The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 37 - 34 Kirigakure's Civil War (1)

After Kumo's group were done gearing themselves, they saw how Rebel Shinobis leave in a team of twelve in different directions from orders of Mei in order to divert ambushes and Yagura's Army in different paths.

Mei saw Kumo's group coming "Ah, i see your finish gearing up, good. I'm sending teams to divert all ambushes but this doesn't mean we will not get them, but i got another info from some of my scouts the returned from the front" she looks at them with a serious face and they began paying more attention at her info "Yagura's army created four makeshift bases, blocking our path towards Kirigakure, the only other way to bypass them is through the mountains close by but that will take days to do, days that we don't have. I wish to finish this war as fast as possible with Yagura's death, so we will be going to the front and take care of those bases" we nodded at her "There's two path bringing us to the bases, so we'll be separating into two teams to take care of the two bases, the latter basesare the problems" she said in thought.

"Problem?" Darui asked

Mei nodded "Five of my scouts managed to actually sneak towards the latter two bases and only one returned dying soon after due to her wounds" she sadly sigh then kept talking "The two latter bases are reinforced by seals making the walls extremely durable and there's twice the amount of shinobi protecting it, sure the former bases has seals as well in their walls making them durable but the number of shinobi are lower than the latter making it easier to crush the first two bases" we nodded at the info that she gave.

"Then we separate, take out the two bases and the latter two as well then regroup in front of Kirigakure and cause chaos outside until Yagura comes" Darui said after a thought. Mei nodded "We'll move in two teams to take care of the bases, my people are taking care of Yagura's Shinobis allowing us to capture those four bases and get Yagura" we nodded again.

Afterward we separate into two teams.

Team 1 is Darui, Kira, Samui and twelve Rebel Shinobis.

Team 2 is Mei, Ameyuri, Killer Bee, Naruto and Karui.

Ao and chojuro were suppose to be guarding Mei but with their mission getting rid of ambushes along the way that job fell into Ameyuri. She knows that Mei is strong but still even a moment of weakness can end the life of someone powerful.

After everyone got their orders, they began moving towards the bases.

- Kira's group -

Everyone were running through the woods, passing a few Rebel teams taking out ambushes, some of them went after Kira and his group but due to his sensor abilities, they were all dispatch with ease.

They manage to reach the base. They saw other Rebel nins attacking the base with Jutsu, trying to break the walls, others were attacking the nins on top of the walls so they could reduce their numbers and keep more of theirs alive. A few Rebel nins tried to wall run on the bases wall only to get blasted by Yagura's nins on top of the wall. Because they made the walls with Earth Jutsu, there is no Gate to pass through

Kira can see that the only way to pass through is to destroy the walls and yet jutsu attacks haven't even damage it. A few cracks here and there but not enough to destroy it.

'Seals? Probably seals' Kira thought watching another Rebel nin attack the wall with a jutsu yet no damage was delivered.

"Come. Let's separate and help the Rebel nins get over this base" said Darui. We nodded and all of us began helping in the counter-attacked. Kira began killing with his Scythe, he powered it with Lightning chakra and everytime he swings, a lightning wave is shot out, killing those from afar. While that was happening, he thought on using a powerful jutsu on the wall to see if it can be destroy. Kira knows that the walls have seals. But he doesn't know how much power he needs to use to destroy it.


With a single strike, five decapitated body fell to the grounds with bood splurting out like fountains. Kira was running through enemy crowd, killing in just a single strike. Some of Yagura's nin tried to stop him and kill him but whatever they do it fails to work. One time, they surround him and blast him with Water Jutsu but the body they found dead, was one of their own. They realize that Kira substitued but by the time they noticed, their heads were separated from their body.

Darui was showing his experience by killing multiple enemies at once with his sword and frying them with a Lightning jutsu in the form of a black panther rending anyone to pieces that get in it's way.

Samui was looking like a goddess of lightning and death. Everytime she swings her Chidori-infused sword, dozens of enemies died. Every step she tooks, someone dies. Sometimes she uses a Chidori Spear skewering any unfortunate souls throught the heart, other times she channels her Lightning Chakra through her feet and electrify the surroundings, paralyzing any of Yagura's Nins giving an opportunity for the goddes of lightning and death to reap more lives. But this doesn't mean she's strong. It's only a few minutes later were she turn off her Chidori-infused sword and activated her Sharingan since it uses less Chakra than the Chidori due to being an A-Rank jutsu and her face began showing signs of tiredness but she kept going and pushing through with her own willpower showing the people here, that females can do jsut as well as men.

The twelve Rebel Nins that follow them, separated and began reinforcing places where they were needed the most, saving more lives and pushing through Yagura's Nins.

Kira looks towards the wall and thoughts of ways to destroy a part of them to allow their forces through.

'Might as well'

'So let me get this straight. Instead of being an intelligent person, get close to the wall to analyze it and find a way to go through it. You just decided to just blast it wide open?" Fenrir thought with annoyance.

'How 'Intelligent' of me, right?' Kira smirks.

Fenrir roll her eyes and said 'Father would be so proud about what you are going to do.' Fenrir may have been born from the separation of Kurama's soul but she didn't inherited all of Kurama's qualities. Like his appetite for destruction. Fenrir is more intelligent and prefers it that way, but hearing from his mind his plan for destroying the wall, annoys her to no end.

Kira chuckled at her words then made a few Shadow Clones and they began reaping lives around him, giving Kira time to use his Jutsu. Making handseals, he gulps a huge amount of air then thought 'Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!' then he spat out a huge amout of flames. The vast flames began turning all of unsuspecting Yagura's Nins to ashes and kept going against the wall of the base. The Nins on top of the wall, saw the flames and noticed that the wall won't be able to hold out so they stop attacking and band together and began making handseals.

"Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu" a huge amount of water came from the ground, fusing together to form a thick wall of water to protect the wall. The water wall might not be able to stop the vast flames but it will be enough to drain all of it's power to protect the wall. But suddenly.


An explosion happen towards one of them, killing him and made the wall of water thinner. When they look who killed one of their own, they realize they fuċk up. Some of the Rebel Nins are throwing Kunai with Explosive Seals at them, killing them and making the wall of water smaller and smaller due to less chakra used to sustain it and by the time they tried to do something about it, the vast flames arrive.

It destroy the wall of water like it wasn't there and exploded on the wall, giving out smokes. By the time the smokes disperse, the walls towards the base was destroyed.

"OUAA!!!!!!" The Rebel Nins, screamed in joy when they found out the wall was destroyed and Yagura's Nins fell in despair. In order to rebuild that part of the wall with Earth Jutsu, they need time and time right now, is not on their side.

"March Inside!! Go!!" A Rebel Captain screamed and all Rebel Nins began killing towards the broken wall like horde. Then they entered the base and began killing all of Yagura's Nins and because their morale has been reduced due to the broken wall, they were easily routed.

After two hours, they manage to round up all of those that surrendered and to those that didn't, the Rebel nins sent them towards their maker. The prisoners are watch by a set amount of Rebel shinobis that changed every set of hours so they can be prepare if anyone of the prisoners decides to escape. The injured are getting heal by some Rebel Med Nins.

Kira, Darui and Samui are in front of the Rebel Captain.

"Truly, Thank you for all your help for what you did today, i don't know about the others but i'm glad for having all of you on our side" said the happy Rebel Captain.

"This is our mission though there's one base left to capture." Said Darui.

"Still, I thank you. Because of all of you, we manage to capture this base faster with less casualty than normal and bring us one step closer to ending this Civil War that has cost the lives of much of our comrades" Said the Rebel Captain in remembrance about the past.

We all understand what he said, losing people in hard in times of war. But it's worse in a Civil War, since the loss of lives are because of your own country, and that's even harder to bear.

"We will continue unto the last base and afterward regroup with Mei-san against Yagura to end this Civil War" said Darui.

The Rebel Captain gladly nodded. "Take the men available that can fight with you. No matter how strong you are, you can't expect to capture the last base by yourself, especially when it's reinforced even better than the base we just capture." He said.

We nodded. We actually expected to wait for reinforcement so we could commence the ȧssault to capture the base but with the men available, we could capture it. So long we destroy the wall leading inside the base.

The Majority of the Rebel Nins left alongside us. The Rebel Captain stayed behind alongside some other Rebel Shinobis to take care of the prisoners and heal the remaining shinobis.

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