The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 19 - Meeting the Enemy

-A few moments back-

-Naruto's P.O.V.-

I was at the top of a tree taking in the view, granted i can't see much do to the mist but the little i can see still awed me.

"...Amazing view" i said watching the view. I wasn't only watching the view but also looking for the river, it's very difficult to see where the river is due to the mist covering the mountain.

"Kurama, i can't see where the lake is due to the mist, what about you? can you sense anything yet?" i asked Kurama while looking around for the lake. We really need to find it since we are press for time

"hmm... i sense... something on the north but i don't know if it's the place we are looking for" said Kurama thoughtly.

"Well, it's better than nothing, thanks Kurama" i thank Kurama then jump down to the others.

"Anything, Naruto-kun?" Karui said to me and i nodded at her "I couldn't see almost anything due to the mist but Kurama sense something on the north" i said pointing at the north "Well it's better than nothing Naruto-kun" said Izana while Bee and Karui nodded "Yo, what are we waiting for?, let's go" Killer Bee said then we nodded and began running towards the north.

Running for a few minutes, we heard sounds of moving water, something that surprised us and we move faster towards the sounds and in the end, we truly did find it.

"Lucky" i said with a grin "now that we find the river, we follow it to the waterfall" everybody nodded at me and we left to the waterfall, following the river.

"There it is" i point at the waterfall with a smile on my face.

"Kurama, do you sense anything behind it?" i asked Kurama.

"mmm... there is something behind it, chakra from the surrounding are entering the waterfall but because it's so minimal, most sensor won't be able to detect it" Kurama said with a thought then i mentally nodded at his words.

"Well, let's go and check it out" Karui smiles while we nodded.

we began water walking to the waterfall then we enter it, getting soak in the process and at the end of it we see a cave with a seal in it.

"That's the seal" i smile looking at the seal "Let me disable it so we can enter" i said and began moving towards the seal while everyone watch.

Examining the seal, i realise it's at least a level 5 seal, meaning that our mysterious Seal Master, didn't make this so that's good. I brought out a seal i made to negate another seal, depending on the level. Since there's a chance of Mei becoming the next Mizukage, i only negated the seal for at least a day, so by tomorrow morning, the seal should be back to fuctioning again. After putting the Negate Seal i premade before coming here on the Seal that's use to hide the secret door to the underground base, a small glow appears on the seal before becoming dim then the wall move to the left, showing us, stairs heading underground.

"Done, are you guys ready? who knows what we'll find down there" i said looking at the others then all three said 'Ready' at the same time while nodding at me. I nodded at them before walking down the stairs with them following.

While walking down the stairs, i remember the eyes on which Izana said ready, even though it was eyes of determination, i can see, that she's nervous, i can't blame her since this is her first mission and it has to be a S-Rank too, i still remember what she told me last time a few weeks before going on this mission.

'...I hope she will be alright, since this is a S-Rank mission, she obviously has to kill, so am hoping nothing happens to her' i bitterly thought.

"Kit, she needs this, you hear what she told you when she let her walls to her heart fall, she wants strenght so that nothing like that happena to her again or to anyone else, so she truly needs this" Kurama told me.

"I know but still... i can't help but worry for her" i mentally sigh.

"Kit, your mate is in your team, both of them, you have Wood Style which is known to be a very strong bloodline and you yourself are strong then there's me, only way she'll die is by pure luck and it's obviously you won't let her die" Kurama amusingly said.

"Obviously i won't!" I said with determination.

"Good but remember, you're the Clan Head of the Uzumaki Clan, there will be alot of people either trying to kill you, or kidnapped those closest to you to force you to work with them or worse, they'll go after your future Kits, so your mates need to grow stronger, Karui can kill without any problems but Izana never went to the Shinobi Academy, so she didn't kill a prisioner and hasn't go to her first blooded mission, this Mission is literally her first one, so all you have to do is keep watch and once she kills a Shinobi, then just hug her to calm her down, remember, even though she saw her entire village and her parents die, she hasn't kill anyone yet with her own hands and remember Kit, you will be there to ensure she'll be alright" Kurama said.

I mentally nodded at him with determination.

By the time i finish talking with Kurama, we reach the end of the stairs. We see a door on the other side and we open it, what we came into is a corridor going from left to right but there's only one thing that came out of my mouth "i'm going to kill Ao for not telling us about the amount of door in the Underground ANBU area" i said in annoyance.

"Why don't you use the Shadow Clones? it will make things easier" Karui said after a thought. I sigh "i would have but problem is, i don't know what we are gonna find here, Kurama can sense enemies but due to the seals on the wall he can't pinpoint their locations" all of us sighed

All of us nodded at her, thinking it was a good idea "alright then, i'll go left" i said looking at the left side of the Corridor. "I will go take a trip to the right then" Bee said looking at the right side of the Corridor.

Karui came running a me and hugged me "take care Naruto-kun" but then she said in a voice only i can hear "take care of sister Izana, she will need you" she finished hugging me and smiled at me then left with Killer Bee. I smile at her then look at Izana "let's go then, Izana-chan" she nodded at me then we left as well.

-Karui P.O.V.-

"You left him with Izana because she will need a mental support, right?" Bee said looking at me while walking. I nodded at his words "She will need it, since she hasn't killed anyone yet and being with Naruto-kun can help her mentally once she does the deed.

Killer Bee looks at me with a thought and just smiled "You've grown eh?, guess marriage can change people, haha" I puff my cheeks at him and said "hey, i'm not gonna be a child forever but someone who would never grow up has to be you, Bee-sensei."

Killer Bee just laughs and said "haha, i'll always be young, rocking rolling with the right and kicking ȧss like the best." I rolled my eyes at him as we kept walking.

-Naruto P.O.V-

Izana and I kept walking through the Corridor, while my Shadow Clones kept opening doors and checking inside for enemies and the seal, so far, we've come empty.

I sighed and secretly look at Izana, i began periodically looking at her to see if she was alright, though she shows, she's walking normally, everytime my clones open up a door, i could see her tremble a little, i sigh again knowing why.

"Izana-chan, fifteen of Yagura's Shinobis, five of them are Jonin, the other ten are at least Low Chunin to High Chunin." I seriously said, Izana was surprise then she drew two Kunai's from her holster and wield them in a reverse grip, waiting for the enemies.

Only silence remains in the Corridor with the door on where the clones where killed still open. Naruto Screamed "Come on out!, we know you're already there!" fifteen shinobis suddenly appears, all of them area wearing Kirigakure's Shinobi armor but five of them are wearing Jonin flak jacket but one of them is wearing a Lion's Mask.

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