The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 22 - Leaving the Base

-No P.O.V-

Naruto and Izana looks to where the voice is coming from and they see Karui and Killer Bee coming to us. We smiled at them.

"We didn't find anything through our side, apart from enemy shinobi which we took care off. Though i can see you guys went on a rampage here" Karui said looking at the damage and the dead shinobis.

"Apart from Izana-chan awakening her Sharingan, we found out that the seal here is a dummy and the real one is where Kira and the others are" Naruto said with a smile.

Karui and Killer Bee are impressed and surprised that Izana awaken her Sharingan. Karui asked Izana if she's alright since she sees blood on her clothes "i'll get used to it" she said making a forced smiled at Karui. Karui looks at her worryingly but decided to stop until they are out of there.

Naruto told Karui and Killer Bee what they learn from Lion. "A 'True Monster'? sounds bogus, the only true monster here is Bee-sensei and his raps" she said looking at Killer Bee with annoyed eyes. When both of them where searching on their side, Killer Bee's raps almost turn her crazy, only reason she endured him in the past is due to Samui and Omoi being with her.

Killer Bee looks at Karui with a shocked face and raps "Fool, ya fool, raps is what makes me looks super cool" everyone sighs at him and Karui said "...let's just leave" Kira and Izana nodded at her before Killer Bee keeps rapping.

Everyone began moving towards the exit while Killer Bee said in low voice word like 'this children can't appreciate the art of rapping' while crying anime tears.

Once they reached outside, they immediately realise it's night.

"This is not good" Killer Bee said in a serious voice. "We got to get out of here, now!" All of them nodded at his words, knowing what night meant. If they don't get out of there now, the barrier will kill them slowly. Yet once they took one step, they all suddenly felt weak.

"Gaahhh..." everyone suddenly felt their chakra getting drained, only Izana and Karui fell to the floor, Naruto and Killer Bee held out more due to them being Jinchurikis.

'Kurama is this what i think it is?' he thoughtly asked. 'It is Kit, the seal activated in the barrier, the seal you use to protect yourself against the barrier faded' the nine tails fox said while feeling his own chakra get suċkėd out as well, even though it shouldn't be possible.

'Kit another thing, my own chakra is trying to leave me, even though it shouldn't be possible' he said with a strange look at his own body. Though his chakra is trying to leave his body, he's been holding it back. It shouldn't be possible for this to happen, for a Tail Beast, his own chakra represent, his life, if the TAil Beast doesnt have chakra, he/she dies. The reason why they are immortal is due to their chakra and even though there are humans who can suck chakra out of a person body, it isn't potent to suck a Tail Beasts chakra to the point of killing them, yet now it's happening, that means that Kurama can die, which is something he does NOT like.

He picked up Izana in a princes carry and see her having problems on breathing. 'Dammit!' he looks at Killer Bee and rapidly said "Bee-sensei, carry Karui-chan so we can leave fast, Izana-chan is having problems breathing, we can't let her stay here!" Killer Bee nodded seeing that it's getting too dangerous for both of the girls. He put Karui on his back and both of them began moving towards the north.

While running, Naruto sees Izana getting worse by the second and began getting worried 'dammit, Kurama is there something we can do for her?' Kurama thought for a moment then sighed and said 'if it was before the seal faded then i could have done something but now, my chakra will kill her due to her body getting weaker by the second'

Naruto screamed "Dammit!!!" 'There should be something that can help...somethi-' the the stops thinking and mentally punch himself 'The Mizukage's nin in the cave had the seal that could protect them from this barrier... how much of a fool am i!?' he began feeling like a fuċkɨnġ idiot for forgetting about the seal that the enemy nin should have in their arms.

He began having the idea to turn back to check, copy the seals from the dead nins corpses and give then to everyone but his thoughts where interupted by Kurama.

'Kit, you won't reach there in time, her body won't be able to hold on until you get there' Kurama said. Naruto suddenly screamed at him 'Then what should i do!!? I can't let her die, she's my fianceé, is all the strength that i gain for nothing!? And her death will make me suffer due to my weakness of not protecting her but Kira will be devastated since she's his cousin.'

Kurama stayed silent, it's not he couldn't help, she won't be able to, since her body is too weak to accept his chakra and Naruto's only medical ninjutsu is just pumping Yang chakra inside a person's body to heal, but it can't due something about loss of chakra.

While Naruto was in complete despair, a roar was suddenly heard. Both Naruto and Killer Bee, while running, heard the roar and look west and what they saw shock them. A dragon's head, made of pure lightning was in the sky, roaring, like making everyone realise that he's the ruler of the world.

It's roar even reach where they are and the head looks huge since they can see it clearly from here. The dragon's head also had chains of lightning on his throat, holding it in position and his head was struggling the brake those chains. Suddenly, the chains broke and the Dragon gave a very loud roar, before shooting down towards the ground and a tiny explosion happen.

Naruto and Killer Bee where in shock seeing that spectacle, suddenly, the feeling of them losing their chakra, stopped, shocking both of them. They stop and began feeling themselves and realise that no more chakra are suck out of them.

He looks at Karui on Killer Bee's back and saw her unconscious as well but alright and he became glad. He looks at Killer Bee and he grins at Naruto "Whatever that was, ended up helping us.

Naruto grinned "It's obviously Kira that did it, since we stopped losing chakra, it's because Kira did it, haha!" He said in pure happiness, Killer Bee grin as well and then said "we better return back then foxy, when see what happen on their side and also get these two to bed so they can rest as well" Naruto nodded at Killer Bee and they continue returning back to the Rebels HQ but in happiness.

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