The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 38 - 35 Kirigakure's Civil War (End)

Kira's group alongside a small army of Rebel Shinobis are heading towards the last base to reach Kirigakure.

Through his Sensor ability, Kira can feel the excitement from the Rebel Shinobis following them. Excitement and Hope for seeing the light at the end of this War. Kira also feels happy for this war to end and go to the honeymoon that Samui and him have planned. And i'm pretty sure Naruto is thinking the same thing.

They saw the last base they have to conquer to reach Kirigakure but they stop and hid behind the forest near the base.

They sneakily scan the base and saw double the number of Yagura's Shinobi taking post on top of the wall and wary of any attack.

"What now? It's difficult to surprise them with that kind of watch and i felt at least double the numbers than the base we conquered and Yagura's Nins will focus fire on me if i try to use my fire jutsu on the wall and even if you guys try to act as decoys, the numbers inside are enough to make that plan a failure." said Kira sighing.

Darui began thinking. With the number they have now, it's difficult to even try to wage battle against them. A night attack seems more doable but they don't know if they even reduce their watch at night.

While Darui was thinking. Kira suddenly felt something. Darui looks at Kira and ask "What's wrong?"

"I feel Ao's Chakra and more Rebel nins behind him close by" said Kira looking towards the west.

Darui narrows his eyes and made a decision "Kira. You and me will go towards Ao to ask for reinforcement. Samui. You and the others will stay here keeping watch on Yagura's Nins."

Everyone nodded. Kira took point and both him and Darui sneakily left without a sound. Kira was scanning the surroundings while moving closer towards Ao and his group. He feels them resting close by, a little far from the base. After at least ten minutes running, Kira stops with Darui doing the same.

"Ao, it's me. Kira from Kumo's group" he said a little louder.

Suddenly multiple Nins falls to the ground from the trees. In front of them is Ao but they can see he's slightly wounded with blood on his hand.

"We thought you guys were enemy nin" Said Ao.

"Are you alright? I know med techniques" Said Kira, looking at Ao's wound in his hand. Honestly there's a lot of blood on his clothes, meaning they fought many enemy nins to get here. From what they heard from Mei. Ao and Chojuro were ordered alongside other Rebel nins to take care of the ambushes so that their main troops could pass unimpede to the bases then towards Kirigakure. And that involves a lot of ambushes against them.

"Do not worry, i recover fast. But we have to ask, what are you two doing here? weren't you suppose to be marching to conquer both bases?" He asked both of them with a serious voice.

"We ran into a... little problem" said a bitter smiled Kira.

"Trouble?" Said Ao with raise eyebrows. Ao was surprise since he knows the reinforcements of Kumo are very strong. Kira is not only a Jinchuriki but also can use the Sharingan and it's already mȧturėd. His wife, Samui is pretty good with a sword and his lightning abilities are even better. Naruto is also a Jinchuriki but can also use Wood Style, making him one of the heavy hitters. There's Killer Bee, another Jinchuriki with almost complete mastery over it's power and amazingly good using 8 swords with the Tail Beast tails. Darui who's famous for his Black Lightning techniques. Yugito the last of Kumo's Jinchuriki and an amazing user of Fire jutsus to the point taht the flames are hotter than normal changing to a Blue color and Izana. She might be the weakest of the group but after her Awakening of her Sharingan, her Genjutsu prowess increase another level. And yet the have troubles?

Darui proceeds to tell him about their split teams and the number of enemies on the last base to conquer. After knowing the reason of the trouble, he can now understand it. To make the story short. The last base as double the numbers of Yagura's Shinobis, Kira can't fully used the Tail cloak and Darui wish to not let him used it until they reach Yagura due to him being a Jinchuriki as well.

Ao after thinking about what they told him, nodded at them. "Good, we'll help. I believe that the number of ambush nins must have already been reduced to the bȧrė minimum. Consider ourselves your reinforcement"

We nodded and began planning for the ȧssault.

Kira and Darui left Ao's group and returned to the others to let them know about the plan.

Sakao, the commander of the group protecting the base and the path leading towards Kirigakure was giddy with happiness. He believes that breaking through here is impossible. The seals reinforcing the walls protect them from strong jutsus and the sheer number of their Shinobis protecting the base is higher than normal. And because they are always on alert, he doesn't believe they could breakthrough.

'The Rebel bastards believe they can win with their meager numbers. Heh. They are all fighting a losing battle since the start. In the end, Yagura-sama won.' Sakao thought with a smirk in his face.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard one of his men scream.

"Enemy sighted!" All Shinobi became wary. They saw how many of the Rebel Shinobis began running out of the woods but instead of attacking them, they enter into a line. Yagura's Shinobis were confused about what they are doing. Suddenly they saw them making handseals and a Wall of Water was created. Every single of the Rebel Shinobis did the same.

Sakao came into the wall and saw what they are doing and also asked himself what they were doing.

Suddenly, one part of the wall falls and a vast fireball is shot out. Sakao immediately believe that they are using the water wall to block their sight so they can attack. 'The fools. They believe they can destroy the wall like that? Foolish Rebels' he mentally mocks them due to their stupidity. Sakao saw how his men use a Water Wall jutsu and made it thicker to block the attack.

*Boom!* an explosion happen but the attack was reduce to almost nothing and the wall didn't suffer any damage at all. Sakao smirks again at their foolishness. Suddenly another wall of water falls down and another Fire Jutsu is use through there but the size is at least two times bigger making Sakao raised his eyebrows. But it doesn't matter. It will just end just like the last. After blocking this attack, Sakao will just command his people to counter-attack them and get rid of them.

But after the huge fire jutsu was sent out, all the water walls suddenly falls and the Rebel nins began attacking. That left Sakao surprise and he ended up dodging a Jutsu targetted at him to his left. The Fire Jutsu suddenly became bigger and he saw a boy making the Jutsu even stronger. Then he noticed their plan. 'Damn! how stupid i am to not see it!' he thought in anger.

Sakao began barking orders "Block the Fire Jutsu Now!!! Created a Water Wall together and reinforce it! We CANNOT let this Jutsu arrive!!" Yagura's nins began moving towards the path of the jutsu on top of the wall and began creating Water Walls to block the attack but the creation of the wall was severly reduced by the Rebel's attack. Sakao was infuriated and what's worse is due to the limited space on top of the wall won't let him bring all of his forces here.

Sakao jumped from the top of the wall and once he fell down to ground he barks order towards the Shinobis on the ground "Battle Station!!! The Rebel bastards will destroy the wall. Kill everyone belong to the Rebels side!!!! No Surrender!!!!" Then Yagura's Shinobi scream "No Mercy!!!!"

*Boom!!!* The wall was destroyed. The Fire Jutsu turn all those that tried to block the attack to ashes and the Shinobis on ground floor close to the walls were killed as well. Sakao became even more infuriated seeing his men dying on the floor. "Attack!!!! Kill this bastards!!!!" he scream and all of his men scream alongside him while Rebel nins were flooding in from outside and a huge battle commence on the inside.

Kira was killing everyone on his path like a god of death. Everytime he swings his scythe, multiple targets died. He slices Water Jutsus throw at him in two and murders the one who uses it, he swing his scythe and more lose their heads. He was unstoppable on the battlefield. Samui was the agent of death, with her Sharingan activated, she could see all attacks made at her. Evading with the least step possible, she counter-attacks with such speed that by the time the enemy realize she's behind him, he ends up losing his head. Darui is lazingly swinging his sword cutting down enemy nins. For him this is like a walk in the park since he still hasn't face an enemy that forces him to go all out, he still uses his black lightning jutsus to quickly get rid of surrounding enemies before quickly heading to another brawl.

Right now, there's nothing nor no one that can stopped them.

Before coming here, they realized when they were planning on destroying a part of the wall, that the top of the wall has limited space. So dividing the enemy was one of their plan. Forcing them to block one of Kira's Fire Jutsu, fired by a clone. The real Kira use Majestic Destroyer Flame on the wall from a different angle, and because there weren't enough Shinobi to block his Jutsu and the Rebel Nins using their jutsu to delay them on fusing their Water Wall to make it thick, his Jutsu succeeded in destroying the wall, allowing their forces to swarm inside. Due to the base being small, they can use it to fight their bigger numbers.

'Though getting rid of their commander would make the conquering easier.' Thought Kira while cutting another Shinobi down.

After cutting another Shinobi, he located the commander of these nins. How did he find him? The fool is screaming orders to his people while cutting down ours. Kira began heading towards him in great speed.

Sakao kill another Rebel nin in anger then felt someone else coming after him 'Another fool to the slaughter' but was surprise to see a brat in the fray with a huge scythe coming after him.

Kira stops a few steps away from the commander "So you're the Commander?" he asked him with narrowed eyes.

Sakao just laugh 'An easy kill' but then he saw his mark in his belt 'Kumo!? What are they..... Did the rebels asked for reinforcement from them? Damn the cowards, involving another village in a Civil War. Damn them!' He thought in anger from what the Rebel Nins did.

"So you must be the 'petty' reinforcement from the Rebels? The fools are now involving other village nins in our war. What fools!" Sakao angrily said.

"Fools? I think you meant 'intelligent'. The only fool i see is you. Barking orders on the battlefield could make you an easy target towards your enemy because they can identified you as the commander. If i get rid of you, then this battle will end in our victory" said Kira while looking at Sakao straight to his eyes.

"You? Kill me? Preposterous. You'll be the one dying today, boy!" Said Sakao.

Sakao then brought out his greatsword and swings at Kira. He evaded with ease by jumping back but the floor was cracked by the massive weight of Sakao's Greatsword and some pebbles were shot at towards Kira. Kira spins his scythe, parrying all of the stones, then he strike at Sakao who used his Greatsword as a shield to block the attack. Then they enter into a clash and began using their strong to push the other back.

"Boy, you will die today for your transgressions. Yagura-sama deserves to rule Kirigakure. He's the only one who can bring it back from the depth it has fallen!" Sakao gruntly said while pushing Kira back.

"Deserves to rule? The worthless fool is killing innocent because of their Bloodlines. And you guys are helping him kill innocents. Seeing that, i can only conclude that you guys on Yagura's side are only envious of those that have Bloodlines aren't you?" Kira smirks pushing him back.

Sakao got angrier at Kira's words "Envious? Us? We are better than them, those that have Bloodlines are demons and as such, they deserves to die. Every. One. Of. Them! Starting with you!" he put even more strong to push Kira back.

Kira smirks "Demon? Then let me show you how much of a demon i am by shocking you." Suddenly sounds of birds chirping are heard and Kira's scythe electrify and because he was in a clash with Sakao, the lightning shocks him.

"Grraa!" Sakao grunts in pain.

Kira let Sakao push him back, then he lets himself falls to the floor, before he touch the floor. Kira puts both of his hand and used them to catapult himself towards Sakao, drop kicking him, sending him five steps back.

When Sakao grunts in pain, holding were he was hit. He saw Kira making one-handed seals and scream "Fire Style: Phoenix Scarlet Claw" He threw six shurikens and lights them on fire, sending them towards Sakao who blocks them with a swing of his Greatsword. Kira smirks at his action before substituting with the Shuriken stuck on the floor behind him, then he immediately swing his scythe, decapitating him.

But then he turns to water, surprising Kira at what happen before getting stab through the ċhėst by Sakao's Greatsword.

"You lost, brat! Yagura-sama will crush the Rebellion and make Kirigakure great again!" He said with a winning smirk.

"He.. He.. He.." Kira chuckles slowly, leaving Sakao in confusion "What are you smiling for?"

"You... want... to know... a... secret?" Kira said, Sakao was showing a confused face.

"Shadow Clone Explosion" When Sakao heard his words. His eyes widen before an explosion happen *Boom!!!!* The explosion sent him flying backwards, burning his right arm and right face. When he bȧrėly stand up with his ragged clothes, he was bleeding badly from his face and arms.

Kira appear from the Shuriken he threw at Sakao with the Phoenix Scarlet Claw Jutsu that he switch with.

Sakao sees him fine without any wounds and in anger questions him "How!?"

Kira smiles and says "When i switch with one of the Shuriken behind you, you fail to see that i made a reinforced Shadow Clone and let him do the switch. I never switch with the Shuriken. My Shadow Clone did. I don't need to see to substitute, i need to feel the chakra that i left in my Shurikens to do it."

Sakao let the anger consumed him at his explanation "AAA! BASTARD!!!" Then surprisingly he made a One-handed seal "Water Style: Geyser Strike Jutsu" He swings his Greatsword with his other hand towards the ground, and towers of water began blasting around Kira.

Kira jump high into the sky and made one-handed seals in the sky "Fire Style: Firebreath" and a torrent of fire is shot out of Kira's mouth towards Sakao.

Sakao immediately drops his Greatsword since he can't used his other arm due to being disable by the Shadow clone Explosion and immediately make a one-handed seal "Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu" He creates a wall of water to defend himself from the torrent of flames coming from above but Kira smirks at him for dropping his Greatsword, the only thing needed for his victory.

Kira in the sky sense the Lightning Chakra he left inside the sword when he used Chidori to 'Shock' Sakao a little early and then he does his famous move. He switch with Sakao's Greatsword and appears behind him with his back against Sakao's back.

Sakao was in pure shock seeing what just happen and in slow motion began trying to move his head towards Kira. Kira grips his scythe and with a smirk and wide-open eyes, swings his scythe towards Sakao's neck and this time, he couldn't use Water Clone.

*Swish!!!!* *Splurts!!*

Sakao's head was separated from his body and blood flows out his neck like a fountain. Sakao's headless, bloodly body fell towards the ground with his head falling towards the ground soon after.

Kira was standing uptight, holding his bloody scythe with one hand looking at Sakao's headless body 'And this is the price you pay for underestimating me.' Kira thought.

He then took his head and brought it up high and using chakra on his mouth, he scream "Yagura's Shinobis. I have the head of your Commander on my hand. If you don't wish to share his fate. Surrender. Now!"

Safe to say that seeing the head of their strong commander, destroy their morale. Kira began hearing cries of surrender from everywere in the base, thought there were some who kept fighting. They received the same fate as Sakao forcing more to surrender faster. It's doesn't matter if they said No Surrender. No Mercy. Seeing the head of their commander is enough to destroy their morale.

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