The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 21 - Her Awakening

-Flash Back-

Izana is seen stretching her body after waking up from Kira's blood transfer.

"So? is it possible to awaken the Sharingan?" She asked him while stretching her body while Kira is sighing "depends"

"Depends?" she looks at his cousin confused, Kira nodded "There are two ways to awaken the Sharingan, one is through training yourself, the other is extreme emotions and feelings" She nodded at his words.

"hmm...then i'll just go back training and hope for the best" she said walking away but before he would leave Kira's room, he told her "Wait" She stop and look at him with raised eyebrows

He smiles at her "The Uchiha's were known for a having a curse, the 'Curse of Hatred' that makes them easier to feel emotion like hate and love, these emotions works alongside the Sharingan and in order to evolve them further you will have to see someone you love die in front of you or kill them yourself" After he said that he saw Izana looking horrified.

"Don't worry, you don't need to do that anymore thanks to Fenrir making some DNA changes, because of that, we can evolve our Sharingan without any trouble at all, you just need to train for it," when she heard that to evolve her 'future' Sharingan you would need to see someone you care about die, it horrified her but when she heard from her cousin that she doesn't need to do that anymore she was glad. The idea of seeing the man that you love or her cousin die just for more power doesn't sit right with her so she was glad that wasn't needed.

Kira looks at her knowing what she's thinking and with a smile he said "Remember, if you want to awaken your Sharingan either train for it or be under extreme emotion and feelings then it will naturally wake up" She woke up from her thinking and nodded then left.

-End of Flash Back-

The Sharingan

'No wonder i could see their attacks clearly, no wonder everything slowed down when i was fighting them' i thought in understanding, i breathed deeply, close my eyes and stand upright then i open them, one tomoe Sharingan.

The two shinobis look at her with fear, they shouldn't but because of their Jutsu attacks destroying the wall, snuffing out the torch that illuminate the corridor, it became darker, and the girl's eyes glow red in the dark, like a beast looking at them as if they where preys. They felt fear just looking at her glowing red eyes.

Due to Izana's sudden awakening of the Sharingan, it was enough to put them under pressure but suddenly they snap out of it and realise they felt fear for the girl, something they did not like and their anger against her soar. "DAMN BITCH YOU'LL DIE HERE EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I'LL DO, YOU AND ALL OF YOU DEMONS WITH BLOODLINE"one of the screamed with the other nodding in anger and both rush at the girl without thinking.

Izana mentally smiled, watching them rush at me in anger. This is what she was hoping for, their attacks will now be even more easier to read. She began dodging their attacks and with the Sharingan, it became too easy to 'see' their attacks. Suddenly one of the nins jump in the air and attack me with a hammer kick and the other one attacked with a low kick, their strike would have hitted me if i didn't rush at them once the first nin jumped in the air, making his attack useless. The nin attacking with a low kick was surprise about me, rushing towards him but since he can't stop his attack, he continued it and hoped that it hits, sadly that hope was dashed when i jump just above his kick and stab at his throat.


Blood was drawn and the man cover his neck trying to block the blood but it was a done deal, the man look at me in shock and fear then he fell to the floor, dead with his eyes wide open.

I began having little problem on breathing due to the time i was fighting. "NOOO!!, DAMN YOU WHORE!!!" the last nin screamed at me and rush in anger, his stab and slashes where easily avoidable to me then he steps back and made some handseals "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!!!" he screamed at me and from his mouth a multiple water bulets where shot at me. i bȧrėly dodged all of the attacks and saw him tired but still in anger.

'I have to fnish this fast, i'm getting too tired already' i thought, gasping while looking at him. i breathed deeply and made some handseals "Water Style: Water Vortex" i screamed and the water from the floor began floating in front of me, it began spinning and made a huge vortex-like strike at the other nin, he became surprise at the big attack and tried to dodge, none of his water jutsu can block that attack. The jutsu reach and hit him and he began spinning alongside the vortex before he was sent towards the wall, planting him there. He coughed blood and try to leave the wall but he was late when a kunai pierce his throat, killing him.

We can see Izana in a throwing motion, gasping hard with sweat in her face and water in her body, she fell to the floor on her buŧŧ and kept breathing hard "Haa...Haa.....Haa.....I...did it....." i said between gasp in happiness. 'I did it...., i can't believe it did it... i was happy that i won, i was happy that i became stronger, i was happy that i wouldn't be a burden to Naruto-kun and the others, i....' then i open my eyes wide and my face change from happiness to shock and to horror and realise what i did. I look at my blooded hands in shock then i see my face, reflected in the water on the floor and see some blood on it.

Watching it, it filled me with horror, i know being a Ninja, you have to kill but it's still too much to take in. I grip my hands and began trembling, remembering their deaths then i hug myself and began breathing erratically until two strong arms suddenly hugs me. i was shocked until i heard his voice, which calms me down.

"I know it's hard what you did Izana-chan, it's a hard feeling but i'm here and i'll always be" a soothing voice said. I turn around in his arms and see Naruto giving me a soft smile.

I confusedly asked him "What made you change your mind...?, he sighs "Kira and Kurama, they convince me to bring you on this mission, we had a small talk before we left for this mission and both of them were right on bring you."

I, surprised asked him again "but why didn't you wanted me to come? it is because i'm weak" i began showing a sad face when i heard him about him not wanting me to come.

He began shaking his head fast "No Izana-chan, you know i'm the head of the Uzumaki Clan, because of it, i'm always be a figure for ȧssassination from our enemies, especially some peoples in Konoha. Karui knew the risk when she married me, by marrying me, she also became a target but she accepted it because she loves me and so do i. This is the reason why Kira opted to bring you on this mission, so you could get blooded"

Naruto looked at me with a serious expression. I nodded at him and knew that my participation on this mission shouldn't have happen, i haven't been blooded yet and i was still brought on an S-Rank mission.

I look at Naruto and nodded at him, calming myself after what i did. Through his words i realise if i didn't kill them, i would have been the one dead. It sounds cold blooded but in this world, thinking like that can save your life, just like Naruto, i will treated those closest to me with care and for those that i don't know, i'll treat them with indifference and my enemies with a cold heart.

I immediately realise something "Naruto-kun, weren't you fighting? what happened to them?" She immediately asked him only for Naruto to chuckled at her.

"You where so concentrated on your fight, you never realised mined finished long ago" then he looks to his left and also did the same and what i saw surprised me.

It's like mother nature retaliate back, there's tree roots and veins all over the place, some of the roots looks like spears and some of them are piercing shinobis and some veins finished strangling other shinobis and that includes Lion as well. He's literally in the air with tree veins on his throat without his mask. The earth also broken in places with some earth spikes coming out of the ground and huge amount of water in the holes on the ground.

Honestly, i'm impressed at what i saw, the destruction not the bodies, i had to swallow my vomit before it exited out of my mouth, not the brightest idea though.

Naruto though for a moment "we leave" he said. I raised my eyebrows at him and said "leave? don't we need to find that seal and destroy it?"

Naruto sighed and said in a bitter voice "haa...the seal in here is a dummy, the real one is where Kira and the others went" i was surprised about that but before i could ask him how he knew, he said "i got it out of Lion, he though he could make me suffer if i knew i wasted my time coming here and what worries me is that he said that a 'True Monster' is protecting the real seal"

'A 'True Monster'?' i though. "Cousin and the others could easily take care of him, i mean they aren't weak"i said, encouraging ourself.

Naruto thought for a moment and nodded at my words "true, Kira isn't that week and he's got the others too, so this so-called 'monster' won't know what hit him" he smiled again.

"alright, for now, let's leave here since there's nothing here to keep us" Naruto said at me then i nodded at him. Then we hear a loud voice.

"HEY!!!!!" said a female voice.

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