The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan
Chapter 8 - 8 First Battle to the Death
"Sir we still can't find them, maybe they are....."
Inu was interrupted by the angry
hokage and said "They are NOT dead, keep
looking for them NOW" screams the Hokage
while releasing KI and all the other shinobis in
the room trembled and says "Yes Sir!" then left
leaving the Hokage alone.
In his office the Hokage breathes in and out
and sits back to his chair then 3 seconds later
looks at the table and opens up the cabinet
on the right, inside there's a picture of 2 males
and in front of the males is 2 pregnant
he grabs thr picture and while crying sad
"am sorry Minato, Tatsu, am sorry that am a
failure, i fail you both, i was suppose to
protect them but i let them suffer, all because
i was weak, i hope you can both forgives this
old man" the Hokag- no, the weary old man
keeps crying over the picture "if i find them, i'll
make up to them, i hope they can forgice this
old man for not doing anything to stop the
violence they receive" he keeps crying
while holding the picture, little did he know
that the next time he and the village meet
they'll be stronger and more powerful and
living within another village that actually
respect them for wha they have.
-5 Days to Reach Kumo-
After resting for running for at least 2 days,
Kira gave Naruto his parents letter that he
found close to where he copied the Forbidden
deserves to see their final words (although
it won't be their final words sincd once he gets
the Rinnegan he can revive them), suffice to
say Naruto was crying finding out his parents
love him, even though he told them who his
parents where, reading is from a letter is
better for him.
Naruto became even more serious and he
wanted to reach Kumo so he can keep
can't become Hokage then he'll be the Raikage
I smiled at that since i already promise to help
him reach his goal, while we where running on
the path to Kumo, we heard some voices, and
due to curiosity, we went to check, once we
arrive we saw people dress in some leather
armors laughing and talking between each
others, since i know what kind of armor they
are wearing, i believe they are bandits, there
each other and decided to get close to
overhear what they are talking about.
While laughing bandit 1 says "haha this score
is good, the look on his face when that idiot
noble just grovel and pray for forgiveness,
haha" bandit 2 laugh and talk next " what
about when we took his woman, hah the look
of horror once we **** her in front of him, hell
it was the best f*** we had all month, haha"
a badge of honor.
Truly the scum of this world, that's what these
people are, i can feel Fenrir in an angry mood
since she's female and i can see Naruto angry
as well, Naruto approch me in secret and told
me "we should do something about them, we
can't let them get away" says Naruto furious
"agreed but let's wait till night" i said also
furious but not letting my emotions go
out of control, Naruto nods and so we waited.
After night came, all bandits went to sleep,
something we where hoping for, i told Naruto
the plan, we go in while sneaking to knock all
of them out... "that's it?" naruto strangely said,
"i don't have enough info about them to
formulate a plan against them, so yea we'll
just wing it if something else happen so be
sharp, if nothing happen then we'll use our
S.Clones and bring them to the nearest village
, maybe they have bounties on their head" Kira
said and then we began the plan, i went 1st
and easily knock out the first bandit "easy....
hope we keep goong like this" Kira nervously
said after leave the tent he saw Naruto
coming out of another 1 nervous but he looks
at me and he nodded " that's 2" i said in low
then the 3rd
"it 's too easy if we keep going like this we
wont need to fight" i said in low voice smiling
while Naruto came out of the 6th and nodded,
then he went to the 7th and came out nodding
while i wrnt to the 8th and came back nodding
too, just 2 more and we'll be finish here, but
once me and Naruto where on the last 2, we
wherr suddenly attacked.
*fuush* *fuush* *fuush*
Kunai's where throw at us surprising us, so we immediately dodge the Kunai's thrown from inside tent separating us and from the 2 tent came out the 2 bandits with 1 kunai in their hand the 1st bandit angrily scream "WHO ARE YOU?" once the bandits sae who they where they started laughing "2 brats, hah this as got to be the biggest joke, since you brats want to die that much then we'll grant your wish" said the other bandits looking at Kira cruel smile, I got annoyed "..tch! Naruto remember your training, don't look down on them and be alert" i said getting ready to fight against the bandit 1, "RIGHT" says Naruto using 2 kunai's and began waiting till bandit 2 starts attacking
-Naruto vs Bandit 2-
Bandit 2 started laughing then Naruto yell "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT" then Bandit 2 smile cruely and said "am thinking if to kill you fast or just plain torture you to death" then he release his KI at Naruto, Naruto began trembling a little until he snap out of it, then he began remembeeing everything that happen in Konoha, the insult, the pain and then he realise, this guy is just like all of them, then he closes he eyes, breathes deep then he opens them, his ones now show determination and a cold fury, that shock Bandit 2, he got angry and attack Naruto, he move fast and once he was close he stab at Naruto's ċhėst but due to the running he did in Konoha a getting attack and even stab, he move on instinct, evading the attack to his left and he strike back with a stab on his own, but he use his own hands to block it, Naruto's kunai stab through the Bandit's hand "GAH!!" the Bandit scream then he got angrier and used his other hand to punch Naruto in the face while he stumble back then he attack again but Naruto anticipated that and dodge below then gave the bandit a uppercut sending him stumbling back but naruto didn't stop and attack again with the Kunai stabbing him in the stomach "Gah!!... DAMN YOU BRAT!!" said the Bandit, then he grab Naruto's hair, hurting Naruto in the process while his other hand was in his stomach, trying to stop the blood from flowing out, then he headbutted Naruto sending him to the floor and then he kneels a little hurt but moving to attack Narut while he's on the floor but when he's about to hit him Naruto threw sand grab from the earth to his face blinding him just for that moment in which Naruto came and stab him in the heart, shocking Bandit 2 then Naruto took the Kunai out of his heart letting the Bandit fall to the ground, then he began gasping for air ".....haaa...haaaa....haaaa" while gasping for air Naruto looks at Kira and while he found him, Kira screams "NARUTO!!!!!" a stab pass through Naruto's stomach, and he went into shock falling to the ground.
-A few minutes back-
-Kira vs Bandit 1-
"You know you're gonna die here wait prolong the inevitable" says the bandit with a cruel smile" then Kira mocks him back "it's strange then, why am i still alive?" the Bandit got annoyed "apparently you truly wish to die, then let me give you your wish" the Bandit attack and while he was moving at Kira, he threw e Kunai's at thr bandit who deflected them all, before getting close for close combat, both began attacking each other deflecting and blocking attack but it's obvious the Bandit is stronger, Kira may be strong but he never had experience in a battle to the death, he never faced someone wanting to kill him, the civilians of Konoha can't be counted because they where a mob and since if he kill them, the damn villagers will ask for his head, as for the Konoha Shinobis, they always attack in the middle of the mob so he didn't have a time to strike back.
While dodging attacks and deflecting some, he realise that his body can't keep going ao he jump back and threw more Kunai's and began trying to use a jutsu but when he started he was forced to dodge since the Bandit deflected all my thrown ans threw a Kunai at him, 'dammit, this guy doesn't move like a Bandit at all' he think in his mind with a hurried face then said the Bandit "you don't move like a bandit at all, are you a ninja?" the Bandit laugh and said " a Ninja always hides, who they are" The bandit now known as a Shinobi stops attacking and look at Kira and with amusement said " me and my partner over there punching your friend where Iwa Nins, before we left, for better grounds" he close his eyes to remember then was interupted when Kira said "better grounds?" The Ex-Iwa Nin then said with a smile "since you're going to die might as well tell you, we receive a mission just the normal, ȧssessinate someone and then return to Iwa to complete our mission, but the information about the mission was wrong, he was suppose to be protected by only Samurai's so imagine us, a team of 4 meeting a S-Rank missing Nin from Kumo protecting the target, long story short only me and my partner survive, you know what's worse, we are the 1s who receive the shame for failing the mission even though we only follow orders" the Ex-Iwa Nin grip his hands in anger while Kira, looking at the Nin said "yet you do evil for what? measly money? seeing others suffer for you? you disgust me" then the Nin looks at Kira and smiles "because it's the easy way, well enough of this talk it's time for you to die" the Ex-Iwa Nin smile grew to a vicious one then he made some hand seals and said "Earth Style: Earth Spikes Jutsu" then put both hands on the ground then multiple spikes appear on the ground going directly to Kira, Kira seeing that put Chakra on his legs then Jump high to evade the spikes then made his own handseals then scream "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and a ball of flame exit from his mount going directly to the Ex-Iwa Nin who procedes to evades the ball to the right then threw e Kunai's at Kira who was still in the air, Kira deflected 2 of them yet 1 scratch his left leg and once he touch the ground he was stunned for a second, the Ex-Iwa Nin took that time to move at high speed at him then try to stab him again but Kira holding his pain move to the right and stab at the Ex-Iwa Nin left arm who then deflected it, then spins around to backhand Kira, who took the damage and was stumbling back 'dammit this guy must be at least high chunnin, even though am a chunnin too because i don't have experience it's taking me too long to finish this fight and i use too much chakra on the fireball, think Kira think... wait i could use THAT but i will lose most of my chakra.... well it's do or die' Kira think while standing up gasping for air while blood drips from his mouth, he cleans up the blood in his mouth and prepare to attack, the Ex-Iwa Nin looks at Kira with a smirk on his face and then said "brat you already lost, so give up and i'll make youe death painless" Kira looks at the Ex-Iwa Nin then he narrow his eyes and said "i've come too far to give up and i'll never stop" after Kira said that he began running to the Ex-Iwa Nin while putting his Kunai at front, then threw 2 more at him, the Ex-Iwa Nin got angry and scream "IT'S YOUR FUNERAL, BRAT" then also run towards Kira, he deflectes the 2 Kunai's and got close to Kira then both started fighting in close combat deflecting their Kunais against each others Kunais then began block punch with punch, kicks with kicks but Kira was getting tired fast, then he did an error and lower his guard on his left arm the Ex-Iwa Nin catch that and then strike to his left with a roundhouse kick hitting Kira's left arm not breaking it but enough to hurt and stun him, the Ex-Iwa Nin smiles sadistically then scream "DIE BRAT!!" Kira attack with his right arm, where his kunai is but he deflectes then immediatly stab him with his Kunai through his heart, Kira gasp "Gah!!...." then little by little lowers both of his hand like a puppet that lost his strings then he lowers his head as well while his eyes became darkened.
The Ex-Iwa Nin smiles with a satisfied face and said "see brat? dead couldn't even beat me, i did told you from the beginning but i guess you temptes fate and got kill because of it.... uuh so yoy still live well it doesn't matter you'll die" then Kira bring his head up little by little and said some words that the Ex-Iwa Nin didn't captures, so he ask "what did you just said brat? casually saying those words he move his head to his mouth ans the heard Kira's voice, a voice that brought him his defeat "Shadow Clone Explosion" "SHI-" he hurriedly said and try to move but i was too late
The explosion was enough to send pieces of the Ex-Iwa nin flying pretty much killing him instantly and from a tree came Kira exhausted yet he kept walking to the front until he was already in the same place where his Shadow Clone exploded and said in a gasping voice "" after he said that he fell to the floor on his buŧŧȯċks gasping but smiling that he won... then he looks at Naruto looking at him with a smile in his face but equally tired, both embrace the feeling of their first victory but then Kira saw someone standing up behind Naruto, he was in shock when he snap out of it, it was already late and Naruto got stab through the ċhėst then Kira screams "NARUTO!!!!!"
Naruto watch a Kunai piercing through his ċhėst and fell to the floor then the darkness claim him, then the Ex-Iwa Nin 2 began laughing "hahaha....brat.. that's what you get for not checking if i was dead hahaha" the nin kept laughing while Kira was in shock seeing Naruto fall 'no no no this can't be happening' he kept telling himself that it's false what he was seeing, then in anger he looks at the Ex-Iwa Nin, "i'll kill you for this...." says Kira in a low voice that the Nin ask him "what?" then Kira looks more into the eyes of the nin and scream "I'll kill you for this!!!!!" and he Kira could see himself in the mirror he could see that his Sharingan was on and now has 2 tomoe each, something that shock the Ex-Iwa Nin 'Uchiha?' then he snaps out of it once Kira ran it him with a Kunai on his right arm with anger, he stab his Kunai front and the nin deflected it, then jump back and weave some handseals and scream "Earth Style: Rock Spear Jutsu and a rock made of spear shot out from in front of him towards Kira but was shock when Kira also scream "Earth Style: Rock Spear Jutsu" and another spear made of rock shot of from below Kira towards the nin, that copy shock him and because of that he put less chakra on his spear so when his and Kira's spear met his broke allowing Kira's spear to continue towards him, he jump out of the way towards the left but the spear reach his right arm and blew it off "GAAAHHHHH!!!!" scream the Nin, then he hear his voice again "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and a ball of fire was shot to him he bȧrėly dodge by jumping mid air, yet that's what Kira wanted, he threw his Kunai at his face but he dodge it by move his head towards the left, the Nin was soo concentraded on Kira that he miss there was a little bit of his chakra stuck to his Kunai, effectively allowing him to Substitue with the Kunai, this shock the Ex-Iwa Nin and that became his last emotion when Kira from behins stab him through his heart in mid aie before spinning ans send him directly to the ground with a drop kick.
When Kira saw the dead Ex-Iwa Nin, he knew he won but he went to where Naruto was stab to check on him and was glad with what he found but he began losing consciousness but before he lost it he heard movement and that shock him, he was spent and couldn't do anymore, his eyes began darkening little by little, his Sharingan turn off due to no morw chakra, so before he gave in to sweet darkness he look to where the sound was and when he found out the mark in their headband, he smile and gave in to darkness.
"Sir we still can't find them, maybe they are....."
Inu was interrupted by the angry
hokage and said "They are NOT dead, keep
looking for them NOW" screams the Hokage
while releasing KI and all the other shinobis in
the room trembled and says "Yes Sir!" then left
leaving the Hokage alone.
In his office the Hokage breathes in and out
and sits back to his chair then 3 seconds later
looks at the table and opens up the cabinet
on the right, inside there's a picture of 2 males
and in front of the males is 2 pregnant
he grabs thr picture and while crying sad
"am sorry Minato, Tatsu, am sorry that am a
failure, i fail you both, i was suppose to
protect them but i let them suffer, all because
i was weak, i hope you can both forgives this
old man" the Hokag- no, the weary old man
keeps crying over the picture "if i find them, i'll
make up to them, i hope they can forgice this
old man for not doing anything to stop the
violence they receive" he keeps crying
while holding the picture, little did he know
that the next time he and the village meet
they'll be stronger and more powerful and
living within another village that actually
respect them for wha they have.
-5 Days to Reach Kumo-
After resting for running for at least 2 days,
Kira gave Naruto his parents letter that he
found close to where he copied the Forbidden
deserves to see their final words (although
it won't be their final words sincd once he gets
the Rinnegan he can revive them), suffice to
say Naruto was crying finding out his parents
love him, even though he told them who his
parents where, reading is from a letter is
better for him.
Naruto became even more serious and he
wanted to reach Kumo so he can keep
can't become Hokage then he'll be the Raikage
I smiled at that since i already promise to help
him reach his goal, while we where running on
the path to Kumo, we heard some voices, and
due to curiosity, we went to check, once we
arrive we saw people dress in some leather
armors laughing and talking between each
others, since i know what kind of armor they
are wearing, i believe they are bandits, there
each other and decided to get close to
overhear what they are talking about.
While laughing bandit 1 says "haha this score
is good, the look on his face when that idiot
noble just grovel and pray for forgiveness,
haha" bandit 2 laugh and talk next " what
about when we took his woman, hah the look
of horror once we **** her in front of him, hell
it was the best f*** we had all month, haha"
a badge of honor.
Truly the scum of this world, that's what these
people are, i can feel Fenrir in an angry mood
since she's female and i can see Naruto angry
as well, Naruto approch me in secret and told
me "we should do something about them, we
can't let them get away" says Naruto furious
"agreed but let's wait till night" i said also
furious but not letting my emotions go
out of control, Naruto nods and so we waited.
After night came, all bandits went to sleep,
something we where hoping for, i told Naruto
the plan, we go in while sneaking to knock all
of them out... "that's it?" naruto strangely said,
"i don't have enough info about them to
formulate a plan against them, so yea we'll
just wing it if something else happen so be
sharp, if nothing happen then we'll use our
S.Clones and bring them to the nearest village
, maybe they have bounties on their head" Kira
said and then we began the plan, i went 1st
and easily knock out the first bandit "easy....
hope we keep goong like this" Kira nervously
said after leave the tent he saw Naruto
coming out of another 1 nervous but he looks
at me and he nodded " that's 2" i said in low
then the 3rd
"it 's too easy if we keep going like this we
wont need to fight" i said in low voice smiling
while Naruto came out of the 6th and nodded,
then he went to the 7th and came out nodding
while i wrnt to the 8th and came back nodding
too, just 2 more and we'll be finish here, but
once me and Naruto where on the last 2, we
wherr suddenly attacked.
*fuush* *fuush* *fuush*
Kunai's where throw at us surprising us, so we immediately dodge the Kunai's thrown from inside tent separating us and from the 2 tent came out the 2 bandits with 1 kunai in their hand the 1st bandit angrily scream "WHO ARE YOU?" once the bandits sae who they where they started laughing "2 brats, hah this as got to be the biggest joke, since you brats want to die that much then we'll grant your wish" said the other bandits looking at Kira cruel smile, I got annoyed "..tch! Naruto remember your training, don't look down on them and be alert" i said getting ready to fight against the bandit 1, "RIGHT" says Naruto using 2 kunai's and began waiting till bandit 2 starts attacking
-Naruto vs Bandit 2-
Bandit 2 started laughing then Naruto yell "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT" then Bandit 2 smile cruely and said "am thinking if to kill you fast or just plain torture you to death" then he release his KI at Naruto, Naruto began trembling a little until he snap out of it, then he began remembeeing everything that happen in Konoha, the insult, the pain and then he realise, this guy is just like all of them, then he closes he eyes, breathes deep then he opens them, his ones now show determination and a cold fury, that shock Bandit 2, he got angry and attack Naruto, he move fast and once he was close he stab at Naruto's ċhėst but due to the running he did in Konoha a getting attack and even stab, he move on instinct, evading the attack to his left and he strike back with a stab on his own, but he use his own hands to block it, Naruto's kunai stab through the Bandit's hand "GAH!!" the Bandit scream then he got angrier and used his other hand to punch Naruto in the face while he stumble back then he attack again but Naruto anticipated that and dodge below then gave the bandit a uppercut sending him stumbling back but naruto didn't stop and attack again with the Kunai stabbing him in the stomach "Gah!!... DAMN YOU BRAT!!" said the Bandit, then he grab Naruto's hair, hurting Naruto in the process while his other hand was in his stomach, trying to stop the blood from flowing out, then he headbutted Naruto sending him to the floor and then he kneels a little hurt but moving to attack Narut while he's on the floor but when he's about to hit him Naruto threw sand grab from the earth to his face blinding him just for that moment in which Naruto came and stab him in the heart, shocking Bandit 2 then Naruto took the Kunai out of his heart letting the Bandit fall to the ground, then he began gasping for air ".....haaa...haaaa....haaaa" while gasping for air Naruto looks at Kira and while he found him, Kira screams "NARUTO!!!!!" a stab pass through Naruto's stomach, and he went into shock falling to the ground.
-A few minutes back-
-Kira vs Bandit 1-
"You know you're gonna die here wait prolong the inevitable" says the bandit with a cruel smile" then Kira mocks him back "it's strange then, why am i still alive?" the Bandit got annoyed "apparently you truly wish to die, then let me give you your wish" the Bandit attack and while he was moving at Kira, he threw e Kunai's at thr bandit who deflected them all, before getting close for close combat, both began attacking each other deflecting and blocking attack but it's obvious the Bandit is stronger, Kira may be strong but he never had experience in a battle to the death, he never faced someone wanting to kill him, the civilians of Konoha can't be counted because they where a mob and since if he kill them, the damn villagers will ask for his head, as for the Konoha Shinobis, they always attack in the middle of the mob so he didn't have a time to strike back.
While dodging attacks and deflecting some, he realise that his body can't keep going ao he jump back and threw more Kunai's and began trying to use a jutsu but when he started he was forced to dodge since the Bandit deflected all my thrown ans threw a Kunai at him, 'dammit, this guy doesn't move like a Bandit at all' he think in his mind with a hurried face then said the Bandit "you don't move like a bandit at all, are you a ninja?" the Bandit laugh and said " a Ninja always hides, who they are" The bandit now known as a Shinobi stops attacking and look at Kira and with amusement said " me and my partner over there punching your friend where Iwa Nins, before we left, for better grounds" he close his eyes to remember then was interupted when Kira said "better grounds?" The Ex-Iwa Nin then said with a smile "since you're going to die might as well tell you, we receive a mission just the normal, ȧssessinate someone and then return to Iwa to complete our mission, but the information about the mission was wrong, he was suppose to be protected by only Samurai's so imagine us, a team of 4 meeting a S-Rank missing Nin from Kumo protecting the target, long story short only me and my partner survive, you know what's worse, we are the 1s who receive the shame for failing the mission even though we only follow orders" the Ex-Iwa Nin grip his hands in anger while Kira, looking at the Nin said "yet you do evil for what? measly money? seeing others suffer for you? you disgust me" then the Nin looks at Kira and smiles "because it's the easy way, well enough of this talk it's time for you to die" the Ex-Iwa Nin smile grew to a vicious one then he made some hand seals and said "Earth Style: Earth Spikes Jutsu" then put both hands on the ground then multiple spikes appear on the ground going directly to Kira, Kira seeing that put Chakra on his legs then Jump high to evade the spikes then made his own handseals then scream "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and a ball of flame exit from his mount going directly to the Ex-Iwa Nin who procedes to evades the ball to the right then threw e Kunai's at Kira who was still in the air, Kira deflected 2 of them yet 1 scratch his left leg and once he touch the ground he was stunned for a second, the Ex-Iwa Nin took that time to move at high speed at him then try to stab him again but Kira holding his pain move to the right and stab at the Ex-Iwa Nin left arm who then deflected it, then spins around to backhand Kira, who took the damage and was stumbling back 'dammit this guy must be at least high chunnin, even though am a chunnin too because i don't have experience it's taking me too long to finish this fight and i use too much chakra on the fireball, think Kira think... wait i could use THAT but i will lose most of my chakra.... well it's do or die' Kira think while standing up gasping for air while blood drips from his mouth, he cleans up the blood in his mouth and prepare to attack, the Ex-Iwa Nin looks at Kira with a smirk on his face and then said "brat you already lost, so give up and i'll make youe death painless" Kira looks at the Ex-Iwa Nin then he narrow his eyes and said "i've come too far to give up and i'll never stop" after Kira said that he began running to the Ex-Iwa Nin while putting his Kunai at front, then threw 2 more at him, the Ex-Iwa Nin got angry and scream "IT'S YOUR FUNERAL, BRAT" then also run towards Kira, he deflectes the 2 Kunai's and got close to Kira then both started fighting in close combat deflecting their Kunais against each others Kunais then began block punch with punch, kicks with kicks but Kira was getting tired fast, then he did an error and lower his guard on his left arm the Ex-Iwa Nin catch that and then strike to his left with a roundhouse kick hitting Kira's left arm not breaking it but enough to hurt and stun him, the Ex-Iwa Nin smiles sadistically then scream "DIE BRAT!!" Kira attack with his right arm, where his kunai is but he deflectes then immediatly stab him with his Kunai through his heart, Kira gasp "Gah!!...." then little by little lowers both of his hand like a puppet that lost his strings then he lowers his head as well while his eyes became darkened.
The Ex-Iwa Nin smiles with a satisfied face and said "see brat? dead couldn't even beat me, i did told you from the beginning but i guess you temptes fate and got kill because of it.... uuh so yoy still live well it doesn't matter you'll die" then Kira bring his head up little by little and said some words that the Ex-Iwa Nin didn't captures, so he ask "what did you just said brat? casually saying those words he move his head to his mouth ans the heard Kira's voice, a voice that brought him his defeat "Shadow Clone Explosion" "SHI-" he hurriedly said and try to move but i was too late
The explosion was enough to send pieces of the Ex-Iwa nin flying pretty much killing him instantly and from a tree came Kira exhausted yet he kept walking to the front until he was already in the same place where his Shadow Clone exploded and said in a gasping voice "" after he said that he fell to the floor on his buŧŧȯċks gasping but smiling that he won... then he looks at Naruto looking at him with a smile in his face but equally tired, both embrace the feeling of their first victory but then Kira saw someone standing up behind Naruto, he was in shock when he snap out of it, it was already late and Naruto got stab through the ċhėst then Kira screams "NARUTO!!!!!"
Naruto watch a Kunai piercing through his ċhėst and fell to the floor then the darkness claim him, then the Ex-Iwa Nin 2 began laughing "hahaha....brat.. that's what you get for not checking if i was dead hahaha" the nin kept laughing while Kira was in shock seeing Naruto fall 'no no no this can't be happening' he kept telling himself that it's false what he was seeing, then in anger he looks at the Ex-Iwa Nin, "i'll kill you for this...." says Kira in a low voice that the Nin ask him "what?" then Kira looks more into the eyes of the nin and scream "I'll kill you for this!!!!!" and he Kira could see himself in the mirror he could see that his Sharingan was on and now has 2 tomoe each, something that shock the Ex-Iwa Nin 'Uchiha?' then he snaps out of it once Kira ran it him with a Kunai on his right arm with anger, he stab his Kunai front and the nin deflected it, then jump back and weave some handseals and scream "Earth Style: Rock Spear Jutsu and a rock made of spear shot out from in front of him towards Kira but was shock when Kira also scream "Earth Style: Rock Spear Jutsu" and another spear made of rock shot of from below Kira towards the nin, that copy shock him and because of that he put less chakra on his spear so when his and Kira's spear met his broke allowing Kira's spear to continue towards him, he jump out of the way towards the left but the spear reach his right arm and blew it off "GAAAHHHHH!!!!" scream the Nin, then he hear his voice again "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and a ball of fire was shot to him he bȧrėly dodge by jumping mid air, yet that's what Kira wanted, he threw his Kunai at his face but he dodge it by move his head towards the left, the Nin was soo concentraded on Kira that he miss there was a little bit of his chakra stuck to his Kunai, effectively allowing him to Substitue with the Kunai, this shock the Ex-Iwa Nin and that became his last emotion when Kira from behins stab him through his heart in mid aie before spinning ans send him directly to the ground with a drop kick.
When Kira saw the dead Ex-Iwa Nin, he knew he won but he went to where Naruto was stab to check on him and was glad with what he found but he began losing consciousness but before he lost it he heard movement and that shock him, he was spent and couldn't do anymore, his eyes began darkening little by little, his Sharingan turn off due to no morw chakra, so before he gave in to sweet darkness he look to where the sound was and when he found out the mark in their headband, he smile and gave in to darkness.
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