The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 17 - 15 Talk, Steamrolling Aoi, The Rumor and Start of the Spar

-No P.O.V.-

We follow the Kiri Rebel Nin into a cave and while we where walking we realise that the more we walk, the more twists we made and after a few moments we realise that we where moving in different paths, confusing anyone who enters unless you already memorise the cave.

After walking more, we reach a dead end, we though this guys has miss something until one of the nins move to the wall and made a weird knocking noises, we where confused about that but then the wall sunk.

'Earth Style' was what all of us though, we could see another Kiri Rebel Nin on the other side nodding at us.

"Come, ill bring you to our leader" one Kiri's Rebel Nin that brought us here said. We nodded and follow him. We see a huge number of tents in the thousands, this place is pretty huge for the Rebel Base Headquarters. The more we walk, the more serious the situation becomes. We can see Nins without limbs, so with scars in their faces and bodies, other burn with nasty burns in their bodies and faces, and even dead bodies. We can also see graveyards amd even non-Nin peoples here helping in other way. All of this show is us that Kiri's Rebel situation is bad, we're surprise they manage to do much to the Fourth Mizukage's Nin and force him to this so-called "Last Battle".

After walking, we reach the biggest tent in this cave, we enter and we see some peoples.

One of them is a middle aged man with an eye patch on his right eyes, and blue eyes on his left, with a stern face. He has blue hair, 2 big seals on his ears and the standard, grey suit, with a green haori with white trimmings that stops halfway down, over them.

This man was Ao, former ANBU and hunter-nin of Kirigakure.

This man is Chojuro a former member on the seven swordsmans of the mist and one of the last one.

The next one is a relatively short woman. She has long, red hair, black eyes. She wears a loose, pin-striped long-sleeved shirt with a dark obi around the waist, black pants which got more looser neard the ends, resembling a hakama, and striped-leg warmers. Begind her, on her back in an X-liked patterns, lies Kiba in bandages.

This woman is Ameyuri Ringo, former member of the seven swordsmans of the mist.

The other is a tall slender woman with a fair skin. She has red long haira that reaches her feet in a herringbone pattern. She has green eyes. She wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below her knees, hugging her figure. She has a mesh armor underneath the dress.

Her name is Mei Terumi and shes the leader of the Rebel Nins.

The Rebel Nins kneel on their knees and one of them said "Mei-sama, we brought Kumo's Nin you requested"

Mei then look at us with surprise eyes but she immediately returns it to his serious ones.

'Kumo Nin? i know i send them a request for help to end this Civil War but i though they would never send help.... wait' she though then looks at us 'blonde hair and blue eyes and black hair with dark purples eyes? aren't these a Uzumaki and a Kurogane? well if it's them then this war could be concluded fast'

"Thank you, you're dismissed" she said to her Nins. the Rebel Nin nodded then left the tent.

Everyone looks at us then Ameyuri annoyingly says "Tch, do we need help from them, they look weak in my eyes" Mei looks at Ameyuri and only sighs, chojuro became shy when she said those words and Ao's hasn't changed.

Some of Kumo's Nin got annoyed but others didn't changed face then Kira walk forward and said "If you think we aren't worth the time, how about we have a spar to find out?" after Kira said those words, Ameyuri grins while Mei just sighs, Chojuro just looks even more shy and Ao narrow his eyes.

"Alright is that's what you want, we'll have you against Ameyuri" says Mei with an annoyed voice. Though she's annoyed, she actually wanted this to happen, she wanted to see if the rumors about the Uzumaki and the Kurogane are true, the rumos that they are the second coming of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.

When Kira found out about that rumor, the first thing he did is laugh out loud due to the irony since in the future, they'll be fighting against him for the fate of this world as for Naruto he is proud to be someone who could gain the strength of Hashirama Senju but then he said that he'll surpass him.

After that was said Kira and the others move to the training area where they'll have their spar, Naruto and the others came close to Kira to talk to him "Kira why did you decided on this spar?" Darui said in a confused voice.

Darui knows that Kira is one of the most intelligent people of Kumo's Ninjas, so he was surprise that Kira went and propose a spar to Ameyuri, since he's the type to always think it through.

"That's easy Darui-sensei, this spar was something that Mei Terumi wanted from the beginning" Kira said with a neutral face.

"Mei? what does she has to do with this?" confuse, Karui said while everyone nods except Darui since he now found out why.

"Exactly, she dėsɨrės to see our strength due to that rumor, Naruto, about us being the second coming of Hashirama Senju and me being of Madara Uchiha" Kira said wryly smile. Everyone now understood the reason why the spar. Yes, it's because of that rumor.

It all started on a Mission turn from A-Rank to S-Rank with only Naruto and I. The job was to kill 5 A-Rank Missing-Nin for killing someone close to the Lighting Daimyo. The job was easy, get in, kill them, take their heads and get out. With our strength, the Mission should have been easy. We manage to track them down to a cave close to the borders between the land of frost and lighting, and after night fell, we enter and kill them all in stealth, then we took their heads and left the cave, but aftet exiting the cave we detected 2 more Ninjas heading our way and we waited for them to take their heads as well but aftet they got here, we found out that both of them where S-Rank Missing-Nin and one of them was Aoi Rokusho.

I was giddy when i found out about Aoi being there too, i never like the guy due him thinking he was powerful due to Tobirama's sword.

After trash talking Naruto and I seperate, while, Naruto took on the other S-Rank Missing-Nin, i took on Aoi.

Story short, the fight was a disappointment.


Kira was standing with bored eyes looking at Aoi who was enraged.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!?" Aoi angrily said then grinded his teeths.

"For someone who has Tobirama's Sword of the Thunder God, you're a disappointment" i said taunting him with a small smile.

"You.... BASTARD!!!" then he exploded with speed rushing at Kira, but in Kira's eyes that speed is only the speed of a Peak Chuunin. Before he reach Kira, he put his Katana in his right arm in reverse grip then once Aoi slash at him downward, Kira used minimum stamina to evade the sword slash, once the sword slash almost reach the ground, Kira swept Upward, slashing Aoi's elbow, seperating it from his own body.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGHH!!!!" Aoi scream while blood splurting from his remaining arm.

"Again i said, so much for the "Great Aoi Rokusho, so-called wielder of Tobirama's Sword of the Thunder god" i taunt again.

"bastard...." Aoi said while holding the remaining left arm, then i look down and take his severed arm.

Then Kira looks at Aoi and smiles and said in a playful voice "want to see a trick?" then Kira's smile turns cold and throws Aoi's severed arm into the air, then a fireball is shot out of Kira's mouth reaching Aoi's arm and Aoi in shock screams "NOOOO!!" then his severed arm exploded, leaving nothing behind.

"I hate traitors, Aoi, even though i hate Konoha, you are still a traitor, and they deserve to die" Kira lost his smile and his face turns cold.

Aoi screams "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!" then he weaved a one handed seals jutsu, surprising me a little then he screams "LIGHTING STYLE: FALSE DARKNESS JUTSU" then a lighting spear shut out of his mouth in great speed at me and once it reach to my ċhėst i said in my mind with a smiles 'Substitution jutsu' then i immediately switch with Aoi, since due to his anger he didn't feel me using my chakra to overwhelms his to switch.

Blood splurted out once Aoi's False Darkness hit him through the stomach, shocking him and leaving a hole in his stomach "GAHHH!!!!" Then he fell to the ground, bleeding on the floor.

I began walking to where Tobirama's hilt is and pick it up after examining it, i smiles then i walk to Aoi who's bleeding out in the floor, the False Darkness must have taken alot of him to use with 1 hand.

I stand in front of him, looking down on him and said with a cold face "You, Aoi Rokusho, are nothing, just a waste of space, only living due to this sword" and Kira show him the hilt.

Aoi looks at Kira with fear and began trying to talk but the blood in his mouth won't let him, then Kira still looking at Aoi say "Don't bother, since i know what you're going to say, since you love this sword so much and you fell like a worthless god do to it then let it be the one that takes your life" Then Kira brought the hilt to Aoi's ċhėst, where his heart is and looking at his eyes, he Kira can see that he's begging to be left alive and Kira without a sound activate the hilt, creatijg lighting and forming a blade that pierce Aoi's heart in an instant, Killing him.

A moment later, Kira turn off the hilt then stand up seeing the hole in Aoi's ċhėst. He breathes in and out to calm himself them began turns on the hilt again and with a hum a lightsaber like sword appear from the hilt.

'Tobirama is really a genius for creating this sword, by using the users manipulation of lighting, anyone can create and used this sword' Kira smiles while thinking.

He then uses the sword to cut Aoi's head and put it in a storage seal, since he got a bounty on his head too.

"For a S-Rank Missing-Nin he wasn't up to the task, Aoi was proably B-Rank and at best borderline A-Rank, Only reason he was S-Rank in the bingo book is because of the sword" Kira sigh "Naruto got lucky on fighting a real S-Rank since from awhile, i've been hearing explosions left and right and i can even feel how the forest itself is fighting alongside Naruto" Kira then looks at Aoi's decapitated body then use the fireball technique to burn his body, afterward he left.

-End of Flashback-

After that i ended up helping Naruto against the Real S-Rank and boy he truly was an S-Rank, i even used Madara's Jutsu, the Majestic Destroyer Flame against the S-Rank nin with Naruto using Wind Style: Great Breakthrough increasing it's power even more while we where surrounded by Naruto's wood style.

The jutsu was strong enough to defeat and kill the Missing-Nin, while both of us where tired and after resting for a few seconds, we decapitate him and burn the body while taking his head but before we left we sense another person around but after checking that it was only a kid we left.

Who could have though that the kid knew who Hashirama Senji and Madara Uchiha are, and due to his mouth he pretty much told everyone what happen, including how we look like and the fight we had with the Missing-Nin and like fire, it spread and now everyone knows.

As for Tobirama's sword the Raikage didn't wanted it since he prefer his own fist and gave it to Naruto since he uses Wood Style but then he gave it to me.

I still have it but haven't used it after Aoi, the Sword increases the strength of lighting style techniques dramatically but it's like having a target on my back, i wouldn't be surprise that Konoha most have know about the sword falling into my hand and planning how to get it back.

After reaching the training area, we see Ao, Chojuro, Ameyuri And mei waiting. There's a few other high ranking nins as well cominh to watch my spar with Ameyuri.

Ameyuri then looks at me and said with a grin "took you long enough i though tou would have chicken out" then she walks to the tiny arena with confident steps. I began walking to the arena as well while the others went to the side to watch it while Naruto and the others give me luck.

"Nah, i was actually thinking what am gonna do after i win" i said with a small smile. Ameyuri scoffs after i said that.

"So is there any rules for this spar?" i asked looking at Ameyuri then she said with a grin "until you give up".

I smile at the confirmation, then Mei stand in the edge of the arena and says while looking at us "are you two ready?" then both of us nods and enter into our battle stance with Ameyuri bringing her Kiba swords out while i took my Katana out "Start!", Both of us rush at each other and with a *Ting* our swords connect.

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