The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 20 - Izana's Fight

"Who are you?" I cautiously said, the man with the Lion's mask then spoke "We've been ordered by Mizukage-sama to eliminate all target in this base and you two have become our targets" i smiled at them "well i guess you're gonna fail this mission of yours then" the man in the Lion's mask just scoffed "arrogance comes before a fall" i smirk at him "but who's i wonder."

-No P.O.V-

Lion scoffs again then threw a kunai at me, i unsheathed my sword to deflected and then i saw him and the other four jounins making handseals "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" they spit out a dragon made of water from their mouth, three of them going against me and two of them against Izana, that made me angry. I move in front of Izana while making handseals "Wood Style: Wood Dome Jutsu" a dome of wood sprout from the ground, protecting us from the attack. Lion and the others where in shock seeing Wood Style from the blond boy.

"Wood Style!? isn't the first hokage from Konoha the only one who could use it?" said a Jounin next to Lion. They know that Bloodline users are more powerful than a normal shinobi but of all of them Wood Style is one of the strongest bloodline in existence, especially when they are considered a one man army, Hashirama Senju has demonstrated that in the First Shinobi War when he was alive, but after his death there shouldn't be anyone else alive to be able to use it, until now.

Lion hurriedly said "change of plans, the brat has to die, if he's left alive, he will become an obstacle to Mizukage-sama" his shinobis nodded at him but then they hear a voice from inside the dome "Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu" from the dome a dragon made out of wood shot out. Lion and the others immediately move out of the way but sadly three of them reacted late and got hit by the full brunt of the attack, killin them instantly and sending their bodies through the wall.


The walls break down burying their dead bodies, Lion 'tched' at their deaths. the dome falls down and Naruto shot out of it with Katana in hand, closing in on the closest shinobi. The Chunin was surprise when Naruto rush at him then swing his sword, the Chunin was in shock and he put his kunai to block his attack but Naruto's Katana slice through like it was buŧŧer, splitting him in half *splurt* blood began flowing like a fountain. Naruto then rush to another one, Lion seeing this began giving orders "Be careful of his speed!! one of us attack him in close combat, the others use a Jutsu on him, NOW!!!" the others nodded but by the time he said his orders another shinobi die under Naruto's attacks.

A jonin rush at Naruto and began engaging him in close combat while the others began making handseals, while Naruto was fighting the jonin, the others finished their seals and began screaming "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" "Water Style: Water Slicer" "Water Style: Water Cannon" they screamed then Lion said "Lightning Style: Lightning Current Jutsu" he electrified the water attacks rushing at Naruto who was fighting the jonin. The jonin substitue with a water clone to evade the attacks and Naruto eyes where wide opens at those attacks, *Boooooom* the attacks hit Naruto engulfing him "NARUTO!!" Izana screamed his name.

"Did that get him?" a jounin said. after the water was down they saw a wood clone on the floor "Shit!" Lion said "GAH!!" blood splurts and he saw the same jonin that was attacking Naruto in close combat with a sword through his heart, kiling him. "Miss me?"Naruto said in a joking matter, the Jonin fell like a puppet with no strings and the others began getting angrier at him "Dammit!!!, kill him already!!!" Lion Scream and the other began attacking him.

-Izana P.O.V-

I was shocked when Naruto-kun got hit by all those attacks and fear he was badly hurt but i was glad when i saw he was right. Seeing fight against them i realise how strong he is and how much i need to improve to follow him.

"We might not be strong to killed the blonde brat but you on the other hand will serve as our anger against him once we killed you" the middle shinobi said, grinning cruely. I narrow my eyes against them, then prepare for myself. "what? not gonna answer? well it doesn't matter, once you scream it will hurt him" he said cruely then he strike first against me, swinging down but i block he attack with my kunai and when i was about to conterattack, i was attack from the left. Seeing that, i jump back to dodge the attack but then i felt another shift in the air and immediately block an attack coming from my right with my left kunai "guh" 'these guys are strong' i thought before i was attack from my left and i immediately block with my right arm but leaving me wide open, getting hit in the stomach by the third shinobi 'Uff!' i jump back, covering my stomach from the sudden attack.

I look at them in anger but i breath deep to control my emotions, Naruto and my cousin always said that if you can't control your emotions in a battle to the death, you won't survive, no matter how powerful you are. After controlling my emotions, i look at them and saw one of them doing handseals "Water Style: Water Slicer" using the water on the ground that was left in Naruto's fight, one Water crescent slash attack was shot against me, i evade it to the side before making my own seals but before i could finish it, i was attack forcing me to dodge but another attack force me to block *TING* "Guh" i began struggling on the block before i was attack by a sword strike, but i dodge it's attack but it still drew blood "GGH" i jump back from the block and cover my shoulder since it was bleeding.

"hehehe, i think you should accept your death already, it makes thing easier otherwise we'll just keep torturing you" the shinobi said with a cruel smile, another one said in a ŀustful voice "we can do more, i mean look how hot she is, i wonder what the blonde brat would said if he founds out what happen to this beauty" he licks his lips just thinking about it while the others was enlighten and began looking at me with a ŀustful voice.

I gritted my teeth at what they said 'Bastards!!!' i made handseals and scream "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" a dragon was shot from the ground towards them, they evaded jumping and one of them threw some kunais at me, i dodge jumping back before i heard voices "Water Style: Water Slicer" the two shinobis on the ground shot out two water crescent slashes against me, i dodge to the left but i got attack from the third and immediately block his attack *TING* i grunted due to the attack, 'This isn't helping, they are just withering me down, dammit!' i though losing my cool.

Their attacks became faster and harder, their teamwork is pretty good and because of that i've been on the defensive, only blocking. The times i could counter attack, i've been block or attack from another area, always canceling or decreasing the strength of my attacks, they've also been chipping my stamina little by little.

"Haa...haa...haa..." my staming is almost spent dodging their attacks have taken my toll and Naruto-kun is still fighting the others though he's winning, he won't be able to help me...NO! i can't keep asking for his help, how can i stand next to him if am always rescue by him.

I began breathing deeply and after that my eyes shows determination to defeat them.

"What? did you finally give up?" one of the shinobi mockingly said. "Why don't you make me happy and stab yourself, i'm sure a lot of people will be happy if you die" i counter him, he in anger says "guess you really wish to die, good. I'll grant you your wish, whore" he screamed at me and attack me with the others helping him.

Their attacks become more ferocious, my cousin told me, to win in a difficult match you need few thing, piss off the enemy so their attacks become easier to predict, see their attacks so i can counter attack effectively and make sure they always hit a killing spot in their bodies.

I look at him, while he was choking on his own blood *splurt* the blood of his neck began splurting all around while he was looking at me with wide open eyes and then he fell to the ground, dead. Due to my adrenaline, i still have realise that i've kill someone... no i was preparing to fight the two remaining shinobis.

The other two shinobis weren't shock one of their own is dead but what shock them the most is what they see from the girl. "Uchiha??? you're an Uchiha??" one of them says. 'Uchiha?' what do they mean by th-' then i open my eyes in shock, i look to the ground where the water is and sure enough i can see it.

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