against Neji in the Chuunin Exam, he only won due to plot armor in my book and his Toad summon was useful in Konoha's invasion but after that he rarely summons them, then after he learn the Rasengan, he kept using that technique for a long time, that the reason all of Naruto's enemy got defeated by it, it's because all of them where fools' kira thought annoyingly 'this is the reason why if Naruto had been train there would be alot of situation thay could be skip, even some people's could be save.

'No used crying over the past for now, the future' Fenrir told Kira while smiling he said 'at least am here, i'll make sure he surpasses the canon version of himself' Fenrir immediately said 'someone's coming, cub' then Kida looks at the door, then it opens, entering the room is a fairly tall dark skinned man with a bulbous nose, black eyes that's showing interest while looking at Kira, shaggy white hair covering his eyes, fot his clothes he wears a high collared, sleevelesd uniform with loose fitting pants, bandages on both of his wrist and the one strap over one shoulder flak jacket of a Kumogakurr shinobi.

'Darui' Kira thinks in surprise, while Darui looks at Kira with a smiles and said "hey, your awake, by the time we arrive, you and your friend where on the floor and by the looks of the wound, we where actually surprise you both survive that" then Kira says "then for saving us and bringing us to a hospital on...where?" question faking not knowing where he is, "well kid we are in Kumogakure and the names Darui" says Darui with a smiles, "i see... thank you for getting us out of that jam, we didn't have anymore chakra for fighting them so you really save us" says Kira with a smiles and think, 'to think to reach Kumo we had to pass through all that, well least we are here' "it's good to see you're awake and recovering, you 2 were lucky that me and my partner were returning from a mision and decides to walk through there, otherwise who'll know what would happen" he said with a rare serious face then Kira ask "partner?" then he smiles and said "His name bee, he's a pain in the ȧss to deal with but he's one of the people i trust to have my back, he's the one thay carried you're friend to the hospital, Kira began thinking fast 'Bee? well who would have though' then smiles and said "guess we have another one to thanks" Darui then smiles while telling Kira "well, stay in bed to recover, i'll bring you to the boss after you two are alright" "Alright, still feel a few ribs broken" Kira said while touching the ribs that still hurt then makes a painful face, Darui laugh a little then says his good byes while leaving the room, Kira smiles then watch Naruto healing nicely, then lied down and a few seconds later he also falls asleep.

-Raikage's Office-

Sitting in behind the table is a man with muscular build, is dark skinned with blond hair combed back, he has a small moustache with a goatee. His face has pronounced cheekbones and tear troughs under his eyes, ans a prominent creasd across his forehead. He's wearing a white haori without a shirt underneath, black pants with torn ends, a gold belt around his waist with a boar face engraved in the centre with Kumo Nin shin guards and shinobi sandals.

This man is A the Raikage and he's in a piss off mood, "if i knew that becoming Raikage, that i wouls pass the majority of my time behimd a desk doing paperwork, i would have decline the position" A says while annoyed, suddenly the door was knock

*knock* *knock*

the door opens and in comes a dark skinnes you woman with light grey hair and green eyes. She's wearing a very formal attire consisting of a long-sleeved, high-collared dress shirt and skirt, along with a pair of long earrings and sandals. Her hair is pulled back into a bun with two bangs that fall on either side of her face.

Her name is Mabui and she's the Raikage ȧssistant. Mabui possessed a unique ability that allows her to transfer matter over a long distances at the speed of light. it was foe this technique that she became the Raikage's ȧssistant.

"Raikage-sama, Darui-san wishes talk to you" Mabui respectfully said.

"Send him in" A said then Mabui nodded, she then left the office and a few seconds later Darui came in and respectfully said "boss i came back from the hospital and the black hair kid woke up" A stops writing and looks at Darui and question "and?" "he thank me and wishes to thank bee for getting them into the hospital" Darui said with a lazy smile then A began thinking and said "mmm... keep an eye on them and after both recover bring them to me" "got it boss" Darui said "where's Bee?" ask A then Darui said "he should be wirh Yugito helping her with her tail beast" "i see....alright keep an eye on the kids and bring them to me after they recover then, you're dismiss" then Darui respectfully said "got it, boss" then he left the office. A then began thinking 'both od them must be strong, they did manage to kill the two missing nin from Iwa, the brothers Doton and Gaton from what the bingo book said, the two brothers are expert in teamwork, the only reason they won it's that both of them look down on the kids and in the end that became their end' stop thinking and looks down on the paperwork "back to the worst enemy of all Kage's, Paperwork" annoyingly said.

-Kumo's Hospital, Next Day in the Morning-

A pair of eyes opens up then he moves his head left and right 'ah that's right, we're in Kumo's Hospital' he looks down and saw that the majority of his bandages have been taken off 'my ribs don't hurt anymore that's good' he smiles then looks on his left bed and saw Naruto still sleeping but he saw that he has less bandages now, 'he's probably recover too' he's glad then began thinking on all of his mistakes on his 1st battle to the Death, 'i killed someone, it wasn't one person it was 2' then he look sadly at his hands but then he grips them and formed a punch 'but if i didn't do it, it would be us who would be dead, if i kill it's to protect, so long i don't like killing then i won't be a monster, no, i kill to protect' Kira thinks with a determind face, he ungrips his hands "mmm...." he hears a voice and looks to his left and see Naruto waking up, he smiles at him, then Naruto open his eyes groggily then he looks at his left and saw his friend smiling at him "Kira you're alright" says Naruto fully waking up and happy then began looking around and questioned "where are we?" "we are in a Hospital in Kumo" answered Kira "wait... we reach it?" Kira ask surprise then Kira with a smile said "yep, two passing Kumo Nin found us ans got us here so we can recover" then Naruto questioned at Kira "so what now?" "Now we meet the Raikage so we can join this village, just leave it to me" Kira said with a smiles with pointing himself with his left thump then Naruto nodded.

Both then heard sound from outside the room, the door was knock twice then Darui came in looking at them with a smile "so you 2 kids are finally awaken i see" he said with a lazy voice then question "you both can walk now?" both look at each other then at Darui then nodded while standing up from their bed "good follow me, ill bring to the boss" then they said "boss?" the Darui smiled and said "The Raikage" both aah'ed then began following.

After 5 minutes walking, they see the Raikage's Office in the tallest tower with the kanji for 'Lighting' engraved in it, after entering it and walking up, they finally reach the front of the doors of the Raikage's Office.

Darui then talk to the woman on the table close to the Raikage' Office and told her "Mabui-san, could you tell the boss i got the kids he wanted to meet" Mabui then looks up and then at the kids then nodded and walk to the Raikage's door and knock it two times then entered while she was inside, Daruir saw they where nervous then he smiled and told them "don't worry the boss is pretty good so long as you don't piss him" then kira said with a neutral face "that doesn't help" while Naruto became even more nervous then Darui smiled and waited.

Then after a few seconds, Mabui came out and respectfully said "Raikage-sama will meet you now" after she said that she move to her desk and sat on it while Darui enter, both Naruto and Kira look at each other then nodded and enter the office.

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