The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 7 - 7 Sharingan, Scroll and leaving for Kumo

Konoha, known as the winner of the 1st, 2nd

and 3rd Shinobi Wars, we see the people

walking thi day with smiles of their faces

either to eat, to drink to pass the time in the

hot springs or other activites. Just from

watching them like that you would think

there's nothing wrong in this village but in

reality this village has a darkness that spread

due to bigotry, it's because of them blaming

there's own problems on other people and

never accepting the truth because they

At the edge of Konoha we see a huge forest, in front of the forest there are signs that said "Keep Out" and "Don't trespass", this forest is known as the Forest of Death but we are not here for information about the forest.

Deep down in the forest theres 2 boys about 10 years old, one has Blond hair, blue eyes like the sea and 3 whisker marks in both of his cheeks, as for his clothes, he's wearing orange shirts with a few holes in it with dried blood and for his pants he's wearing black loke shorts and same as the shirt they have some holes and dried blood, this is Naruto Uzumaki and for the other boy, his hair is pure black like the night, dark purple eyes, he wears a black shirt with tiny holes in it with some dried blood and dark blue shorts with dried blood and tiny holes, his name is Kira Kurogane.

"Kira it became worse, the civilian pretty wanted us dead" says Naruto with a sad voice while looking at the ground while Kira get's serious and said "it's time to go Naruto, we can't stay here anymore, the Hokage, even though is a good man still lied to us, the civilian here will never stop hating us, they will always see us as demons" sayd Kira with an angry voice but just for a moment you could see his eyes go red then back to dark purple, "i know but what about our friends" say Naruto worrying, "we'll send them letters from Kumo to tell them we are alright" say Kira, "Ok, so when do we leave?" Naruto question "Tonight we leave, we'll stay inside the forest and used that tunnel we created with our S.Clones to leave but 1st there's something i have to do" he says with serious face "I have to get the Forbidden scroll" Naruto question "why?" he looks at Naruto and says "we are moving to another village, we may have the 9 tails inside us, but we need something else to convince the Raikage to send someone to train us as well" Naruto says silently "i see" then a rough voice was heard inside Naruto "he's right Kit, this village sees you 2 as us and from what i see, they'll never sees you 2 as just mere kids, it's better to leave, it beats the alternative and stay to keep attacking both of you" Naruto then said " *sigh* ok so what should i do while you get the scroll?" Kira looks at Naruto "nothing, just stay here until i get back, saty close to the tunnel and henge into an animal and keep watching the tunnel" "ok i'll wait for you to come back" Naruto seriously said then began walking deeper into the forest, Kira then began leaving the forest through a bird henge going directly to the Hokage tower.

After a few hours planning and night aproaching Kira is seen leaving with the Forbidden scroll with his eyes red, yes this is the Sharingan though it's only on his 1st tomoe but it's still it, funny how easy was to get it.


"How would you like to beat up an Uchiha?" says Fenrir grinning

Kira grin and says "i would feel happy but hows that going to get me the Sharingan?" "easy, get a little bit of blood from the Uchiha, drink it then leave yours truly to work" then Kira question "again how is that going to help me?" Fenrir then looks at Kira like she was looking at a fool "it's the DNA, the Uchiha blood as their DNA, if you drink it i can change some of you DNA to Uchiha blood, though if you want to i can fuse it with your Kurogane Bloodline, nothing will change except you will have the Sharingan and due to having Indra's Chakra you'll be able to use all of the E.M.S power that have existed" while she explain that i was excited " you mean i can use something like Kamui? or Madara's Heaven Concealed?" then Fenrir looks at Kira again like a fool "Of course but without training yourself is useless to even try that technique, also due to having Indra's Chakra, you or yohr descendant won't need to kill a person you care about to awaken your Mangekyo" Kira then smiles happily "That's good then my Clan won't get affected by the cursed of hatred" "yes obviously now go and beat up and Uchiha so i can get his blood" Fenrir grins "then let's wait till midnight then , knowing him he's still training" Kira smiles deviously "Then go to rest, also am recording your fight, my father would love to see an Uchiha getting beat up" she smiles an evil grin while wagging all 9 tails happily, Kira smiles and says "Go ahead, am going to sleep and prepare for tonight" Kira then closes his eyes and left, then Fenrir says in a low voice "a beat up Uchiha, hahaha, well knowing how the future will turn out the Uchiha won't survive to reaching the 4th shinobi war, he'll pretty much die when he joins Akatsuki and attacking Kumo to get all the other tails, hehehe this is soo much fun" then Fenrir keeps laughing.

-Next day at midnight-

I was sneakly moving in a henge from the ANBU that's spying on us, he wears a bear mask, this guy hasn't come to help us while we where attack from the mob, so am gonna blame him for this attack, Kira flash an evil grin.

While reaching the Uchiha Clan House, i inmediately use my Sensory abilites and ended up founding 3 ANBU and 1 ROOT, how do i know? my Sensor can send emotions and the ROOT doesn't show it, Danzo is really a fool, i went directly to the nearest ANBU and stops 10 meter, then i used a silencing seal, am not a fool, i can't beat an ANBU right know but i at least can make sure he doesn't hear anything, after i used that seal i used another that recreated the same sound heard where he was, then i left, i did the same thing to the other ANBU but for the ROOT i left an Explosion Seal near him, it will explode when i turn off my chakra to give the bastard a surprise, i found tgese seals in the Namikaze Estate with all the other scrolls so it's a good situation to use it.

I began moving in the shadows to the Uchiha Clan House while using a Genjutsu to mask myself from the 3 ANBU and ROOT, just in case.

I manage to reach the House the enter it through the window and began looking for Sasuke with Sensoe, i found him finishing his training and entering the House through the back, now it would be stupid to attack him now from the front, we are Shinobis, they always cheat, even tho i want to attack him i rather finish this fast but while i was thinking i heard a voice.

"Come out, i know your here" says a arrogant voice.

That surprise me, i never know he could sense me but i remember that Uchiha's are connected to Chakra to other Shinobi's, well at least i learn something, i decide to go for my original plan, a plain beatdown.

I appear in front of him without a sound and just look at him, he narrow his eyes and said " what do you want?" but i didnt say anything, i only lift my arm and with my hand i make the sign of 'bring it' to mock him, not surprising it work, Sasuke got angry "Damn you, you're on Uchiha property, and i told you to leave" buf i didnt say anything and do it again, then he got even angrier and said "damn you i don't care who you are nobody crosses an Uchiha and lives" then he attacks me with a straight punch but due to my speed which is at least mid chuunin, i evade in the smallest way, i caught his punch spin my body until my back is touch his ċhėst then with my right feet i kick him in the heel then use my weight to lift him and thren throw him to the ground.

"GAH" sasuke says in pain, i inmeditely move on top of him then got him in a choke and began pressing his neck, he began flailing to get me of but he can't, i keep pressing until little by little he stops moving.

'That knock him up, that was too easy' Kira think with a smile, i check if he isn't faking it but punching him 2 times but no response.

'Good, the blood now' i brought out my kunai and stab him a little in the hand, then draw blood, i then bring up my kunai to my mouth and licks it, "Cub it's done i got the DNA" Fenrir says in my mind, i then put the kunai back in my holder then leaves, through the same way that i enter with no one the wiser, after reaching a safe distance inside the Forest of Death i took my henge down then cuts my chakra off, make a certain seal go off.

An explosion was hear, and with that lovely sound i go back home, once i reach home through the tunnel, i reach my room then sit on it "Fenrir how is it" Kira ask excited, "Cub i can do 2 things get rid of your bloodline or fuse oth of them" Kira calms down and think, then he said "what would happen if you fuse them?" he question then Fenrir says "nothing you'll have both but there's a chance that your absorb will evolve since the Uchiha bloodline is stronger so it mave change your Absorb in the future", Kira thought about it then comes to a decision "Fuse them", she says "are you sure? there's not going back" with a determined face, he says "Yes" with a confirmation she began the procedure "ok you will black out, so check tomorrow, when he said that Kira was going ask a questio but everything went black.

-Morning of the next say-

"uugh my head.... it feels like i got drunk" Kira wakes up with a headache, "Fenrir? you there?" he ask then she answer by telling him " am here, go check your eyes, you'll be surprise" she laugh a little while answering" Kira confused began walking to the bathroom but while walking he found out he can see everything better, even the tiny insects in the floor then he got surprise and began running to the bathroom after he enter he check his face, especially his eyes and then he saw them, red eyes and 1 black tomoe, yes it's the Sharingan, Kira grins then began laughing "hahaha, yes i got them, hahaha" he was still laughing until Naruto came in and saw him and ask why was he laughing, Kira turn to him and then Naruto saw the eyes, he was spook but then he ask what happen to his eyes, and Kira told him they where the Sharingan, the fame eyes of the 2 people thay kill our parents in the past, the Kyuubi inside Naruto confirm them and the Naruto ask why he have them, the Kira told him of everything that he did to get them, suffice to say he was surprise that his tail beast couls do that, though Kurama did told Naruto that he can do that too but his body and blood was already strong enough without them, after the happiness they began talking about everything they are gonna do today.

-End of Flashback-

Kira grins everytime he remembers awakening the Sharingan, it help him immensly on getting the Forbidden scroll, granted he just make a copy of everything there but without the Edo Tensei, that one will be his little secret

He began moving to the Forest of Death and while running he reach the other tunnel leading outside the village, then an insect flew in and unhenge to show it was Naruto, "you got the scroll?" ask Naruto then Kira shows him the scroll "it's a copy of the original but it's here and while we are moving to Kumo you can read it" says Kira while Naruto nods and says "then let's go" but before he leaves Kira says "wait" Naruto stops and strangely looks at Kira while he summon 10 S.Clones and told them to destroy the Tunnel leading from their crappy house into the Forest of Death and then leading outside the village, the clones accept the order and went to work "now we can leave" say Kira cheekly and both him Naruto enter the tunnel leaving the village and finally their hate fill life behind and into a new one.

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