The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 15 - 14 Wedding (part 2), Blood transfer and going to Kirigakure


-No P.O.V.-

The streets are fill with people talking on 1 topic alone, the wedding of the Uzumaki Clan Head and the Kurogane Clan Head.

Naruto Uzumaki is marrying Karui and

Kira Kurogane is marrying Samui.

Their weddings has attracted alot of people, from merchants to Daimyo from the Land of Lighting to Land of Earth, even Onoki, the 3rd Tsuchikage is here as well. The people are also celebrating, although some women are feeling envious that Karui and Samui gets to marry such a splendid man, Naruto as wealth, is handsome and is friendly with everyone, and Kira always shows a cold face from what the people says, he's very emotional towards his now soon to be wife, his future wives and his friends.

The wedding will be in the Chuunin Exam arena of Kumo, due to the huge amount of people to came to see it. In a room inside the Arena, we hear excited voices from girls.

-Samui P.O.V.-

'I see Karui getting nervous, i can't blame her, i still can't believe am going to marry Kira today' i nervously think, then i breathed deep to calm down. I began looking around, i see Izana and Kurotsuchi helping Karui dress up for her wedding with Naruto, behind me Yugito is helping me finish up with my Black Wedding Kimono with the Kurogane symbol behind it, Kira change it to a Black Scythe, behind the Scythe is Fenrir's grinning Face with the 9 tails in a circle, he said that Fenrir is protecting the Kurogane Clan, something that i don't mind, Fenrir in my eyes is the best protector.

The door opens and in comes Karin and Pakura with a smile "The arena is filling up, you 2 are famous" says Karin " mmh, there's a huge amount of people coming to your combined wedding from daimyo to rich merchants to even the 3rd Tsuchikage himself, though we knew that part didn't we?" says Pakura looking at Kurotsuchi while she smiles and say "i actually wish i was the 1 wearing the wedding dress today" then Karui say "better luck next time, besides we already knows you'll marry him next, and you Izana?" she looks at Izana and she giggles "i'll wait for my turn" then i said "well we shouldn't waste time, let's finish dressing up" everybody nods.

-End of Samui's P.O.V.-

-Kira's P.O.V.-

*step* *step*

Naruto and i where walking towards where the wedding will be shown, in the damn middle of the arena, i sigh whenever i think about marrying in the arena, i wanted a small wedding ceremony and even my soon to be wife Samui also wanted it but the Raikage told us since it's our 1st wedding, that it should be big, it also shown that Samui is my 1st wife and Naruto is Karui.

The status of the 1st wife is huge due to political reason and also sends a message to the future wives of mine and Naruto.

It's a good thing that the times i wear this kind of kimonos is in my future weddings, am wearing a Pure black Kimono with the edges being dark blue while i wear my clans symbol in my back, while Naruto himself wears an Orange Kimono with red trimmings and on the back is the Uzumaki symbol but with Kurama face on the north of the symbol grinning and his 9 tails surrounding it. It has the same message as my clan, Kurama protects the Uzumakis.

I look at Naruto who's walking in my left and ask him "you nervous?" Naruto nervously said "Of course i am, this is our wedding day, i actually never though i would marry, i mean WE would marry due to what we hold, i though we would always be look like we're demons and all that"

"and yet we get to start our own happy days, we left the hate filled Konoha, now we are happy and marrying a woman who looks at us with love and even though she knows about Fenrir and Kurama inside you, they still love us, so yea i knew leaving Konoha would be a great choice" i said with a smile

Naruto said smiling "true, am happy, very happy right now"

"But we still have to become stronger, so we can protect our own happiness, remember that, some in Konoha will still either try to kill us or capture us, so we better be prepare and keep becoming stronger" i said that with a cold and determined face while Naruto nods.

We keep walking and reach the arena and began walking to the middle where the altar is, and in the altar we see the Raikage and the Tsuchikage talking harmoniously then they look at us while the Raikage grins, the Tsuchikage scoffs.

'He's probably still angry at Naruto not marrying Kurotsuchi 1st'.

"So, you 2 ready for married life?" says a grinning Raikage.

"As ready as ever" i said with a cool smile while Naruto nervously nods.

The Tsuchikage scoffs "Naruto should be the 1 marrying my granddaughter today".

While Naruto blush and i smile, the Raikage says while still grinning "Better luck next time".

"I heard from Samui and the others that She'll be the one marrying Naruto next, so until then, we wait" i said to the 2 kages.

"That's right, Kuro-chan and i talk about it, since i met Karui 1st and i fell in love with her 1st, i should marry her 1st" Naruto said with a determined face.

Tsuchikage glares at Naruto then sighs "fine but i expect it to be soon, i want the best for my granddaughter and if her happiness is with you then i'll just accept it" all of us smiles but then the Tsuchikage in a cold voice said "but if you DARE make her cry, i'll make sure you don't ever wake up again" Naruto immediately nods like his life depends on it.

The Raikage and me laughs about Naruto's situation, then we started talking while waiting for the everyone to arrive.

After half an hour between talking to both kages, daimyo's and other important peoples and by important i meant 'rich and influential',

comes the start of the wedding.

Naruto and i are standing in front of the altar, while the Raikage was behind it, he's the one who's gonna marry us.

The 1st to enter are the bridesmaids consisting of Karin, Yugito, Pakura and a clone of Karui on my side wearing the ugliest grey kimono's that i have ever seen and on Naruto's side, is Izana, Kurotsuchi and a clone of Samui wearing the ugliest red kimono that Naruto as ever seen.

'What's up with the brides trying to make the bridesmaids look ugly?' both of us questionably think.

Then the brides comes, and once both Samui and Karui enters, i was in shock Samui looks amazingly beautiful, she was beautiful before but now even more so. Her face has light make up, making her even more beatiful, her lips has light red lipsticks making me want to kiss her all over again, her Black kimono hugs her body making her ċhėst feel bigger than she normally is.

I woke up from my shock and looks around and i see everybody looking at Samui and Karui. Karui looks beautiful as well, her Red Kimono hugs her body, making her brėȧst bigger than they are and just like Samui, she's also wearing a light make up too.

I then look back at Samui, then i gave her a loving smile while she looks at me and i see her eyes fill with love. After she got to my front she gave her hand and i held it while bringing her forward and Naruto did the same with Karui. While walking forward i told Samui in a soft voice that she looks beautiful. She ended up giving me a lovely smile.

Afterward we have our vow and i ended up giving Samui a kiss full of love, since from now on she'll be Samui Kurogane. Naruto also gave Karui a kiss full of love pretty much naming her Karui Uzumaki.

Then we mingle with the crowd, giving us their congratulations, even though i don't want to be here now and just pass the time with Samui, since am the Kurogane Clan Head i had to do this, is a good thing am not the only 1 who suffer for this since Naruto does too.

Samui and Karui are surrounded by the bridesmaids and other womens also giving them their congratulations and asking things like honeymoon places and the likes.

It's s good thing both only gave vague answers since i don't want my honeymoon to be interupted by them and i believe Naruto is with me on that part.

Night reach and the people where living, happy about meeting me and Naruto, i left with Samui after everyone left, Naruto already left with Karui so i brought Samui to our estate since she's the Kurogane Clan Head's wife now.

-Master Room-

-Kira's P.O.V.-

I was making out with Samui on the bed, when i told Samui while hugging her "Samui Kurogane eh? it very much suits you"

Samui looks up at me and with narrow eyes and a smile said " am not easy to control "Husband", don't think i'll become a housewife and quit being a Kunoichi due to out marriage".

"I wouldn't have it other way, even though you're my wife i won't ever force you to do something you don't like" i gave a soft smile to Samui while she smiles even deeper, then we kiss, the strawberry taste from her mouth really makes me unable to stop kissing her since strawberry is my favorite food.

I stop kissing her and Samui pout about that and i though 'cute' when she did that, then i shake my hear and told her "since you're my wife, i have to tell you something" she was surprise about my serious voice, then she left my embrace and sits in her knees on the bed looking at me.

"Our clan has a secret technique in which i can transfer my bloodline to another in the clan, making them have our bloodline as well" after i said that, a surprised Samui said "transfer bloodline? is that even possible? did the Uchi-" i immediately said "No they don't have this technique, only our Kurogane clan has it, otherwise the Uchiha's wouldn't try to always marry between themselves" Samui aah-ed then said "you have the Sharingan as well as Absorb, if you use the secret technique it will be transfer to me as well, right?" i nodded then told her "you'll be able to use the Absorb bloodline at the beginning but you will still need to awaken the Sharingan to be able to use it, so you got to train yourself for them" Samui then nodded seriously.

Samui then said to me "will there be any side effects from this?" i smile then told her "apart from some strands of your hair becoming black like mine and having your eyes becoming dark purples like mines, although you will receive alot of pain on the beginning but don't worry, it's only temporary" Samui then though a little then she looks at me with a serious face and told me "am ready" i nodded and told her "come, lie down here" i patted the bed, Samui nods and lie down next to me.

After Samui lied down, while am sitting on my knees on her right side i bit my right index finger, drawing a little bit of blood and bringing my blooded index fingers to her mouth "drink a bit" i told Samui, she nods then opens her lips and close it with my finger inside of her mouth, then she licks the blood out of my finger and drinks it while i bring my finger out of her mouth. My finger already healed courtesy of Fenrir then i told her "Samui am starting" Samui looks at me with a serious face then nodded.

I began weaving handseals and when i finish i said "Kurogane secret technique: Transference of blood" then i put my palms in her stomach. Her veins began little by little glowing red going directly to her heart, i then made a handseal and activate the silencing seal in the master room just in case.

I look at Samui and sees her grabbing the bed harder and harder, i can see that her pain as started but she holds it back, i sigh knowing that Samui is the independant type, but i knkw she'll ask for my help whenever things get tough.

"Ggghgh" Samui's pain finally started, it's the same thing that happen to Izuna, she told me it's like having lava in your veins. She finally begans screaming "AAAAAAHHHH!!!" i immediately grabs Samui's hand, it pains me to see her suffer and not be able to do anything to stop it.

Close to 30 seconds later and she's still hurting, '...something is wrong, Fenrir why is she suffering even more than Izana did!?'

*That's because she isn't a Kurogane, so her pain is worse* Fenrir said in a neutral voice, 'why didn't you TELL me!?' i told Fenrir in an angry mood *because you didn't ASK* Fenrir said irritated. I sigh to calm down 'next time tell me about any more side effect before it's too late' i feel Fenrir nods.

Now after 2 minutes of screaming, Samui falls unconscious, i immediately checks her bloodline and see that the hurdle has passed.

i sigh 'good everything has passed, seeing her scream like that seriously hurt my own heart, am glad everything is over' i began checking out Samui. Her hair now has some black strands of hair, then i open her eyes, and both became became dark purple from her usual Blue eyes.

'Samui won't wake up till tomorrow due to the pain she receive because of the blood transfer, better sleep too and wait until tomorrow to see if her condition is good' i lied down next to Samui, then i hold her back and brings her head to my ċhėst, i rub her ċhėst while smiling at Samui before closing my eyes.

-Next Day-

I groggily open my eyes and i felt a weight in my ċhėst, i look down with my half open eyes and i see Samui sleeping, smiling a bring my free hand to rub her head but i stop once i remember what happen last night.

I completely open my eyes and look at Samui, then i put my hand on her head and use my Matured Sharingan along with putting my chakra on her body to see if there isn't any problems.

After a few seconds i turn my Sharingan off and take my chakra out of Samui, confirming that she's fine, then i see her eyes move and then she opens them up and i see those dark purple eyes and i smiles.

"What happen...?" says a groggy Samui

"The technique work Dear, i check your body and i don't see anything wrong with it but tell me how do you feel?" i ask with a worried face.

Samui stands up and sits in her knees, then uses her chakra to check her body, after a few moments she looks at me smiling and said "apart from my body becoming stronger, there's no problem with it" i sigh in glad, even though i check her body and knowing her body is alright, hearing it from the owner of the body is better.

"Then shall we make breakfest?" i said smiling while Samui nodded with a smile but then told me "go ahead, am going to take a bath first" i nodded then left for the kitchen.

-Samui P.O.V.-

After i see Kira or my Husband, it's going to take awhile to get use to that word, leave the room i went to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror first, am glad that the bathroom is just one door away inside the master room.

I open the door and still am surprise due to the size of it, it's enough for 10 people to take a bath and i know 9 of those people will be women or my 'sisters' if i can said it like that and my Husband will be the 10th person in the bath, i sigh everytime i think i have to share the man that i love but i can only blame myself for falling in love with him, at least am glad that he will never forced me to do something i don't like, though am glad i married him first, so i'll be the one who is going to see which women is worth marrying with my Husband, i prefer women who loves my Husband rather than his wealth, there's Yugito who's in the same Team as my Husband, since i know her since we where kids, she's someone i don't mind letting marrying my Husband, Karin is another i don't mind, i heard from her that she feels close to my Husband do to her ability to feel Chakra and we need a medical nin in the Clan and Pakura i don't mind as well, due to her being betrayed once, she will not do the betraying and having someone strong and experience aside from my Husband would do good for the Clan's image.

While i was thinking that i walk to the mirror and see myself in it, the size of the mirror is enough for me to see my whole body and more. I see my blond hair having black strands and my dark purple eyes that i receive due to my Husbands clan secret technique.

'my dark purple eyes and my blond hair with black strands makes me look cool' i think with a cool smiling face, i then start stripping while moving to the bath and think 'wonder what husband will make for breakfest'.

-End of Samui's P.O.V.-

-Kira's P.O.V.-

After i left the master room, i went to the kitchen to make breakfest, while the food it's being make i ask Fenrir 'you have seen all.of my memories right, Fenrir? i want to ask you, is it possible for me to awaken the Rinnegan with Hashirama's DNA?'.

*It is possible, from the memories of the future in order to awaken the Rinnegan, you need Uchiha and Senju DNA, it's never told how to get it. Now i'll ask you, where are you gonna get his DNA?* Fenrir questionly ask.

'You can see into my memories right? and my mind, check what am thinking' i think with a smug face.

Fenrir open it's eyes in surprise but then she grins and says *well, well, well i completely forgot about that, you know there's gonna be a high chance he knows it was you who stole that*.

Then i said in a cold smile 'True but if i make it that there was a battle and leave corpses of THAT persons Shinobis? he never trust that person, actually scratch that, he never trust anybody, but it's enough to pit them against each other since him and THAT person are only using each other'.

*True, it's very easy to turn them against each other, well we'll think about the plan to get Hashirama's DNA in the future, you're mate is coming down* Fenrir said.

I look to the stairs and just like Fenrir said, Samui came down, i smile at her while finishing up breakfest and while bringing the food to the table, said "Breakfest ready", Samui looks at me with a smile and said "thank you".

she moves to the table while i finish putting the plates down and after 10 minutes, we finishing eating and i ask "so Dear, how do you feel?" Samui then looks at me and says with a smile "if you're asking if my body is ok due to the blood transfusion then yes i am alright, you don't need to worry, Husband".

"sorry, it's just am worried that's all" looking at Samui i said with a smile then she looks at me and said "if i ever feels discomfort then i'll say something" i nodded then we began talking about the honeymood and decided on going to an island close to the north of Kumogakure, there's a city close to it known for relaxation.

Finishing that decision, we then decided we'll go a week later so while we are at it, i decided to train Samui a bit.

On the 1st day we realise she had also gotteb the Uzumaki bloodline as well, so more chakra and more longevity, something that females will kill for. Sadly due to that her Chakra control went out of whack so she was forced to retrain it, look at the bright side, after she finish getting a good amount of control she'll have more chakra to use.

On the 2nd day she kept training in Chakra control though i taught her the Shadow Clone Jutsu speeding up her training on it, due to receiving the Uzumaki bloodline as well, she couldn't fully use her entire reserves because of that she could only summon 20 SC, though in my eyes that's good.

On the 3rd day her Chakra control finally reach Jonin control so i taught her a few Jutsus that i know, since her affinity is lightning i taught her to shape it using a rock so i can taught her the Chidori, while she was doing that i found out from Naruto that Kurama gave Naruto something similar to what Fenrir gave me to transfer blood. He ended up using it with Karui and now she's part Uzumaki and i also heard they haven't done 'it' yet, apparently they are waiting for their honeymoon and they decided that it's gonna be in the Land of Hotsprings.

On the 4th day, Samui invited Karin, Yugito and Pakura to live with us, surprising me. Though Yugito and Karin accepted, Pakura did not, even though she trust us, she still have that Knot on her heart that she'll be betrayed again, guess i have to talk to Gaara AFTER he becomes the Kazekage to take care of that knot. Samui ended up learning Lightning shape manipulation on this day, believe me, 300 SC is equal to MONTHS of training, the cheat strikes again. I taught some Med Nin technique to Karin and also chakra control so she could heal better, as for Yugito i told her to create her blue fire underwater and once it stops snuffing out then she'll be able to used her blue fire more expertly and for Izana i taught her some more higher level of Genjutsu, her prowess with it has reach at least chuunin high rank. I told her to stoo learning more Genjutsus and relearn everything she knows and to used it without handseals and to also train her Chakra control.

On the 5th day, Izana move in with Naruto with Karui's blessing, i only told Naruto to take care of her with a mean face with Naruto nodding like crazy. Samui also learn the Chidori but when i told her that the technique is an ȧssassination technique she obviously didn't believe me due to the sounds of thousands of birds dying, i was on her side, i mean even if the Chidori isn't completed, making it an Assassination technique is extremely wrong. I told Samui that it isn't completed yet and that in his completed state it shouldn't make a sound. She immediately understood it i also told her that he can combine the Chidori with his sword as well, because of that she began workint on other technique centered on the Chidori.

On this day i also went to the Raikage and told him about our clans secret technique, since i don't want Samui suddenly using the Sharingan and the Raikage starts looking for questions. He was surprise about the technique but i lied to him telling him only the clan head and having the Kurogane bloodline can use that secret technique, i also told him that only those he dėsɨrė can receive the bloodline but if am forced or control to use it, it WILL kill the person whom i transfer my blood. He was disappointed about it but hurried us about having children, i only laugh about that and told him someday, before i left i told him that Izana is Naruto's fiancée. He knew why i said that, so i left.

On the 6th day we only had light training since tomorrow me and Samui are leaving to our honeymoon. Samui successfully learn to us the Chidori with her sword and even created a few other techniques centered on her Chidori with her SC. Yugito is still trying to light up a blue fire below water without extinguishing, now the blue fire is hotter than normal water but what i told her to do is to light up her flames without making the water hot, now that's close to impossible but if you used a Chakra control well, it will be possible, if she manages to do it, she'll have complete control of her flames. Karin has a good reputation in the hospital, she has learn a large variety of med jutsus, healing scar, poisons reattaching bones, anaesthesia and more, if Tsunade was here she could have easily seen Karin as the perfect studeny for her, guess that's one thing i have to do in the future. Izana still comes for training for Genjutsu, while Naruto taught her Taijutsu with different styles, she's relearning all her known Genjutsus without Handseals, so far he's relearn a few D-Ranks without Handseals, even though she knows SC but what she truly needs is an opponent that will try to kill her, that way she'll be able to become stronger and see her flaws better.

Today is the day our honeymoon start, me and Samui where packing everything with the help of Karin and Yugito

"Well this is the last one, i put some stuff above a scroll and make a handseal and said "Seal!" a smoke appear and the stuff disappear and the storage scroll has the names of the stuff i put in.

Samui looks at me and confusely says while holding a weapon storage scroll "why do we need weapons for our honeymoon"

I look at the weapon storage scroll in Samui's hand and said with a smiles "you can never be too careful, once we are out of the village, there's a chance that we can be attacked, remember Konoha?"

Then Samui Aah-ed and put the scroll inside the backpack.

"Am envious about your honeymoon wish i could get mine as well" says an envious Karin and Yugito nods at her statement.

"Well in the future it will be your turn but for now it's my own" Samui smiles at her and nods, both of the girls nods at her too.

While i was smiling seeing that i heard a knocks come from the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

I look at the girls, then move to the front door, after i open it i see a Kumo nin outside.

"Raikage-sama has requested your attendace, Kurogane-sama" the Kumo nin says while lightly bowing.

I nod at the Kumo nin and told him, "i'll go after i change my clothes" the Kumo nin nods then left in a shunshin.

I move to the living room and told everyone what the Kumo nin said.

"I have this feeling that am going to be annoyed" i said with an annoyed face.

Then Samui looks at me "I'll go with you to see whats all about" then she looks back at the other 2 "Are you girls coming?"

"Nah, i had a night shift, only reason i haven't gone to sleep yet is wanting to help out in the packing for your honeymoon but from what i heard i think that's not gonna happen, so am going to sleep now..." Karin said in a tired voice.

"I'll go with you, i want to see what's all about" Yugito said nodding at Samui. I then left to put on clothes for outside and everyone else as well while Karin went to her room to sleep.

-Outside The Raikage's Office-

-No P.O.V.-

Mabui was doing some paperwork while Naruto was standing in the wall crossing his arms in his ċhėst with an annoyed mood alongside Karui and Izana. Karui is also in an angry mood, today was suppose to be her honeymood, the reason why she was holding it in it's because she wanted it to be in her honeymood and due to Naruto being an Uzumaki, she knows he'll make her feel good until she drops but a summon from the Raikage may have destroy that and that's the reason she's angry, as for Izana, she's interested as to why the Raikage summon them for.

After waiting a few minutes, they see Kira, Samui and Yugito and the can see Kira in an angry mood, as for Samui she always has her cool face but they can see in her eyes how piss off she really is, as for Yugito she's like Izana, curious as to why they where summon.

After a few greetings betweem themself, they began having small talks while waiting.

They hear steps coming from outside after a minute and in comes the former sensei of Team 11 Darui along with the sensei of Team 10 Killer Bee.

"...Everyone is here then" says Darui in a lazy voice.

"Yo, Yo that's good oh" Bee says smiling while rapping.

"...Ignoring Bee-sensei rapping" Bee began crying anime tears "do you know what we are here for Darui-sensei?" Kira said.

"...We where also summo but no, i don't know yet" Darui lazily said.

"hmmm.... sigh... then i guess we have to wait" i sigh while everybody nods.

After a few more minutes Mabui stand up "Everyone, Raikage-sama is wating for you" she respectfully said. Everyone nods at her and began entering the Office.

Mabui's eyes is on Kira, he was surprise in the past by him.

Mabui has the Raikage's ȧssistant has seen alot of things and one of those things is infighting between family members, normally the older brother would always be stronger than the younger brother and would never let the younger surpass him and if he does then the older would feel hatred against the younger brother, in the majority of times she has seen that, but even though Naruto is slightly stronger than Kira, he doesn't feel anger about that, he feels the opposite, which is happiness. Kira interested her because of this '...maybe when i had time i'll talk about this to him' Mabui thinks with a smile hefore going back to doing some paperwork for the Raikage.

-Inside the Office-

The Raikage is known as a courageous man due to his power, skills and charisma. He fought in the Third Shinobi War and kill huge amount of Enemy Shinobi, he fought against the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and live through his Hiraishin, he even fought against the 8th tails, cut 1 of his horn AND sealed it inside his adopted little brother Killer Bee but right now he's feeling fear... why? Well there's 2 Newlywed couples in front of him and he can SWEAR that he's seeing the 9th tails lookinh at him with a heavy killer intent that's making him sweat, he knows that today is the start of their honeymood and knows that they'll be away for at least a week but what can i do? they are the only ones i trust for this mission.

"Raikage-sama...With every respect i can muster...there has to be a godforsaken of a fuċkɨnġ reason why we where called" Naruto said. Everyone also wanting to know why they where called.

"uuuu.... yea there is a reason" Raikage said in a soft voice. Then he proceed to tell them about the Civil War and how they where requested for help.

Everyone was in shock how he was sending them to a war. "GODDAMMIT AYE, YOU FUCKING OWE US FOR THIS" he and Karui plan their entire honeymoon for the week, they even haven't had sėx yet because they wanted to hold it in and once they reach the hotsprings they would let it explode. They where gonna have sėx in SOOO many positions and in SOO many places but now this completely ruins it.

Kira was in shock, he knows that the Civil War ends with Mei Terumi winning, apparently his own existance has change that but. "I agree with Naruto, Raikage-sama you owe us for this, i say that our week long honeymoob becomes a month long and we get S-Rank pay" Kira said with a not so smile.

"S-RANK!?" then kira interupted "and once we finish this mission we get SSS-Rank pay" Raikage scream in shock "SSS-RANK!!?? WHY DON'T YOU STAB ME AND BE DONE WITH IT AH!?".

"You owe us, if all ends well then not only will we get a completion on this mission but we can get you an Alliance, sure Kirigakure doesn't have anything right now but having allies us better than being surrounded by enemies" i said seriously to the Raikage. Seriously me and Samui where also gonna have alot of sėx in our honeymood, reason why i help train Samui is due to her body having change and i didn't want anything wrong to happen to her now that she took my blood. The good thing is nothing change aside from Samui's body becoming stronger and if all ends well then she'll awaken her Sharingan anlongside Izana in the Civil War of Kirigakure.

"GRRR... FINE but i want this mission completed and also an Alliance, you damn brats!" says the Raikage in anger, while Darui and Bee are having problems holding their laughter. Raikage looks at Darui and Bee and gives them the 'am gonna make you suffer' glare shutting them up.

"sigh.... just go..." says the Raikage giving up, then we left with smiles on our faces. After we left the Office we went to our homes to prepare the mission, i change to the same clothes i used for my missions, as for Samui she now uses a black battle kimono with the edges being dark blue with her sleeves reaching her elbow with fingerless gloves, her black short pants reaching above the knees hugging her legs and her black boots now reaches just below her knees also hugging her legs, there's mesh armor inside her kimono and she lets it open in the middle showing i little bit of her cleavage. The Kurogane clan Symbol behind her back in her Battle Kimono. All in all she looks dangerously sėxy. Yugito still looks the same though she said that she'll change after she marries me which i don't mind. After saying our goodbyes to Karin who woke up for a few moments so we could talk about the Mission, we left for Kumo's Gate.

After reaching it, Naruto came with the same clothes he wears for Missions with Karui and Izana.

Karui also wears a Battle Kimono but hers are red-orange, her sleeves reaching all the way to her hands and using 1 fingerless gloves on her right hand where she uses her sword, she has ANBU boots with ANBU pants though her Kimono's length reaches her knees. Behind her Battle Kimono she wears the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan and her sword is in her back. She also wears mesh armor underneath her kimono and just like Samui she let's it open in the ċhėst area showing a little cleavage.

As for Izana she wears Mesh armor that reaches above her knees, a shirt that hugs her body with long sleeves reaching above her hands hugging her arms, with gloves covering her body, everything in black with a grey clothes reaching behind her knees. Her ANBU boots reaching below her knees and pants that hugs her legs reaching just above her ANBU boots.

All in All they are all prepare to look sėxy while killing, that's a scary combination, kinda reminds me of Anko.

While we waited we had a few talks about the mission. A few moments later Darui, Bee and Omoi appear.

"...Everyone is here then, you remember the mission?" says Darui in his serious mood everyone nods.

"Yo Yo Yo, i broight Omoi since he was bored Yo" Bee says with a smile in his usual rap voice.

"Ever since you Samui and Karui married, Team 10 as been temporarily shut down until both of you finish with your honeymoons but this mission can be said that i was also given to Team 10 so he's here as well" everyone nods and looks at Omoi who's bored suċkɨnġ another lollipop.

"Well at least you'll wouldn't be bored for awhile since this mission is us, entering into a war" i said look at Omoi with a smirk, he looks at me and says "...believe me, i prefer it since it's been sooo boring lately only doing training, so it's fine by me i just want to do something else other thatn train everyday" Omoi lazily says.

"Am surprise a lazy guy like you would wish to do something" says Naruto since he know that Omoi is always lazy and from what Karui told him, most of the time the girls takes care of everything unless they are fighting.

"...even being lazy has a limit" Omoi shrugs while everyone us in shock.

"...are you sure you're Omoi?" Karui shockingly says, she knows how lazy Omoi is, it's to the point she and Samui have to force him to train, though he does fight and gets serious on missions but that's only on fighting, everything else, he's lazy.

Omoi looks at Karui with half-lid eyes raising his right eyebrows.

*Clap* "Ok that's enough we got to go and start, everyone ready? nothing missed?" says Darui, while everyone nods.

Darui then nods "alright then let's go to the place where the contact is" then he began running while everyone follows.

1 week later, after taking a ship and reaching the Land of Water we began moving to where the contact is, walking through a forest we felt we where watch then i make an ANBU sign of 3, meaning theres 3 people watching us, due to my sensor abilities i know where they are.

"Come out! we know you're there!" Darui seriously says, after a few moments 3 Nins appear in front of us. They look haggar, their clothes being cut here and there, their hitai-ate has scratches here in there, though we now know they are from kiri's rebel forces, since the Yagura's Nins shouldn't be like that due to him being the Mizukage.

1 of the nin looks at our Hitai-ate and warningly says "...what are Kumo nins doing here?", we look at each other and Darui says "we receive a mission to support the rebel forces to end this war in Kirigakure, a Mei Terumi sended the request, we where the ones they send", the Rebel Nin look at each other then nodded, "comes follow us we'll bring you to her and try not to do anything, the Rebel forces are very high on alert" 1 of them said with a warning.

All of us nodded then we follow them, with Kira knowing he'll enter the sights of Tobi or should it be said Obito Uchiha and Akatsuki.

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