The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 16 - Spar, Use of Psychology and Another one


The sounds of swords hitting each other is heard. Ameyuri then strike at Kira with her other sword, Kira seeing that, block her incoming sword with a Kunai he brought out inside his jacket where the Kunai seal is. Both jump back but Kira while jumping back threw his Kunai at her yet she deflected it easy but at that moment her eyes widen, seeing Kira in front of her and immediately he made a downward slash, she blocks it but at that moment Kira began moving his right hand faster, making stab, slash, and hack strikes in fast motion, using only the bȧrė minimum on each strike forcing her to be on the defensive.

*ting* *ting* *ting*

Ameyuri began becoming little by little on the defensive.

'dammit i though this guy was weak but hia strikes are fast and true, everytime i strike, he easily counters back' Ameyuri grudgingly thinks while blocking another strike.


Ameyuri jumps back while Kira stops and looks at her 'guess is time to bring out some of my true strength' narrowing her eyes she said "apparently it was stupid of me to look down on you but not more" then Ameyuri's Kiba Sword began producing lightning and a moment later her swords was engulfed in it with sounds of lightning roaring out.

"Now am not going easy on you" Ameyuri grins then points a sword at me and said "This time am NOT going to go EASY".

-Darui's P.O.V.-

I narrowed my eyes.

"Woah they really move fast in their fight but what does she mean that she was going easy?" asked Izuna.

I look at Kira then slowly said "The Kiba sword is different from other swords" everyone looks at me except Bee and Izuna confusedly said "different? i mean sure the sworss design is different from the other swords but what's different from it and the other swords?"

"Everyone sword of the Seven Swordsmans of the Mist are different because each one of them can do a different ability" I said.

"Different abilities?" Samui said interested.

"Yes, different abilities, for example. The Kiba sword can generate and conduct lightning in it's blades and the wielder power is increased to his or her highest, that her body could handle, not only that but the wielder can use high-level jutsu with the bȧrė minimum on chakra usage and the blades sharpness is increase as well letting it now cut almost ANYTHING" I said remembering the about hearing it from the Boss.

Everyone's was surprise "thats-"

Everyone became even more in shock.

"Although is a good thing there's no natural lightning" I said looking at the sky.

"...what would happen if there was natural lightning?" Karui carefully said.

I narrow my eyes and seriously said "The user or shouls we said, Ameyuri herself would have gotten near limitless stamin and would have been able to call down lightning from the sky in a wide area, targeting Kira. She would not only force Kira to used his Matured Sharingan but also his scythe and Fenrir's chakra to win. That's how serious it is".

Everyone's mouth was wide open with their eyes almost bulging out in shock then they immediately look at Ameyuri and began thinking 'am glad there's no natural lighting".

'But even without natural lightning, this is not going to be an easy fight, Kira' I though.

-End of Darui's P.O.V.-

-Mei's P.O.V-

"I have to admit, the Kurogane is skilled to the point he force Ameyuri to use Kiba's ability" Ao said while Chojuro nods.

"Exactly, everytime she uses her Kiba swords ability, she become extremely strong and her speed becomes even faster, so this fight doesn't have any tension anymore" another Rebel Nin said thinking that Ameyuri already won, all other Rebel Nin also nodded with a smiles to what he said.

'...i do not know but i get the feeling he hasn't even use even a fraction of his strength, if am right then Ameyuri got a hard fight even with Kiba's ability release, his face didn't even change when Ameyuri used her Kiba's ability, no it's more like he expected it...' Mei thinks then narrows her eyes, looking at both of them in the arena.

-End of Mei's P.O.V.-

-Kira's P.O.V-

'So this is Kiba's ability' i look at the Kiba's sword while the sounds of crackling thunder is heard.

'let's hope see how strong they are, from what i saw from the Canon version, she was strong to the point she massacre a huge amount of ninjas in the Fourth Shinobi War even without the Hidden in the Mist technique from Zabuza' i though about the techniques she used then began making some handseals.

Sounds of birds chirping are heard then i said "Chidori: Katana" the katana began glowing a light blue color but differently from Sasuke, i've made the katana, using a shape transformation, longer into an Odachi. (just imagine Sepiroth's Masamune blade)

Everyone looks surprise at my blade, can't blame them since this is the first time a katana this long has been used.

"You do know that hitting my with a blade that long is going to be hard, right?" Ameyuri scoffs at me seeing the ridiculous length of my blade.

She ended up parrying both attacks but when she finish spinning and look at me, i wasn't in that ground. She immediately felt me behind her and spin to look at me but i swing my blade at her. She put her blade in an X pattern to block my strike but i put something else in my strike.

I could see in her eyes that she was shock because she was hit 3 times sending her to the ground, creating a tiny crater.

Once she stand up while shaking her head i put my Chidori infused Katana to her throat and at that moment, she knew she lost since i madena SC secretly and is now pointing a Kunai to her ċhėst.

"...Sigh...fine i give" she said while sighing holding her hands up, as for the Kiba blades, they are in the ground.

-No P.O.V.-

The Rebel Ninjas where surprise on the outcome of the fight. They've have seen the fight and where amaze by it but the last strike was what befuddled them. Mei, Ao and Chojuro where also confused at what happen on how Kira appear in an instant behind Ameyuri and how she was hit three times and how he appear in front of her in an instant.

As for Darui and the others, they smiled at Kira's win and also knew what happen since he already told them what the technique was.

Kira smiles, sheathing his Katana, he gives her a helping hand to stand up.

Ameyuru looks at me interested and said "How did you appear in an instant behind me and how did i get hit three times when you only slash once?"

Kira just gave a small smile and look for my Kunai in the floor, after finding it i told them "i used this" i show them my Kunai but Ameyuri and everyone else except Kumo's group was still confused.

"but that's impossible, using Kunai's to move that fast...that's only a technique that the Fourth Hokage could do....but there wasn't a Yellow how-" Ameyuri began talking in a fast voice but i interrupted her.

"It wasn't the Fourth's technique" Kira said that looking at Ameyuri while the Rebel group is moving towards us to hear more and the Kumo group is moving towards Kira.

"It was a simple Substitution" Ameyuri and her group look at me still confused.

"Look, whenever we substitute, we either choose a block of wood are a clone right?" everyone nods, then i said "well i use it with my Kunai, in order to use substitution jutsu, i believe you target something with chakra, like a block of wood since a tree is alive, it has chakra and a clone also has chakra but a Kunai doesn't, so what did i did?" Ameyuri and her group look at me waiting for an answer.

"My Kunai is actually made with a little of Chakra Metal, making it easier to conduct Chakra with it, so when i use my long range technique, the Lighting Blade technique: Moon Fang, i shot out 1 crescent sword slash at you Ameyuri forcing you to dodge, so when you jump, i just used Moon Fang twice, the first time to strike you and the second time i also shot my Kunai inside of the technique" Kira said with a smile.

"Because of that you couldn't see it nor heard it, due to the ridiculous size of my Katana turn Odachi and the loud sound of thousands of birds chirping and the light that was emitting from my Katana, you didn't see it" i said with a smirk surprising even my group since they all now understood.

Ameyuri after being shocked, sigh and said "since when...?" she looks at Kira and he smile while faking confusion and said "since when what?" annoyed Ameyuri looks at me and said again "since when did i fell into your trap".

Kira looks at Ameyuri seriously then he smirk "Since the time you scoff at the size of my Chidori infused Katana" Ameyuri got annoyed at the answer but Kira kept talking "by that time i already won, i use psychology after my Katana was infused with Chidori and i increase the length to a ridiculous size, you Ameyuri was dancing on the palm of my hand like a puppet with strings" Ameyuri began trembling with anger with all of the Rebel Nin narrowed their eyes at Kira in anger.

"The reason why i did all that, is that i hate those thag have alot of power and began feeling invincible to the point they will harm others due to their pride, i hate those that will harm those that are close to me for no reason at all and i hate those that are too prideful that they cant see that they are harming those close to him or her" Kira finished the bow then look at Ameyuri and said "Ameyuri, you are strong, there's no doubt about that but if you ever face an opponent that can use his brain and plan strategies in the middle of fighting, you will die" Ameyuri began thinking about my words.

She sighs "You're right... i look down on you and your group thinking you could never help us in this war against Yagura but now i realise... i was the fool" she looks at Kira, eyes with gratitude and said "i was the one who learn the most in this spar so i have to thank you" i smiled at that but then she jump at me and gave me a kiss, putting hear hands around my head so i couldn't escape. Kira was surprise at what happen with his eyes wide open in shock, the Kumo group was also surprise with Yugito annoyed and as for Samui she only sigh, knowing something like this would have happen sooner or later 'another sister i guess, least it's not a fangirl and she does can hold her own' she knowingly thought. Naruto was holding his laugther at seeing his best friend and brother getting a surprise kiss, Izuna only shrugs at the situation and both Bee and Darui thought 'lucky bastard' as for Karui she immediately went on alert, she looked at Samui and knew what she was thinking then immediately felt someone was looking at her and look around and found it was Mei who was looking at her husband with a predatory smile, she knew what that meant 'why did she had to have a bigger brėȧst than me' she though while crying anime tears.

The entire Rebel Nin was flabbergasted at what Ameyuri did, Chojuro was with his mouth wide open, Ao face almost didn't change but looking closely they can see a small smile and Mei was smiling at that.

She knows Ameyuri getting with someone was close to zero due to her high standards and Kira himself cover them all.

He's strong, because of that if she ever wants to fight, she'll look for him.

He's rich, pretty much any woman want to after him due to that reason.

He's handsome and that reason is why the majority of womeb goes to this kind of people.

And he's intelligent, seeing how he played with Ameyuri in the fight says it all.

She's glad that Ameyuri got someone, now if only she will get his, she began looking at Naruto with a smile while thinking something.

Mei, Chojuro and Ao where in the biggest tent alongside Kumo's group while Kira is still surprise about that, as for Ameyuri, Samui took her somewhere with Yugito following.

Kira snapped out of it once Mei started to talk "well with that spar over and you, Kira getting another lover i think we can commence our talks right" Mei was smiling like she won while Kira was giving a bitter smile.

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